A Lonely Wedding


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"That's why I asked if you loved him. There are ways, but you will have to give up an awful lot. So? Do you love him enough?" Patricia waited for her daughter to answer.

"I think so," Jenny said through her ragged breathing.

"Shit Jenny, there can be no 'I think so' bullshit," Patricia said angrily. "You've got to know because if you decide this is what you want then you will only have each other."

Jenny felt as if she had been struck. "The two of us alone?"

"Well, besides your father and I," Patricia amended.

"I do mom," Jenny said more confidently. "I love him enough to give up everyone. But I don't know if he feels the same way."

"Then I guess you'll just have to find out," Patricia said.

"How?" Jenny wondered aloud.

"I think I might be able to help with that," Patricia said with a wicked smile upon her lips.

Glen and Jason pulled up to the house with palpable trepidation. They sat in the driveway looking at the house, Patricia's car parked smartly inside the garage. There didn't appear to be any commotion inside the house and the two men looked at each other questioningly.

"Guess it's time to go in and face the music," Glen said.

"Yeah," Jason agreed, not really hearing his father. "At least it's not raining here."

They loaded up on luggage and entered the house through the side door and dropped the bags at the base of the stairs, making several trips until the truck was emptied. Glen raised his eyebrow questioningly at his son, his hand indicating the seemingly empty house. Jason shrugged and grabbed his bags before heading up to his room.

"The calm before the storm," Glen said to himself. He grabbed an arm load of his and his wife's bags and headed to his room. He pushed the door open with his foot and began to step in when he heard a yelp.

"Don't you ever knock!" he heard his daughter squeal.

"It's my room," he said lamely as the door was shut in his face by his wife.

"Just a minute dear, we'll be right out," Patricia explained.

A few minutes later Jenny came out of the bedroom with a couple of white boxes, the kind that clothes usually come in. He made room for her to pass, afraid to come in contact with his daughter's skin. When she had closed her bedroom door behind her Glen trudged into his own room with the pile of luggage.

"What was that all about?" Glen asked.

"Oh, she was just trying on some new clothes she got with her boyfriend in mind," Patricia explained as if it were something Glen should have known.

"Look, Patty," Glen began. He only used the name 'Patty' when he was in trouble, it was not a name his wife endured well. "I need to tell you something."

"Glen, don't," Patricia warned.

"No I need to say this," Glen declared. He swallowed hard then looked his wife squarely in the eyes. "I – I had sex with Jenny last night."

"Oh?" Patricia turned away from her husband, happy that he had such a conscience that he felt the need to confess his every sin. "Lucky you don't have that problem, eh?" the voice in her head said. "Well, are you going to do it again?" she asked her husband.

"No! Of course not!" Glen answered immediately.

"Why not?" Patricia asked, turning to look at him. She assumed a worried look on her face. "Wasn't she any good? Was she a bad lay?"

"No, not at all!" Glen answered enthusiastically.

"Oh, so you enjoyed fucking your daughter?" Patricia accused.

"No! I mean yes. Oh god," Glen dropped all the luggage at once. He stared at the floor for a minute and then looked at his wife. Patricia's face did not show anger or rage or even horror. She was calm and he thought he detected the faintest hint of amusement. "I never should have married a lawyer."

"Oh come now Glen. Lot's of people would love to fuck a lawyer, since it seems it's always lawyers screwing everyone else." She smiled warmly. "And I did tell you not to tell me, didn't I?"

"You already knew, huh?"

Patricia nodded.

"Jenny confess?" he asked.

"Well, I knew before she said anything actually, but yes, she did confess."

"So you know that she's in love with me?" Glen asked quietly.

Jason and Jenny, each in their own room, stopped as they heard a sound that truly surprised them. Their mother was howling with laughter.

The next morning Jason had woken up late for school and he felt as if he never really caught up during the day. He was sure he failed the chemistry test he hadn't studied for, forgot a homework assignment, and got extra laps at football practice for missing three tackles in a row. By the time he made it home his body and mind were completely exhausted. He trudged up the stairs and collapsed on his bed and was just about to take a nap when his mother came in carrying a suit.

"Here you go," she said cheerfully, hanging the garment on his door knob.

"What's that for?" he said not bothering to move from the bed.

"Well, we have an important dinner to go to tonight. You need to dress up." Patricia smiled knowingly at him as she crossed to his side. "You don't have to be ready for a couple of hours, you can take a nap first if you'd like. In fact you might need it."

"Thanks mom," he said gratefully. "Wake me up when it's time?"

"Sure thing honey," she said kissing his forehead like he was five. "Sweet dreams."

Jason closed his eyes and was asleep before his mother was out of his room.

Glen pulled his truck into the driveway and noticed a delivery boy was standing at the door.

"Can I help you?" he asked.

"Uh, did you order Chinese food?" the kid asked him.

"I didn't, I'm guessing my wife did. How much do we owe you?"

Glen pulled out his wallet and paid the driver, adding an extra five as a tip. He took the bag of food and entered the house, closing the door with his foot.

"Dinner is here," he called out.

Patricia appeared from the dining room and took the bag from him and indicated that he should be quiet. He followed his wife into the kitchen where she placed the food into the oven to keep warm.

"What's with the take out? I thought we were going out to dinner tonight?" Glen asked, confused by the food he figured no one was going to eat.

"Never mind, now you need to go upstairs and get ready. Your clothes are all ready for you." Patricia ushered him out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

When Glen was finished getting dressed his wife walked back into the bedroom placing earrings into her ears. Patricia wore an elegant white gown that displayed her body dangerously. Growling deeply he came up behind her and began to rub his groin into her ass.

"Down tiger," Patricia said firmly. "There will be time for that kind of fun later, but right now we need to be ready to go in just a little bit. Go wake your son please."

Glen left his wife at her mirror begrudgingly, but not before he took a nip at her neck. He walked down the hall and knocked on his son's open door and stepped into the room. Jason was already awake, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Nice nap, champ?" Glen asked cheerfully.

"Yeah," Jason said coming more awake each moment. "I felt like I haven't slept for days. You know where we're going tonight?"

"No clue. Your mother has this all set up," Glen replied, a worried look creeping across his face the more he thought about the strange set of events that had taken place since he had come home from work. He gave his son a familiar shrug and walked towards the door. "Better get in the shower, you stink. Your mother wants you ready and at the door by 8:00."

Jason hauled himself out of bed and grabbed clean underwear before heading to the bathroom for his shower. When he finished he quickly crossed the hall back to his room where he put on his suit and fumbled with the tie. As the clock ticked 8 o'clock he gave up with the tie and let it hang loosely around his neck and went to the front door.

"Let me help you with that dear," his mother offered, quickly untying the botched knot he tried to form. Her hands worked quickly and efficiently, transforming the flopping piece of silk into a nicely formed double Windsor. "There you go. You look so handsome," she said holding him at arm's length to admire him. "Doesn't he look good honey?" she said to her husband who had come up behind her.

"You look sharp son," Glen smiled warmly. "Where is Jenny?" he asked, looking about.

"Is it cold out dear?" Patricia asked her husband, she nodded towards the door and he stepped out into the night air. "Now," she turned back to her son, "you be a gentleman tonight and remember 'we' both love you."

Patricia turned to step outside but stopped when Jason began to follow her.

"Oh, your date is here tonight, Jason." She put her hand on his chest and patted him softly then walked to join her husband.

"Why did we order take out if we are going out to eat tonight?" Jason heard his father ask.

"Because your daughter can't cook," his mother replied.

Jason and his father were both confused. Finally Jason closed the front door and turned around. After a moment he felt as if he was being watched and he turned to the stairs. His breath caught in his chest as he saw his sister standing at the top of the landing.

Jenny was clad in a white dress that shimmered before his eyes. Soft, exquisite shoulders were exposed as the dress grasped her arms; the bodice was close fitting but not tight. He could make out the soft curves of her breasts, seemingly over ample for the gown but only in a way that made her seem more womanly without having to try. The hemline came just below her knees on one leg that flowed almost up to her hip on the other leg. The white stockings that enveloped her lithe legs seemed to whisper of delights that he dared not imagine. Her hair was pinned up on her head and dainty curls cascaded down around her ears and a cheek on one side. There even seemed to be bits of jewels in some of her hair, it sparkled as the light shown down upon her.

Jason thought his sister glided down the steps, as if the air had lifted her from the top and deposited her gently before him. She took his hand and led him into the dining room. Small flames lazed about the tips of candles spread about the dining room, transforming the ordinary room into a place he had never seen. Moonlight rippled on the surface of the pool in the distant backyard. Plates of food had been set out on the table, one at the end and the other just to the left.

Jenny paused in front of the plate on the long side of the table and looked at her brother. He pulled the chair out for her and then waited for her to sit down before taking his place next to her. He watched as she unfolded the napkin and then placed it in her lap. Her hands were covered with long white gloves that reached up almost to her elbow.

"Are you going to eat?" she asked softly, indicating his plate of food. Jason looked at the food lamely and then back to his sister. Jenny was lifting a forkful of food to her mouth. Numbly he took his own fork and began to eat. He only took his eyes off his sister when he absolutely had to. Never before had he ever seen her look this way and he wouldn't allow himself to speculate why she was dressed so. He was beyond happy just to be with her.

Jenny saw that her brother was hardly making any progress on his meal, despite it being his favorite. She was elated at his response but she tried to control the giddy feeling that crept up on her. Finally she stood up and Jason followed suit. She took his hand and led him to the kitchen floor.

"Wait here a moment," she said. Jenny stepped around the corner and he could hear a soft click and then soft music began to play.

Jenny returned to where he was standing and stood before him, her hands clasped in front of her body. She looked at him expectantly. The music continued for several long moments while she waited.

"Would you like to dance?" Jason asked at last, his voice threatening to crack.

"I would love to," Jenny replied, placing her hand upon his shoulder. She could feel his response to her touch and read it in his face.

Jason took his sister's hand in his own and placed his hand upon her waist. They began to dance, at first awkwardly, then with more confidence as the memory of lessons came back. They moved on the floor of the kitchen as if they were in a hall filled with people that they wouldn't have bothered looking at anyway. His eyes were lost in her beauty and he pulled her tighter against him, afraid she might be whisked away like a dream upon waking.

Jenny smiled warmly as her brother led her about the floor, one song blending into the next without notice. She squeezed his shoulder lovingly and then rested her head upon him after a time. When she pulled away to look at him she could see a tear streaming down his face.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"All of this," he said pulling his hands from her and turning away. "All of it's wrong."

"Why is it wrong, Jason?" she said.

"Because you're my sister. I'm you're brother." He rubbed at his face to hide the tears. "Because of mom," he said tilting his face to look at the ceiling in shame. "All of it's wrong."

Jenny circled around so that she was standing in front of him. "None of that matters, Jason. Nothing matters except for how we feel. Everything else is unimportant."

"What about mom and dad?" he said accusingly. "Can you live with them hating us for this?" His eyes met hers.

"If I had to, yes. There isn't anyone or anything I wouldn't give up for you."

"What about Jimmy? You didn't seem keen on giving him up last week, what changed?"

Jenny was at a loss for words. She had seen Jimmy after the night she had made love to her brother. It was the night she had gone to his room but he had been asleep. She had found her underwear on the floor and kissed Jason good night while he was sleeping.

"I gave Jimmy up first," she said shaking her head. "I broke up with him the night after you and I made love on the couch. I wanted to tell you, but you were already asleep and I couldn't wake you without waking up mom and dad at the same time."

Jason felt his knees buckle. Suddenly he was looking up at his sister, his goddess. She knelt to hold his head in her hands and she pulled him tight against her chest as he cried loudly. After a time he calmed, sobs shaking him only occasionally.

"I'm so sorry, so so sorry," he whispered through more tears.

"It's okay, it's all okay," she assured him.

"No, you don't understand," he held her arms tightly, pulling back to look at her. "I nearly raped mom. She had been teasing me ever since she came back on Sunday. Even that night we made love she was tempting me like crazy." The words came spilling out now; he couldn't stop even though she was trying to quiet him. "She came to me in the tree house and I couldn't stop myself. I threw her to the floor and I fucked her like an animal in heat." Jason let go of her arms and tried to hide his face in shame.

"I know Jason," she said. "I know what happened." He looked at her unbelievingly.

"How could you know?"

"Mom told me, yesterday in the car on the way home."

"Oh god," he cried.

"I know and I don't care because I love you. I love you Jason, not as a sister, but as a woman who needs you to hear something and I hope when I'm done you will still love me." She searched his face as he looked up at her again, his eyes bloodshot. She bit her lip in preparation and steeled herself to accept his hatred of her. "I slept with dad." Her stomach began to churn and she forced herself to remain calm. "No, that's not quite right." She closed her eyes and continued,"I fucked dad, much the same way you fucked mom."

He stared at her in disbelief. Her heart ached to see the pain in his face.

"I saw her underwear in the tree house," Jenny explained. Jason gave her a confused look. "I went to the tree house that night after you and mom went to bed. Dad and I went together. When I found them I could smell you on them. And her." She watched his face carefully. "I lost my mind I was so jealous. I wanted to hurt mom for taking you from me and the only way I could think of doing that was to take her man from her."

Jenny slumped to the floor next to her brother, desperately needing him to hold her and tell her everything was okay, that he still loved her, that nothing had changed. A shiver shook her body as she imagined being this cold and lonely forever. At last his hand grasped her shoulder and he turned her to face him.

"We're pretty fucked up," he said seriously.

Jenny's face split into a grin and she couldn't help but laugh at the simple truth of his words. Soon Jason was caught up in the laughter as well and they laughed until their sides ached and tears streamed down their faces.

"So," he said, extending his hand to lift her from the floor, "what was all this about anyway?" He waved to the food, candles and lastly her dress, "I swear when I saw you at the top of the stairs you looked like you were on your way to get married."

Suddenly he understood.

"Oh-," Jason whispered, he turned slowly to her. He looked down at his suit, comprehension dawning on him slowly.

"Jason," Jenny began, taking a deep breath and stepping closer to him. She took his hand in hers and held it to her breasts. "I love you more than anything or anyone. I can't marry you in a church full of people. I can't become your wife to the outside world, not yet at least. I want to be with you for the rest of my life, no matter what that life may bring. I would give up everything in this world to be with you. So here, alone in our parent's kitchen, I am asking you to be my husband and for you to promise me the same." She looked into his eyes with such love that he knew he could do nothing but as his heart demanded.

"Oh Jenny," Jason was at a loss for words. He gazed into her eyes for untold minutes. "I would be honored to be your husband," he said at last. "I would give up the world for you, there is no one or no thing that could tear me away from you. In you I have the only friend I will ever need, the only comfort for my sorrows, the only person to share my joy. Will you be my wife?"

Jenny pulled his face close and kissed her husband.

As they headed up the stairs Jason paused.

"Earlier you said that you would give up mom and dad if you had to. What did you mean if?" Jason asked.

"Who do you think bought my dress? The dinner? Made sure that you were at the door at 8 o'clock?" Jason looked at her confused, still unsure of what she was saying. "Mom knew. Mom knew before you and I even did. And I imagine about now dad is finally coming around to accepting the fact that his kids will be sleeping together in the same room until we can afford to move out."

"You better not hog the blankets," he said seriously.

Jenny chuckled at his joke. "Oh, Mom got me one more thing," she said toying with her dress.

"What's that?"

"Lingerie for my honeymoon," she replied raising her eyebrows. When his eyes lit up in excitement she turned and raced up the stairs to his room, Jason only a step behind her.

Glen and Patricia stood in the open door to their son's room. Their children were asleep on the small bed, Jenny's face resting on her brother's chest. Clothing was scattered all around the room. Jenny's dress was in a pile just inside the door and the suit Jason had worn was discarded in several places around the room. Underwear hung from the bed posts and Glen thought he could make out a teddy of some kind peeking out from under the covers at the foot of the bed.

Patricia steered her husband away, pulling the door closed behind them.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Getting the dad involved ruined the whole story!

GrandEagle53GrandEagle53over 1 year ago

5 stars. Although I agree about the treehouse scene.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

5 stars great story. Forget the knockers. Why do they read incest if it offends them. Wankers

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago
1 star dumped

when son treated mom cruel that killed the story a 3 star at that point. the d/d cause an immediate dump and ALWAYS a 1 star.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

shitty, when involving dad too,

linnearlinnearabout 3 years ago
Amazing Writing

I'm so glad I ran across this story, I personally like these longer stories and you had me rivited the whole time.

Joshuad2477sJoshuad2477sover 4 years ago

I thought all the glory hole, mom/son dad/daughter and Jimmy blowjob was not needed In this story. It just made the mom and daughter out to be whores which unfortunately for dad and son they are.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

This is one fucked up family. 😂

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
maybe evem better than Daughter Saw

I have been jacking f to your daddy saw story for a few weeks finally got to this one and it is probably even better than that series or at least just as good all your stories make my cock so hard I can't help but jack off while reading them I hope you start posting more soon

kaidmankaidmanover 8 years ago

words can't do this story justice but the comment below sure does a good job this is a great story you have only thing to top it would be a follow up

jme51usajme51usaalmost 9 years ago
Wrong title, This is a Special Wedding

Great Story, it made me cry which is good. Sucked me right in. U have a great writing style. Keep up the good work. Look forward to reading other works.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
oh my gosh

I love reading this over and over again. Thank you!!

boaman007boaman007almost 9 years ago

Well done! I really enjoyed this story. Very creative. Thanks for sharing.

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