Yuiko Goes Forth


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Yuiko blushed furiously, her cheeks feeling hot, but she didn't feel embarrassed. The knowledge that Nathan had seen her naked body and been roused to passion was exhilarating.

Mr. Fujimoto continued. "We will begin the process of procuring your green card immediately. How is your English?"

"Much better," Yuiko assured him. "The classes really helped."

"Excellent! Then it appears the only thing left is to get your green card and marriage license and book your plane ticket. We will take care of both of those on our end. You'll receive your green card in the mail, and your plane ticket by email after that. You should probably plan to depart for Wyoming before Christmas. That should be more than enough time for you to say your goodbyes and settle whatever affairs you need to. Make sure to continue practicing your English as well."

Yuiko couldn't believe it as she ended the call. In just a few months, she would be on a plane, flying across the country to meet the man of her dreams. The thought of spending the rest of her life with Nathan filled her with such happiness that she could hardly contain it. She immediately hopped on her laptop and began looking at websites about ranching. She wanted to understand what Alex did for a living and what she could expect as his wife. She wanted to learn as much as possible about the lifestyle she'd be entering into. When her mother called her into the kitchen for dinner, she excitedly broke the news.

"Mom, Dad, you won't believe it! I've got a match! The agency has found a husband for me!"

Her parents exchanged glances, surprise evident on their faces. "That's wonderful, dear!" her mother exclaimed, embracing her. "Tell us all about him! Who is he?"

Yuiko couldn't contain her excitement as she launched into a description of Nathan, showing then pictures of him and describing his looks, his ranch, and the life they would share together. Her parents listened intently, absorbing it all.

"He sounds like a wonderful man," her mother said, nodding. "And he certainly does seem successful."

Her father sounded less certain. "A ranch you say? Out in the middle of nowhere? That sounds dangerous. Aren't there wolves and many other dangerous animals in Wyoming?"

"There are," Yuiko admitted but everything I have read says that wolves avoid humans whenever possible. And even if one came near the ranch, Nathan would protect me."

Her father nodded slowly, still looking unconvinced. "Well, you have our blessing, dear. Just be careful, and make sure you're happy. Remember your promise to us."

"Always, Daddy," Yuiko said.

Over the next couple of months, Yuiko immersed herself in everything she could find about ranching and Wyoming. She read books, watched documentaries, and even signed up for a short online course on animal husbandry. She wanted to make sure she was as prepared as she could be. Hanako was tearful but happy at the news, but never wavered in support and encouragement.

Two whole months--two agonizingly slow, crawling months--after agreeing to marry Nathan, her green card and marriage license both arrived in the mail. Yuiko held them up the light in shaking hands, seeing her picture, date of birth, and other information on it, then clasped it to her breast with a sigh of pure joy. She was officially a married woman!

Her plane ticket arrived not long after, and with her new status secure and travel arrangements secure, Yuiko began the bittersweet task of saying her goodbyes. It was one of the hardest things she'd ever had to do, and many tears were shed. She bid goodbye to her classmates at school, at all the familiar faces she'd known since kindergarten. She said farewell to her teachers, who surprised her by allowing her to receive her high school diploma early since she wouldn't be in Japan to walk across the stage that summer.

Then, the night before her departure, her family and friends held a going-away party for her.

The party was held in a cozy Japanese restaurant, one Yuiko and her parents had eaten at since she was a little girl. It was one of her favorite places and there were lots of memories there, so it a fitting choice of location. The meal was complete with sushi, sake, and a beautifully decorated cake in the shape of a bucking bronco. As Yuiko entered the room, she was greeted by the warm smiles of her loved ones. Her father gave her a hug, while her mother dabbed at her eyes with a napkin. Her friends giggled and waved, their excitement palpable.

A small stage had been set up at one end of the room, and as she approached it, Yuiko could see Hanako waiting there, tears streaming down her face. In front of her was a large posterboard covered with pictures of the two of them through the years. The center of the board was adorned with a handmade sign that read, "To my best friend, with love, Hanako."

Yuiko's heart swelled with emotion as she took in the scene. She could feel the love and support emanating from every person in the room. Her father gave her a reassuring pat on the back as she made her way to the stage, and her mother dabbed at her own eyes. Her friends clapped and cheered, their laughter mixing with the sounds of traditional Japanese music played by a small ensemble.

As she reached the center of the stage, Hanako handed her a microphone. "Yuu-chan," she said, her voice choked with emotion, "I just wanted to take this opportunity to say how proud I am of you. You've come so far, and you're about to embark on such an amazing adventure. I know Nathan is going to be one lucky guy, and I just want you to know that no matter what, you'll always have a home here with us."

Tears streaming down her face, Yuiko looked out at the sea of familiar faces. She took a deep breath, steadying her voice as she addressed the crowd. "Thank you, everyone. I can't tell you how much it means to me to have all of you here today. I'm so excited to begin this new chapter in my life, but I'll never forget my roots or the people who have helped me get here. I promise to write and call often and keep you all updated on my life in Wyoming."

As she spoke, her gaze kept returning to Nathan's photo, which was prominently displayed on the posterboard next to her. His smile seemed to radiate warmth and happiness. The thought of being with him on his ranch, surrounded by the wide open spaces and majestic mountains of Wyoming, filled her with a sense of peace and contentment.

The party continued, with laughter and music filling the room. Yuiko's friends danced and celebrated, their joy infectious. Hanako, her eyes red from crying, made sure to introduce her to everyone who approached them, sharing stories and memories of their time together. Her father, despite his initial reservations, seemed to be warming up to the idea of her moving so far away, offering words of wisdom and support.

The party continued late into the night, and only ended when everyone got too tired to keep it going. Yuiko fell asleep on her last night in Japan with a happy smile on her face.

The next morning dawned bright and clear. Yuiko was awake before her alarm even went off. Her bags, already packed, were waiting by her bedroom door. After a quick shower, she dressed in a plain T-shirt and jeans, and headed downstairs to bid her parents a final goodbye.

Her mother was already in the kitchen, busily preparing breakfast. She looked up as Yuiko entered, wiping her hands on a dish towel. "You're up early," she said with a small smile.

"I wanted to make sure I had plenty of time to say goodbye," Yuiko replied, her voice a little choked. She hugged her mother tightly, feeling the warmth and comfort of her embrace. "I'm going to miss you so much."

Her mother held her close, stroking her hair. "We're going to miss you too, sweetheart. But you know you'll always have a home here, right? No matter how far away you are, we'll always be your family." She pulled back, tears in her eyes. "Now, go out there and make us proud."

Her father stepped in to hug Yuiko too, and kissed her cheek.

"You're going to do great, sweetheart. Just remember to take care of yourself and keep in touch. We'll be here whenever you need us." He patted her back, his expression a mix of pride and sadness. "Go forth and conquer the world, my daughter. We love you."

With one last nod, Yuiko turned and headed out the door. She took one last look back at her childhood home, the familiar sights and smells washing over her. She let out a deep breath, forcing back the tears, and walked briskly down the sidewalk. Her flight was in a few hours, and she still needed to make it to the airport.

The agency sent a luxurious car to pick her up. It was already there, idling outside the house, when she stepped out into the early morning air.

The driver, a tall, bald man in a crisp black suit, stepped out and opened the rear door for her. "Good morning, Miss Yukimura. My name is Kenji and I will be driving you. It's a pleasure to meet you." His English was flawless, with just the slightest accent. Yuiko smiled and nodded, sliding into the plush leather seat.

As the driver pulled away from the curb, Yuiko looked out the window and took one last look at her childhood home. The sun was just beginning to rise, painting the sky in shades of pink and orange. She took a deep breath. This was it. She was finally taking the plunge. She was really leaving everything she'd ever known behind.

The drive to the airport was smooth and uneventful. The driver, sensing her nervousness, made small talk, asking her about her studies and her plans for the future in Wyoming. Yuiko tried her best to answer his questions, but her mind was elsewhere. She kept glancing at the photo of Nathan, wondering what it would be like to finally meet him in person.

As they approached the airport, the driver pulled the car up to the curb and came around to open the door for her. "Here we are, Miss Yukimura. I hope you have a safe flight and are very happy in Wyoming. Best of luck!"

Stepping out of the car, Yuiko took one last look at the driver before turning to face the airport terminal. She squared her shoulders, steeling herself. and headed inside.

The airport was bustling with activity. People of all nationalities rushed past her, their voices a cacophony of languages. She found her gate without any trouble and took a seat near the window, watching the other passengers as they milled about. Her flight was delayed by an hour, which gave her some time to gather her thoughts and calm her nerves. She even browsed some of the shops to get Nathan a Japanese souvenir: a small bonsai tree.

Finally, it was time to board the plane.

The flight attendants directed her to her seat, a window seat near the back of the aircraft. As she buckled herself in, Yuiko remembered the first time she'd watched Lord of the Rings with Hanako and wondered if Frodo had also felt the same nervous thrill she was feeling now.

The plane taxied down the runway, and soon they were airborne. Yuiko gazed out the window and bid her homeland a whispered goodbye.

Yuiko closed her eyes and tried to relax, listening to the hum of the engines and the gentle murmur of the other passengers. She felt the plane bank slightly as it turned toward the north, and then the view out the window began to change. The land below grew greener, the rivers wider, and the forests denser. Soon they flew over the Japanese coast and then there was nothing but the Pacific Ocean as far as the eye could see.

She opened her eyes and glanced at the screen built into the back of the seat in front of her. The flight attendant had already come around with drinks and meals. Yuiko ordered a cup of green tea and a light snack, then chose a movie to watch. A Western starring Clint Eastwood--one of her favorites.

The hours passed quickly as she lost herself in the film. She smiled at the familiar characters and the familiar scenery, the wide open spaces, and the towering mountains. The film reminded her of the stories her father had told her as a child, of the cowboys and Indians and the brave explorers who had tamed the Wild West. She wondered if Nathan had ever seen this movie, if he'd enjoy it as much as she did.

The flight was long. Very long. Yuiko did her best to keep herself occupied. She watched three movies in a row, read a book, ordered a chicken teriyaki when the inflight meal was served, and watched another movie. And of course she thought about Nathan and the new life that was waiting for.

After more than 12 hours in the air, the plane began to descend. It was dark out, but Yuiko could almost feel Wyoming calling to her.

The landing was smooth. The plane touched down on the tarmac and taxied to the gate. As the passengers stood up and gathered their belongings, Yuiko took a deep breath and stepped off the plane, tugging a small suitcase behind her as she made her way through the airport, following the signs to immigration and customs.

The airport in Cheyenne, Wyoming was smaller than the one she'd flown out of in Japan, but no less busy. Yuiko showed her passport and immigration form to the officer at the counter, who checked them carefully before stamping her visa and waving her through. Then it was on to customs. She watched as other passengers ahead of her emptied their luggage onto the conveyor belt, and she did the same.

When she was cleared to proceed, Yuiko walked to the baggage claim area, where she joined the crowd of people waiting to retrieve their luggage.

As she waited for her bags to emerge on the carousel, she glanced around the arrivals area. There were people here and there holding up signs with names written on them, presumably waiting for friends or family members. Yuiko looked around, wondering if Nathan was here somewhere.

She didn't think to look behind her.

"There are you," a deep baritone voice said. "You're even more beautiful than I thought."

Yuiko squeaked and nearly jumped out of her skin. She turned, looked up, and saw a man towering over her.

It was him! It was Nathan! He was here! He was real! And he was so much more handsome in person! Unable to help herself, Yuiko threw her arms around him. His body felt lean and hard against her own.

"Oh, Nathan," she whispered, burying her face in his neck. "It's so good to finally meet you. I've been looking forward to this for so long!" Her English was clipped and accented but understandable.

He chuckled and patted her on the back. "Same here, sweetheart. I've been waiting for you, too." He released her, holding her at arm's length so he could look her over properly. "You're stunning. Just...wow!"

Her eyes sparkled, and her cheeks flushed with pleasure. She smiled shyly at him, her hand reaching up to touch his face, tracing the line of his jaw. "Thank you, Nathan. That means so much to me." She glanced around, suddenly self-conscious. "Will we go home now?"

"You read my mind. C'mon, I've got my truck waiting. It's cold outside, so brace yourself." He took off his coat and draped it about her. It was so big it nearly swallowed her up.

They walked out of the terminal together, the chilly air hitting her like a wall. She wrapped Nathan's coat more tightly around herself, grateful for its warmth. The chill was unlike anything she'd ever felt in Japan. Her teeth chattered as she slid into the passenger seat.

Nathan jogged around the front of the truck and got behind the wheel. He started the engine and turned on the heat before backing out of the parking spot. The interior of the truck was cozy, with comfortable leather seats and a heated steering wheel. Yuiko sighed in relief as the warm air began to circulate.

The interior was very nice, she thought. It was clear the truck was meant to combine utility and ruggedness with luxury.

As they drove, Nathan explained that the truck was a Ford F-150, and that he'd customized it himself. He told her about the engine, the suspension, and the sound system. He asked her about her flight and what she'd done in Japan. She told him about her family, her friends, and her job at the bakery. He seemed genuinely interested in everything she said, laughing at her stories and asking questions. Yuiko spent more than an hour telling him every aspect of her life.

"Hanako sounds like the kind of friend everyone should have," he noted.

Yuiko nodded. "She was very supportive of me when I decided to do this. I would not be here if not for her."

He grinned. "I'll have to send her a thank you card."

They continued to chat as they drove. Nathan told her about his family and his friends, his ranch, and the history of the area. He talked a lot about how the ranch worked, how many employees he had, and how many cattle and horses.

The conversation flowed easily, and Yuiko found herself enjoying Nathan's company immensely. He was everything she'd hoped for and more.

They continued to drive, the landscape outside changing from urban to rural as they left the city behind. Nathan pointed out landmarks and explained the local geography, including the nearby mountains and the river that flowed through the property. Yuiko leaned forward, taking in the sights, marveling at the vast expanse of land that Nathan called home.

"When it's daylight out I'll take you out here to see it all properly," he promised. "You'll love how beautiful it is here, Yuiko."

She smiled, feeling a warmth spread through her chest. It was such a simple thing to say, but it meant so much to her. The feeling of being accepted and wanted was overwhelming, and she found herself unable to resist the urge to reach out and take his hand. He squeezed hers gently, his skin rough and calloused from years of hard work.

"I'm sure I will," she said. "I've seen pictures."

"They don't do the place justice, trust me." Nathan winked.

The truck turned onto a gravel road, and they bumped along for several minutes before they drove under a sign declaring, "Circle Bar Ranch" in big bold letters.

Nathan parked the truck in front of a large house that could easily fit Yuiko's entire apartment complex back in Japan. The house was made of wood and stone, with a wrap-around porch and stately columns and a big bay window.

"Wow," she breathed. "It's huge!"

Nathan grinned, his face splitting into a boyish smile. "It's been in my family for generations. We've added onto it over the years, but the original structure dates back to the early 1900s. Come on, I'll show you around inside."

He led her up the steps to the front door and unlocked it. The inside of the house was even more impressive than the outside. Rich wood paneling covered the walls, and the floors were made of polished hardwood. The living room was spacious and cozy, with a fireplace at one end and comfortable leather furniture arranged in a U-shape around a coffee table. A grandfather clock ticked softly in the corner, and trophies of animal heads--bears, mountain lions, elk, moose, and even a snarling wolf--decorated the walls.

"I hunted them all myself," Nathan said proudly as he watched her study them. "The wolf was preying on some of my calves and I got clearance from the state government to take it out."

She nodded, impressed. She could sense his pride in the accomplishment. They continued to tour the house, seeing the spacious kitchen with its large wooden island and high-end appliances, the formal dining room with its long table that could seat at least a dozen people, and the den, which was set up like a mini theater with plush reclining chairs and a massive television.

Yuiko turned to him. "Your home is as impressive as it is beautiful, Nathan. I can almost feel the memories of all the generations of your family that have lived here. This is truly a home, not just a house." She bowed deeply. "Thank you for choosing to share it with me."

He smiled, seeming genuinely pleased by her words. "It's my pleasure, Yuiko. I hope you'll make many happy memories here with me." He paused, then added, "There's one more part of the house I'd like to show you."
