You are Definitely Going to Hell Ch. 05


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"Just before the bombing. By the time they resumed, I was allowed to stay home."

The girl tutted. "Sorry, the computer is playing up.....Oh, here we are." I give both Maria's and my name and my address. She books the suite for me, and I hang up. I hadn't expected to pay so much, but it will impress Maria's parents.

My love life has gone a little quiet. I'm not complaining because it means more time with Maria. I hate to admit it, but the nights she doesn't stay, I miss her being there. Cynthia is great, but not Maria.

I do get the occasional visit from any one of the girls when they are between guys, but this is getting less and less. Don't get me wrong, every time I talk to them, I get moaned at that their latest partner needs lessons and that I have ruined them for humanity, but they know what they get that I can't give them is a relationship.

Sandra has kept to her word and has not even kissed me since our night of passion. Our friendship is stronger, and she hangs around the group. Once I had slept with her, she started coming on Thursday's film nights. The film club has become a permanent fixture, and the one night I look forward to the most. Debs has banned Len from being home on a Thursday night. The two Tracys think Sandra was hooking up with Helen because she sleeps over occasionally. Helen is very shy and doesn't talk about anything personal. She doesn't talk much at all around me, and none of the girls push her to spill the beans.

Sandra has kept our dance lessons professional, and I have kept my side of the bargain and turned up for a couple of her lessons. We did her half-yearly exams to gain her bronze and then silver ballroom medals. She still sits next to me in the typing class to some of the girl's amusement.

I'm getting regular calls from the girls, and Liz missed her November trip because she has a new man, but we still talk. Bec has good and bad days, but it doesn't matter what state; she always seems to call. There's talk of her coming to the UK in the new year, but hasn't been confirmed.

Conversely, Charlie seems to talk more about her sex life and her boyfriend than anything. I don't think she even knows she is doing it, but since her illness, she's distancing herself from me. It has always been a wait-and-see with Charlie. I'm not as upset about it as I should be, which has shocked me. I think my growing feelings for Maria has made me look at Charlie differently.

I get the occasional phone call from Jill. She may be getting bored at home, but we've always talked and got on. The birth of our two children seems to have only strengthened our bond.

Jin is working hard to get over, even if it's just a couple of days. The package she sent is incredible. I haven't opened most of it. I figure it's pointless ruining a collector's item.

Jenny is the only one I am still waiting to hear from, but I have continued writing to her making sure she knows I am here. I plan to drop in on the way back south.

My game is nearly complete for the game play. I still have to do the time consuming graphics and do some compression so it fits better.

Maria has continued with the dance classes, and we have become a good dance partnership. We've got proficient enough to slow waltz with Maria tight against me with her head on my shoulder, or we gaze loving into each other's eyes. It's more technical than the faster waltz because your moving parts have to physically go around each other. Sandra has also introduced us to a couple other styles, Foxtrot and Rumba.


I am getting excited about the upcoming holiday. I'm kissing Maria goodbye after another marathon evening meant to be a quickie. As our lips part, the phone rings, and Maria disappears once again.

"Edinburgh 38356, Rob Johnson speaking," I say.

"Hey Rob, it's Paul."

"Hi, Paul. Long time no hear. What can I do you for?"

Paul laughs. "Rob, there's several things." I hear him pick up a notepad. He must have a list. "Right, to start at the top. Did you do some more work for Saga and Mr. Aikawa?"

"Yeah, Jin paid me a flash visit. It had to be done on the low down. It was an internal problem. Mr. Aikawa had asked Jin to get me to look at Saga's payroll program. He wanted me to look for a sub-program or backdoor. I found a sub-program and sent it back with Jin."

"How long did it take?"

"Hour and a half," I say.

"Okay, well, they've sent a letter of thanks to you and double the fee we got last summer. The second thing is that you've had two more large royalty checks. One is from the Far East, and the other is from America. Mate, I will forewarn you. I haven't received any royalties from the games you debugged to make run and improved the graphics, so the cheques for end of the financial year in April could be more. Two of those games were number one and two in Britain and the US."

"Okay, that sounds great. I also hear Mystical Garden is doing well in Japan," I say.

"I think that's a bit of an understatement, Rob; it's been number one over there for a while. Third, I have managed to sort out what you did for me over the summer. The game's bonuses alone have mounted up. Sorry it took so long but a lot of these companies either pay out at the end of the month, or wait until you bill them before paying at the end of that month. And finally, I have been looking through this year's profits and have just talked to the stakeholders, discussing the end-of-year bonuses. Rob, with all these things coming at once, we are looking at well over four hundred grand, even with our ten percent taken off and without a load including your Christmas bonus."

"Holy shit."

"Do you want me to put that in your personal or business account?"

"Shit, four hundred grand.....Ummmm......The business, please, mate. Anything over what is needed will be put back into my personal account. I need it to show so it can be accounted for." I say, being thrown a little.

"Okay, thought I'd give you a heads up and forewarn you," Paul says, sounding like a load has been lifted off.

"I'll give my dad a heads up on it. He will need to get creative to reduce the tax on that."

"You're telling me. My tax bill is getting ridiculous. I was thinking of hiring your dad's company to have a look."

"Do you want me to get him to give you a ring?"

"Yeah, why not. It doesn't hurt to set the ball rolling, and April will soon be on us."

"Don't wish your life away, mate," I laugh.

"One last thing. I contacted the software company about your idea of releasing Mystical Garden Two when you appear in Japan. They think it's a great idea and will need the finished game by the end of April beginning of May, so they will be able to market it and get you a couple of crates to take with you."

"That's great, mate. Shouldn't be a problem."

"Great, they also want to release it worldwide the day after the doors close in Japan."

"That's fine; as long as Japan gets the exclusive, I'm sure Jin will be fine with that."

"Okay, mate, I think that's it. Is there anything you need?"

"Just keep the programs coming."

"I'm afraid that is out of my hands. People are asking for you, so they are your priority. If you have any gaps, I will fill them with the rest. Rob, I have to shoot. I have the morning meeting soon, and then I have a meeting with Sony. I believe your name has been mentioned with them. Mate, it's getting crazy, and as you can see, there's so much money to be made, people are throwing it at us."

I laugh. "Okay, Paul, I'll catch ya 'round."

"Bye, Rob," Paul says and hangs up.

While on the phone, I ring dad and tell him what Paul's just told me. I also told him what Paul said about using dad's firm to do his accounts. He takes Paul's number and tells me he will talk with mother to see what's needed in the business account before putting the overflow into my account, less tax.

I hang up and am happy everything is in hand.

We only have two and a half more weeks before we leave for the Christmas holiday. I will leave Saturday morning, but Maria is leaving on Monday because she is getting a lift with Cynthia. Maria also told me about her going skiing for New Year. Apparently it's a tradition her and her Sixth Form College friends started.

I phone Kelly to book a room, and she tells me in no uncertain terms that I'll be staying with her.

It's busy week. I travel down on the 12th. The wedding is on the 19th, but we have the room from Thursday the 17th.

Sandra has just given me my last dance lesson. We will continue next year, but she's done all she can. She's admitted I'm better than her, even getting her dance teacher in to ensure nothing was missed.

Cynthia has met a guy, and doesn't come around anymore. Although she makes a point of cuddling up on film nights.

Maria and I are living life like a couple. She comes over most days, and we spend time together. We don't have sex every day. Maria says, "You will be the death of me if we have sex daily." I'm more than happy with the way things are. We often sit and watch TV, or Maria will read or do homework if I am working. We have slowly fallen into it because neither of us plans anything together; it just happens. At the end of the night, I walk her home, or she gets undressed and gets into bed.

Sex between us is better than ever. We have learned about each other's bodies and know what makes each other tick. We can make love for hours or have a ten-minute sprint. We are very comfortable with each other.

Sandra thinks we are scared to say the three most important words any couple can tell each other. I told her she was wrong, but she said it was obvious to everyone other than Maria and me.

Sandra has got me thinking, and I started to watch Maria through my peripheral vision. I have also positioned a mirror so I can look at her without her knowing. What I've noticed is that sometimes Maria sits and watches me work. When she's doing it, I turn to reach for something and look over at her quickly, catching her. I smile at her and carry on with what I'm doing. Placing the mirror where it is has had another effect. I found myself watching Maria.

The end of term is hectic, with assignments needing to be handed in on time and all the Christmas parties. Maria and I always go as a couple when invited. The girls even had one at their place; it was meant to be just the girls and the person they were in a relationship with, but when word got out, we had around sixty people. Luckily the students in the next block had a party planned, and the two parties became one. It was a good night, with lots of booze and music. I spend most of the night fending guys off Maria and she deflected any female attention for me.


It's Saturday the 12th, and I'm heading south. Kelly finishes at six but has told me to come to the hotel to get her key. I'm also going to call in at the local Tesco for lunch and to see Jenny if she's there. She still hasn't replied to any of my letters, but I wonder if that's more her boyfriend's fault than hers.

As I pull into the car park, I feel a little apprehensive; I wonder if Jenny is here or has started Leeds University. I take a deep breath and walk in. Jenny is dealing with a customer and doesn't see me walk in. I stand to the side and wait until she's free.

"Jenny," I call when the customer walks away. "Can we talk?"

Jenny's caught a little off guard and looks at me. She breathes out in surrender and nods. "Can you take over from me? I'm going for my break," she tells the woman working with her. The woman nods, and Jenny walks over to me, looking worried.

"What's the worried look for?" I ask.

"If Nathaniel finds out about this, he will hit the roof, and I don't want an 'I told you so.'"

"You can tell him from me if he hurts a hair on your head, I will rip his arms off and beat him with the soggy end," I say angrily.

Jenny can't help but laugh. "Yeah, right. You're a lover, not a fighter."

We get to the cafeteria, and I order my usual jacket. I also get one for Jenny because she seems to have nothing to eat.

As we settle, I look at her. "Do I need to ask all the questions, or are you just going to spill?"

"Fine. I'm sorry about my last letter. Nathaniel twisted my arm a little to write it. He has a way of making it sound like something I should do. I didn't use code, so I didn't have to explain how it works. You could imagine how pissed he was when you continued to write as if I had said nothing," Jenny smiled at me. "It's good to see you, Rob. I feel from your letters that you're struggling a little with your feelings for Maria."

"Stop deflecting; I'm here to talk about you and why you're not in Leeds."

"We couldn't afford us both to go, so Nathaniel is doing an Open University course."

"Yes, but that means neither of you is going. Come on, Jenny. This is fucking your life right up." An old lady at the next table gasps at my colorful language. "Apologies for my language. I'm trying to get the point across," I say. She shakes her head and continues with her conversation. "Jenny, you are one of the most intelligent people I know. You need to get into University to get a better-paid job."

"I know, but we just can't afford it," Jenny replies, looking dejected.

I take a deep breath. "Look, I'm feeling a little guilty. If it weren't for our constant writing to each other, you would be in University now."

"Don't you dare; I wouldn't swap a single letter for a chance to go to University. Anyway, what can you do about it now? Pay for me to go?"

"Would you go if I did?"

Jenny looks at me. "Are you being serious?" I nod. "Come on, Rob, how can you afford to do that?"

"Do you remember how much I'm getting paid? Well, times by ten."

Jenny's eyes widen as she almost chokes on her mouthful of food. I let the offer sink in and tuck into my lunch. "Shit, Rob. It's a generous offer, but.."

"But nothing; I will pay for your digs, any books you need, and any fees. You will need a job to pay for food and anything extra you want. You can think it over and let me know, and Nathaniel doesn't get a say. You don't have to come to Edinburgh, and my only condition is that you take full advantage, and do your best.....Jenny," I say, after a moment of silence. "When I saw you in July, I told you that I am here for you. That hasn't changed, and if I can help you differently, then that promise holds. Please at least consider it over Christmas."

"I was sent an offer to start in January. Is that possible?"

"If you can get everything organized. Phone me at mum's over Christmas if you need anything."

There's a comfortable silence as we eat our lunch. Jenny shakes her head, "but I've been so horrible to you. I know you only have my best interests at heart, and I....."

"You were there when I needed support; now it's my turn to do something for you."

"Okay, thank you for the generous offer. I will think about it and let you know if and when I start.....Right your turn to spill. What's with you and this Maria, and what about Charlie?"

I finish my mouthful of food and say, "I went to University determined not to get involved with any girls. I had promised Charlie to see where we were when we finished University. I wasn't closed to meeting someone new, but I set a very high bar."

"And Maria is close to the bar?"

"If I'm honest, she's head and shoulders above. She's an incredible person, and we have so much in common. It's like we were made for each other," I say as Maria's incredible smile pops into my mind.

"God, you sound like yo.....shit, you love her. Rob, you've fallen in love." Jenny beams at me from the other side of the table.

"I know," I say, admitting it aloud for the first time. "The thing is, I don't even feel bad about Charlie. She's becoming a little distant and is so into this Simon she's dating.

"She's going out with someone?" I nod in reply. "Oh, sod her then. So what's your plan?"

"Not sure; Maria's adamant not to get involved with anyone. I think if I tell her, it will scare her off. Saying that, Sandra, my gay friend says she's as in love with me."

"Is Sandra the one who wanted to try a bit know?"

"Yeah, she got her bit, but she kept her distance since then," I say.

Jenny looks at her watch. "I best get back. Can I call you between Christmas and the New Year for a chat? I feel we've only scratched the surface. We haven't even mentioned Bec telling the world she loves you."

"Yeah, it's been good to see you, Jenny. Bec made her bed, pardon the pun," I say. "She won't entertain a relationship while doing what she does." We get up and put our trays on the rack.

As we head towards the customer service desk, Jenny pulls me into the corridor that leads to the toilets. She loops her arms around me and pulls me in for a hug. "Thanks for not giving up on me, Rob, but you're still going to hell." She smiles, kisses me tenderly on the lips and then walks back to the counter.

Kelly smiles as soon as she sees me walk through the door. "Hello, handsome," she says.

"Hey, beautiful. How have you been?" I reply before leaning over the counter and kissing her.

"Good, you know, same shit, different day, but your visit certainly spreads some light."

"Ohhh, flattery will get you everywhere. So what's the plan?"

"I've managed to get off at six. I will rush home, have a quick shag, shower, and we can go out for a meal, my treat. Then we can go for a drink or come home, you know."

"Ah, so we go from a quick shag to a, you know? I am in your hands; tonight is Kelly's night." I find I say that way too often.

"Don't say that, Rob; we might not even leave the flat if it's my night." She dangles the keys at me.

"If that's what you want, Kelly," I say, wiggling my eyebrows. I give her another kiss and leave her to finish her shift.

Making my way down the road, I pull into the empty parking space out the front of Kelly's home. I grab my bag and make my way up. I smile at the memory of Kelly running away from me because she didn't think she was good enough for me. Reaching her front door, I look at the bunch of keys that Kelly has given me. As I select the chub key, they fall from my hand and crash, making a louder noise on the hardwood flooring.

"Can I help you?" Someone says, startling me.

I look down, and there's a young guy, maybe a two or three years older than me, standing on the landing below, looking up. "Sorry, I'm a friend of Kelly's. She's working now and told me to make myself at home."

"O-oh," he stutters. "You know Kelly? Are you her boyfriend?" He asks, stumbling over his words.

"Of sorts," I say. "Sorry, I'm Rob."

"I'm Sean; I live directly below Kelly."

"Pleasure to meet you, Sean. Do you know Kelly well?"

"No, no, no," he says, almost regretfully. "We've exchanged pleasantries, but that's about it. I heard you walk up the stairs and thought you were her."

"Sorry to disappoint," I say, seeing that he had come out hoping to start a conversation. "Pardon me for saying and tell me to mind my own business, but do you like Kelly?" Sean takes a deep breath and looks down without answering. "Sean, the reason I told you I was 'sort of' Kelly's boyfriend is that Kelly has told several people that I am. Now, I pray that you are not one of those people and that I've dropped Kelly right in it."

"No, no, she's not mentioned a boyfriend," Sean says, still looking at his feet.

I see he's uncomfortable with this conversation, so I try a different tact. "So, Sean. Have you lived here long?"

The change of subject seems to have the desired effect, and he looks up at me again. "Yes, just over three years. I bought the flat with my girlfriend, only for us to split up two weeks later."

"Tough one, mate," I say. "So, what do you do for a living?"

"I'm a kitchen fitter. I work for a local firm. Judging by your London accent, you're not from around here."
