All Comments on 'Cynthia's Business Trips'

by Just Plain Bob

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barker1216barker1216over 17 years ago
jpb returns

title says it all

DeadWouldDeadWouldover 17 years ago
Even for bob

this is sick.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

"But I worry. I worry a lot"

Well....'duhhhh...' ever heard of HIV?

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
More to go

Bob, why didn't you throw in pissing and bukake to go with the gangbang. Your stories make men look like fools. And we are not.

tigertonytigertonyover 17 years ago
belittlement of husbands

i like some of your stories, but in some of them like this one, i believe u have a woman write them, i cant believe a man will belittle other men as much as this. i know u prob say, its just a story, dont mean anything. but story after story like this will matter to some people.

cbwheels2000cbwheels2000over 17 years ago

just another fucking wimp from JPB's mirror, married to a whore, she isn't worth the bullet to kill her

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

Spew, cuck, vomit. I know you write this stuff for yourself but bloody hell....

ohioohioover 17 years ago
for me it's the lying

that's the problem. Presumably at their wedding she promised to "forsake all others", all the while having absolutely no intention of doing that.

It's one thing to have an arrangement: "honey, I'm going to fuck these other guys while I'm away, but it has nothing to do with our love for one another". If hubby wants to go along with that, fine--different strokes for different folks.

But to do this behind his back is to disrespect him. I don't care how much she says she loves him--she's treated him like dirt.


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
the story was good,but the plot sucked

if the plot don't make sense,then the story gets a low score.if the plot had make sense i could gave a good write this way and i score this way.

MetzovMetzovover 17 years ago
Only in Bobbie's world

In Bobbie's world STD's don't exist. (unless he needs them for the plot)

I'm starting to think Bobbie's pushing an agenda. Maybe he thinks women should be going after all the cock (size or numbers? Both?) they can get and men should just learn to like it.

I also wonder why when an author wants to make a woman as nasty and depraved as they can it's always the black cock or gang bang?

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
BRAVO # 38

The quartet of stories which JPB has submitted are excellent! At the same time,I hate them.I hate all the stories that JPB has put forth on this theme.I have always given his works zeros.It was not because of JPB's technicle ability as a writer, he is excellent!I hate these stories because they are the truth!OHIO has missed the point.JPB's gives us an excellent insight into female sexuality.We hate JPB's stories because they expose the myths that we hold dear for what they are;LIES!Promiscuity is natural to women.They love it!Men work themselves to death for a myth of what can never be.Authors such as Winterfrog and Hardaysnight are, also, held up to derision because they dare to tell the truth.JPB keep up the good work and you will be in good company.

sherlock40sherlock40over 17 years ago
Once again, he gets it wrong.

It's called betrayal for a reason. And with the basic JPB excuse, "I give you all the sex you need" from the wife. I gues she doesn't give him all the respect he needs. I can't help but think she would be one of those women who would lose her mind if he fucked around on her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Dear poor old bobbie

You have stated that you write just for yourself.

Writing crap like this shows how little self respect you have for yourself. Do you need to have abusive comments hurled at you.

You must have done something horrible to a woman and now you feel like you must punish yourself.

Do most of the readers a favour and forgive yourself.

thank you anyway.


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
What bullshit the story is and some of the replies

no real man of any color would put up with a bitch doing that to him while she is away. yes, she might have an affair and she moight fuck someone while she is away. But a group!!!!!!! No I'm sorry no man would fucking forgive or put up with that. This is afictional story that gets JPB off.

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 17 years ago
JPB is mentally ILL I think

there really isnt any other way to explain this... for example why is it that the wife has to fuck 9 black guys at once?

how does that add anything to the story? couldnt it be 1 black guy or maybe 2?

and how can any woman fuck that many black guys that often and NOT get an STD? or AIDS given the high infection rates of Black men in America in 2006 ?

the wife argues that half a loaf is betetr than No loaf... that the hubby is better off having sex with her and the wife fucking lots of black men... than not having her at all.

Interestingly this also seems to be a the idea behind JPB vile pathetic wretchedly bad stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Just another old and ugly stupid wimp writer

To old and to impotent to be interested in this shitface have to make all the women whores and all the men wimps because it is what he is

There are for sure some stupid idiot wimps that may like his stupidities but the world is full of cuckolds....because there are so many cheating wifes to fuck

For shit you filthy animal and GO KILL YOURSELF

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Do you all notice how Anonymous, the same asshole

Anonymous who reads all of these stroeis and then bad mouths the writter keeps reading them? Jesus boy you must find work. Get out, take a walk, for Christ sake do something besides jerk your little 2 incher or you'll go blind man. hehehehehe Don't you know we are all laughing at your sad way of life boy. And yet you keep read everyone of these Loving Wife's stories. You really love them don't you? It's OK little dick you can tell us. We all know you love them even if you won't say it. Otherwise why else would you read them all, them all. Oh yes so you cans show us your great Literatry talent of writing shit head responses to them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
I knew...

... That when I read this you would be getting some great feed back. I guess your readers think this site only publish true stories. As long as you touch the feelings of so many you must be a great writer, even I did not like the way the husband excepted his role, but you do have away of touching our emotions. Keep up the great writing, its getting where I like the comments almost as much as the story.


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
An excellent..

fantasy story. Unfortunately too many readers view your stories as real life dramas when everything in the story says otherwise. For example, Cynthia would not be able to make VP of any company if it came out about the gangbangs. She has other salemen in the company also seeking to become VP so these antics would leave her vulnerable to them or anyone else who gets the goods on her. Lastly, the marriage would not survive long term (is she going to do gangbangs when she is in her 60s?) because the husband will eventually find someone else (Cynthia is gone 50% of the time so why should he not get some pussy also).


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Hooray for Anon down below.

First of all Bob..your story stunk just like her cunt probably did. If these big black cock white sluts only realized that a horse is much larger than the largest black and they are , unlike blacks, are nice creatures. I would much rather have a wife that fucks horses rather than black men.

My eight inch cock wouldn't fit in any case but A horse never gave a woman AIDS

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

More Wimp husband, whoring wife from Bob. Same tired old shit. Vastie, shut your motherfucking mouth. Shit, listening to you makes me want to go Postal.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Didn't understand the story

Maybe her husband should get a can of black spray paint and do up his cock so that it looks all nice and shiny black. That way he can get some nookie at home and she won't feel like she's lowering her standards any lower than they already are. Heck, with a nice thick coat of enamel on his dick, she won't even need to get lubed up to have sex, it'll be so slick it'll just slide right into those big ol' holes of hers.

I do have a question: what does she do when she gets sick with the flu and/or pneumonia from being around all these strange men? Does she like to do it while coughing and hacking her lungs out with a high fever? I mean, she's got a sex drive that won't quit where black cocks are concerned so I figure a little bout of the flu or even pneumonia won't stop her. So how does she get all them black dicks then? Maybe she calls the paramedics and they do her or something.

This here story wasn't very erotic. I mean them black fellers just stuck their dicks in her sloppy holes and that was it. Not much of a description of what she did and who did it with, just that they was black men. It's kinda boring if you ask me.

I guess she'd been getting rammed by black cocks for so long that the novelty had worn off. I mean, face it, one black dick is pretty much like another, don't you think? After you've had one or maybe two, how can another one or fifty be much different? I'd think it'd get kinda routine and all but then again, I'm no expert on getting fucked by black cocks.

Oh, I had another question. How come her company didn't know anything about her gangbangs? They must be the stupidest mofo's on the planet b/c surely somebody somewhere would've seen what she was doing and give out the scoop. If they were that dumb, why in the world would she want to be their CEO? It don't make no sense to me.

I gotta wonder about her husband. He's a successful businessman in his own right so why stick around? She doesn't love him and she sure doesn't need him for sex or much of anything else as far as I can tell. Why would they stay married? I would think he'd want to move on and let her get on with her black gangbangs without any obstacles on the home front but I guess that would be too easy.

shangoshangoover 17 years ago
Well-written, JPB

But when you make your women REALLY crazy, why must their lover(s) be black? It just brings the hardcore racists (and the some of the "casual" racists, like it appears "HarryinVA" is)out of the woodwork. Is "Stormbringer" one of your aka's?

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Fuck all you racist crackers and ol boyz

Always the same shit! SOme white cracker fantasises of watching his wife fuck many black dicks. Other stupid crackaz come out of the woodwork insulting blacks. So, my conclusion is, fuck all you crackaz.

And fuck your old, skanky white ugly hos (except for my mother in law, yeah I am married to babylon). You must all be sick and crazy thinking nine, healthy young black guys will want to fuck an old, skanky white bitch! Shows how sick white Americans and English men are. Why is it that all these white crackerz between 40 and sixty like to write these stupid stories about blacks fucking white women. You probably spent most of your lives calling us Niggers, and now you know you're close to death and trying to make peace with God.

But dont give us old, ugly cracka sluts. Just give us cash. I mean, the Germans had to pay the Jews, so why dont you White American Honkies, you English, French, Dutch, Spanish and Portuguese bastards pay the brothers for all that slavery, colinisation and rape of the black women??? Keep that old, dry white pussy, just give us da cash. Maybe we might even let you old white blocks suck our big, medium and small sized dicks. I know you dont care, long as its black.

And as for that asshole saying he'd rather have his wife fuck a horse than a Nigger, yeah, fuck you!!! You always leave these animal comments on all stories. You talk big, but if a black man was around, you wouldn't talk shit at all. You'd probably eat his ass if he told you to, lily white coward. SO, just shut up BIEEEEEEETCH!!!!

And as for JPB I didnt even read the story coz the ENglish are cum eaters and shit soccer players. That is why JPB loves black cock, seeing Drogba, Essien, Saha, Makelele and all the other blacks bringing life into dreary English soccer. (Fuck Michael Owen and Lampard and Gerrad too. In fact, fuck the whole Island.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

You've really got me wondering. Obviously, you're a talented writer and, to write that well,you must be an intelligent man. In addition, you can write some fine stories like,"Barb cheated", and yet you continue writing rediculous stories like this one. There must be some point to all of this, but obviously you're not gong to reveal it and are going to continue to mystify readers and make most of us revert to the practice of skipping your stories again. Too bad. What a waste of talent. 60 year old George

toesmantoesmanover 17 years ago
Back to the same old wimpy husband

JPB; I thought you had finally gotten your husbands to have some balls, instead of being some sort of suck-ass wimp, taking sloppy seconds from his wife's black lovers. "Barb Cheated" & "Bev's night out", I thought, yeah man, Bob has finally got some balls, or least his "hero" has, refusing to put up a sleazy slut wife, scewing out on him. But no, both with this story, & the following two new ones, back to the same ol', same ol'. Cynthia "hero" husband, is independtly wealthy, could find a faithful wife, who would & could be devoted to him, but instead puts up w/ a N'loving slut. What kind of sicko is this guy? & why, what possible motivation could he have to stay there once he knows what he knows. I just don't get it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Gosh It's Hard To Respect Someone Who Doesn't

Say bobie - who are your hero's. The cunt sucker for black cum from a wife who can't respect you?

Or in this case, do you respect the pathetic wimpster man so into watching and knowing his wife is as addicted to black cocks in quantity as you are addicted to writing about husbands addicted to helpless male humiliation.

While your few small following require a fix of male humiliation at interval, why are you not able to stop playing the race card and the helpless male so into his wife's humiliation of him card to seek attention?

This act of yours is so repetitive and derisively consistent that it offends 99.9%. Even in fantasy, no one except the very demented, sick and freakyly weird would cherish and look forward to following gang-bangs of 3, 6, 9 or 12 or more cocks of any color into a cunt and mind so sordid as the wife's you glorify as acceptable to the cuckster wimpsters you employ to doggedly play your sick game.

Why has no one ever told you that you are not sexually erotic or arousing in these debased below human convention tales that only appeal to those poor sick souls into the ultimate male disrespect? That the women you tout as their lovers are only as scornfully disrespectful of normal humanity as you can make them to be compatible with the cum sucking excuses for males from your mind.

bobie - we know you read these efforts to tell you how sick you must be to pound on this theme for years and years. We know that you see the only true emotion you continuously drive with it is the hatred of your characters and anger towards your sick mind that dwells on helpless male demeanment. Your supportive readers of yesterday must have been fewer and more basely needy than those of today on average. Do you not understand that your old mimeograph machine needs a new drum with some male respect plus some real world reality and not just name changes.

So why do you persist? Does the head butting wall getting softer or is it just your head? Or are you so into the self punishment that you feel is due for the addiction you cannot shake?

That must be it. Others so afflicted have either changed, gone away to a lessor site, or just gone away - perhaps to seek the help they finally realized was needed.

The shame of your ways is that your ability when used to arouse and entertain the semi-normals here is very near to the top here and anywhere.

But such is life. Choices drive each of us, but few seem to understand that this isn't just a dress rehearsal. It's a use it or lose it this one time around.

Please step back and try to respect yourself for us - and yourself - or not.

otterouttahereotterouttahereover 17 years ago
One Question


" ... I give you so much love and affection that sometimes you even push me away so you've lost nothing there. So tell me, just what has what I've been doing cost you?""

My question is this: She is quite likely having unprotected sex. What if she gives something to her husband? Will her actions have made a difference then? Sure, she may be "The Best Piece of Ass" he ever had, but in an AIDS world, does that mean she is allowed to have unprotected sex. The fact he does not raise that seems to be a serious issue--even for a jock...

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
WHAT ? ? ? ?

She got screwed up in her early life, she stayed screwed up, and she screwed up her marriage. She broke her marriage vows and her husband is turning his head to the matter.

Either he is a whimp, or she is one piece of ass that he cannot live without. How could a MAN turn his head to her cheating on him and him taking sloppy seconds?

I hope that once she makes CEO, he will file for divorce on grounds of adultery and release all of the tapes to stockholders, friends, family and anyone else that wants them. If he knows someone with web intelligence, maybe he could put them on a web address and send the address to all of her associates and everyone else.

JPB, this needs a sequel. Ruin the bitch and let him have sweet revenge for her whoring ways. I really think that you should write it where she needs to see a shrink because she is mentally deranged. Maybe the shrink will take his fee out in trade. I would not put it past her to propose the idea to him. If the shrink is a woman, that would even be better.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
To the racist black guy demanding money

Sounds good, have everyone pay you money. The you can pay me because my ancestors gave up their lives for you to slaughter the english language.

If you guys do not like JPB writing the just plain stop reading it

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

You need to take some time off. Your stories are pathetic any more.

You’ve done great work....take a vacation for a few months.

daluentdaluentover 17 years ago
To the racist in Ohio

You dumb fuck! The blacks didn't slaughter the language. The people who taught them were some ignorant assholes who speak very funny. Think about Louisiana, back in the day their accent was exactly like the way most blacks speak. So if anybody slaghtered the english language, it was those fuckers. As for JPB,he's always been crazy. Only a retard would put up with a wife like this crazy bitch. The husband should just skin her alive, and feed her ass to the pigs.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Is this thing on? Testing - one, two, three....

The vile and crass responses here are amazing. What is the big deal, guys? I say guys, because only guys talk like most of you guttermouths. Look, this is EROTIC FICTION - it's not a social commentary. JPB has a particular slant to stories, true - but if you know that going in, why do you READ the thing if you know it's going to annoy you? Then you have the temerity to lash out at the author because you're so insecure/bigotted/he-manish (take your pick which you call it - it doesn't matter). JPB, sorry to say that this one is not one of your better ones, guy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
She not worth it

This woman is not worth this man trust she violated her marriage vows and has lied to him. I would not touch her again with a ten foot pole she say she protected herself against getting pregnant but what about STD's I go get check by a doctor and dump her ass. If this story is a true one and not a work of fiction I like to be updated on what happens

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

Your stories used to really have the best sex and plot all mixed together. However, the last few that I have read from you are pretty weak. The emasculated (sp?) male is NOT a turn on to anyone I know, but it really seems to be a big hit on this website. Please don't be a sheep and just follow the herd. Return to what made you a good erotica author. Leave the weak minded men for the feminazis to read and write about.

cbwheels2000cbwheels2000over 17 years ago
fucked up drivel

more ypical jpb slut/whore and super wimp bullshit drivel; jpb please eat a bullet and put us out of your misery

calflashcalflashover 17 years ago

I'm actually getting tired of many comments here on POB and others' stories complaining of wimp husbands. I think many of them come from those too shallow enough to get in touch with their own feelings and the only thing they know is anger and revenge. That being said, this IS the ultimate wimp story. There is no development or story beyond a cheating wife's explaination "it didn't take anything away from you" Damm sure it did but I guess this guy never had it anyway.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
What A Load Of Horseshit!!!

"Feminine Reasoning" is bullshit; all it ever is is cheap justification for doing something wrong. Does he get a lot of sex? Yes! But why? Because she loves him? No. Not at all! She feels he should be content with whatever she is willing to give him. It's just to salve her conscience that she gives him so much "that sometimes you push me away". She should be doing that and to no one else but him! That is what she swore to God and Humankind at her wedding years before. And as for doing it on company time, or using her work activities, a case for Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress Can be made here, as Cyn is using her job to cover her illegitimate activities.

Doesn't she, the impending CEO, realize that she can lose the company its' proverbial shirt? If our benighted hubby wants to hurt her, THAT'S THE BEST WAY! In the job/pocketbook! Spousal support, and a huge settlement, court ordered or otherwise would go a long way toward paying for company for me, so I could ditch the bitch, and never look back! And THATS what SHOULD happen. And soon!!

Before her "precautions" go bye-bye!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Why did he have to be a N........

It shows you're true feelings. It's not a BLACK man's fault that your white lady likes to fuck Black Dick. It's not the White man's fault that Black women like to fuck White dick! It's all about sex! I fuck all races because everybody's pussy is different at least for a while. Leave race out of your story. Especially if your are gonna be a BITCH in the end!

frenchgusfrenchgusover 17 years ago
She don't love him !!!

It seems its a half story because the cheating and whoring and lying wife talk but he don't talk and his wife don't worry about him and his feeling and worries ! On the contrary she said it was only ego !!!! No its not !!! This wife is only interristing by her feeling not his feelings !!! She don't love him !!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Wimp husband and interracial fantasy!

What a pile of dog shit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
the laast of your stories iwill read

weak wimp stories what a loss of my time reading

acs_1acs_1about 17 years ago
God, I hope you don't breed.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Disease, Lying, Wimpiness, Unabated Fury.

This story isn't worth the comments. I reserve them for better stories.

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioabout 17 years ago
I agree with most other comments.

At least, JPB, you had the courage to permit public comments on this story, and you got plenty. Some other stories you have written have no public comments permitted, probably because you already know what the comments would be like! Cynthia cares nothing for her spouse, she only cares for herself. If her extramarital sex is no big deal, why did she keep it secret? It's only hurting his "ego." What about the lost time that they are not together? She was out of town a few times each month, presumably for a few days each time; so she is gone perhaps 20-25% of the days in a month, correct? Since a lot of that time is spent doing the gang-bang thing, it is unnecessary to her work and it is recreation that does not include her husband. She has been doing it prior to her marriage and continued it ever since her marriage began. Why be married? She has her freedom, she has her success and makes enough in her job, what really is her purpose in being married? Reality is that she is bound to come home with a disease and pass it to her husband. The stats are against her remaining free of STD's since she does not practice safe sex and she clearly does not know her partners well. Of course, it is possible you simply meant this story to be a satire, showing how silly the justification of the "loving wife" for her affairs appears to anyone with half a brain. BTW, the heavy emphasis on the interracial theme makes me feel this story should be in that category, not loving wives.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
a very poor excuse for a story about loving wives.

you really should learn to count! lets see. on average she fucks upwards of 400 strange cocks bareback in all her openings each year while spending as much as fifty percent of her time away from her husband and he should be thankfull,(you neglected to mention how often she brought home a STD. she has as many as three or four periods a month while she is lieing and decieving him and he should be gratefull. oh! and she does this in all the cities where she does business but no one will ever know!

perhaps you, ve been reading to much Harry Potter!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
to quote

she is white he is white she fucks niggers id rather fuck a dog than fuck a white woman that will fuck a nigger idsay kill her and put her out of her misery

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

std wimp! ...........

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichalmost 16 years ago
put a bullet in her slut head

she is a waste of air

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
rectal issue!!

Piece of human fecal matter, and no rightous ending!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Great Beginning

It now needs detailed development and descriptions, not just sex summaries. It's probably got 3 or 4 more chapters.

Ignore the donkeys, I don't know why they comment since they have nothing positive to say

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
New Story Heading

"Men Without Balls"- WTF kind of male wouldn't smack or at least walk away from that shit. Cuckolded wuss!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
The woman is insane! Totally and completely.

The husband is even more insane for staying with her. You dont have that kind of sex without winding up with a large number of very unfriendly diseases. How in the hell could a man know what she was and still let her touch him much less be around her. She does not love him, never did love him. He is her cover, what she has to hide who and what she is. And why is this not in Interracial it isnt about loving wives it is about woman who love black cocks, you know racial discrimination, and mental instablity.

crisscross2037crisscross2037about 15 years ago
Why not Bring Them Home

Why doesn't he let her bring a dozen or so home with her think of the money and time she spends flying all around to get screwed by them, that way she could be getting it non stop, and he would be really happy with her.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Give her the PI's name

Love your stories. This one I would have taken liberties to added a small paragraph at the end.

"You know these tapes are good quality. Even I got off on them. I bet you did too!

Can you give me the name of the PI. I, or we can use him to tape all my trysts.

I'll tell him what room I'll planning to be in. I'll book it in additional day in advance of my arrival for him to set up the camera angles. Then if you like we can share the moment at a later time."

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
She's Good

I gave you 75 because you had him keep her, also because she was very persuasive and convincing. It would be difficult to get rid of an extremely attractive, horny, well educated wife...very difficult!

I think, after she made her point and she talked him into her remaining his wife, I would have him thinking and then when she went on her next trip, I would have had him prepare everything for separation and divorce.

When she returned, have him at the house with a process server, sit her down and tell her he would always love her, always miss her but he couldn't live with an adulterer who he knew would not stop. He would grant her an irreconcilable difference divorce if she cooperated or he would send all the tapes and pictures to her employers, friends and family and sue her for divorce with emotional damages, punitive damages and no fifty percent split of valuables. The divorce papers would be accompanied by a restraning order preventing her from re-entering the house, calling him at home or work and not allowed to be at his business. She would have 30 minutes to gather a weeks supply of personals before leaving and the balance of her things would be packed and shipped to whatever address she gave his attorney. By the way, I personally had to walk away from a similar situation years ago and it almost killed me, I wanted to die, I couldn't stand the agony. I still love her but I never want to be near her again!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
good stuff

enjoyed the story...makes one wonder what they would do in the same situation

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Why black men?

Doesn't that just support a prejudice that's best forgotten? And you're not the only one. Rich

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Ineracial bullshit

I personally hate this kind of garbage and do not see it as any kind of literary value what so ever.

saratusaratuabout 13 years ago

No resolve and no ending, I like both. One star!

DWornockDWornockalmost 13 years ago
I gave it 3 stars because there are no 9" cocks.

Of course each to their own. However, I would not want to be rubbing my dick against nigger dicks, even if by proxy.

cueball961cueball961over 12 years ago
Let's See.

Okay, I'm a wealthy man. I'm married. My wife has a job which requires her to travel and which she doesn't even need. I do not like this.

Now a new development arises. Quite by coincidence I discover that my wife is not on a business trip, is not even in the city she's supposed to be in, and likes dark meat and a lot of it. I even go so far as to hire a PI and get proof of this.

Now I confront my dear wife with this disturbing news. How does she respond? Does she say she's sorry? Does she even try to spare my feelings? No, she simply lays out the news that this has been going on since we were dating, that it will continue, and that I should be okay with it, as nothing but my ego is being damaged.

I am a normal man. I am not one of those guys who likes to watch or fantasize about this kind of thing. Yet, inexplicably, I continue in this sham of a marriage without a hiccup. I could easily get a divorce. I could find a faithful woman who looked every bit as good. But no, I must continue to live with THIS woman and risk all sorts of STDs and the damage to my pride.

Just one question JPB. Just what the fuck kind of alternate universe does this story take place in?

KyuzioKyuzioover 12 years ago
Dwornock is such an idiot....

Wow! Not only does Dwornock have something against anyone older than 28...he's also a racist! "I would not want to be rubbing my dick against nigger dicks, even if by proxy." You seriously think this shit up, DW? Myself, I would just say that I don't want to be rubbing dick against ANY dicks, even by proxy." I'm not homophobic, but I just don't play that game....

I agree, to each his and all that, but the fact that she was completely unrepentant about hurting his "ego" shows that she really has no concern for his feelings. Cyn said, "But you need to know that I'm not going to beg you to forgive me for doing something that only hurt your ego." aren't all our emotions tied into our ego. If someone hurts your feelings, its because they have touched your ego in some way, otherwise you wouldn't give a shit. Cyn cares about only herself and what the world can give her. And her husband is a door mat!

And Dwornock is an idiot...did I mention that?

gyjunkiegyjunkieover 12 years ago

It's a shame that I cannot give anything less than a one star. You are a good writer but most of your stories are B.S.

BetterEndingBetterEndingabout 12 years ago
Self Respect

What man with an ounce of self respect would put up with this? Not one. Nobody to like in this story. Damn, at a minimum have the husband give the wife some of her own medicine. Pathetic.

semofuncpl3semofuncpl3almost 12 years ago
Piece of crap

Any man that would do that isn't a man. As far as niggers, I know both blacks and niggers. Niggers are just like white trailer trash except for their skin color. They join in gang bangs tool None of the blacks or whites I know would join in a gang bang. Just the trailer trash and niggers

TalonsreachTalonsreachalmost 12 years ago

The ending for this one seriously sucked, JPB. Sorry, man, I know I like a lot of your stuff but not this one.

symtronsymtronover 11 years ago
Story line ending sucks, but great story

I didnt like the ending BUT the story is a great one. I didnt see him being cuck'd like that....anyway I liked the buildup and keep them coming....I'm a fan of yours...

cantbuymycantbuymyover 11 years ago

Aids, std's, and a gang bang whore for a wife. If you like the money live with her but never fuck her.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 11 years ago

Fucking worthless cuck. A chapter 2 giving him some side pussy might give this tale a betting ending.

StiffylubeStiffylubeabout 11 years ago
So was the problem that she cheated or that she cheated with black men?

JPB, I've read some of your stuff, and liked it a great deal, but this story really damaged my view of you. I'd like to think that the bigotry shown in this story was simply a part of the character (and a glaring flaw) and not some part of you that has shown through in the writing. It just seems like the fact that the men were black was a bigger insult to this guy that the fact that she cheated at all. Which is ridiculous.

I hope none of your other stories give me this bad taste.

OverthefallsOverthefallsabout 11 years ago
Big mistake, terrible ending

I can't understand why he'd take the risk. She can still get Aids, herpes and HepC from oral sex. And she's throwing her bad behavior in his face. And how about his pride and self respect? Can he really live with her actions? Even if he goes out and sleeps with other women he still is living with a cheating slut. Since he has the financial capability why wouldn't he divorce her and try and find someone that actually had some respect for him? Sorry but this was a TERRIBLE ending.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 11 years ago
Enjoyed it

He should be worried. Not sure how he could get by this. Not sure how she could say she loves him and not feel an ounce of remorse.

maninconnmaninconnalmost 11 years ago
It's kind of an abrupt ending.

How does he suddenly go from angry and seemingly headed for tossing her to non-chalant acceptance?

cantbuymycantbuymyalmost 11 years ago

now that the cunt is rich divorce her, make her pay you, take half of what she has plus a little more and rent yourself a good young whore. another example of how JPB hates women and cant write a good into any story.

and what happens when the whore gives him AIDS?

Lonewolf2013Lonewolf2013over 10 years ago
Just another lame cuckold story

This is either written by pussy whipped cuckolded man or a cheating slut trying to justify their actions. Not sure which you are but who in their right mind thinks that is anyone's fantasy. Hate the story and would have given it a 0 rating but I have to settle for the next lowest rating of 1.

tae352001tae352001over 10 years ago
where did anyone get pussy whipped husband

he had guts, what everyone lost track of... Her love for him was strong. how many men perhaps had money.. wealth or power? she came home fresh, unchanged.. and gave like she said 98 percent to him... most marriages what... 50 percent if lucky.

Great story..

bobyroy69bobyroy69over 10 years ago
Just Pathetic Bob

Can someone write this kind of story without being as PATHETIC in real life. We all know there are people like this in real world and I can bet my last dollar, JPB is one of them...

IsactaggedIsactaggedover 10 years ago

Really sucks.

rightbankrightbankover 10 years ago
Does not fear the risk

of STDs? What makes him settle for half a loaf when with his status, wealth, and physical stature he has to settle at all? This is just wrong on so many levels.

FD45FD45over 10 years ago
Another 'pod people' story

You know...I could get with this story if there was a small change. A man, a poor man, WILL put up with a lot for money. You have written that story twice...and I believed it both times. After all, Catherine the Great never wanted for a bed companion, even when she was old and doughy. She had cash.

THIS man...what is he getting? A simmering anger issue. The change of STDs. The chance that one of these many cocks may fall in love with his wife and try to steal her. The chance that she might fall in love with one of these many men (she says she won't, but she also said she'd be faithful. She's been wrong before). The chance for him to be called by the cops as these MULTIPLE MEN decide they want to try/do things which she doesn't (Golden Showers or Scat sex?) NOW he has a public record problem. OR say they rape her (yeah, willing women can be raped). Now she is a psychological mess and HE gets to clean things up.

So no, this man is stupid or the storyteller wants to drive the story into accepting something that a rational man would find unacceptable.

Now I get to look for the follow up stories to clean the bad taste out of my mouth.

tazz317tazz317over 10 years ago

should they be satisfied with crumbs. TK U MLJ LV NV

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsover 10 years ago
dump her fast

46% of blacks have herpes, having sex with that many blacks especially unprotected makes it a 100% certainty that she will be exposed to and contract HSV

lance_spearmanlance_spearmanover 10 years ago
I liked the other ending better

The one written by Ohio.

Tim413Tim413about 10 years ago
I saw Ohio's chapter 2 and came here to read this first.

I see why it ranked so low. It was well-written, but the ending smelled.

EgoTrixiEgoTrixiabout 10 years ago
That is the problem, I guess..

...JPB is one hell of a talented writer. If only he could stop worshipping cuckoldry...

Some of his stories actually have husbands w i t h balls in them...but they are the exception. On the other hand, - he is going with the mainstream on this site. It is incredible, just how many readers get off reading that crap. JPB has adjusted just fine.

SplitAcesSplitAcesalmost 10 years ago
What a crock of shit

In no time at all she'd be a crack hoe sold from one black pimp to another. She would never be seen again and dead within a year.

impo_58impo_58almost 10 years ago
a lot of bullshit...

Sorry Bob. I like almost all your stories, but this one is just too much to swalow...

KarenEKarenEalmost 10 years ago
Burn The Fucking Bitch

I'm sorry, I usually rail against the trolls who complain about wimp-assed cuckolds, but this one deserve it!

He should dump the bitch and let everyone in their families, all their friends and her work colleagues know what she does on her "business" trips.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Death Wish?

Both of them have a death wish - screwing that many blacks and your odds of HIV approach 100%. Only in fiction can you go 6 years without it happening.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
1 star

1 star

crapola must be an auto bio, civilized man never write fictitious tale of this low life bs.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Some writers JUSt don't make sense

Hopefully this is just a trial balloon......bad concept..........belongs somewhere else.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
the incidence of HIV infections is or was highest amongst black males

the woman is a walking death trap better to be rid of her before she takes you down with her diseases. Sooner or later others will know and the magic curtain will disappear. IR trash belongs in the IR fetish section. It takes a section kind of man to be a cuck with a woman who in reality doesn't love or respect her husband.

sinsational83sinsational83over 9 years ago

That bitch whore would be so fucking gone. and with the high incidence of HIV and aids in the blacks I would get tested and never touch her ever again. let her have her black cocks a=she would never have mine and after her company saw the video of her I'm sure she wouldn't be CEO or even working for them anymore either.

calflashcalflashover 9 years ago
1 star for the punctuation not the story

typical JPB wimp story. She has no remorse and he has no pride. GD being cucked by blacks no less!

BetterEndingBetterEndingover 9 years ago
Ha Ha Ha, She Loves Him

"I love you and I want to be with you forever." You and those other thousand guys. Aren't you so lucky!

What a useless wimp. There is nobody to like in this story.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsover 9 years ago
but the one thing

There is no way I'd stay, not even if she was the only one with money.

Definitely not make her lose her job, she being a VP or CEO means no alimony for her.

If I'm poor then unless there is a prenup with no adultery clause she's screwed.

(and I'm not signing one without that)

BuzzCzarBuzzCzarover 9 years ago

No mention of checking for disease. That is a bad plot hole. I know there are cucks out there that like sharing their wife. I don't claim to understand the draw but it certainly exists. Accepting that as a plot device is one thing but add in this supposedly intelligent man with a complete lack of a self-preservation desire is hard to understand. Bad juju.

ohyessssssohyessssssover 9 years ago
no thanks

I personally expel shit , then flush it down the toilet. There are millions of attractive women who would love to be married to a good man. If the only thing that's important to you is a great fuck, stay single and buy another whore when you get horny. One star,and that's one too many.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 9 years ago
Second time through...

a story that begs to be continued. See Ohio's continuation.

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userJust Plain Bob@Just Plain Bob
Just a Dirty Old Man (of course I have been one since I was thirteen)who likes to write about the things that I've seen and been exposed to in my life. There is a little bit of me in almost all of my stories and in some of them there is quite a lot. I leave it to the reader ...