A Night with Rachel Ch. 04


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"I know how you feel, believe me I do. I wanted you bad as well, I just never thought anything would happen. I'm glad we did what we did, but I promised 'Drea I wouldn't ever do it again," I said.

"What about your other girlfriend. Did you promise her too," Erin asked.

"No, I didn't."

"Brad, like I told you before I have been with lots of guys, but yesterday was unreal. Even after I told you to just fuck me senseless, you still made me feel like you were only doing it for my pleasure. I'm amazed at how modest you are. Most guys with half of your skill would be insufferable to be around," she smiled.

"Thanks, but that's just who I am."

"I am so jealous of those two. They are going to have you forever," she said. There was a look of disappointment on her face.

"Yeah," I agreed.

"You sure you won't at least give me a quickie? They'll be in the shower for a while," she said.

"No! I can't Erin," I pleaded with her.

"Come on Brad, I'm not wearing panties again," she said. For emphasis she pulled the hem of her skirt up. "All I have to do is bend over the counter. I'm already wet and ready. I bet if you saw me bent over the counter, you couldn't resist." She did as she described. She looked over her shoulder at me. "Please Brad, I bet you could make me cum in like 10 strokes. I'm so hot right now. You don't even have to finish yourself. Just get me off. Please?"

"Erin, I'm begging you to stop this," I said.

"No, you have it all wrong. I'm begging you. Please just fuck me some more. Then I'll leave you alone. At least for a little while," Erin said.

"No, I can't. I promised 'Drea," I said.

"Would you at least come touch me a little. I won't even try to kiss you or anything," she offered.

"No Erin, I can't do that. I couldn't stop myself. You're too hot," I said.

She turned back around to face me. Her hand slid down between her legs. "You don't know how hot I am right now. Mmmm, if you won't touch me I am going to touch myself."

I stood there dumbly still holding the wine glasses. I couldn't believe she was doing this. I thought for sure it would be a one time only fling with her. There was no way I was going to be able to be around her anymore and keep my promise to 'Drea. I decided if I was going to keep my dick out of her today, I had to get out of the room. I grabbed the wine bottle and walked towards the living room.

"Don't leave. Just watch me. I'm going to make myself come for you," she purred.

"Erin, I can't. Take your time. The wine will be in here," I said. After I poured her a glass of wine, I decided I should go see if 'Drea was finished in the shower. I was going to need to take a long cold one. I had an extremely stiff erection again as I walked into the spare bathroom. 'Drea was rinsing her hair, as I closed and locked the door. I undressed and pulled back the shower curtain. 'Drea opened her eyes.

"Hi baby. Come on in," she said. She glanced down noticing my condition as I stepped in with her. "Jesus, Brad, what have you been doing?"

"Sweetie, you don't want to know," I said.



"Damn that slut. She promised me she wouldn't try to bang you anymore. Where is she," 'Drea asked.

"She tried pretty hard in the kitchen, just now. She's probably still in there playing with her pussy," I said.

"Arrggghhh. What am I going to do about her?"

"I don't know, but I know what I'm going to do. Stay the fuck away from her. Baby, I'm so sorry about this mess. I thought, hell I guess I wasn't really thinking, but given the way she is I thought it would only be a one-time thing. Now, she's telling me I was the best ever and all of this other shit," I said.

"You are excellent," she said. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me down for a kiss. "I obviously don't have as many notches on my bed post as she does, but you're the absolute best I've ever had. But seriously, what else can we do? She's a really good friend and I don't want to lose our friendship, but I can't have her trying to get you in bed every time she sees you."

"I understand what you mean honey, but this is quite a fucking mess I've gotten us all into," I replied.

"It is a 'fucking' mess all right, big boy!"

"This is so crazy. We're talking about losing her friendship. Normal people would have thrown her out and here we are trying to find a way to keep from hurting her feelings," I said.

"Baby, we're not normal people anymore, are we?"

"No, we're not. Pretty far from it," I agreed.

"I think we need to talk to Rachel about this too. It affects her as well," 'Drea said.

"What do you mean?"

"Brad, you belong to her now too. We need to make sure how she feels about this. I want to make sure she wouldn't mind," 'Drea said.

"Mind what?"

"What I have planned," she replied.

"What exactly do you have planned?"

"Well, I hate to admit this, but I think that there is only one cure for the problem. You may have to fuck her again," she continued.

"'Drea I thought you said-," I started.

"I know what I said, and to be honest I can't believe I'm even suggesting it," she said rolling her eyes.

"How is that going to help matters though," I asked.

"Brad, she's never slept with the same guy twice, that I know of. She's worse than any guy I have ever met or even heard of. It's the hunt and the conquest she gets off on. I think even as good as the sex is, she'll lose interest in you."

"Baby, I don't know," I said.

"Brad, that's my opinion. If you think you can keep her at bay, then by all means, keep trying. You're on your own. We have both seen her in action. You're going to end up in bed with her again one way or another. Besides the way your little buddy looked when you came in here earlier, I don't think she'll have to force you or anything," she laughed.

"Yeah," I said. 'Drea was right. Erin definitely did it for me at a certain level. I didn't feel for her like I did 'Drea and Rachel, but she definitely made me crazy with desire.

"Besides, you're not emotionally attached to her or anything. But we need to talk to Rachel. I think she'll understand," 'Drea said.


"I need to get out and start getting ready. You better hurry or you're not going to have any hot water," she said.

"I probably need a bucket of ice water. 'Drea, this whole thing is getting pretty crazy baby. Are you going to be okay with it," I asked.

"I know it is baby, but I'll be fine. Once we get this situation with Erin behind us, everything will be fine, okay? I'll talk to Rachel now. I love you," she said.

"I hope so. I love you too, baby."

'Drea left me in the shower alone with my thoughts. I wasn't sure how I felt the changes in my life in the last couple days. Part of me was really excited with the opportunities of a relationship with Rachel, but this situation with Erin worried me. I was afraid that it might be trouble. 'Drea seemed to be all right with the prospect of me fucking Erin again, but how would Rachel react? Even though we had all agreed to a very open relationship between the three of us, I knew that Rachel was still the most conservative member of our trio. I hoped that she would understand. I decided that I would know soon enough, considering that 'Drea was probably already talking to her.

When I finished in the shower, I put my clothes back on and headed for our bedroom. On the way I passed through the living room. Erin was sitting on the couch with a glass of chardonnay in her hand. When I glanced at her, she winked at me. I stared blankly at her as I walked by. She moved her free hand across her chest and rubbed her nipples through her shirt, while never breaking eye contact with me. She'd just got herself off in the kitchen but she still looked hot and ready to go.

"I had a really nice orgasm in your kitchen. I wish you had been there to see it. It would have been even better for you to have given it to me," she said lustily. I stopped and turned to face her.

"Erin, I've already told you. We can't fuck again, get it?"

"I don't see why not. You can fuck Rachel, 'Drea should let you fuck me too," she insisted.

"It's different with Rachel. It's not the same as you and me. I don't feel like I'm cheating on 'Drea with Rach. I'm in love with her, Erin," I said.

"Brad, don't give me that shit. You sure as hell were cheating on 'Drea Friday night. Now that you guys had your little threeway today, it's all okay? You're cheating on her every time you look at Rachel. This messed up little arrangement you guys have come up with doesn't make any sense. I mean, how the hell is this going to work? I don't think 'Drea has thought this situation all the way through. I think she is doing all of this because Rachel is having such a hard time right now, because she's finally realized what a mistake she is making marrying that piece of shit she's engaged too. Poor caring 'Drea sees that and coupled with the fact that you ended up fucking her Friday night, and you confessing your love for both of them, she comes up with this bullshit," Erin said.

"Erin, I don't think you know what you're talking about."

"Oh no? What part am I wrong about," she asked.

"All of it. I do love both of them," I insisted.

"I think you're lying. I think you just always wanted to fuck Rachel. The same as you always wanted to fuck me," she said.

"Erin, I do love Rachel. That's the way I feel about her. I'm not just making this shit up like you think. And yes, I did want to fuck you. I admit it. But we did and it was great, but that's the end of it," I said.

She was still rubbing her nipples with a curious smirk on her face. "If you are deluded enough to believe you're in love with them both, I'm not the one to stop you. I am going to give you a piece of advice, eventually 'Drea is going to come to her senses and make you choose between them. Despite all that she has said about you and Rachel, I think that's what will happen," she explained.

"Yeah, maybe so, I guess we'll see," I said.

"I still don't understand how you can have this weird ass sense of honor about it all," she continued.

"Erin, I just can't do it, again. I don't have the feelings for you that I have for Rachel," I explained again.

"You're so noble. You didn't have feelings for me yesterday, when you fucked me every which way on this couch, either."

"I know I didn't. But that was a one-time thing."

"Sure, it was. Brad, I want you to know, it may not be today, or tomorrow, but I am going to get you to fuck me again. I want you more than any guy I have ever met," she smiled.

"Erin, I..."

"Shut up and listen to me, please," she said. I nodded. "I have my own little problems, the most obvious one is always wanting what I can't have. I guess most of what I am saying is just jealousy. I have always been so jealous of 'Drea and you. You are so good together. I can have any guy I want, and I usually do, but I can't ever find one that I want to be there the next morning. Do you know what I mean?"

I nodded again.

"Then, when I started seeing Rachel look at you the way she was, I started getting jealous of her, too. I really thought you were fucking her behind 'Drea's back long before you did. When you didn't come home Friday night I knew for sure, but I was really surprised to find out you two hadn't been together before. I thought since you were already being unfaithful, you would be easy prey. I couldn't believe it took me as long yesterday as it did to make you give in," she said.

She smiled very wickedly, and I responded a grin.

"Yesterday wasn't enough for me, Brad. I really enjoyed how you did everything to me. Even after I told you to just use me, you still took your time and let me enjoy it. I think that more than anything else is why I am acting like a cat in heat right now. I want it again," she said.

"I know Erin. I can't deny that I really enjoyed it. You were getting to me again in the kitchen earlier," I said.

"Good," she smiled again and stood up.

"I really want you to understand how I feel, though."

"I understand Brad. It's not going to stop me from trying. I'll always keep trying," she said as she walked over to me. She looked down at me and put her arms around my neck. She gave me a forceful kiss on the lips and finally I granted her tongue entrance. She reached down between us and then brought her fingers to my lips. I could smell her scent on them. I opened my mouth and she slipped them in. I savored her wetness as her green eyes bored in to me.

"A little reminder of what you do to me," she said.

"Is there anything else you want to say to me," I asked.

"No, I'm not in love with you too, if that's what you mean. I love you fucking me though. That's about it. You've been a good friend, but you're much better in bed. I need to use the restroom. Go finish getting ready so we can go out. You better go make sure your girlfriends haven't gone down on one another again, too. I still can't believe those two were licking one another's pussies. Crazy." She turned and walked to the bathroom.

I almost laughed thinking about her intentions to stay after me until she got what she wanted. The funniest part was I could hardly be considered the sexiest guy on Earth. I'd had amazing sex with two beautiful women that I really loved and I had this very sexy redhead after me as well. After I watched her walk away, I went to our bedroom. Rach and 'Drea were both busy getting dressed. I hadn't thought about it, but Rach had just dropped by and didn't have any clothes with her. 'Drea had remedied that by opening her closet for Rachel. They were about the same size except Rachel was about three inches taller than 'Drea's 5'3". Rachel was wearing a black skirt and white top that I loved to see 'Drea in. 'Drea was still in her bra and panties.

"Wow, that looks really nice on you, as well," I said. The skirt was a little shorter on Rach than it was on 'Drea. It showed more of her lovely thighs.

"Thanks. She said it was one of your favorites," Rachel smiled.

"It is. And what are you going to wear, 'Drea?"

"I was thinking of something really sexy. Maybe I can keep your attention off Erin for a little while," 'Drea smiled. The girls both laughed.

"I don't know if it's all my fault, baby."

"I know it's not," 'Drea added. "Besides, we talked a little and we think you should take care of Erin's little problem tonight, after we get back."

"You did, huh," I asked.

"Yeah, we think that if you have sex with her one more time, she will probably be cured and move on with her life," Rachel added.

"And what if it doesn't," I guessed.

"Then I guess you're on your own. You're a big strong boy you out to be able to defend yourself from her," 'Drea snickered.

"After tonight, you have to start being faithful to us," Rachel added.

"That sounds pretty funny, you know," I smiled at them.

"We know it does, but we mean it," 'Drea quiped.

"Okay, I'll try," I said.

"Now get dressed, we already picked your clothes out. They're on your dresser," 'Drea commanded. She walked over to me and I took her into my arms. We shared a long kiss. When we parted, I looked at Rachel, who had sad puppy dog eyes. I kissed her as well.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Next chapter?

Where is chapter 5? You can’t leave us hanging!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Thanks for coming back to this story and editing an rewriting parts of it.

The story has great bones: two loves, complications, a temptress, etc., and you can have great fun with it.

I know you have several series on the go, but I do think this is really worth continuing, In fact, I don't know which I am most impatient for.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
the best!

This series has been the best i've seen on here. please continue while i read the rest of your work.

Dt4874Dt4874over 6 years ago
simply erotic

This has been the best story that I have read on literotica to date. I really look forward to the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Cant wait to see where is goes

More please.

nosebonenoseboneover 6 years agoAuthor

Yes. I’m planning to continue this one finally. I’ve written some lead in and some ending chapters. I want to go back and rework these 4 chapters as well because I know there a lot of grammatical/punctuation problems I missed the first time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Fun story! Have you considered continuing it?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

there should be a part 5, at least.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
What a load of crap

Hello Alice in Wonderland obviously the mad hatters tea party applies here. Get a grip on reality and at least try to write stories that have some connection to real life

vikingsiddhuvikingsiddhuover 12 years ago
absolutely hot series

this is an amazing series of stories that you've written. can't get enough. having said that I think brad shouldn't fuck Erin again.

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