Cemetery Summons Ch. 11


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She was so old that keeping all those innumerable years of memories in one storage facility was very cumbersome. Usually, she would split herself into a few thousand copies and allow her mind to calm. Now, she wanted every little part of her soul to feel this. Keeping herself was at the very least a laborious task, but for a fuck like this...

She turned her gaze to Jack's throbbing arousal.

Every ounce of her soul moaned in unison.


Jack arrived back home with the sorest hips on the planet. He was barely able to pull himself into the bathroom he was hurting so bad. Every muscle in his lower body and torso burned with agony and his bones felt like they'd been hacked at with a rusty axe. Jesus Christ, he was in pain! Jack fell to the floor and his backpack flopped against the floor.

Somehow, Anathane had fixed it, and it was actually better than it had been. Everything felt more comfortable and his books actually fit into it, which had never been the case before. Moving on, Jack grabbed the bathroom counter and his nails rapped against the smooth surface. That was weird. Had his nails grown since he'd gone to Anathane to get away? Screw it. He needed to wash his face.

Jack pulled himself up to the counter.

He pried his eyelids open and took a short look at himself.

And then, he screamed.

Jack screamed so loud that all three of his succubi were in the room in a single instant. Jack wasn't scared, no, fear was an emotion so lightly taken here that it was a sheet of paper to a lead brick. No, this was sheer horror. Jack watched as the reflection in the mirror closed its mouth just as he did. He couldn't even breathe.

"Oh Gods, it happened. It's only been thirty minutes since you left!" cried Elassa, putting her hands to her mouth. Fain's eye twitched.

"Master...changed...drastically. Master changed..." she fainted. Meanwhile, Niaf stared at his reflection in the mirror guiltily, fidgeting nervously as Jack's gaze remained focused on its twin staring right back at him.

He reached up slowly with a hand that ended in claws and touched his cheek almost as if his finger was going to pass through it. He traced a line to the corner of his eye and established that his eye truly was gone, and that it was in fact a ball of white flame in its dour black socket. He was trembling so badly by now that he didn't even want to touch the two curved horns coming out of his forehead, or the two pale wings on his back

Jack couldn't tear his eyes away from the visage before him. Never before had he seen something so...so horrifying. This was him. He was this thing with horns and burning eyes and claws and fangs and wings and pale skin. He could scarcely believe that this was his own body.

Slowly, he brought himself to his feet and stood upright, watching as the two leathery appendages on his back drop down as if disappointed. He turned to the only succubus trying to keep his gaze.

"Elassa...what happened to me?" he asked, reaching out to his first. She laced her fingers with his and glanced away before returning her gaze to his, blushing.

"You became you again," she replied. Jack frowned and she elaborated. "You became you when you were born. This is the second you, your second birth. You've become something more."

"Something more than what?"

"Something more than human. You're an incubus." She leaned back so that their hands held her up. Jack looked back at the mirror and then back to Elassa, who was smiling at him shyly, naked breasts jiggling. Jack let out a low purr as he watched them settle, and then snapped back to the reason he was angry.

"Then why the fuck do I have horns?" Seriously. Nobody else in this house had horns but him. This wasn't normal as far as Jack was concerned.

"Because Anathane made you complete your metamorphosis by using her own energy. Which is a bad thing because now I'm wet," she said dryly. Jack dropped her and spun around to examine himself in the mirror again. This was horrible!

"I'm a monster. I'm a fucking monster," he stammered. He turned back around to see Niaf with tears in her eyes. She backed out of the bathroom and closed the door. Jack dropped to his knees, exasperated. He had no idea what to do, or even think for that matter. He was a monster. Jack put his hands on his forehead, and grabbed his horns angrily. He pulled at them in an effort to remove them.

He didn't know why. He just wanted them off fast. Jack didn't want all this! He didn't want to be an incubus, or a demon, or have anything to do with them! He had never asked for any of this! He hadn't asked to be raped by Anathane! He hadn't asked for Niaf, or Fain! He hadn't ever asked for anything, not even Elassa!

Jack felt a pair of strong arms around his chest and grabbed their owner tightly, forsaking the unyielding horns.

"I'm sorry I'm a monster, master. I'm sorry I'm not what you want. I'm sorry I can't be your dream girl, or even please you. I'm so sorry. But you are you, and nothing will ever change that." She kissed the top of his head between his horns and whispered sadly. "I was your first, your strongest bond. But you were reborn with her."

"I...Elassa I don't...I don't know what...help me," Jack whispered as a lump formed in his throat. He held his breath. He didn't want to cry. Not again. Not like he had cried all over Anathane. Jack grabbed his arm and bit into it with his clawed fingers. He felt the pain, and bit his lip. Blood seeped into his mouth, and his eyes went wide.

"Oh, this is bad. Oh no, this is very bad Jack. You're venting. Damn ye gods that cursed that woman with lust!" Elassa shouted, hauling Jack to his feet again. She wavered for a moment before clearing herself with a deep breath. Jack tore at himself to keep from crying. He gasped for breath through his teeth, eyes shutting and lip bleeding.

"Master is in pain," Fain stated. Elassa glared.

"No, master is dying. Jack, baby, we need to get you to a hospit...no, not looking like this we can't. Hell...no, the vent would only grow there. Oh! Damn it all to fuck! Fain, he needs blood, and someone has to give it to him. You got the most semen from him out of all of us, right?"

"Master has laid with Anathane the mo-"

"Out of us succubi!" Elassa yelled. Fain cowered.

"Your voice has grown angry. Is master not alright?"

"Jack, hold on. Just answer me Fain. Jack, c'mon, don't leave now. You can make it. Take a deep breath. In and out, that's it, in and out, in and out. Fain, now."

"Yes." There was no hesitance to her voice.

"Jack needs you right now." Elassa opened the bathroom door and walked Jack over to his bed. She managed to pull his arms apart and he grabbed his white horns and tugged at them like he wanted to rip them off. Niaf stared at Jack as he arched his back and hissed in pain and agony. He refused to opened his eyes even for a second.

"What's happening?"

"He's venting. Anathane went at it with him for so long that she gave him his rebirth, and now all the energy she gave him to do that is leaving. It's sort of like he's powering down. Now he needs a new source of energy to stabilize him or all of his life force is going to drain out of his body and he'll die. Fain, he needs your blood."

"Why mine?" she whined, looking at Jack worriedly as his jaw opened unnaturally wide to reveal four long fangs and a bleeding lip. One of his horns shrieked as it cracked. This wasn't going to be good.

"Fuck, just do it goddamnit! He's going to die if you don't let him grab your neck and drink your blood. He'll kill either of us, and he can't use Anathane because her blood is poison. You fucked him the most, so you have a better chance of surviving."

They were running out of time.

"I'll do it." Elassa's green orbs turned to rest upon the woman in the doorway. Niaf stood there, arms folded across her chest and pity in her gaze. "I owe it to him for what happened last time we fucked."

"You're signing your own death waver," Elassa warned as Niaf drew nearer to her master. Jack ripped his left horn off at the base and white steam poured from the open wound. Jack's eyes opened, and the soul flame in them dimmed to a smolder. Niaf crawled onto the bed and picked up the sharp, discarded horn.

"Thanks baby. I'll just cut my jugular and you can have all you want," she said with all the sass she could muster. She cut her vein and blood poured from the wound like a river. She placed her neck at Jack's mouth and he grabbed her with one arm. The hand that had been grabbing his unbroken horn smacked her ass and squeezed it. His blunted claws didn't manage to break skin.

"Niaf..." Fain whispered as her twin began to lose consciousness.

"Oh...that's it...keep goin' baby, I'm so gonna...fuck you...tomorrow...Jack."


Niaf sat up and looked around. She recognized this place very well; it had been her home for the past few trillion years. She stood up and let out an unsightly yawn as she looked about her room in the Sanctuary of Deliverance. Maybe Fain was being a good little submissive girl and staying down for a while?

Oh wait, that's right. Jack had freed her inside of that demon, Anathane. And the last thing she had done was cut her neck and let him...ah! That was it, he'd sucked all her energy out. So this is what happened to you when you died in the mortal realm? You went back home to the Sanctuary to try and get summoned again?

No, that wasn't it. She could still feel their bonded souls attached to each other. She could feel that little part of Jack inside of her. She wasn't dead, or else that bond would have been cut and her soul freed to find another partner. And that would explain why she was so wet without even thinking about him. He needed to be fed, but she was in no position to help him here.

Niaf took a deep breath of the warm, sickly sweet air of her home and warped to the end of her bedroom, which was about thirty feet away. She looked back at her enormous bed, something the size of a soccer field almost, and as high as a two storey house. Yeah, that thing was kickass still, just as she'd left it.

Niaf pushed open the huge, plain wooden door of her bedroom. She spread her wings out as far as they could go and her tail thrashed about behind her. Stretching after a long day always felt good. Niaf rubbed her blue eyes of sleep and walked down the hallway. She passed the family portraits painted by some long-dead demon. Funny that for an age-old family line, there were only seven paintings on the wall, one of which was hers.

Niaf soon got bored of walking and decided to warp all the way to the upper balcony where she usually stood to get a good look at the house courtyard. The balcony was enormous, even by the standards here in the Sanctuary. Every marble column was carved in the likeness of a snake coiled around an elaborate spear, the beast's head impaled on the tip where it met the long, slanted roof. Niaf put her hands on the railing before her and gazed out at the courtyard. An endless red dawn looked back at her and stared down the hundreds of crucifixes adorning the tiled place below.

Row upon row of forgotten crosses stood like wooden sentinels awaiting use from their masters. Each one of them had been used at one point, to punish the enemies of her family. But those days were long gone and grudges forbidden amongst the succubi and incubi, lest they commit to open war against each other.

The sight of this place always brought back fond memories of her parents, both of which had raised her with as much love and decadence as Fain. They hadn't cared. The twins were daughters equal in their eyes.

"Enjoying the view?" came a familiar voice. Niaf snapped her head around to see Nyx farther down the balcony, her eyes casually sweeping across the maze of wooden crosses below. She smiled kindly, adjusting her robes.

"I would enjoy it more if there were a man here I could fuck. You don't know where mine is, do you?" Niaf asked flippantly. Nyx shrugged.

"He is where you want him to be." Nyx smiled slightly and her tail swished about behind her, the end sweeping aside dust. She licked her charcoal-colored lips with a deep indigo tongue and gripped the balcony railing tightly. She seemed to be recalling a memory, a reminiscent gaze in her black eyes. They were not flames now like they usually were, but shiny opal orbs.

"And if I wanted him to be here?"

"Then I will arrive at your request," replied Jack's voice. Niaf spun around and saw that Jack was bowing low, one arm behind his back and the other extended toward her. Jack was an incubus, down to his horns...horn. He stood erect again and smiled at her, amused. His burning white eyes emitted a powerful light. Niaf embraced him and kissed his broad chest.

He closed his wings around her and she returned with her own around his shoulders. So long were his wings that they wrapped around Niaf's body, and then again around his own. He kissed the top of her head and rubbed his broken horn against her ear.

"Hey, watch it. You tryin'a kill me with that thing?"

"Not with this horn."

"You, uh, wanna go back ta my room and consummate this occasion of you coming down here with a night full of what you're best at, kiddo?" Niaf asked, arching a brow. Nyx whistled sharply and Jack unfurled his wings from around her body and moved over to Nyx, who held a bit of cord in her elegant, slender fingers.

"What exactly do ya think yer doin' Jack? Ya don't wanna fuck me?" She was more than a little bit annoyed by now, and her neck was starting to hurt.

"Who ever said he was yours, Niaf? This is my pet. He's going to please me later tonight, and tomorrow, and so on until he has outlived his use," she remarked snidely, wrapping the cord around Jack's neck and yanking tightly. Jack pressed himself snugly against her and inhaled her scent deeply.

Niaf pouted silently, her wings falling to touch the floor. Her tail hung limply behind her.

"But I'm his succubus. You never even..."

"You love me, don't you my pet?"

"Yes, my mistress," Jack replied hypnotically.

"Enough to die for me?" the dark succubus purred, trailing her fingertips along the underside of his chin. Niaf took a step forward, and then noticed a man squatting down on the railing, clothed in nothing but a waist tabard and holding a golden medallion with a spiral pattern on its face.

"Jack!" Niaf yelled. He didn't reply. He simply stared blankly at Hypnos' pretty trinket.

"I would die for my mistress."

"Would you kill for me?"

"I would kill any man for my mistress," Jack said, again with no will of his own.

"A woman as well?"

"Jack! Listen to what you're saying! Please..."

"He can't hear you Niaf. Hypnos is far too much for him to resist," Nyx giggled.

"They didn't name it Greek sex for nothing," Hypnos murmured.

"Jack..." Niaf couldn't believe this. Was her master leaving her for some cheap ass and a...a fucking queer? No, this was impossible. He was supposed to love her. He was supposed to be her master, not their pet or slave. Niaf stomped toward him, but a long white wing threatened her neck, which was beginning to pain her badly.

"If you love me so, then kill her and be with me," Nyx commanded eerily. Jack retracted his wing and turned to her, cock rising as he swallowed a mouthful of drool. Gods, that look in his eyes was like a starved tiger's. He stalked toward her, four steps, and was chest-to-face with her. His cock pushed against her navel, and it was dripping with precum.

"Jack, please...don't you love me?" Niaf pleaded, her hands on his chest. Jack leaned down to her neck and kissed it. Pain flared throughout Niaf's entire body. He put an arm around her back and his free hand grabbed her ass.

"My mistress commanded me to slay you. I cannot disobey my mistress..."

Jack raised his hand and Niaf watched in terror as his hand descended.


Niaf sat bolt upright and then began to cry. Jack grabbed her up into his arms and held her like she was already dead. The barely recognizable pink on her cheeks fell to a dull white as the blood drained from her head. Jack had drained a good seven pints of blood from her body, and the fact that she'd taken it silently was amazing. In fact, her surviving was nothing short of a miracle.

She hadn't looked like she was going to make it up to her waking up. In fact, Elassa was surprised that she had survived the ordeal at all. Jack really was a softie at heart. He was still hungry.

And even Fain was wet, which meant that he wanted a lot more than Niaf could have given him. Anathane was the only person with that much power, and Jack couldn't use her. But for the time being, he was safely satisfied and able to function. This wasn't going to last too long though.

Elassa was so wet that she could fill a swimming pool with everything that was dribbling from her pussy. Gods, Jack's hunger was so great that even she couldn't slake it without help. Fain squirmed and tried to cover up the juice leaking through her fingers.

"Why is my...explain why I am so wet please," Fain demanded. Elassa licked her bottom lip and then sucked it between her teeth as she heard Jack's quivering voice and Niaf's pleading one. Gods, she needed this fuck almost as bad as he did.

"Well, we succubi are in mutual need of our partners when we change them from human to incubi. And when they need our energy, which comes in the form of our fluids, we get wet. It's like a warning signal that he's starving, even though he doesn't know it. And in return, to survive outside of the Sanctuaries, we get his semen. And right now, Jack needs us to feed him. And blood is the second most valuable fluid to him right now."

Fain pondered the elder succubus' words for a few moments, and then raised her head with an innocent smile on her lips.

"And the most valuable one is our vaginal fluid?"

"Did nobody ever fucking tell you this? Honestly, your mother...well, I take that back. Your mother was too busy fucking your father to notice that you were even schizophrenic at all. Whatever, yes, you're exactly right. But we can't fuck master right now."

"Why not? Would that not make him better?" Fain whined. Elassa put a hand on the twin's head as if she were patting a child's head.

"Because he was reborn with Anathane. If we were to have sex with him right now, there's no telling what'd happen to him. And because of that, I'd rather not take any chances. Jack is gonna be my first incubus fuck, and the first one I helped make. I'm not taking any chances with him, not with this one."

"But if we don't know what will happen..." Fain said hopefully.

"And you'd take the chance that it might kill him for one last screw," Elassa deadpanned. Fain shut her mouth and watched Jack rock back and forth with unnaturally pale Niaf in his arms. Elassa saw the hurt in his eyes. Even now, after he was an incubus in his own right, he was still afraid to lose them.

Elassa's stomach growled and her thighs flushed with warmth.


A/N: Sorry there was no actual sex in this chapter. And I also apologize that it's a bit shorter than the others. I still hope you enjoyed it though, and thank you for reading.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
there was no sex?

I had to scan through the story/chapter to confirm, but it's true. Everything fresh in my mind was from previous chapters. I read 7 chapters a couple of days ago, and I picked up again today, so I didn't realise it!

Probably most important is the fact that this chapter is no less of an enjoyable read. (That was probably more of an issue at the time that it was posted.) However, another thought that comes to mind is the fact that it becomes a minute issue when the story has been completed, and we can enjoy it in its entirety!

I'm not done reading today!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
great story !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by the way who the fuck is Nyx?

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Good Stories Don't Need Sex

You're stories are great. As a previous user said. We read just as much for the story. How/e, I've actually gotten so in engrossed in your stories I read mostly for the story and less for the sex. You're very talented. Don't let anyone put your stories down for lack of sex. Not to say you shouldn't add some with this being an erotic story site. But you more than make up for none with a gripping storyline.

(Also, I realize this story is probably finished. But I do still like to leave comments here and there to point out some positive things about your stories. I hope you enjoy my small amateur reviews. I should really log into my account next time I do this so you don't think I'm just some creeper outta nowhere...)

cylinderlitcylinderlitover 11 years ago
yeah who needs it.

sex is just.. you know... but this.... yeah ... it's good.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Just so you know I keep reading these for the story as much as if not more than the sex. Sex is everywhere on this site, a good story and is priceless. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

I'm pretty sure Jack's outbursts are the most annoying thing I've ever read. Really detracts from the story.

VictorDoUrdenVictorDoUrdenabout 14 years ago
The sex...

Its great that you left sex out, for a more mature development and further broadening of character.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

i am a big fan of yours. plz continue the series

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

please please continue this story

KamattlockKamattlockover 14 years ago
Great addition

This was a great addition to the continuation of the story no need to apologize for the lack of sex it was a excellent way to continue the story without going overboard.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

man, this is badass! i cant wait till the next chapter and is jack some kind of uber-incubus because anathene remade him? anyway, keep up the good work because this series is definitely an attention grabber.

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