Black Cock Era 00

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A playful epic about an era where black men own white women.
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Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 02/01/2013
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Black Cock Era is a tongue-in-cheek interracial epic story about a potential but unlikely future in which white women are enslaved by the superior black males. The story is far fetched, but it's a fictional fantasy, and it's meant to be a grounds to explore a fun and silly situation, not to predict how real people would behave or how you the reader would behave in the same situation. Many white wimpy stories get comments about how the commenter would never allow such abuse. I'm here to say, at the start, calm down. This is a playful story that is not supposed to be taken too seriously. Many of my readers, like me myself, find these kinds of scenarios fun and sexually exciting. If you're the type of man who has no interest in sub situations or cuckolding ones, this story is not for you. But, if you find racial tension to be sexy and like to fantasize about black domination, here is a story for you.

If you are the intended audience for this (ie you enjoy stories about men dominating other men by taking their women, and you feel comfortable exploring that urge in a realm of racial tension and absurd unrealistic historical situations), I'd love to hear some comments, suggestions, or ideas for other stories. If you are not the kind of reader above, please refrain from voting or commenting. If this story isn't for you, that doesn't mean it deserves 1 star. You wouldn't go around and bad review homosexual stories just because you are straight.

This particular installment is the prologue, and the set up for the alternate future in which the saga will take place. As such, it's a lot of exposition, but with some sexy situations and characters. By getting the setup done in a quick prologue like this, I won't have to integrate the far fetched concepts awkwardly when we meet our main characters in Black Cock Era One. For this reason, I feel this story should be judged based on its potential and not on its actual sexual content. What do you think about reading a story that takes place in this world? The actual fun and sexy stuff with come later. ;)



The state of America after the end of President Obama's second term was different. The country was changing. Having seen the national progress under the helm of a strong black leader, societal racism dipped in important ways. The amount of white women polled who declared they would definitely find a black lover to be strong, powerful, and appealing rose from 23% to 87%.

In the next few decades, more and more black Americans were elected to office. Hollywood, like the sports industry in the decades before, moved from a mostly white domain to an almost all black one, in the males at least. Whereas the previous generation of eighteen year old white girls had fawned over small boys like Zac Effron and Justin Bieber, the next round of hunky starlets were bulkier, physically more domineering, and entirely black.

As science and technology progressed, many out of fashioned concepts were brought back in. We then knew enough about biology and human makeup for things like eugenics to be more than prejudiced conjecture. This time around, the data was favoring the black population; it was widely understood and taught in schools that blacks were faster, stronger, more attractive, and better lovers.

In about 2100, American white women were almost entirely expected to marry outside their race when they came of age. Feminism, which had evolved to incorporate the new facts about race and black superiority, strived to push this ideal further, until the University structure and workforce were impossible to penetrate for any male with white skin.

It's around this time that the concept of reparations was being brought back fully into swing. Older white males, still holding onto most of America's power as the youths were changing beneath their feet, became terribly frightened at the prospect. With both the white female vote and black race supporting the opposition, they struggled to find a suitable candidate for the 2120 election.

The candidate that pushed through the white primaries was a young white starlet from the last remaining piece in Alabama of the deep south. Maryann Horn, promiscuous, young, white, and gorgeous, had gotten through high school and university by seducing not only powerful black leaders, but whites too. Many feminists had seen her pornographic vacation videos with black resort guests, and her control of her own sexuality impressed them. Not only was Candidate Horn popular with women, and of course the many black men she slept with, she was also popular with the weakening white elite. Because Miss Horn, despite all the video footage of her slurping down black cock like it was her breakfast, had a well-kept secret fear of black power, and small connections to the long forgotten Confederacy of the country's past. When the white elite found out about that, they worked tirelessly to get her elected president.

President Horn, or Horny Mary, as the country's media called her, was not only America's first female president, she was the first presidential slut. Long held hostilities between the USA and foreign powers were quelled by her willingness to go to bed with any diplomat from any place in the world.

By this point, America's status as a world power had dimmed to a mere shadow of its glory days. Even China, who had reigned supreme as the most important country throughout the last century, was waning to newer powers in The Australian Union and in Africa.

However, America's new leader was doing an extraordinary job at courting each of these new power countries. Her sexual prowess was so monumental that her pussy was nominated for a Nobel peace prize. Her superb foreign policy abilities, however, were covering up small changes to the domestic law. Slowly, she was helping more whites regain jobs and university status, and working to repeal the Genetic Superiority bills of the last century. But since any critic of this quickly found him or her self sitting in a chair with the president's curvy body slurping away at their genitals, no one really much noticed, and she was reelected in a landslide.

President Horn's second term inauguration was broadcast live over the country. The perky white tips of her breasts bounced out of her tight blouse every time she swore another line of her oath. At the luncheon before, President Horn barely had time to eat her meal as her hands were continually under the table in the laps of the important foreign guests to her side, each of whose long black cocks was getting a genuine presidential Horny Mary Handjob.

Her second term was immediately different from the first. With no fear of needing to be reelected, President Horn and her secret white elite backers repealed almost all racial progress in the last era, bringing America legally back to something like the 1950s. The media culture remained the same: black movie stars with white women, but the everyday black was in a position of weakness like he had not been in centuries.

Roshaw Martin was a major figure affected by President Horn's furtive race reduction policies. Before Horn's second term, Martin was a wrestling idol turned entrepreneur, the biggest blackest power in American business. His stock firm hired only the smartest black male analysts and the sexist white women secretaries. If you were a promising black American who wanted a high paying job and an eager white wife, you dreamed about working at Firm Martin.

At the top floor of Martin tower, Roshaw's office featured a swimming pool stocked with white women in small bikinis, couches with countless pillows, and a spa and shower featuring a cute thin blonde attendant whose only job was to smile her pretty lips and soke and scrub Roshaw's thick black dick when he was in the shower.

In the first term of President Horn, she was constantly taking helicopters from DC to New York to get on her knees on Roshaw's couch and spread her sopping wet legs for him to enter her executive prize winning pussy. Since her second term, however, not only had she ceased to stop by, she was slowly dismantling his company the best she could, making him hire white workers and draining his assets instead of his thick black cum.

After two years of Horn's second presidency, Roshaw was booted from his ebony tower and replaced with a white CEO. Slowly, interracial was losing its norm, white athletes and movie stars were emerging, and the first nonrap single made its way onto the charts for the first time in one hundred years.

The Horn administration was sly and effective. They reinitiated segregation, and after six years in office, President Horn was inches away from securing a reemergence of America's first and biggest industry: the slave trade.

In the years since his ejection, Roshaw Martin had organized a powerful black rights underground. Unlike the peaceful MLK protestors of the 1960s, Martin's early 22nd century warriors were violent and vicious. On the eve of July 4th 2126, America's 250th anniversary of its founding, Martin and his crew stormed the White House, viciously assassinated the guards, and took President Horn prisoner.

In the news of the black overthrow of the government, blacks who had been denied rights in the last few years began rioting, overthrowing the local and state governments in a frenzy. Thousands of whites were slaughtered by the masses looking to regain their rights. The big black crowds stormed the homes of wealthier whites, shoving the men into closets and pantries while they showed the women what they had forgotten was a genetically superior penis, proven by a century of science.

In a broadcast to the world, Roshaw appeared shirtless, his muscular black chest glistening with courageous sweat, with his posse of black warriors behind him, and President Horn on her knees in front of him, naked with a collar and leash around her neck.

Roshaw explained to the public the atrocities committed against the black race by her presidency, even offering her a chance to come clean. Tied up on the floor like an animal, Maryann Horn shouted to the American public not to accept these doney-dicked niggers as their leader. There was an audible gasp around the country at her use of that word, and Roshaw's integrity was infallibly established in that moment.

It was then a moment of national pride when Roshaw undid the buckle on his pants, undid his belt, and lowered his trousers to let free his big hardening dark black cock.

"Donkey dick indeed," he said to the President as he pressed the squishy fat tip of his penis against her forehead.

All of black and white America stayed glued to the broadcast as Roshaw's posse unbuckled their pants in suit. They watched as the naked sexy woman, whose body the nation had drooled over for years, was soon covered in thick black cocks, pressing up against her cheeks, shoulders and breasts.

President Horn had no options when he finally slipped his hard fat rod between her lips. It was too massive and solid for her jaw to even move; biting was no option. All she could do was gag and salivate, which only made his cock writhe and grow thicker. As he pumped into her unwilling racist face, the other grabbed her hands and wrapped them around their shafts, rubbed their black cock heads against her shoulders and tits, leaking sticky strands of precum over his body.

Roshaw was the only one to cum down her throat. His cock was so far lodged down her esophagus that he was nearly jizzing right into her stomach, but the cruel racist Maryann was forced to gulp down powerlessly all of his thick spunky black seed.

The others made a mural of her body. They unloaded gallons of black sticky gunk onto her face, her breasts, her hair. America focused as these strong men defiled the sexy President's body, making her sticky and gloppy like she was a kindergartener playing in a bucket of glue.

There's an iconic photograph from the event that just shows President Horn's face surrounded by these big black members, and her features are so distorted by the cum that all you can really make out of her underneath all the white translucent baby cream is her little pink tongue, instinctively intruding and slowly itself being drenched by the cum dripping around her face

With their softening cocks, the posse slapped President Horn's sticky face, swinging their heavy balls against her cheeks and shoulders. America was cheering.

In the next few weeks, the Martin administration becomes the first group of leaders in America to take power by violent force. Rawdo, like many of those in nations before their own, declared himself Emperor of the United States of America. They immediately and forcefully undo all the legislature passed by President Horn, all the while keeping her tied up on leash underneath the desk in the oval office.

When Rawdo had everything nearly back in place as it was before Maryann Horn took office, he noticed one last document on her desk. The final plans for reinstating slavery.

With a few key and significant changes, the amendments and legislation needed for bringing back one of the nation's oldest traditions was completed in the next few weeks. Rawdo had legalized slavery again, yes, but it was white slavery.

Emperor Rawdo's White Enslavement Act was not voted on. It didn't need to be; Rawdo was completely in charge. When the act was passed and announced, each black adult American male was given five licenses to own any white person of their choosing. Of the masses of white people in America, Emperor Rawdo declared his motto: first come, first served.

There was panic in the streets as white people fled to escape being hunted and claimed by the new black authority. The first to be snatched up were the pretty white women: every black man wanted a little harem of sexy white women. But there were cases where a black man, entering the home of a hot little MILF from down the street, decided to use his remaining licenses to take her husband, her two of-age sexy daughters, and the eighteen year old son too. Remembering their own cultural history of enslavement, they thought, maybe these women would put out better if you didn't split up the family.

The moral of the voting American public rose instantly. Suddenly, the quiet old black man who ran the convenience store for thirty years was living in an old rich white guy's ex-mansion, with three white hotties licking clean his asshole after he took a shit.

Over the next ten and twenty years, every eighteen year old black male was given these five passes when he turned of age. And for him, this meant the very exciting prospect of taking a trip to the not-very-well hidden white communities out in the mountains and some cute cock sucking presents to take back with him.

When the policy was stable, Rawdo discontinued the passes policy. There was a bustling sex and slave trade for money already.

By 2150, slave pills had been invented, which turned the owned persons completely docile, eager, and obedient. Countries who had previously denounced the new US government for reinstating this cruel institution, even as a means of reparations, found the new technology a satisfying answer to their complains.

Black women, well, they didn't gain too much of this deal. But they were a group that history had long marginalized and ignored, and so they were used to coping with a world that didn't pay them much notice.

After the passes were discontinued, the small remaining free white communities were a different place. Whereas once, eager blacks had found a huge population of unclaimed sexy white women, ripe for the picking, these communities were now mostly unwanted men.

It was thus declared at slave babies birthed with white skin were first genetically cleansed, removing all traces of the superior black race from their bodies, then donated back to the white community. In exchange for the baby, the owner could then take a new slave of his own, often a young woman who had, when she was a baby, been given back to the community the same way.

Likewise, black babies born from slaves, which was common, were likewise cleansed to be black and pure, and then raised as members of society.

By the year 2226, 350 years into the country's history, the nation resembles something totally unique. There was the prosperous black male society of culture and patriarchy, with white mostly women slaves drugged to be obedient, horny, and docile, and then small communities of fearful whites, mostly males, raising their race's children knowing that if a girl grew up to be pretty, someone would soon come to take her away.

Whereas in America's ugly history of black slavery, groups of freed black men were the leaders of the abolition movement, working against the system to liberate their race, the white freedmen did no such thing. In the hundreds of years the institution reigned forwards, there was not a single instance of white insurrection.

With science on their side, it was clear to the black male American public that they were truly the superior race. And with white women on their cocks and white men hiding cowardly in the distance, the society had truly reached its optimal social order.

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CumSlurpingCuckoldCumSlurpingCuckoldover 7 years ago
BBC Transcendence

Love it!

Erotichousewife83Erotichousewife83almost 9 years ago

A great fantasy! President Horn starts off so well, it's a shame she couldn't just enjoy the bbc! Hmm, need a UK version of this! X

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
date off

You're a hundred years off on the founding of the country whenever you mention it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Kind of racist the way you wrote off black women

I understand it's a fantasy but really there's no place for black women in your future? Don't you think that's a bit odd?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
So it goes???

I think it might take something like this ("Black Cock Era 00") to resolve this confusing society we have managed to create. I notice these days, with the new generation of black African nationals immigrating to this country, these new comers have a deep rooted pride that seems lacking in our traditional AA people. When I talk (I'm mostly white) to AA citizens I seem to feel myself examined carefully for any sign of ol' time subtle racism? I don't renounce this honestly come by attitude, but if we are going to be one, well we can't as long as this careful caution is present. This feeling is gone with our new most welcome Africans, we seem to hit it off like long lost brothers. I'm hoping the new guys will have a powerful influence on us all, that the United States can finally begin to feel united???

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

My friend, you have an astounding grasp on things. This story covered a lot of territory! Outrageous? Yes! But, very entertaining! Well, done, sir - lol!

pathetic_cuckpathetic_cuckabout 11 years ago

Silly, entertaining, sexy - love it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Won't bother with the rest. Maybe dishwashing should be your chosen profession.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

I got a good chuckle out of this pathetic little story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

It is good to see you writing again, but so far, this story seems quite different from your other stories. Will have to see what develps.-Eatandbemerry

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
nobel material

"Her sexual prowess was so monumental that her pussy was nominated for a Nobel peace prize." -- Hahahahahahah! :) Loved it! :)

TinyTim_52TinyTim_52over 11 years ago

Off to good start. Love to have read an actual story though and not an outline but still hot. I would like to hear more about the harems though.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Absolutely loved the story! I think you're one of the few people that really understand how to keep BBC worship stories fun but still hot. There's a lot of potential here, please continue this series.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

don't really like the whole idea of slaves, then it doesn't seem to feel the same as your other stories, when things just go all natural on their own

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