Brian's Adventures Ch. 12


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"A good question, and one that I myself would want to have answered if I were in your shoes." Rialtige said and leaned in as if to be in great thought, a reflective pose he struck for the moment. "As it happens I am between worthwhile endeavors at the moment, so that is one reason but not the main one. I'm sure that if I knock about long enough something of interest will cross my path; that much I am sure of. The most intriguing thing about the quest that you fine people are on is I suppose the simplest reason of all." Rialtige said and paused for a moment to let everything sink in and hold us in mild suspense. "Adventure!" He said with a sparkle in his eye. "Plainly put it all sounds quite exciting to me!" He finished with a glimmer in his eye and seemed genuine in his enthusiasm.

I wondered if he had ever had his head on the executioner's block, would see things as romantic and grand now. I couldn't really fault him though, I mean compared to life back on the farm, this was quite exciting indeed. I'm sure that life on the Treefarm was much the same way, same routine day after day. It can get to you after a while. I only hoped that his enthusiasm would not land us into trouble before the end of things.

"Hardly a wise reason but a truthful one, I'll give you that." Treabilla laughed and smiled at him. "You may not be quiet right in the head, but if that be true, you're in good company." Treabilla laughed and the rest of us joined in enjoying the festive mood of the moment.

"I can't see us turning away another with an adventurer's heart." Shelea said with a warm and coy smile at Rialtige who smiled warmly back at her. It was then that Jealile and I knew that we would have to keep an eye on those two from then on, for their own good.

"Well, he may be an odd fellow who likes the sound of his own voice too much but I say he'll prove useful. Even if he is a little touched in the head." Yeoline said with a smirk and a shake of her head.

"I don't know whether to be offended by that last remark or to thank you for your unusual compliment. However, in the interest of peace and goodwill, I shall thank you kind lady." Rialtige said with a chuckle of his own. "Never let it be said that I take myself too seriously, nor lack in a sense of humor." Rialtige said with a laugh that died as he turned to talk to me once more. "And you good sir, what say you now that you have heard from your companions? Do we have a deal or don't we?" Rialtige asked with the seriousness of a merchant about to make a deal as he extended his hand to me.

"Yes we do have a deal." I said as I firmly shook his hand.

"Welcome to the Band of Misfits Rialtige" Jealile laughed as she shook his shoulder.

"Band of Misfits is it?" Rialtige asked curiously. "Don't take offense my friends but that name does somehow seem fitting." Rialtige said with warm laughter.

The rest of the journey that day seemed a little more of a friendly chat between friends as we rolled along. We all swapped stories and tales one and all and generally got better acquainted with our new friend and likewise he with us. I could see that Shelea was listening to his tales a little more closely than the rest of us. Not to mention that there was a familiar sparkle in her eye when her eyes met his and likewise he kept his eye on Shelea. I felt more like Shelea's big brother as I felt the urge to watch over her and keep her safe. Not to keep her for myself but rather to protect the two of them from their own young lusts.

"Why are you pulling over Treabilla?" Shelea asked curiously as the wagon slowed to a stop.

"Town up ahead, around the next bend." Treabilla said as she turned around to look back at the group. "So how we going to do this?" Treabilla asked to the group in general. "We'll meet you at the Inn again?" Treabilla finished and looked at me.

"No!" I said firmly. "Absolutely not, we travel together from here on out. For good or bad we move together." I said authoritatively.

"What, because of one slipup? It'll go easier this time, I know it." Assured Treabilla confidently.

"We are a group, we look out for each other and we watch each other's backs in that group! I won't split it up again and risk loosing someone again.

"That is a most excellent policy Brian but I have another idea." Rialtige said and paused momentarily to ensure he had everyone's attention. "I could walk into town and scout it out a bit, or perhaps Shelea could come with me. You know, see what the place is like, whether it is a trap or not. I should be able to get in and out without causing any trouble. After all, they nether want me nor does my reputation precede me, and I do have a friend or two in town." Rialtige said as calmly as possible.

"Not bad, but why take Shelea with you?" I asked curiously.

"Well, two people out for a walk are less suspicious then one man walking alone." Rialtige said calmly and then added with a smile. "Not to mention that she would be fine company."

From the way that Shelea was beaming and generally happy about this idea, it was clear that she had her heart set on it. The rest of us didn't have a heart to refuse her this opportunity to spend time with him alone. Also it would give Rialtige a chance to prove himself to the rest of us. With the added insurance of one of our own going with him, we could limit our risk of betrayal.

They were gone about an hour and to me it seemed a bit too long for someone to scout out the town. He did what he said he would and you have to respect that about him. It was hard waiting for them to return though. All the time they were gone my mind would wander and wonder if I had been right. Was I right to send Shelea with him? Could he truly be trusted or was he some cleaver spy sent to betray us? As my doubts were starting to get the better of me, they returned and my doubts were proven ill founded.

"How does it look?" Treabilla asked with hurried curiosity.

"It is a fine and quiet town and in truth little happens here. However it is, as I feared, their Summer Festival is in a few days so the Inn is booked solid. Most of the families have guests with them as well." Rialtige said and paused. "The Guards, like others in the town are far too preoccupied with the festival to worry about us, that is the good news." He finished with a positive grin about his face.

"We shall cherish that point as we sleep under the stars tonight." I said a little sarcastically.

"Cherish it you shall my dear friend but sleep under the stars tonight you will not. For as I said, I can find anything, anywhere and I have secured accommodations." Rialtige said with pride, standing a bit taller as he said it. "Not the best accommodations mind you, a tad drafty but at least dry, free and available." Rialtige added with an interesting wink.

"Eager to prove your worth are you?" Jealile replied with cheek.

"And why shouldn't I be?" Rialtige smiled back. "I had better prove it soon or you good people will think me a braggart and a useless fool and rightfully toss me on my ear. And that won't do, as I am eager to see Kincaid for myself and find out how the tale ends! It shall be a grand tale to bore my Grandchildren mightily!" He said with a smile as he helped Shelea into the wagon and climbed up himself. "Come my friends, our accommodations await, modest though they may be." Rialtige finished and urged us on.

This town was laid out very similar to the town we had just left that morning. The outer buildings were more solid and square with flat roofs and built closely together. The inner buildings were as you would find any small town, quiet, quaint and beautiful. As we passed through the outer buildings of this town I noticed that large wooden doors had been built into the sides of the outer buildings. If you didn't look carefully you would miss them. Clearly they were meant to swing out and lock in place making the wall around the city complete. While it was not as strong as the solid wall that encircled Teroncia, it looked like it would take a fair army to take the town. If every town was encircled like this, I could see how it would be a formidable task to take Tania.

We rolled up in front of this lovely, larger house not far from the centre of town, though not far from the outskirts either. It looked larger and more ornate than the other houses around it but not overly so. Cleary this was the home of one of the better off townspeople but at least they were generous enough to put us up. As we pulled up a middle-aged plump woman came out with a few young children in tow. She looked friendly and generally pleased to see us. I could tell that she was the type who enjoyed taking care of people, of playing the gracious hostess.

"Good to see you again Rialtige you dear lad!" The woman said as she grabbed him and gave him a hug and a kiss.

"Good to see you too Brealla." Rialtige said after returning her kiss.

"I'm afraid it ain't much, but with the festival around the corner you'll find nothing better in this town sure enough. Already we have relations from out of town doubling up with my lot in the house!" Brealla said with a laugh and walked over to the stables and opened up the doors. "Put your horses there tonight." Brealla said pointing to one of the few empty stalls. "And you lot can take the hayloft." She said pointing to the roof in the direction of a ladder in the corner of the building. "Sorry I haven't more to offer you, once you get settled, come into the house for a good meal and I'll show you at least that much hospitality." Brealla said with a slightly embarrassed look.

"We're ever so grateful for you to put us up like this." Jealile said warmly as she hugged Brealla. "You've saved us from a night on the hard ground sleeping under the stars. Thank you again for your gracious hospitality." Jealile added with just the right touch of compassion and warmth.

Even I could tell that Brealla did not like to have guests in the stables and felt it might look bad on her or something. I was about to say something similar but Jealile beat me to it, and in retrospect it probably went farther coming from one woman to another.

The horses were then unhitched and tended to, watered fed cared for. The wagon was then stored in the main area of the stables. Minimal stores and blankets were unpacked and hauled upstairs to make a campout in the hayloft. Luckily there was ample space for everyone to spread out and have breathing room to sleep. Once that was done we decided to take Brealla up on her offer of a home cooked meal.

Brealla and her family were a friendly and rowdy lot but all in all a pleasant crowd, but what a crowd! I didn't dare count the number of people that were in that house for my head would spin to think of it. People had to eat in shifts due to the shear numbers of them. However neither Brealla nor any of her family complained at all about the work, bother or expense of it all. She explained it as a kind of homecoming for the people of this town, a time when family could gather together and enjoy each other's company.

Once Jealile got to talking to Brealla they spent most of the evening together. Once it was revealed that Jealile was not simply my only wife but my Firstwife as well, Brealla took great interest in her. For that was something that you may have guessed about Brealla by now, she was her husband's Firstwife.

Brealla was in charge of the household mostly because of her abilities but also her position of Firstwife put her above the other wives and children. In short, after the Master of the family, the Firstwife was in charge. That is why it is such a big deal and the selection must me made carefully. Clearly I got lucky with Jealile in so many ways, not only because she loved me, but also because each day I was learning what a remarkable woman she was.

Brealla was excited to talk to Jealile about all things to do with marriage, children, Fellowives, and husbands. I could see that it did her good to share her wisdom with someone younger and with whom she had something in common with. They talked like a pair of old friends and by the end of it Jealile had promised to keep in touch and write often. I was happy to see Jealile fitting in with someone she had something in common with and genuinely enjoying herself.

As for myself, I talked with the men of the house about the local trade, price of lumber, the troubles of a Treefarmer, and the upcoming Festival. I lost track of the others in our group but nobody complained about being lost in the jovial atmosphere. But as the evening wore on we gathered our band up and headed up to the stables for a good night's rest.

We had settled into our sleeping accommodations and had prepared ourselves for a good sleep. Treabilla on one end, Yeoline next to her then Jealile and myself, and to our right was Shelea and a short distance further Rialtige. We were all tired and it didn't take long for all of us to fall asleep.

During the night Jealile awakened me quietly by a jab in the ribs. I was about to ask her what was wrong but silently and with a single look she shushed me before I spoke. With her eyes she begged me to look over to our left, in the direction of Treabilla and Yeoline.

It was nearly pitch black but the moonlight that filtered into that hayloft offered some light to see by but not much. Rialtige and Shelea were still asleep and the loft was peaceful and nothing seemed amiss. I was about to ask why I had been woken up to see a calm loft when I noticed that Yeoline had moved. She was not where she had been when we went to sleep. She was now all snuggled up to Treabilla and the pair held each other tenderly, like husband and wife, like lovers.

I could hear that they were talking quietly to one another, I had to strain to hear it, but I could hear what they were saying. As my eyes got used to the darkness I could make them out in greater detail. I watched two people that I knew well and cared about, relate to each other in a way that I did not expect. I knew that Treabilla had been with women obviously from her experience with The Mistress. Yeoline, as far as I knew had never touched a woman in that familiar of a way.

I was not shocked per say but a little surprised you might say, for it was not something that I had expected from them. I could not begrudge them any happiness anymore then I would deny anyone else happiness. After all I cared for both of them and only wanted the best for them, as any friend does. It may not be a common occurrence where I came from, but on an island of mostly women perhaps this was as commonplace as Felleona had told me. I had not discussed this with Jealile as yet and now was not the time obviously for such a discussion.

I should have rolled over, gone back to sleep and left them their tender moment in private as they had intended. It would have been the polite thing to do and I know it, but something about that scene would not let me turn away. Something inside me was mesmerized by the sight of two women that I knew well relate to each other in a new and special way. I had had sex with each of them on separate occasions, so I knew their bodies well. It was the first time I had seen them this intimate with each other however. Exactly what the irresistible draw was I don't know. It was not the right thing to do, nor was I proud of myself for doing it, but I laid there and watched them, listening to their most private of conversations.

"Have you thought about what happened last night?" Treabilla asked Yeoline softly as the two women held each other in a loving embrace.

"Yes, and I must say that it was quite incredible." Yeoline said as she started to lightly trace circles on Treabilla's chest. "Much better then I thought it would be. I had always thought of sex with a woman as gross and sick, but it wasn't like that at all." Yeoline said as her finger lightly skirted a rapidly hardening nipple.

"So you'd never done that before? That was your first time?" Treabilla asked with surprise. "I find that hard to believe because you seemed to know what you were doing. You are quite good at pleasing a woman, tell me the truth, you have bedded a woman before, right?" Treabilla asked confidently, wanting confirmation for the statement she believed to be true.

"No, not ever. The closest I came was when Jealile and I had sex with Brian once. That was quite enjoyable let me tell you! She was riding Brian and I was sitting on his face and we both were facing each other. I remember admiring her body as she bounced on his cock. She was lost in her own pleasures so I don't think she noticed anything. I lost my balance and fell forward; I reached out to her for support and my hands rested squarely on her breasts. I was intrigued and excited to have another woman's flesh in my hands. I didn't let those breasts go, I caressed them for a moment. I was curious about how they felt under my fingers; the more I touched the more I wanted to touch. She then helped me straighten up and I remember looking into her eyes for a moment and I must have lost myself because I kissed her before I could stop myself." Yeoline explained to her intimate friend whom she held tenderly.

"You never told me that." I whispered into Jealile's ear as I cuddled her even closer from behind.

"It was a fleeting moment in a heated time of passion." Jealile whispered back. "After all I had your cock buried in my pussy at the time, besides I didn't think it meant anything." Jealile finished as she pressed her ass back against my cock. I made sure I nestle it between the crack of her ass-cheeks, just the way she liked it.

"She brushed it aside." Yeoline continued to explain. "When the kiss was over she just resumed her bouncing efforts and that was the end of it. I was left there curious and wanting to explore her body more but it was not to be that night, so I made no other moves." Yeoline said as she paused momentarily. "But I have thought about that moment from time to time since them."

"You fancy her don't you?" Treabilla asked as she traced patterns on Yeoline's arm. "Admit it love, it's okay. I'm not mad, I'm sure she'd make an excellent lover and she does have such a lovely body." Treabilla said with a curious smile and a sparkle in her eye.

"I've known her for such a long time and I would hate to mess it up by pressing her into something she was not ready for." Yeoline paused, hoping that was enough of an answer.

"But you fancy her don't you?" Treabilla said as her caressing reached Yeoline's breast.

"Can you blame me? She is beautiful and so energetic when she fucks, I'd love to see what kind of a lover she would make, sure." Yeoline said as she now openly tweaked one of Treabilla's nipples.

"You have a some fans I see." I whispered as I started to rub my cock against her ass as undetectably as possible.

"I never knew." Jealile said in a hoarse whisper as she started to press back against my rubbing efforts.

"You do much more of that and there'll be a repeat of last night, is that what you want?" Treabilla warned with a playful lilt.

"I was wondering what it would take to get you going." Yeoline chuckled back with a gleam in her eye.

"All it takes is being near you my dear." Treabilla said as she took Yeoline in her arms and the two women kissed.

I watched in awe and intrigue as they kissed and caressed each other. I had kissed each of them in times past in a similar manner as they were kissing each other now. I must admit that it was odd to watch them kiss each other that way, a romantic way. There was genuine passion and desire in that kiss as they pulled at each other, trying to draw closer to each other. By the end of it they were breathing hard yet held each other close in a passionate embrace.

"Let's get out of these cumbersome clothes sweetheart." Yeoline said with quick breaths.
