Zasha's Capture Ch. 02


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"Zasha, NOW!"

He came. Ropes of hot cum splattered on his stomach, Gowron's hand and tentacles, and dribbled down his thighs. Euphoric pleasure he had never known washed over him. A rushing heat enveloped his body as the coils around him constricted dramatically, squeezing the air from his lungs as he screamed Gowron's name. They held him there, breathless and helpless as he felt the cock inside him swell and pulse its own dance of ecstasy. The intensity of Zasha's orgasm coupled with the constriction of tentacles proved too much. His body ceased to obey him and he went limp in the grip of his mate. He could still feel waves of pleasure coursing through him as his mind swam in a warm haze.

He felt himself floating down to the bed, the squeeze of tentacles loosening enough for him to breathe once they had safely lowered his limp form to the bed. He felt Gowron disengage from him, the feeling of fullness leaving his body in a wet slide as cum leaked from his relaxed channel.

He turned to look at Gowron, who still knelt over him looking down on him. He lie there, his body open and covered with sweat and cum, the evidence of Gowron's own orgasm seeping from him slowly. As he watched, scaled fingers were licked clean of Zasha's cum by a forked tongue. Zasha's body was framed by strong arms as he was licked clean, soft moans escaping him with each sweep of that agile tongue. Lower and lower it went, reaching his sensitized head to gently lick it clean, too. Little shocks reverberated through him as he was softly lathed.

A glimmer in the air caught his eye. Still in the grip of the post orgasmic haze, he reached out his hand, watching the glimmer swirl around as he waved it in the air. The shimmer danced in the light, caught in the disturbance he created with his waving hand.

His mind began to start working again and he blinked, realizing the shimmer was still there. Gowron came to rest beside him, stoking his hair gently. His fingers grazed an antenna.

The hand stroking his hair pulled away suddenly as Gowron became strangely still.

"What's wrong?"

"What is this?" The large fingers were covered with what looked like a shimmering lilac powder. Zasha ran his own hand over one antenna, pulling it away to find the same substance on his own hand. He stared at.

"I don't know..."

He watched as Gowron's tongue slithered out, vibrating in the air. His eyes widened in what appeared to be recognition.

"Your scent. Hmm. So that is what causes it."

"What do you mean, my scent?" Zasha sniffed the air, searching for any distinct odor that his mate might be referring to. The only smell that greeted him was a slight aroma of their lovemaking. He looked at Gowron with a quizzical expression.

"I can smell you when you become aroused." Golden eyes squinted, recalling something, "Now that I think about it, it was much stronger when you came."

Zasha felt himself flush. What in the five moons was that supposed to mean!?

Gowron continued speaking as if he were talking to himself, his voice was low.

"It smells sweet. It makes me..." he trailed off, turning back to face Zasha as if he just remembered he was there. The expression in his eyes chased away Zasha's humiliation, but it made him embarrassed for other reasons.

"I have never heard of such a thing before." It was true. If such a thing existed in his race, he had no knowledge of it. The thought that Gowron would be able to tell when he was aroused seemed somehow unfair.

"It's common among my race, attracting a mate with scent. Even so, I have never heard of someone being affected as much as you do me. I assumed it was something unique to your people, but perhaps it is unique to me and you."

Zasha thought for a moment, remembering when they had been pulled into the realm of the Goddess. They were destined for each other; that was undeniable. Tied together by a silver thread from the tresses of Areala, they were certainly unique. Joy and pain had already been shared across that thread. How many more surprises did this bond hold for them?

They lie in silence, fulfilled and content to be tangled together. Zasha felt at peace as he lay in a knot of tentacles and limbs, watching the curious glimmer in the air which he now knew was from himself. His eyes grew heavy, and soon he was lost in a dreamless sleep, the first time he had slept so deeply in many cycles.

* * * *

Gowron continued to softly caress Zasha even after he had fallen asleep. Filled with the scent of his mate, the room became darker as the waning sun slipped lower. The warning he had received from the Priestess filled his mind as he watched the shimmer settle around them. Next to him Zasha shifted in his sleep, turning to lay his hand across his chest and throwing a small thigh over his stomach.

He looked over the small figure, etching the precious moment into his memory. Zasha brought out a side of gentleness that he had never known existed inside him. Known for his fierceness and prowess in battle, he had never been so relaxed with another being. As First, he could show no weakness, no vulnerability to the people he led. Looking down at his mate, he knew that he would do anything to protect him, sacrifice anything to keep him safe, and strike down any who sought to harm him. Soon, he would be doing just that.

He had desired to set in as soon as word had reached him of the war for Faer, but as a race of mercenaries, his people had needed a reason to support the attack. He had proposed a daring and different path than what they had been following for as long as the Tsa'tsay had been freed: joining themselves to another nation and ending their days of selling themselves for other's wars.

This time, they would be tied to the race they would be fighting alongside. It had allowed him a way to bind Zasha to himself and turn his people from the path they had walked since ancient history. He had been unable to approach Zasha during all that time, afraid of the repercussions it might have on him if he revealed himself. Forced to offer a bond through marriage and refused by the ruling Queen, he wondered if Zasha had even known.

His suspicions had been confirmed the moment he had revealed himself and Zasha had faced him with complete shock.

The room fell completely dark as the last sun finally finished its cycle for the day. He moved on the bed, stirring Zasha from his sleep as he lifted him to take him through the door that led to a bathing chamber.

Dark blue stone greeted him as he stepped into the opulent room. A huge bath was sunk into the stone floor. It was a deep cream color and also made of solid stone, marbling swirling in the natural stone. One end was continually filling with steaming water that bubbled from the floor while the other end continually emptied, the water disappearing to presumable run somewhere under the floor. Steps led down into the water and various vials of oil and soaps and large fluffy towels lay within reaching distance from the raised lip of the stone tub.

In his arms, Zasha stirred, waking up from his cradled position as Gowron began his careful decent into the steaming water. One end of the tub had a rounded bench submerged into the water. He moved to sit on it, still holding his precious cargo. Large violet eyes watched him, half lidded as they sank into the water. Gowron shifted in the water, holding his small lover on his lap as he sank his tentacles into the relaxing warmth. They sat there, relaxing in the soothing heat in silence.

He watched as Zasha began to work on the complex arrangement of his hair, slowly taking it down one braid at a time. He helped, working on the complicated braids with the help of his deft tentacles and fingers. One by one, the braids slowly were unwound, the single golden thread in each one put to the side as it was free. Soon, the water was filled with flowing purple tresses tangling with his tentacles. He watched them winding together, loving the way the long hair shifted and rippled as the shimmering dust rinsed out of it, making patterns in the water.

Gowron regarded his small husband, allowing himself to study Zasha and noting the differences from his memory. The length of Zasha's hair was much longer than he remembered; it was more noticeable now that it was unrestrained. His flesh still had the delicate softness that he found so delicious to sink his fingers and coils into. The antennae he had found to be so sensitive were larger and more full. Zasha's face also had changed. It wasn't that he had aged, but it was more mature, the large eyes full of the things they had borne witness to over the passing cycles.

He reached for one of the vials, pouring it into his open palm before beginning to massage it into Zasha's scalp. Taking his time, he slowly and thoroughly washed him as they lounged in the water. He gently stroked each antenna, fascinated by the delicate feel of them between his fingers. Even as he rinsed the shimmering suds from them, more of the powder seemed to take its place. Zasha's scent filled the air, alerting Gowron to his arousal. He smiled to himself, thinking that it was quite a convenient thing. He continued to wash Zasha, slipping his hands and tentacles below the water to stroke along the soft lilac skin.

He was glad that Zasha was so accepting of his extra appendages, they often shocked those who were unfamiliar with his kind. Zasha seemed to have no reservations about touching and being touched by them. He felt his fangs descend as he remembered how Zasha had gone so far as to suck and bite one of them earlier that evening. He had been unable to control himself after that, and he had even allowed himself to constrict around Zasha with abandon as he had reached climax. Even in such a strong and unforgiving grip, Zasha had given his body over with full trust. Gowron had been driven by instinct in that moment, only realizing the strength he had used when Zasha had gone limp in his arms.

He wanted to feel that again, to wind around that tiny, trusting body and squeeze him while they came together. Laying his hands flat against Zasha, he stroked him from collarbone to belly. He moved his hands slowly, wanting to take his time and make love to Zasha leisurely, savoring him. The water splashed gently as his lover turned to face him. Gowron continued to stroke him with the flat of his hands, only this time he moved from the delicate shoulders to the curve of his buttocks. The scent became stronger and he felt his own erection rubbing Zasha's much smaller one.

He watched Zasha's face flush as he rubbed their cocks together gently. Small arms wound around his neck as Zasha's head fell back, baring the soft curve of his throat. Gowron accepted the offering, licking and nibbling along it. He let his fingers slip into the cleft of Zasha's ass to rub the tight ring concealed there. He slipped in easily, the muscle relaxing to allow his invading finger.

He began a slow rhythm, pumping in and out as he tasted any skin he could reach with his mouth and tongue. Winding around Zasha's thighs, he was able to use the buoyancy granted by the water to bend him back further, putting the darker lilac nipples in his reach. Under the water, their shafts rubbed together in time to his thrusting finger as he sucked a hardening nipple into his mouth. He wound one of his thinner, more dexterous tentacles to the other nipple, mimicking the caresses of his mouth.

Soft, so soft. He loved the way the skin felt, such a contrast to his own. He fought the desire to sink his fingers, teeth, and tentacles into it. How he craved to test it, pushing the limits of its giving malleability. He supposed it came from his serpentine instinct, the desire to wrap and constrict the body of his beloved.

He worked in another finger, feeling the muscle contract with each pull of his mouth. Switching to slurp the other nipple, he added yet another finger, pushing in far enough to brush the special spot inside of Zasha. The reaction was immediate. Behind his head, fingers gripped harder as he felt his fingers gripped spasmodically. Continuing the pace he had already set, he made sure to brush along the gland that granted Zasha so much pleasure. Soon, Zasha was moving on his own, complementing the pumping fingers.

Releasing Zasha's nipples, Gowron lowered him back down, replacing his fingers with the head of his cock. He pushed inside of him in one long, unhurried slide. Zasha sighed in his arms, his head rolling forward to rest on Gowron's shoulder. The arms around him relaxed, holding him loosely as they sat immobile for several long moments. The water around them rippled as he placed his hands on small hips, lifting them slowly before lowering them at the same pace. Water sloshed softly as Zasha made soft cries with each deliberate movement.

Gowron caressed Zasha's entire body, using hands, tentacles, lips and tongue. Setting a leisurely pace, he pulled back to watch Zasha's face as he made love to him. Against his stomach, he could feel the cock that rubbed against him. He kept his pace slow, wanting to creep to the edge.

When Zasha began to chant his name breathlessly, his eyes almost closed, he had to fight for control. On and on he went, pushing them in that measured rhythm as he struggled to be gentle. Closer and closer the waves crept, lapping but not quite cresting as they neared the edge. After what seemed like hours of this agonizing build, he felt the unmistakable heat in his groin, and the air became heavily saturated with Zasha's scent.

He let himself go, his caressing tentacles instantly transforming into a crushing embrace as he constricted. Zasha had thrown his head back, and Gowron was assaulted with that crushing scent even as he crushed the body with his own coiling grip. A long hiss escaped Gowron as he felt and watched Zasha reach completion even as the air was pushed from his lungs on a strangled cry. He could feel the cock trapped between them twitch as it emptied into the water. Simultaneously, he emptied his own essence into the channel that rippled around him. They rode out their orgasms together, long moments passing until he felt the body in his grip relax. He lowered him, carefully rinsing them both before carrying him back out of the water.

He could see imprints of his tentacles where he had pressed into Zasha's skin. Guilt filled him; he had wanted to be gentle. Using one of the offending limbs, he lifted a towel, bringing it into reach of his hands so he could dry off his mate. He traced over the indentations.

"I'm sorry. I did not mean to handle you so roughly."

In his arms, Zasha slowly opened his eyes regarding him with a questioning look. His antennae twitched forward as he roused. "Hmm? How do you mean?"

"I put marks on your skin."

Looking down along his body, Zasha blinked. He traced a finger across his marked belly. Gowron was a bit surprised at the tiny smile that lifted one corner of the soft lips.

"You should not be sorry. I..." Zasha looked away, a flush creeping up his face.

"What? Tell me." Using the towel, Gowron began to dry the flowing hair that had been freed from the confining braids. "I want to know."

"I don't dislike it. When you...squeeze me."

Heat ran through him as he watched Zasha's blushing face. Well, he would remember that from now on. He dried them off, careful to blot as much water from Zasha's hair as possible. He set Zasha down onto the floor and very gently dried the sensitive antennae. Once he had finished, Zasha moved into the other room, taking a brush from a drawer on the desk. He sat on the edge of the bed as he began to run it through his damp hair. The brush glowed faintly and soon the hair was dried by some bit of sorcery woven into the brush. Gowron lie behind him on the bed observing him, fascinated by the tiny details being shared with him.

Gowron watched as Zasha replaced the brush and came to join him on the bed. He reached to tap the orb that hung over the bed and the room shifted into darkness. Gowron let his eyes shift to infrared, watching as Zasha moved to lie next to him. He cradled him against his own body, allowing himself to relax completely. Almost immediately he could hear the even breathing as his mate fell asleep. He followed him almost as quickly.

* * * *

A loud banging jolted him awake, and he sprung up on the bed, immediately shifting into a defensive position. The barest hint of light seeped through the window facing the garden. Behind him, Zasha sat up in the bed, awoken by the loud knocking on the door. The voice shouting was his Second.

"First! Our scouts reported movement! The enemy is advancing even as we speak!"

Already his time was up. He turned to look into Zasha's eyes, knowing the promised time had reached its end. Gowron pulled him close, "It's time."

He disengaged from his most precious one, quickly stepping to open the door.

Baine was already in full battle dress. He stepped inside the chamber, holding out Gowron's armor and weapons. He dressed in mere seconds as Baine waited. Prepared and in his battle dress, he looked up to see Baine staring over his shoulder. He turned, following Baine's eyes to see Zasha standing on the floor with nothing but a deep blue sheet wrapped loosely around him.

Even in this situation, he was filled with a quick anger that Baine was seeing such an intimate image.

Completely ignoring the other man in the room, Zasha moved to stand before him. The arm that wasn't holding the sheet reached out. Gowron leaned down without a thought, crushing his tiny husband in his arms for a passionate kiss. He felt Baine leave the room.

The kiss ended and he pulled away. The delicate arm released him and he was left looking into somber purple eyes.

"I love you." That was all Zasha said.

"I love you, my Tsar'sen." A small hand squeezed his own.

Gowron turned and left the room, having something he truly wished to fight to protect for the first time in his life.

* * * *

Zasha watched as Gowron left the room. He waited for only moments before dressing himself in a rush, putting his hair up in a quick braid.

If the war was coming to its head, then he would be there doing what he could. Knowing that he had to move quickly, he slipped from the castle quietly, carefully avoiding anyone he knew would try to stop him.

If there was going to be battle, then he would be needed. Somehow, he sensed that he was absolutely necessary to turn the tide of this war. Today would be the last battle for Faer, he knew this with every fiber of his being.

Praying to Areala, he made his way to where the army was gathering.

It was time to put his healing skills to use once more.

The words that the Priestess had spoken only to him ran in his mind.

"Take your happiness this night, for tomorrow a new war begins."

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AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Left wanting more

I found this story on another site and apparently this is the completed story.

Fab story but left me feeling that the ending was a bit abrupt, as if unresolved.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
any chance for updates?

hi! i hope you're okay? like i've been waiting since 2011 for you to continue this great story. please continue

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Absolute Favorite

I seriously adore this series and have read it several times. I wish the author would write an entire book based on both chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
How Does The Story End?

I really hope you choose to finish this story. I'd love to know how it ends!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I love this so much, it's amazing! Thank you for the hard work and I hope you continue this one because really. I'm going to die if it isn't updated. Thank you!

LLAPLLAPalmost 9 years ago

A quick hello in 2015 :) I hope, at some point you'll find the time to continue this story. I had paintings and drawings I worked on for a little bit every few years. And I still have some unfinished ones lying around at home after stopping art completely for a few years. I totally understand how life can be too busy for hobbies, or certain hobbies... especially those where you need a certain state of mind to be able to work... and enough time "to get into the zone" ;)

Anyway, this is a wonderful story that hasn't been forgotten! Maybe at some point, you can find back to those characters.

sm1982sm1982over 9 years ago

I was happy to see that Zasha had in fact been arrangee to marry Gowron! Beautiful with some of the few comments I read, I too would love to see this story continued. At least there was some closure to the romance part of the story (:

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Y no moar? Meesa want moar...moar smexy with Gowron!!!

I really do wish that this story was being continued. This was a great plot, with exciting new content, and the sex was just amazing. Lim afraid that I will never see what happens to Gowron and Zasha...this makes me sad, as I truly loved this story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

I am absolutely in love with this story, and I must plead for you to write more chapters for this amazing story! I wait for your next chapter eagerly and anxiously. Please write it soon!

luv4rainluv4rainabout 10 years ago

I'm glad there was some closure at the end of this being I don't think after so long that your planning on writing more ( which makes me sad ) I really liked this story, it was very well done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Please write more!!! This is amazing, and I'm in love with EVERYTHING ABOUT IT!!!!

TheNaughtyKTheNaughtyKover 10 years ago
More please?

I hope you continue to write. I loved chapter 1 and 2 and I will patiently wait for chapter 3

LavonyaLavonyaover 11 years ago
I hope to god that you'll write more!

This story may be short but to me it feels longer than any actual book I've read, the detail you put into this story.... most books you have to read the whole book to get as much detail as this! I felt like I was right there next to them even looking through their eyes.... very few stories or books can do that, it take a writer with a great imagination that knows how to for pictures out of his or her word!!!

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