Ann: A Love Story Ch. 35


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I laughed and said, "Yes they are. And yet, I'd still rather suck on yours."

Ann smiled and hugged me, and then she gave me a long sweet kiss. Breaking off, she looked into my eyes. Out of the blue, Ann said, "Aunt Helen, can Neil and I go for a ride?"

"Sure sweetie. What were you thinking?"

"Roxy and you mind?" Ann said, as she started taking off her heels, leaving them on the floor next to the barstool she was sitting on.

"No...not at all. Neil, do you ride?"

"Ride what?" I asked.


"Oh...sure. I've done my share of spins around the merry-go-round."

Val cracked up, while Marty dried his hands and said, "I'll go saddle them up."

Walking outside, Ann held my hand. "Seriously, Neil...have you ridden before?"

"Besides being on a pony at a county fair when I was a kid? The kind that was being walked by someone holding the"

"Then maybe we..."

"Ann, there has to be a first time for everything. Don't worry about it."


Val helped Ann get ready, while Marty and Helen worked with me. Ann was going to ride Charcoal, a big, gorgeous animal. He was the color his name inspired, and he stood majestic as Val strapped the saddle in place that Marty had put on his back.

"Is he a gelding?" I asked.

Helen smiled. "No...he's a stud. Everything works."

"Good...I don't want Ann getting any ideas," I said, making Marty chuckle.

Marty was saddling up Roxy, who was a brown mare. A rather big one, at least in my eyes.

"How tall is she?" I asked.

"Just short of fifteen hands," he replied.

"What exactly is a hand?" I asked.

"4 inches, roughly," Helen replied.

"Yep...that makes her almost 5 feet," Marty said, strapping the saddle in place.

I laughed and said, "Wouldn't it be easier just to say that?"

Helen and Marty gave me a few quick tips about handling horses, and what to expect from Roxy. Ann was already in the saddle, looking down at me. "Ready, baby?"

"You bet," I said as I grabbed the horn of the saddle. I stuck my foot in the stirrup, and swung my leg confidently over the back of Roxy. Grabbing the reigns, I looked down at Helen. She had a shocked look on her face, and I said, "Hey...don't look so shocked. I've seen my share of Westerns. Now, where do I put the quarter?"

Marty and Helen busted out laughing, and Val looked at Ann and said, "I'm getting more jealous by the second, Anna."

"He's mine," she said, winking at her. Then she looked at me with a wanton gleam in her eyes. "ALL mine!"

I said smiled back and said, "You know where you want to go...I'll try to follow."

"Where ARE you going?" Val asked, knowing Ann didn't want to just ride around the exercise track inside the fence.

"She's going to look for a place for them to 'practice', honey," Helen said, winking at Ann.

Ann let out a little giggle, and took off at a full gallop through the gate Marty was holding open for us. Val shrugged her shoulders and headed back toward the house. Helen handed me the reigns and smiled. "Don't keep her waiting, Neil."

"Damn, you're right! I better get going...I don't want her practicing without me," I said, digging my heels into the side of Roxy, making her lurch forward. I sat forward on the saddle like Helen had instructed, and my horse and I took off after Ann, starting at a gallop of our own. I could hear them cheering me on as I left the fences and headed out into the open down the dusty path Ann was following.

I looked back over my shoulder for just a moment, and saw Marty closing the gate, while Helen headed into the barn, cleaning up some of the things they'd used to get the horses ready. I wondered if they were giving Val some space so she could go in and talk with Dale, or rescue Christina from him.

Those thoughts vanished as I turned around and saw Ann waiting for me to catch up, her ass looking perfect as she sat in the saddle on top of the powerful animal underneath her. We rode off together at a slower pace. I couldn't take my eyes off of that tight behind as it bounced up and down as we rode. I started to get hard, thinking about her riding me instead.


"You are one sexy man, Neil Thomas," Ann said as she kissed my neck, nibbling her way toward my ear.

"Why, because I'm making love to you under your tree?" I asked.


Ann had taken me a several miles from the ranch. We'd passed all the farmland, and we meandered down into a kind of rolling meadow. There, perched on top of a little knoll, was large tree...a lone California Black Oak, rising majestically towards the brilliant blue sky.

"I used to come here and read crappy romance novels," Ann had said when she got off of Charcoal and tied him up to a low hanging branch.

She took off the saddle, while I was getting off of Roxy, tying her up next to the big grayish black stud. I looked around, and said, "This place FEELS like it's out of a romance novel."

"That's why I read them here. This is my romance tree," she said, taking the blanket off the horse that was under the saddle. "I used to ride out here, and read for hours."

"Did you do anything else," I asked, my right eyebrow cocked.

"No...I just read. And dreamt of the day I could bring someone here that was worthy of being here with me."

"So...I'm the first?" I asked.

Ann carefully laid out the blanket in a perfect spot under the tree, like she must have done dozens of times before. Turning around, she leapt into my arms. "You're the ONLY, Neil," she said as she began a long, passionate kiss.

Taking my hand, she pulled me over to the blanket and had me lie down. Within five minutes, we were naked together, and Ann was slowly riding my cock as she kissed at my neck, working her way towards my earlobe.


"That's just one of the reasons that you're sexy, lover. You're amazing. The way you took care of Christina today! God, I find that so sexy in a man...that you're this strong, virile, hunk, and yet you're willing show your sensitive side to my family. That was fucking HOT!"

"I was just being me, babe. I told you it would be easy," I said as I tongued her ear.

"I also think it's sexy when a man knows how to ride a horse. And you surprised me there. I thought you were kidding around about never having ridden before."

"I haven't Ann. That's the first time...I swear."

Ann pulled up and looked into my hazel eyes. "'re serious. Is there anything you can't do?" she said, running her fingers through my hair.

"I'm sure there is. But I really don't see what the big deal is. It really just comes down to being athletic and confident. And I've always been one of those people that can mimic what they see on TV when it comes to sports. You know, I can see it, and then I'm able to do it the same way. I may not be very good, but at least I look I am," I said with a laugh

"But you CAN ride...and you make it look so natural...and that is sooooo sexy, baby."

"Well you're sexy too...because you look natural. I really am loving your new look without the tan lines. Especially when we do this outside."

"I think we've done it more out of bed than in bed," Ann said, beginning to grind up and down on my thick shaft harder.

She was probably right. We seemed to have a thing for fucking outside, which was probably part a big part of Ann's emerging fixation on exhibitionism. Which frankly, I not only loved, I was more that willing to support in any way she wanted. I couldn't get enough of her naked body, and the more she wanted to show it off, the better as far as I was concerned.

Ann was busy sucking on one of my nipples; a remarkable feat considering that she was humping up and down vigorously on my shaft. I was amazed at her ability to twist and turn her supple frame however she wanted to give me pleasure. I'm sure a lot of her flexibility was just natural. She was blessed with a lithe body. But I had to think some of that was from her gymnastics training in high school, and she knew exactly how to use it to drive me wild. Yet, this wasn't about acrobatic sex. We weren't fucking. We were making love to each other. The setting demanding it.

I pictured Ann, lounging under the tree that first year out of high school, having bolted from Indiana to find herself. I imagined her finding herself by reading about love and romance, hoping to break out of the naïve shell she'd been forced to remain in while living at home. Hoping to change...from the young, sexually repressed girl who performed dance routines for the school dance team with me in mind, to a self assured woman that didn't have to be ashamed of her natural sexuality.

Closing my eyes, I could see her there, leafing through the tattered, yellowish pages of a well-read novel, corners turned down to remind her where she'd left off from a previous trip to her reading tree. Her romance tree. I could envision her sweating, not from the heat, but from the passion building inside; her chest heaving, pressing against the soft material of a sheer white blouse as she read about the heroine. I could feel Ann's desperation, wanting to be that heroine; wanting to be taken away from her daily troubles to a magical spot of passion beneath a 200-year-old oak. Wanting, hoping...begging, to be taken.

My eyes flew open, and I threw my arms around Ann, wrapping them tightly as I swiftly lifted myself. Rolling to my side, I gently lay Ann on her back, her legs wrapping around my back to hold herself steady. I kissed her, pressing her tender lips against mine, the sense of urgency to taste them swelling up inside me.

"I have to have you, Ann," I said, forcing my hand into her thick, curly hair; becoming entangled as I twisted her head to my liking, my tongue suddenly a part of her mouth more than my own. Taken on the surface, it was a corny thing to say; something lifted straight of the pages of the very kind of novel she'd confessed to reading. It was symbolic plagiarism.

And yet, Ann's reaction was exactly as I hoped it would be. Running her perfect nails down my spine, she squealed into my mouth. I could feel her take in a deep breath, holding it...expanding her chest to make her hard nipples bite into my skin as she rubbed them against me.

As we broke our kiss, Ann exhaled; with it came a burning plea. "Take me, lover. Take me and make me yours." It was just as corny as what I'd said. But when Ann said those words, breathing them into my ear in a raspy, quaking voice, they reverberated throughout my body. I felt them, and the effect they had on me. It wasn't so much like they were turning me on. I was already turned on...I was deep inside Ann, my thick shaft buried inside her juicy cunt. Was it possible to 'take' someone you were already fucking?

No...her words didn't turn me on; at least, not as much as they inspired me. They drove me. They made me want to please Ann more than I ever had. To give her an orgasm worthy of the fantasy I was sure she had played out over and over in her mind and of the place we were fulfilling that fantasy. I wasn't sure my vision of what I thought she wanted would match what was in her heart, but I knew I was in the vicinity.

I moved up, leaning my thighs back onto my calves so I could look at Ann while I took her. My hands where on her knees, pushing down on them, forcing them wider, and stretching the opening of her tight hole as I slowly glided back and forth into it. I could see my cock glistening in the fading sunlight, covered with our combined natural lubricants. Ann pressed her tits together, playing with her nipples as she looked up at me; a serene smile appearing as we slowly made love.

Ann's feet were pressed against my hips, slowly rubbing them. I thought back to our conversation months prior, in the restaurant on our last night together before Ann flew home. She'd described, in wonderfully erotic detail, how she'd love to masturbate my cock with the soles of her soft feet. With the position of her legs, she was making a similar motion up and down as she massaged my sides. I couldn't help but dream a little about what that might feel like. And I got excited, thinking that since I was marrying Ann, that it might actually come true some day.

It had been a long leisurely fuck, but Ann saw me looking at her feet, and she laughed. "I know what you're thinking, babe. And I will, I promise." I didn't bother to confirm whether she what she thought I was thinking was right or not. I knew she was right. I could tell by the way she was looking at me.

Ann took her feet and kicked her heels into my ass, much like I'd spurred Roxy to make her gallop to catch Ann. I responded the same way, picking up my pace as I bucked up against her. "That's it lover! Fuck me. Fuck me with that big, stud cock of yours!"

My hips were a blur as I pistoned in and out of Ann's tight hole. Her moans becoming louder, and more frequent. Our bodies were covered with a slick sheen of sweat; Ann's totally bronze skin glistening in the fading sunlight. It seemed every time I saw her naked body, I got more excited than the previous time. And that was because Ann seemed to get sexier to me every moment I was with her.

Ann started cumming. That she didn't scream it out surprised me. Instead, she squealed and then held her breath for the longest time. When she finally exhaled, it was such an erotically agonizing sound that I blinked.

"Did that just come out of her?" I thought to myself, amazed that such a wild, animalistic sound could come from a human being.

Her eyes were closed tight as she rode out the waves of her orgasm, until her back arched, and her chest jutted upward. She reached back, her hands touching and feeling the rough bark of the tree trunk what was near her head. That made her eyes snap open, and I watched as they started shaking from the intensity.

"OH MY GOD!" she yelled out, her voice rolling over the hills. Banging her heels into my ass over and over, Ann was begging me to cum with her in her own unique way. I was close, but I was tired. As much as I tried to go faster, I was already at top speed. It took me longer than we both hoped, but that didn't seem to bother Ann. She spurred me on to my orgasm, even as she was coming down from hers. As hard as she was digging her heels into my ass, I was glad she wasn't wearing spurs...or even her heels at the moment.

I slammed into Ann, my balls squeezed between our bodies as I began emptying them into her perfect pussy. She locked her legs around my lower back, pulling me to her even tighter as I arched my own back. The growl that left my chest, through my throat, was just as primal as Ann's had been moments before, and I heard her let out a chuckle.

"Something funny?" I said with a smile as leaned down and took her in back in my arms, cuddling together; my cock still nestled deep inside her warm, inviting pussy.

"We are," Ann said as she sighed contentedly as she kissed my neck. "I think we startled the horses."

"Or we turned them on. Maybe we should get them back to the barn so they can be alone," I replied.

Ann laughed and said, "Well, we do it to people. So I suppose we could be rubbing off on animals too. Did you see the way Uncle Marty was pawing at Aunt Helen at dinner? We should probably get going anyway. I'm betting he wants the house to himself tonight...and Valerie's not going to leave without saying goodbye."

"Okay...but I want you to do something for me," I said, my voice tinged with a suggestive, erotic energy I couldn't explain. My semi-hard cock flinched, a little spasm sending a jolt through my body. And Ann felt it, since it was still inside her.

Ann caught her breath, the sudden burst of excitement etched on her face. She reacted to my body's involuntary signal to her that this was something sexual. Ann never hesitated. "Whatever it is, I'll do it for you lover," she whispered into my ear.

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kiwiplumkiwiplumover 14 years ago
This guy is perfect!

Hopefully men are reading this too. to get a clue. Women are actually super easy to please, and he knows it!

ZottedZottedover 14 years ago
I love this series!

I just recently found this series again, to find that you've been writing steadily! I've really been enjoying this series as it has developed. Well done!

I have been noticing more grammatical errors and typos in the last couple stories, something I hadn't noticed before. For example, there have been a number of hanging quotation marks at the ends of paragraphs. Here is a typo from this story that stood out: "My hands *where* on her knees..." That really takes me out of the flow of an outstanding story.

I hope you continue writing after you complete this series.

shadowsslaveshadowsslaveover 14 years ago
Great Chapter!

I tried to guess what it could have been but couldn't figure it out. The Tan lines!lol. Now I see why that image of both of them on the patio was so intense for Neil. They way they were connected at that point and how completely 'natural' and perfect Ann looked to him. Loved his reaction to it when he noticed. I really liked Ann's family....well with the exception of Dale. I hope just watching Neil take care of Christina and all of the things he said that day will have maybe opened Val's eyes a bit or better yet...maybe even opened Dales. That was such a sad situation....and even more so with finding out about Neil having to give up his niece Maddie when he got divorced. I cant imagine how hard that must have been for him and I can see why the 'Dale Situation' pissed him off. Now as for throwing out that question- "Was it possible to 'take' someone you were already fucking"? I definitely think so. Sometimes there is 'fucking' and sometimes there is 'making love'...and I believe in both situations there definite ways to take it even a few steps further and create something so much deeper than the obvious. In Neil and Ann's case here...she brought him to her private place which she called her 'romance tree'. She's spent hours there escaping life and reading romance novels probably in hopes that one day she would find her way in life as well as that special person to give all of herself to. She brought Neil to this place and did exactly that. I think Neil had already 'taken' her to this place way before....even before they even made love for the first time....and now she needed to bring him there and have him take her under her 'romance tree'. Kinda like making all those dreams she had since she was a young girl come true and Neil's overwhelming urge to 'take her' at that very moment I think maybe in his own way was making sure he was making that fantasy of hers come true and make it as perfect for her in every way possible. I think this time the 'taking and giving' from both was much more 'mental' this time.... as well as physical. I loved it all.....and as always, fantastically written. Thanks mimaster, this story just keeps getting better and better....

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