Stories by Stork_HOMC

LoV 12 Parts
40.6k 33 12 85

The Ladies of Victory handle a bimbo-slave villain.

4.24 7.9k 9 35

After an easy win, the next day is unassuming... isn't it?

4.05 3.1k 1 2 3

The LoV can't find the problem with all the bimbos on campus.

H 4.74 3.2k 4 1 6

Voodoo Queen interrogates some eager frat boys...

H 4.63 2.5k 3 1 4

Chloe and Miracle Maiden don't have a productive day.

H 4.83 2.2k 2 6

VQ and Chloe keep eyes and mouths on their respective prizes.

4.78 2.7k 2 2 5

Chloe's priorities shift. The LoV learns their place.

H 4.77 7k 2 1 6

Dolls take over campus, is there any hope for the LoV?

4.67 2.6k 3 2 6

Tricksterella runs afoul of her converted teammates at HQ.

5 2.6k 2 2 3

Chloe has a plan to both save the day and finally get fucked.

5 2.4k 2 4

Master's plan is working perfectly... until it isn't.

3.67 1.9k 1

The day is won and everything returns to normal... kind of.

4.71 1.9k 3 1 6

Chloe and Miracle Maiden don't have a productive day.

H 4.83 2.2k 2 6

Voodoo Queen interrogates some eager frat boys...

H 4.63 2.5k 3 1 4

The LoV can't find the problem with all the bimbos on campus.

H 4.74 3.2k 4 1 6

After an easy win, the next day is unassuming... isn't it?

4.05 3.1k 1 2 3

The Ladies of Victory handle a bimbo-slave villain.

4.24 7.9k 9 35