Born to Serve


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I was driving slowly down the rough track when Jayne said, "Don't go slow on my account Sir, after all, I am submissive."

I roared with laughter. "Thanks my subbie, but I'm trying to protect the sump from getting damaged on the rocks. I wasn't actually thinking of you, just for a change."

We were still laughing as the sealed main road was reached and we turned in the direction of the city.

"Feel like talking my subbie?" I asked.

"Is the Pope Catholic?" Jayne retorted with a giggle. "Actually Sir, I would love to know what happened up there."

"Quite simple. You had your first experience of subspace, some call it flying. You passed the point where pain turned into pleasure." I explained. "Let me give you an example. You've heard of marathon runners running as if they are exhausted near the end of a race and then suddenly breaking through the pain barrier and running fast again."

"Yes Sir, I think I have."

"For some unknown reason the adrenaline starts to flow and the running becomes very easy."

"Yes Sir, but I wasn't running."

"Yes Jayne but for some submissives, when they reach a certain level of pain while being caned or strapped, the pain suddenly becomes amazing pleasure, and you experience perhaps a floating sensation, like flying."

"Yes, yes I remember I felt as if I was floating above the tree and the forest floor and the pain of the cane turned to pleasure. I felt my body start to shake and I guess I orgasmed."

"You certainly did, many times, go on." I encouraged.

"I think you kept caning me hard and I could sort of hear my voice as if it was far away and I was moaning with delight."

"Actually I was caning you lightly once you started to fly."

"Um, the floating sensation continued, as did the orgasms. I got a bit scared but then I heard your voice and I knew I was safe. Then I woke up, sort of like slowly coming out of an anaesthetic and I was on the ground and you were stroking me, wow."

"I was worried that I had gone too far for your first caning, I think maybe I should have done it at home." I confessed. "Help was too far away if something had gone wrong."

Jayne stroked my arm and said insightfully, "Ahhh my wonderful Dom is human after all, I was beginning to wonder if you ever had any doubts or made mistakes."

I smiled at my subbie's honesty, "Yes my love, I am human and I have doubts and I make mistakes. But D/s, like all relationships, is littered with pitfalls, some small and some huge. I always try to learn from my blues and apply them to the future."

"What more could a subbie want?" Jayne chirped as she squeezed my arm before continuing in a serious tone. "But there is something I need to tell you before tomorrow, Sir."

'Uh oh, what's coming?' I thought to myself before asking, "What's that my subbie?"

"I know tomorrow is the last day of my week's trial and I don't want to spoil it for you, but my monthly is due and I feel it will be on time, as usual."

"Ah the female period, one of nature's spoilers that always seems to come at the wrong time."

"You can say that again." Jayne sighed with feeling.

"My subbie, I am a mere male who will never comprehend the changes that happen in women when they have their period. I remember when my mother went through change of life; it was tough for all the family, but especially Dad. Anyway, tomorrow it may not matter but I'll leave the decision up to you. I actually had only one more test planned for you and that was to be of a mental nature, not physical. I can't give you any information about it as that would spoil the surprise." I paused for breath.

"Sir, I"

"Just a sec then you can tell me your thoughts." I interrupted. "Some girls I have known have to be handled with kid gloves when they have their period. Others cope well and get on with their lives and don't even tell anyone. At this stage you know yourself far better than I do so the decision about tomorrow's test is yours. Sweetie, what ever you decide is fine by me, ok?"

"A mental test eh?" Jayne scratched her head as she thought. "It sounds like one of those psych tests that people do when they apply for a job. I know my brain gets a bit scatty each month, my ex would say very scatty but stuff him. The safety words will still apply whatever happens, right Sir?"


"Then let's do it, I want to prove myself to you, so bring on tomorrow's test, Sir."

"Very good my subbie, you have a very positive attitude. There is another topic I want to discuss with you."

Jayne beamed at my comment about her attitude and asked, "Yes Sir, what topic is that?"

"Have you given any thought to what you would do if, and I repeat if, I ask you to stay at the end of the week? I have to keep working and I think that you would get terribly bored at home."

"Oh, yes I have Sir, that's easy to answer. I would like to do a computer course and get my office skills up to date. Getting a job may be difficult at my age but I know there is plenty of temporary office work around." Jayne paused and reached over and placed a hand on my thigh. "With your permission I'd also like to do a massage course so I could pamper my wonderful Master and make more use of your table."

"Excellent answers Jayne." I was very impressed with her forward planning. "Another little test passed with flying colours."

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jayne's far hand shake in a fist of triumph as almost inaudibly she hissed "yesssss".

The miles flew by as we chatted about subspace and our mutual hopes for the future. At home that evening we relaxed after our busy and eventful trip into the country.


"You forgot something yesterday Sir." Jayne said as we ate breakfast. "Your cane was left in the forest."

"Damn, so we did." I sighed and chuckled. "I must have had something else on my mind. Oh well, it will still be there in winter."

"Winter, brrrrrrrr."

"All the better to sting your arse my dear." I laughed at Jayne's reaction. "Don't worry, it can stay there, I have others and no way I'm going up there in winter."

"Oh good Sir, that's a relief, I don't like winter." Jayne said as she rose to clear the table. "What time does my test start?"

"You're sure you want to go through with it?" I asked as I made a mental note of Jayne's aversion to the cold.

"Absolutely Sir." Determination showed in Jayne's voice.

"Very well, my den at ten, naked from the waist up." I instructed as I rose from the table. "See you there and by the way my subbie."

"Yes Sir?" Concern was expressed on my Jayne's face.

"Breakfast was delicious, as usual, thank you."

The good Dom's compliment brought a broad smile to Jayne's face and I could hear her whistling happily as I made my way to the den. I folded the massage table, set it in a corner and placed a chair in the centre of the room. I had discovered the old dining room chair at a furniture auction a few years ago and found it perfect for comfortable bondage. It had a straight back with a comfortable padded leather seat and strong wooden arms and frame.

Jayne knocked on the doorframe at precisely ten o'clock. She looked stunning dressed in classy dark blue tracksuit pants with matching socks to warm her feet. Her short hair was brushed back and the only sign that she was under any stress was the steady rise and fall of her lovely breasts. I signaled my subbie to enter the room and sit in the chair and her face remained expressionless as she followed my instruction.

"Hands on head." I ordered as Jayne settled herself gingerly into the chair. "Your bum still a little sore?"

"Yes Sir." Jayne replied carefully. "But it's fine, of no concern Sir."

"Your wellbeing is always my concern Jayne." I said as I kneeled and used Velcro straps to secure her ankles to the legs of the chair.

"Y'yes Sir, thank you." Jayne replied as my actions again took her by surprise.

I had intended to spend some time doing some fancy Japanese rope bondage around Jayne's breasts but decided to leave that for another time. Instead I guided my subbie's arms to rest on the timber armrests of the chair where I secured her wrists with more quick release Velcro.

"Comfortable?" I asked as I stood in front of my lovely captive who nodded her reply as she gazed up at me with a worried look. Jayne's perceived psychology test was obviously not on the agenda and my surprise had again set her mind racing.

"Ohhhhhhhh God." Jayne hissed nervously as I moved behind her and secured a black blindfold cloth over her eyes.

"Sure you want to proceed?" I asked as my concern grew.

"Sir, I don't know what you plan to do with me but will you please just fucking get on with it!" The spirit and determination in Jayne's voice was amazing.

My reply was to slip the handle of a small bell into her left hand and attach it with tape so the bell could not be dropped. Then I moved her hand up and down so that the bell jingled noisily.

"W'what's that for?" The worry had returned instantly to my subbie's voice.

"It's your safety outlet, ring it if you want me to stop."

"But why would I need mmmmmfffffffggggg."

Jayne's words were suddenly stopped as I pushed a ball gag into her mouth and secured it behind her head. The whole of my subbie's body suddenly froze at the unexpected cessation of her ability to communicate.

"Easy, easy." I whispered in what I hoped was a calming fashion. "There are holes in the gag for you to breath, stay calm, I'm right here."

Jayne sucked air noisily through the holes in the gag and seem to relax a little.

"I know you don't like the gag but it's part of the test." I said as I carefully watched her reactions. "Nod when you want me to continue, or ring the bell."

I shook my head in amazement as Jayne immediately nodded her head in a way that left me in no doubt as to my next move. It was my time to take a deep breath as I whispered, "I'm right here with you, don't forget that."

Jayne grunted in surprise as I quickly slipped a set of industrial strength earmuffs over her ears that cut off her hearing. As the gag muffled a scream of fear I sat beside my subbie and grasped her right hand in mine. Jayne's grip was so hard that both our hands were shaking as she fought to overcome the fear of her first test of sensory deprivation. Her breasts were heaving as she sucked air noisily in and out through the gag and I was prepared for the safety bell to ring at any second. Sweat was dribbling from my subbies brow into the blindfold as saliva started to drip from around the ball separating her lips. As the seconds slowly passed and turned into minutes I was amazed as Jayne's shoulders slowly relaxed, as did the grip on my hand. I was in awe of this wonderful lady as her breathing also calmed and her body settled more comfortably onto the chair. I kept a close eye on my watch and after fifteen minutes had passed I gave Jayne's hand a squeeze of what I hoped was encouragement. Tears formed in my eyes as Jayne replied by squeezing my hand twice and nodding her head to indicate that she could and wanted to continue. I let an emotional fifteen further minutes pass before I quickly removed the earmuffs, gag and blindfold. A strange moan escaped my subbie's lips as I removed the Velcro fastenings from around her ankles and wrists. I stood and gazed with concern as Jayne slowly opened her eyes and blinked in the bright light.

"You've been crying!" Jayne cried as she focused on my teary eyes.

"Tears of pride my subbie." I managed to say as I reached down and hauled my concerned subbie into my arms. "You were absolutely amazing."

"I did it Sir, I passed your final test." Jayne said triumphantly as we hugged each other tightly.

"You sure did my special lady."

"And you cried for me," Jayne added in wonderment as she let go of her emotions and burst into tears. "No man has ever done that before."

Actions are sometimes better than words so I scooped Jayne into my arms and carried her to my bedroom stopping along the way for two glass flutes and a bottle of champagne. I placed Jayne gently onto the bed and passed her a box of tissues to use while I opened the champagne.

"Champagne at this early hour?" Jayne sniffed as the cork popped, "Shouldn't we be drinking Gatorade, Sir?"

"One of these days your cheeky comments are going to get you into big trouble." I threatened, "But not today."

Jayne noisily blew her nose as she sat up on the bed and looked at me hopefully. "We are celebrating Sir?"

I left the two glasses of champagne on the bedside table and sat on the bed with my subbie. I held her hands in mine and looked straight into her still teary eyes.

"I could make a long speech but instead I'm just going to ask you one question. Slave Jayne will you do me the honor of coming to live with me full time as my submissive, lover and partner?"

Jayne's eyes opened wide as her tear stained face broke a wide, happy smile. "Oh, yes Sir, yes, yes, yes!"

My subbie threw her arms around my neck and we hugged for a long time before sharing a long loving kiss. When we finally broke apart I passed a glass of champagne to my excited subbie and we toasted our future. After drinking the reviving glass I lay down on the bed and pulled Jayne to lie on top of me.

"You passed with flying colours my subbie, not only today but all seven days." I gazed into her beautiful eyes and said, "I'm guessing you want to talk about today's test first?"

"Of course Sir." Jayne gave me a soft punch on the arm. "I did real good eh?"

"Noel Wilson and I figured you would last about two minutes maximum of sensory deprivation but you made it to half an hour."

"And could have done more!" Jayne grinned cheekily. "Mr. Wilson was in on it too?"

"Yes, I wasn't sure how to use the last day but he suggested sensory deprivation and when you told me about your period, it was the way to go. Anyway sweetie, tell me about how you felt."

"Well Sir, I was expecting a written test and when you tied me to the chair and used the blindfold I nearly died." Jayne giggled at her words, "Well not died, but you know, I was shocked to say the least. What the fuck is he up to now I wondered."

"Have you ever heard of the word precis?" I asked with a grin.

"Nope, never heard of it Sir." Jayne grinned and continued. "The bell and the gag nearly sent me over the edge but your words about the breathing holes helped me calm. Then suddenly I couldn't hear a fuckin' thing, oh God if you hadn't held my hand the dead would have heard that bell ring."

"You nearly crushed my hand." I chuckled. "That's when I thought you were going to fall apart."

"No, I wasn't going to because I kept saying to myself, 'it's the last test, you can do it, you're safe'. Over and over I said that to myself and after a while I really felt calm and confident. Then you squeezed my hand and I was able to tell you that I was ok to keep going."

"That's when I got emotional, I was so proud of you."

"I actually was a little disappointed when you set me free cause I was thinking I could go for hours like this if I had to." Jayne giggled. "Silly eh Sir cause if you had let go of my hand I would have shit myself for sure." Jayne kissed me and then rested her head on my chest, "And now I'm your subbie and I feel so happy and so safe."

I hugged my subbie and we lay peacefully with our own thoughts for some time until I broke silence. "I have an idea that you might like."

"What's that Master of mine?" Jayne enquired quietly. "The tattoo?"

"No, but I promise we will get that done this week. In a few weeks it's a long weekend, Labour Day, and I thought we could go away for the weekend."

"That would be nice Sir, where would you like to go?" Jayne said without raising her head.

"How about Adelaide and you can see the kids?"

"Oh my God!" Jayne shot upright and gazed excitedly at me. "I was just thinking about them, that would be wonderful."

"Good, we will drive most of the way Friday night and come back Monday, that will give us two full days. Plenty of time to catch up with your kids and see all of Adelaide."

"You are the most wonderful man." Jayne said as she ignored my putdown of her hometown and gave me a long kiss. "Oh, oh, Sir, could we call into my house and get some stuff I couldn't bring with me? Photo albums and things my parents gave me." She explained.

"Won't your husband be around?"

"No way Sir, Saturday afternoons he is always at the pub betting on the horse races, and I know where a spare key is hidden, cause I put it there, whoopee! I'd love to see his face when he gets home."

"That's settled then, welcome to your new home Slave Jayne."

"Thank you so much kind Sir, allow me to pleasure you as a token of my appreciation."

With those words and a wicked smile Jayne slid off my chest and soon had my pants and undies on the floor. Jayne whispered "born to serve" as she licked around the knob before taking my cock deep into her mouth. Jayne's motto was the promise of many pleasurable times ahead for myself and my devoted submissive.


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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Wonderful Story

Jayne has joined Nicola from another Literotica story as my joint number one favourite girl in fiction.... If she IS fiction? Like Nicola, I wish she was my girlfriend, although I must admit I wouldn't go as far as Ron did with her "tests". The best ending to the story as well but then I am a romantic really!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
your Jayne

I want to be your Jayne.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Sorry I Cant Rave Like Everyone Else

Started out infantile to me, no Dom would behave like you portray.

Also, Dom promised never to gag Jayne after the idiotic panty gagging

episode, yet he gagged her again during the last test. This Dom is an

idiot and has no business handling Jayne, he is a moronic loser and

lacks any credibility in the BDSM lifestyle.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
beautifully written

I have read plenty of stories but this is the first that is been so detailed its all the other details except the sexual parts that makes it a fantastic read but I would have preferred a little more detail sexually but really no complaints. Keep on writing this is the first of your story I have read and I am really really impressed. If possible continue this series and the adventures of Jayne and her master

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Loved it!

I love how you worked all the "tests" in, without it sounding cheesy. Thanks for spending the time on your story.

freakyonly4ufreakyonly4uover 12 years ago

I have read several erotic tales of D/s and this is one of the best ones. I love how you detailed the events and took your time going thru the various days. It was very erotic, sweet and just the right amount of everything! Thank you, I must admit I was very stimulated and found myself pleasuring myself more than once during the reading of this story.

Bigdreamer08Bigdreamer08over 12 years ago

Wow! This is only my second time reading an erotic story. The first one was much shorter with much less detail. Yours was AMAZING though. Once I started reading, I couldnt stop. The detail was phenominal and it wasnt only erotic, but intersting as well. Its not everyday you find a Dom who is both strict and compassionate it really grabbed me by the heart and also made me realize (more than I had before) some of my fantasies. Thank you and I look forward to reading more of your work.

iraussieguyiraussieguyabout 13 years agoAuthor
Thank you

Thanks to all who have read and commented on my story. Although I have stopped writing at this time I actually enjoyed a re-read of this story - the one I consider to be my best work. May all of you be well and happy in your lives, best wishes to A/all, Iraussieguy

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Great read...only sad when it came to an end. Believe it brought to life with magic of words what only existed in many an imagination. Wonderfully written wisdom in the way B/D relationships can be between two consenting adults. Wish this was my lifestyle and my story, instead of a piece of fiction....another who was 'born to serve' and who misses her own 'SIR' every day....LJ

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Thank you

I loved it. alittle sad it ended:) coud have keep reading more and more. Would make a great book.

ElanorElanorover 14 years ago
Wonderful story

i have read other stories of Yours and have to say thank You for yet another wonderful,moving story. i couldn't read it in stages and sat and read all the way through. i loved the characters, the realistic way they were portrayed and the attention to details that characterise Your works. The day to day form of the story was excellent and made sense of the progressive relationship between Dom and sub.

Excellent reading,

Thank You

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

One of the few stories where the characters were rounded and fleshed out. I loved the connections, the thought process on both characters parts and on your (the author's) part as well. I was prepared to be bored, but ended up reading the whole story and really enjoying it from both a sexual stand point - it really is hot - and a literary stand point.

Thanks for making a Florida girl smile

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
so fuckin hot

omg I read it all in one go and loved. I love bondage and BDSM. THis story was so fuckin hot. I must have cummed a million times.

tinkerbell2002tinkerbell2002over 15 years ago
What an amazing story!!!!

I read it from beginning to end, I was completely addicted!! This helped me to understand how a Master and submissive might carry on day to day. It was incredibly hot in so many ways. Thank you for sharing! I can't wait to read more of your work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

I am not a dom or a sub but let me tell you this was HOT HOT HOT!!!!!!!!!!!

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