Aaron Convinces Felicia to Try This


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Aaron eased out of bed and headed to the bathroom to avoid any more conversation about his dream. "Sorry, babe. I'll change the sheets before I leave for work this morning."

In the whirlwind which was the last three days before the wedding, Aaron and Felicia both would be crazy busy. He would have little time in the upcoming 72 hours for anything more than — maybe — a random, hasty jerk-off session to attempt dealing with the torture of being only days away from what he desperately hoped would be Felicia's willingness and excitement to make him her first, only, ongoing, and cherished fuck toy. With today his last day at work before taking off the two weeks for his nuptials, he relished the coming events yet yearned for them to be over.

Maybe it's only four days until I see Felicia in a strapon, excited about fucking me, Aaron hoped as he tucked the sheet under the mattress that morning.

The next day, he placed the order for his surprise wedding gift to be delivered to the honeymoon hotel. Waiting until then and ordering 2-day delivery was the best way to ensure that the package didn't get there so early as to risk being misplaced yet was guaranteed to be there as needed upon check-in.

It was a simple order: 1) a feeldoe dildo (how he hoped Felicia would come to love the feel of the bulb end of the dildo bumping against her G-spot when she fucked him!) — he chose the slim blue model, knowing that the widest part of his favorite masturbation toy was the same diameter (ensuring that he would enjoy every millimeter of the ride Felicia would give him); and, 2) a strapon harness he'd read about that users said worked extremely well with the dildo he was purchasing.

There would be plenty of their favorite lube packed simply because it was their honeymoon.

When Aaron typed in the gift card wording and gift wrapping instructions into the order form, he got an erection. The mere thought that he was planning his own ass-fucking was sexually arousing. That it would happen on his honeymoon, his new bride strapped in and incredulous at the sexy sensations the act produced for her, was romantically satisfying.

This had to happen!

Thankful that his buddies and Felicia's brother — as a member of the wedding party, it was a given that he would be included in any bachelor party invitation — weren't, as a group, the kind intent on a wild night of debauchery. The stripper was attractive, went only so far as a G-string, and was restrained during the obligatory lap dance. ("We told her to keep it cool," Hank told him later.)

"Enjoy your honeymoon, handsome," the stripper had said, smiling sweetly as she collected her things and left the room.

You have no idea how much I'm planning on that! thought Aaron.

* * *

The ceremony was beautiful, and Aaron misted up when he saw Felicia coming down the aisle. She was absolutely stunning as a bride, gorgeous and smiling at him.

Everything went wonderfully at the wedding and the reception (Yes, that wedding planner fee was worth every last cent, thought Aaron), and they finally relaxed from their excitement as they flopped back into the deeply cushioned leather seating in the limo with the wedding guests calling final congratulations into the air behind them.

"It was fantastic, Aaron. I love you so much," Felicia said, snuggling next to him and leaning her head on his shoulder. "You were so handsome in your tux, and the reception and the cake and our first dance — oh, I just couldn't be happier with my wedding to my wonderful husband!"

He put his arm around her shoulders to hug her closer to him.

"I couldn't be happier, either, Felicia. You'll always be my beautiful bride."

They kissed deeply as the limo driver smiled discreetly while he maneuvered the long black vehicle through nighttime traffic on the way to the airport.

* * *

The spacious hotel lobby was open to the ocean breeze, and they could see the beautiful Pacific waters that encircled the Big Island as they approached the check-in desk. The employee tag read, "Lanae," and she offered a wide smile with her invitation: "Checking in?"

"Yes," answered Aaron, trundling his suitcase to a stop beside him as he drew Felicia close to his side.

He wanted to be sure she heard about the package that would be waiting for them.

"Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Danninger," he said, hugging Felicia's waist. "We're honeymooning here for a few days."

"Congratulations!" said the pretty hotel clerk, looking at them brightly before dropping her gaze to her computer screen. "A king-size bed, ocean-side view, and our complimentary honeymoon basket waiting for you in the room."

"Perfect!" chimed Felicia.

"Give me just a moment . . . may I take your credit card?"

As Aaron drew his wallet from his hip pocket, the clerk said, "Oh, I have a note here that we have a package waiting for you at check-in. Shall I have it sent up, or would you like for me to have the concierge bring it to you now?" She looked up from her screen, waiting for Aaron's decision.

"Why don't we get it now," he said, handing his credit card to the clerk. "It won't be so big or heavy that it will be a bother to take up to the room with us."

Felicia turned to look at him. "What? You knew there'd be a package?"

Aaron allowed a tiny smile to cross his lips as the clerk handed his credit card back to him. Not looking at Felicia, he replied nonchalantly, "Something like that," as he returned his wallet to his pocket.

While the clerk motioned over the concierge to let him know that the package should be brought to the check-in desk right away, Felicia nudged him and said, "Aaron, what have you done?" as a smile widened across her face.

"Who says the package came from me?" he asked playfully.

"But you obviously know what it is. You told them it wasn't so big that it would be a problem to take up to the room with us."

"Maybe that's just a lucky guess," he teased.

The attendant strode up with the package at that moment, a brown box discretely showing only a return address. "Please sign here, sir," the attendant said, offering a clip board which secured a hotel delivery receipt as he handed the packed to Aaron.

Felicia's puzzled expression was somehow satisfying to Aaron. He was happy that he'd surprised her like this.

"So-o-o-o-o," he said, dragging out the syllable, "maybe I did make arrangements for a present to my wife."

Felicia raised up on her tiptoes, hugging his neck. "I love you."

They kissed briefly as the check-in clerk smiled broadly, waiting patiently to give them the little folio with their room cards.

"Let's get up to the room quickly so I can open my present!" Felicia said, extending her hand to take the folio from the clerk.

"The elevators are just over there," the clerk said, pointing. "Do you need any help getting your things to your room?"

"No, thank-you," said Felicia. "Just as my handsome husband said, this package isn't so large that it plus our luggage will be any problem at all." She giggled at the clerk, who watched as they walked away, rolling their bags behind them, Aaron clutching the box that he had signed for.

"Yes," he said as he pushed the button at the elevator, "we'll open the box when we get to the room so you can see the pretty wrapping and the card that comes with the present, Felicia. But this surprise," and he nodded toward the box in the crook of his arm, "is meant for tomorrow evening, not today."

"No fair!" she said, pulling her suitcase into the elevator and double-checking the room number written on the inside of the folio before pressing "15" on the panel. "You know I'll be wondering until then what's in that box." She gave him a fake pout before her expression morphed into an expectant gaze.

"Nope. Won't work, babe," he said, looking forward at the polished steel of the elevator doors. "Your surprise is for tomorrow night."

"I bet I can convince you to let me open it early," she whispered, snuggling against him and reaching to trace her fingertips lightly along the nape of his neck. "I bet I can get you to beg me to go ahead and open my present," Felicia said in a throaty tone as her warm breath, and then hot tongue, touched his ear.

"Now who's not playing fair?"

The elevator chimed and the doors slid open. A middle-aged couple in colorful Hawaiian shirts and smelling of sun tan lotion waited for them to exit before entering, smiling at them as they pulled their suitcases out into the 15th floor elevator foyer.

Once inside the room, Aaron realized that he had no way to slice through the packaging tape on the box which contained his special present.

"Too bad, Felicia," he grinned, setting the box on the top of the bureau in the room. "We can't open this now without a knife or scissors. We'll just let it sit right here until we go back down to the lobby and have the concierge open it."

This time, Felicia's pout was closer to being real.

"Then we'll bring it back up to the room so you can see your gift-wrapped honeymoon present." He stepped close to his bride, embraced her in a big hug, and said, "And then it will only be one more day you'll have to wait for your surprise."

"I guess we can occupy ourselves in the meantime," she conceded, a smile tugging one corner of her mouth upward.

"What do you have in mind, Mrs. Danninger?"

She uncoupled from him, stepped back as she held his gaze, and began unbuttoning her blouse. "I've never fucked a married man."

* * *

Their post-coital nap meant it was too late for a serious visit to the beach when they awoke, so Aaron and Felicia showered and changed into casual tourist garb to stroll around a bit, check out the area near the hotel. It had just rained as they walked outside (dropping the mysterious box off with the concierge in order to pick it back up, opened, when they returned), so the damp, clean smell greeted them, heavy with the scent of the many flowers planted on the hotel property.

"Three whole days with nothing to think about, nothing to worry about, except being Aaron and Felicia Danninger," said Felicia happily, her hand in Aaron's as they walked along a trail around the perimeter of the hotel grounds. "I wish it could last forever."

"Me, too," he answered, squeezing her hand. "I love my job, but I love you more, and being here in this beautiful place on our honeymoon means I'm going to do nothing but focus on us."

"Sounds good to me," Felicia answered, stepping around a dark green frond that had grown out into the pathway.

"I'm betting that it's going to be really good for you later tonight," Aaron said, letting his statement hang in the air, no more explanation than that.

"What's that supposed to mean?" she finally asked, nudging him in the ribs.

"Oh, nothing."

"Is it connected to whatever's in that package?"

"You're like a little kid at Christmas, aren't you, Felicia?" Aaron teased. "You'll just have to wait for Santa concerning that package is all I'm saying. But, no, what's going to happen tonight is not connected to what's inside your gift-wrapped present."

Later that night, after a delicious dinner at a small restaurant several blocks away that the concierge recommended, they picked up the box on the way back up to their room. Felicia immediately fished the gift-wrapped present out of the shipping box as soon as they were in the elevator.

"Pretty wrapping, babe. Whoever you bought this from did right by you."

Aaron said nothing, just watched as Felicia folded back the attached card to read what it said.

"Awww, that's so sweet!" She kissed him lightly on the cheek. "Now I really want to open this up, my husband." She looked again at the card. "What does, 'surrendering to your love,' mean? And, 'treasuring my pleasure' and being eager to create it? This all sounds like it has something to do with you, or me, or both of us being naked and-"

The elevator chimed and the doors slid open, this time to reveal a group of excited teenagers talking about the hotel pool. Felicia abruptly stopped her musings about Aaron's gift and smiled awkwardly at the group of chattering adolescents as they stepped toward the elevator then backed off when realizing that Aaron and Felicia needed to exit first.

Smiling to each other about the potentially embarrassing event having been averted, they walked down the hall to their room. Felicia said quietly as Aaron pushed the room card into the slot, "Don't hold out on me, Aaron – it'll be okay if I open this tonight, right?"

This is going well, Aaron thought. I want her to be eager to open my present!

"Well," he drawled, motioning her into the room, "if you open your present now, you won't get to experience that little thing I was referring to when I said you'd REALLY enjoy tonight."

Felicia cocked her head at him, pursed her lips for a moment, and said, "You're being very mysterious about all this, Aaron. Just what's going on?"

Ah, my invitation! Aaron said to himself.

"Are you ready to experience a really, really intense orgasm?"

Felicia smiled. "And if I am?"

"Then you have to do everything I say, trust me completely, and know that the sole purpose for why I've planned this is because I love you incredibly and want to make you feel as good as possible."

"You've got me intrigued," Felicia responded, looking at Aaron lovingly. "This 'intense orgasm' you're talking about — it's going to happen right here, just the two of us, right?"

Aaron chuckled as he stepped to embrace her. "What? You think I've hired some exotic gigolo trained in some secret cult about how to drive women crazy?"

"You're my exotic gigolo," Felicia said, nuzzling into his chest.

"No, it's just you and me, but I guarantee you that I've never done this with you before. I wanted it to be a special surprise for our honeymoon."

"Mmmmm," was her only reply as she pressed herself against him tightly.

"It does involve a blindfold," Aaron said, injecting a hint of theatricality into his voice.

Felicia looked up into his eyes. "No handcuffs, though, right? You're not going to tie me up or anything?"

"No," he answered, smiling. Grabbing her shoulders and holding her at arm's length, he looked into her eyes with a mischievous grin. "But would you trust me if I did?"

"What kind of a husband have I married?" Felicia teased, sensing his game. "Is it only now, after the wedding, that I'm going to find out about your kinky desires?"

"I strongly doubt, Mrs. Danninger, that after your blindfolded experience this evening, you will describe what I did to you as, 'kinky.' Maybe you should just forget about labels and trust that I have planned something very, very special for you because I love you more than you'll ever know."

He drew her back to his chest, hugged her tightly, and roamed his hands down her back to rest on the cheeks of her butt. Squeezing her tight little bottom through the linen material hugging her firm backside, Aaron said, "Now, why don't you get out of your shorts and panties while I get things ready to give you an orgasm like none you've ever had."

"Oooh, that's my kind of invitation," Felicia answered, toeing off her sandals as she walked to the bathroom. He heard her futzing in there, knowing she was working to look, smell, and taste as good as possible for him, and Aaron loved her all over again.

It didn't take him long to set the stage — all he needed was the blindfold and to turn down the covers on the kind-sized bed. He stayed dressed in his loose-fitting polo and his cargo shorts but kicked off his sandals and then reached across the bed to fluff a couple of pillows.

The butterflies in Aaron's stomach weren't because he was anxious about his ability to follow the instructions in the book he'd bought, to replicate what he saw in the videos which demonstrated the 15-minute orgasm technique. No, his confidence in doing this loving thing to and with Felicia — and driving her crazy with a fantastic orgasm in the process — was not at issue.

This is what will show Felicia that I'll do anything for her sexual arousal and pleasure, Aaron thought as he walked to his suitcase where it rested on the luggage rack in the room. Rummaging into the zippered compartment inside, he pulled out the blindfold and the CD of sexy music he'd burned just for this event, compiling tunes by artists he knew Feliacia liked and stringing them together into a sensual mix of uninterrupted soundscaping perfectly tailored for taking her to an orgasmic peak she had not yet climbed. He laid the blindfold on the bed and dropped the CD into the fancy player/radio on the nightstand, fumbling for a second before figuring out the control to launch the CD. Adjusting the volume, he was finally convinced every detail was perfect.

After this, Aaron thought, how will she be able to do anything tomorrow night but want to make me feel as good as possible, too?

In only 24 hours he would know for sure. His cock twitched at the thought, actually plumping slightly with the blood rushing there at the mere thought of Felicia smiling at him tomorrow night and whispering, "Yes, baby, yes — anything to make you feel good!"

It had to happen!

"Thinking about me?" Felicia said, strolling from the bathroom to the bed.

"You better know it," he answered, smiling.

"Isn't that Diana Krall?" she asked, nodding toward the CD player at the side of the bed. "Did you arrange the music, too?"

It was another opportunity to emphasize the idea he wanted burned into his bride's mind.

"I will do anything and everything to give you the greatest sexual pleasure possible," Aaron said, looking at her sincerely. "Perfect music is part of that, so I made up a nice mix just for you and this special occasion when I'm gonna make you feel so fantastic that you may just pass out from pleasure."

"You're really doing a sales job on whatever it is you're about to do," Felicia said, reaching one hand behind her neck to pull her hair around behind her head. "You have me very curious-"

"And excited?" Aaron interrupted, pulling her down to him on the bed and kissing her deeply.

"Yes!" she answered, laughing. "But I really feel kinda weird like this, my top still on but naked from the waist down."

"I love seeing your gorgeous pussy."

"I should walk around like this, then?"

"All the time," Aaron said brightly.

"In your dreams," Felicia answered, giggling. "Oh, wait — maybe it really was in your dreams, huh? That little accident the other morning . . ."

"Wouldn't you like to know," he grinned. "But now, lover, it's time. Your top will keep you warm," he reached for the blindfold, "and this is meant to be a mini-sensory deprivation tool. You're to relax totally, listen to the soft, sexy music, and concentrate on the feelings that I'll be causing."

Even through the tube top and the blouse that hung over it, Aaron could tell that Felicia's nipples had hardened in anticipation.


He positioned her on the bed, crawled into position himself, and looked back at her as she rested her head on the pillow, the blindfold already in place.

"Now, all you have to do," he began, warming his hands by rubbing them together vigorously as he spoke, "is to relax. In a few minutes you'll start to notice that your pussy and your clit are . . ."

* * *

"Oh, my god, my god!" Felicia moaned, one hand clutching tightly to the back of Aaron's shirt, the other pounding the mattress. She was convulsing, and it was only because Aaron's leg was where it was, stradding her in his position next to her and facing toward her feet, that she wasn't rolling from side to side as well. He noticed the goose pimples on the fronts of her thighs and the glistening, deep pink, almost red, color of her pussy lips in the arousal brought on by his actions. Her clit had retracted at this point, hiding to prevent even the slightest sensation adding to the blinding overload that Felicia was now gasping through as an incredibly intense orgasm racked her body.
