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"Actually," Diana clarifies, "Laura and I not only run, but own the coffee shop, so she doesn't just work there."

"Oh, sorry, I had no idea," Seth says, sounding contrite. Just like Diana to set him straight, since she's got to know I'm feeling like crap seeing him out like this with that gorgeous creature hanging off him.

But then I notice, though he's got a beautiful woman clinging to him, he's staring hard at me. And I can actually feel the heat of his gaze raking me over, from the tips of my red leather heels, all the way up to my softly curling blonde hair, that's now lose around my shoulders, and curling down to my lower back. Then his gaze lifts and the way he's looking into my eyes, is just so seductive, that despite the fact he's with someone else, he's got my heart pounding so hard I wonder if he can hear it over the music. And I can feel my pussy getting wetter by the second, just from gazing into that incendiary look that he's not even trying to hide.

Finally, he manages to tear his gaze off mine, and says to Jacki, "How about a drink?" Then after seating his date on his other side, he proceeds to sit his gorgeous ass in the empty stool beside mine. And when he turns and looks deep into my eyes again, I just can't look away.

It's like he knows how much I want him, and strangely enough, I could swear he wants me, too.

And once he's ordered them both drinks, and a new song starts to play, he leans close and says, "I just love this song, you want to dance, Laura?"

I can't believe my ears. It's a slow song, too, Eric Clapton's Change the World, a real body hugger. And despite the fact he has absolutely no business asking me to get up on the floor with him, considering he's actually here with another woman, the battle in my head only lasts for a second before I whisper, "Sure." Because damn, if this is going to be my one and only chance to feel that amazing body of his plastered against mine, I'm not passing it up for anyone. I don't care if she's the mother of his seven kids, I'm getting to dance with him if it's the last thing I do.

Unbelievably, Seth actually wraps his hand around mine to lead me onto the dance floor, making me go all tingly, just from his touch, before we even start to dance. And then when he settles his warm gaze on mine as he pulls me into his arms, I can feel from the way he's looking at me that I'm not the only one who's wanted this for a while. Huh. So maybe there was a reason that he's never missed a day getting his coffee, and has faithfully stopped in to say hello, giving me that sexy wink every morning.

And the hardness of him, as he tugs me close, crushing my breasts to his chest, as we begin to sway to the sexy guitar riffs that Eric is sending out over the sound system, has me powerlessly listing towards him, no matter how much I know we should be trying to keep our distance.

Curious to see his date's reaction, when I glance back at the bar, I notice that both Jacki and Diana are grinning at us like fools. Diana, I would have expected, since she's known how long I've had the hots for him, only like forever. But what the hell's up with his date? Is she stupid? It's only thing I can think of. Because if he was my man, I'd never let another woman near him, never mind letting her get away with shamelessly grinding on him. And then I flinch when it occurs to me, that I am actually being a little naughty and doing a little grinding. And that muffled sound I'm hearing can only be Seth groaning, as I press my body against the long, hard length in his slacks.

And holy shit. Not only is he hard for me, but this guy's really packing!

Finally I look up into his eyes, and he's smiling, although looking a little pained. Then he leans in and whispers against my ear, "Do have any idea how fucking hot you look right now?"

The moment he says it, I'm sure my jaw almost hits the floor as I feel my eyes go big and round. And I can't believe it's happening. The man who I've done nothing but fantasize about for as long as I can remember, is actually hitting on me, and telling me how fucking hot he thinks I look. But then it occurs to me, I shouldn't be all that flattered that he's up on the dance floor making time with me, while he's left his date waiting for him at the bar.

"But aren't you here with Jacki?" I remind him.

He grins. "Yeah, I am."

"And you don't think she'd be upset if she knew you were telling me something like that?"

His smile widens as he shakes his head. "No, in fact, she'd probably be thrilled."

Yikes. Don't tell me this guy's into three ways. Dropping my gaze to the hollow in his throat, I don't even know what to say to something like that. I mean of course I enjoy sex as much as the next girl, but only with one guy at a time, and never with one who already has a date lined up to join us.

Then he leans in again, brushes his lips against my ear, and whispers, "Jacki's my sister, visiting from Montreal. And she was just nagging me about not having a woman in my life."

I can feel my eyes go big as moons, as I look up and stare into his, as what he's saying sinks in. And I'm so shocked, all I can say is, "Oh."

Chucking at my reaction, he flashes me that killer smile, and tugs me just a little closer, now that he's let me know he's available.

Happily grinning to myself, I snuggle against his nice firm chest. Well, that changes everything, doesn't it? He thinks I'm hot. And now that I look at her a little more closely, I realize Jacki has got to be his sister, sharing the same colouring, and both of them gorgeous as sin. So, of course she could care less if her escort for the evening has me in his embrace, since he's also her brother.

Now that I know who she is, I can finally relax and settle into his nice strong arms, and maybe grind on him just a little more, sure that both Diana and Jacki are rooting for us. It's almost comical how this evening has turned out. Here to celebrate Diana's birthday, I never dreamed I'd be the one having my wish come true.

Then Seth lifts my chin, and looking straight into my eyes, he murmurs, "You know what I've been dying to do for the longest time?" When all I do is stare back into his eyes, spellbound, shaking my head, since I have no idea, he lowers his head and whispers against my lips, "This..."

And then his lips are on mine, and I swear I've been transported to another universe where only the two of us exist as everything around us just seems to fade away, the moment he captures my mouth with the most perfect kiss imaginable. The warmth of his tongue is gentle but insistent as it slips past my lips and softly strokes mine, sending every inch of me into a delicious lust filled haze.

I'm sure I've never been kissed like this before, or ever wanted it as much. Slow and thorough, we kiss for so long the song must have changed at least twice before he finally pulls back and eventually smiles into my eyes, with his chest heaving. Noticing how dark his eyes have gone, positively brimming with desire, I start to tremble, just from the heated look he's fixing me with. I just wish we could go somewhere a little more private to act out the rest of our fantasies. And since I've only wanted him forever, I'm sure our clothes will be off so fast, that our heads will literally spin.

But I notice he makes no move to leave the dance floor, even as a faster song starts up. Apparently happy to holding me tight, one hand snug around my waist, and the other cupping my ass, he lets me have a good long feel of how hard he is for me. And damn, my panties are so wet now all I can think of is getting him inside me. And already I know it's going to be good with him - so damn good, I can almost feel it.

Finally, he breathes into my ear, warming my skin even more as he murmurs, "You know there are some private rooms upstairs with locks on the doors."

My panties almost melt right off me the moment he tells me that. Lifting my gaze to his, I ask, "Then why are we still here?"

His eyes light up and he grins. Then taking me by the hand, we snake through the crowd, as he leads us away from the prying eyes of his sister and my friend. And after we've crossed to the other side of the dance floor we're walking up a darkened staircase to what appears to be a loft area. But suddenly I'm wondering how many other women he's brought up here. And now I'm not too sure how I feel about being just another one of his conquests, no matter how gorgeous he is. Away from pulsing beat of the music, where he can finally hear me, I ask him, "So, how exactly do you know about these private rooms?"

He turns once we reach the landing and heads us down a deserted hallway. Slipping his arm around me, he explains, "Came to a stag here once for my one of my buddies. There was a little gambling going on, so it was handy to have a private room."

"Ah, I can see that." And I'm so relieved he has a reason for being here before. Though, at this point, he's got me so hot for him, I'm not entirely sure I'd be able to turn him down, even if he came here and did this on a weekly basis.

And then after trying a few doors, he lifts his brow and smiles at me when one door handle finally turns, letting us inside. Then he surprises me when he locks the door and flips on a light, instead of leaving us in the dark, since we both knew things are about to get pretty heated. Lifting my chin again, he presses a surprisingly tender kiss to my lips and then pulling back, he looks in my eyes and asks, "You sure about this, Laura?"

When I smile right back and nod, he asks, "And you haven't had too much to drink?" My heart actually flutters in my chest. And right then I knew why I liked him as much as I did. Not only is he a super nice guy, but turns out he's a gentleman, too. And I knew if I told him that I'd changed my mind, or that I was tipsy, he'd take me back downstairs, and that would be it - no pressure.

Thrilled to discover he was as sweet as he was, throwing my arms around his neck, I press a long lingering kiss to his gorgeous mouth and finally lifting my head, I tell him, "I've had nothing to drink. And I promise you, Seth, I'm right where I want to be."

And when he groans and slides his hand under my dress, cupping my bare ass, clad just in a tiny black lace thong, as he takes my lips again, all I can do is mindlessly moan against his mouth. And as he strokes his fingers down along my ass, until he's dipping them into the folds of my pussy, he has the poor thing clenching with need, and practically dripping for him.

"Damn, you're really wet for me, aren't you?" he whispers against my mouth, smiling as he teases my pussy with his fingertips, and then tugs my lower lip into his mouth and sucks.

Holy hell, I knew things would be good with him, but I had no idea, just how good. Damn, he's playing my body like he knows it inside out, and yet we're still fully clothed. Just how hot was this going to be with him, I wonder?

But then I have my answer, when he reaches behind me, unzips my dress, and tugs it over my head, his hot steady gaze nearly burning me alive as he slowly takes in every last inch of me. I bite into my lip when he groans, and tells me, "Holy shit, you're gorgeous," as he cups my breasts, teasing my nipples with his thumbs, staring in amazement at my girls like they're the first pair he'd ever seen. "Damn, Laura, I imagined you'd be a knock out, but I had no idea you'd be so beautiful. And I don't think I've ever seen anything sexier than you right now."

And then with a low groan his mouth drops to my breast, sucking me right through the black lace of my bra. You wanna talk about hot, Seth sucking my girls, lace and all, has to be the hottest thing I'd ever felt, and now he's got every inch of me tingling. That was, until his hand travelled low over my belly, and then dipped into my thong for a feel of me.

I was so wet now, that I can feel my pussy is positively dripping and aching to be filled. And the moment he pushed a finger inside me, I just about die. Gorgeous Seth making love to my breasts through my bra while fingering-fucking me into an orgasm has to be the definition of hot - like five alarm. I swear my damn eyelids are sweating he's getting me so worked up.

And then I watch spellbound as he drops to his knees, looks up into my eyes and tugs down my thong, baring my pussy to his hungry gaze. I'd left a little patch of blonde curls over my sex when I waxed, and from the appreciative look in his eyes, he seems pretty glad that I did.

Then his hands are spreading my thighs, and his face is pushing against my sex, his tongue lapping into me, lashing deep, with one long hot stroke from back to front, has my knees almost buckling.

Grasping his hair in a death grip, the way he's working my sex, has sounds coming out of me I'd never heard before. Desperately whimpering, my mouth drops open as I look down and stare at the erotic sight of him pleasuring me with his mouth. The incredible sensation of him of licking into me deep, and fucking me with his tongue, and the way he savoring every last inch of my pussy, has me nearly going out of my mind with need, he's gotten me so hot I can hardly breathe.

Really beginning to moan and tug at his hair, I don't think I'd ever felt anything hotter than having this crazy sexy man, eating into me like this. Impatiently cupping my ass in his hands, he let outs a groan and lifts me right off my feet. Then with a quick glance over his shoulder, he heads us straight for the bar on the far side of the room, holding me tight against him, minus my panties, but still in my bra, he's practically kissing my face off. And setting my bare ass down on the long wooden bar, his heated gaze never leaving mine, he slides his hands over my thighs, and spreads me open wide. Bending his head and taking my lips in a fiery hot kiss, I squirm and whimper when he breaks the kiss to trail that talented mouth of his down over my chin, my collar bone and my breasts, where he stopped to suckle each one deep into his mouth. Rolling each peak with his tongue, gently grazing them with his teeth, getting them all tingly too, before he resumes sensual his journey. I shiver as he lashes the heat of his tongue over my belly before he dives between my legs to seriously get back to work on making me come.

And, oh, fuck me. The man really knows how to work a pussy. He's got heat pooling between my thighs nearly to the boiling point as he laps and sucks and thrusts his fingers inside me, giving me the finger fucking of my life. It felt like the most delicious assault on my senses imaginable. Just the feel of my poor pussy tingling harder than it had ever been made to tingle before, was enough to get me off so damn hard, that I couldn't stop squealing as he nearly ate me alive.

But then as I came apart, shaking in his arms, I felt him pull back. And looking up into his eyes, I could actually feel the intensity of his gaze, and knew he wasn't nearly done with me yet. My heart leapt into my throat at the hiss of his zipper, and then I watched mesmerized as he plucked a condom from his wallet. Devilishly smiling into my eyes, he pushes off his pants and boxers, freeing his straining cock, and wrapping his hand around it, he gives it a few good strokes. I honestly try not to stare, but damn, his cock is a thing of beauty - long, thick, smooth, and the perfect size and shape for penetrating me deep. My anxious pussy is clenching so hard now, that I worry it might cramp, sure that I need this man inside me now just to survive.

And I think he knew it, too, at least from the way he was looking at me, like he was going to fuck me and fuck me hard.

Tugging me into his arms, he carried me over to one of the long couches lining the walls, and after gently laying me down, and spreading me open wide, he presses his lips to mine, and cups my face in his hand, then grasping his cock he began to nudge inside me. And as he pushed in and filled me up, his gaze never leaving mine, I knew I'd never felt anything like it. It wasn't just how snug he felt, stretching me to fit him as he began to carefully thrust and fill me. It was the look in his eyes, as he took me, like this was more than just a quick hook up for him, too. Like he'd been wanting this with me, for just as long as I'd been desperately wanting this with him.

Reaching up, wrapping my hand around his neck, I tugged him down and kissed him feverishly, smiling against his mouth as he groaned from the feel of me clenching and unclenching around him, like an erotic dance, my pussy was performing just for his cock. And the way he's pulsing and thickening inside me, I'd say he was enjoying it, too.

Lifting his head, bracing his elbow beside my head, he whispers, "Do you have any idea how long I've dreamed of being like this with you?" When I grin and shook my head that I have no idea, he whispers, "It feels like forever."

I knew just what he meant. Not every day a girl's wish came true like this. And yet the real life fantasy of finally being with him like this felt so much better than I'd ever dreamed.

Circling my legs around his hips, squeezing him tight between my thighs, sinking my heels into his ass, I closed my eyes and moaned as he thrust into me deeper than I'd ever been filled before. And it just felt so good with him, that I wished it never had to end. I knew I could be happy living out my life like this, with him buried in me so deep, and me feeling so over the moon, that I never wanted him to pull out.

As our breathing began to quicken, getting up on his hands, his gaze steady on mine, he really began to thrust, fucking me insanely hard and wickedly fast. I tried not to cry out as I came, but his name was on my lips as I tossed back my head as the most powerful sensation I'd ever felt swept through me, sending me over the edge and into the most glorious abyss I'd ever experienced, just as he pushed into me hard one last time and froze. His cock pulsing deep inside me, I could feel his release almost overflowing the condom.

And damn, it felt almost too good to real. Rolling us onto our sides, Seth wrapped me in his arms and kissed me hard, his breathing as choppy as mine as we clutched each other tight, fighting like hell to breathe as we happily smiled into each other's eyes.

After sharing such an earthshattering experience, I had no idea what would happen next. We had to get dressed of course, and head back downstairs before someone came looking for us. But I just prayed this wasn't a onetime thing, and now that he'd gotten me out of his system, we'd just go back to how things were before we got busy with each other. Because as incredible as it was, it just couldn't be it for us, it wouldn't be fair, not when it was this good.

Call me greedy, but I sure as hell wanted more...

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Now give us chapter 2.

Privates1stClassPrivates1stClassover 4 years ago
A story this hot...

deserves a sequel. Oh please, post Chapter 2 (and 3, 4, etc.) as soon as possible. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

ravishmentravishmentover 4 years ago

Enjoyed reading that tale very much. Cannot wait for the next ~ Keep em cumming~

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Smutty and fun, just as promised!

I like!

I'd encourage you to add more tags to your future submissions. For example, this could have included "coffee shop" "barista" "nightclub", etc.; it can also be helpful to include the main character's names, "Seth", "Laura", so people who remember it can find it again. You'll also come up in more searches if you include the acts or positions, or partial descriptions of people, "hunk", "brunette", etc.

Please keep writing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
So Fucking Hot!

Love this story. Please there has to be more. Can't wait to see where it goes.

kinkygeezerkinkygeezerover 4 years ago
Keep It Coming!

Hot and Sexy just the way I love a good story. Looking forward to the next chapter.


AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
More please

Love the chemistry between these two

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Very nice story...

Can't wait to read what's comes next.

yoongyoongover 4 years ago

Wow this story was so hot!!! Definitely one of my favorites from you and I hope hope hope there will be more to come in the future. Keep up the amazing work author and please remember to always take care of yourself first. We all may love your work but we love you more <3

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