Creating Ginger Ch. 11


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"Put this on next!" Ms' Michelle said dangling a men's dress shirt from Her index finger.

"Yes, Ms.!" Replied ginger taking the shirt and sliding her arms into the enormous sleeves.

The dress shirt Ms. Michelle had on definitely belonged to Joe, it was big enough to reach her mid-thigh, and even rolled the sleeves were barely 4 inches above Her wrists. The shirt ginger was putting on seemed to fit her the same, making ginger wonder what size it was. Searching for the buttons, ginger only found two, one at her bellybutton and one slightly above it. The pink color complimented the rosettes on ginger's bra almost perfectly while the lack of buttons made sure her cleavage was visible.

"Now this!" Ms. Michelle said while handing ginger a short blonde wig. "I can't have a girl's day with you looking all, non-girlie!"

Slipping the wig into place, ginger silently remarked how Ms. Michelle had called it non-girlie instead of masculine or manly. Of course, between the color of the shirt, the pushup bra and large breasts ginger felt anything but manly as she continued to focus on not showing physical excitement to avoid the cage for a day.

"Final piece for today baby girl," Ms. Michelle said as she held up a small pink box with a pink and silver bow, "because I know you don't like the bottoms that come with that bra, but you need something fitting."

"Thank you, Ms.!" Replied ginger as she eagerly opened the box.

For a moment ginger wondered if the one size bottoms would be less embarrassing to wear? Sure, the elastic that rubbed her tight hole almost raw ended up uncomfortably and forcefully trying to separate her tessies, but it had to be better than what she was looking at. The low-slung bikinis offered decent coverage in the back, while the leg holes and waist were ruffled fabric, and while the front looked like it would be more comfortable than the G-string both panels were covered with 1-inch-high pink lettering. Only one word was on them, again and again in the same all capital font but angled differently throughout, "SISSY".

Yes, ginger was just that, a sissy. The Email address she used for purchases and online sites like Literotica was so it was tough to deny. It was just the word she did not like, ginger never truly considered herself a sissy, while it was obvious that Ms. Michelle did not agree. In ginger's mind she was more of a crossdresser with a voyeuristic fetish than a true sissy. Instead of trying to get out of wearing the panties, ginger blushed deeply as she put them on, tugging them in place. At least they felt sexy yet still comfortable.

"Oh, don't those look hot!?!" Ms. Michelle teased touching the small pink bow several inches below ginger's bellybutton. "Let's go My sweet sissy, I have plans for our day!"

While it was the second weekend in January, and ginger's coworkers would be watching the NFL playoffs, ginger was soon on the couch watching a "chick flick" with a deep cleaning seaweed mud mask on her face while painting her toes baby pink. Only a couple years back ginger had run the office football pool, knew every score and predicted the Monday Night outcome with 70% accuracy, now she didn't even know who was playing today. The thought crossed her mind, where would she rather be? Sitting on the couch swilling light beer and watching screen in screen football all day or spending quality time with Ms. Michelle.

The selection of magazines on the coffee table were everything from Cosmo to Marie Claire. Tomorrow, and for the following few weeks, ginger would have to avoid football talk in the office but she was truly where she wanted to be and how she wanted to be in spite of the occasional flashes of jealousy. While prior to becoming ginger, lunch would have consisted of nachos or buffalo wings, today lunch was finger sandwiches and salad. The only interruption was a phone call from Joe that afternoon, it was easy to tell it was him by the tone in her voice.

"Well, hello!" Ms. Michelle cooed into the phone all of a sudden becoming a giddy school girl before ginger's eyes. "You do say the sweetest things Stud," Ms. Michelle winked at ginger as she continued her conversation, "but I don't have much time, I'm not alone if you know what I mean." Ms. Michelle laughed, leaning back on a couple pillows while lying her legs over ginger's lap. "Not like that," Ms. Michelle chuckled, "I'm out with one of the girls, you'd hate it, I have a mud mask on and it's not sexy!". Ms. Michelle winked at ginger before continuing. "No, I'm not sending you a picture of that," pausing to laugh, "okay, I may send you a picture of that. Later. Much later." With a big roll of her eyes Ms. Michelle said her goodbyes and hung up the phone.

The remainder of the day was a delight for ginger, even though she wasn't a big fan of the movie choices or even the magazines, she relished the time she got to spend in a relaxed and casual way. Even the humiliating panties were less of an issue for ginger, who all but forgot about them except for the occasional flash of pink when she moved. Compared to the rest of the day wearing them was a small price. When it came time for bed the only item ginger was allowed to remove was the wig. Exiting the bathroom, feeling as femme as possible after her girl day, ginger became quickly weak in the knees at the sight of Ms. Michelle.

"Joe gave me the most wonderful Christmas gift while he was here," She said standing with her hand on one hip and the other on the shaft of the biggest strapon ginger had ever seen, "so I made a copy for you!"

"Um," gulped ginger, "how did he do that Ms.?"

"Oh, we bought a kit, well two actually," Ms. Michelle giggled, "because we needed just a bit more to hold all of him." Only now becoming aware that her mouth was hanging open, ginger quickly closed it gulping deeply. "Then I bought two more kits to make one for you!" Ms. Michelle swayed her hips making the large phallus dance. "While neither of us wants you doing anything with the real Joe," Ms. Michelle smirked, "that doesn't mean you can't enjoy more than just what he leaves behind for you to clean up! Now, let's get that mouth of yours to work!"

Hesitating slightly, ginger moved quicker when Ms. Michelle cleared Her throat. Dropping to her knees, ginger couldn't believe the size of the strapon in front of her. Eyes growing wide at the idea Ms. Michelle would try to peg her with it, ginger licked her lips before starting. The strapon filled her mouth like never before, they'd all been more normal in size than what was in her mouth at the moment. It was another reminder that Ms. Michelle's Lover was far more endowed than ginger would ever be. Ms. Michelle's loving touch on the side of ginger's face helped ginger relax. This was not a position ginger ever expected to find herself in.

Looking down at ginger, Michelle felt a rush of excitement and power. While she'd used the copy, she'd made for herself several times, this was the first time Michelle had been brave enough to bring out the copy she'd made for ginger. Little did ginger know; Michelle had made the strapon almost two months prior! Now, seeing ginger on her knees, doing her best to take the fat shaft into her mouth, Michelle felt empowered as never before. Moving her hips, the loving touch of her hand became more controlling on ginger's head as Michelle began to fuck her sissy husband's face. Michelle could feel ginger sinking deeper into submission.

"What a wonderful job you're doing baby girl!" Ms. Michelle smirked slightly feeling as if her hips had taken on a life of their own in their thrusting. "Don't worry," she said finally managing to pause momentarily, "it'll be a little while before we go further with this."

Michelle couldn't tell if it was a moan of relief or excitement that escaped ginger's full mouth. It could have been a combination of the two. Leaning back, Michelle rested on the edge of the bed, crossing her lower legs while delicately tracing her fingers along the shaft protruding from her body. Her eyes focused on ginger's, Michelle recognized the hungry gaze in her sissy husband's eyes.

"I do have a better use for your mouth at the moment," Ms. Michelle's sultry voice embraced ginger, "I just hope his giant balls don't get in your way!"

Once Ms. Michelle got over the intriguing view of her sissy husband's face being partially hidden by her Lover's cock, she was able to enjoy several strong orgasms before finally pushing ginger away.

"Be a dear baby girl," an exhausted Ms. Michelle cooed, "take this off me so we can go to sleep!" Complying with Ms. Michelle's command, ginger undid the buckles of the leather strapon harness, gently removing it from her body. "Clean it up, and meet me back here."

Doing as she was told, ginger cleaned the harness, leaving it on the towel rack to dry in the bathroom. When she returned to the bed, Ms. Michelle had pulled the covers back, patting the bed for ginger to join her. Eagerly doing so, ginger soon found herself tucked under Ms. Michelle's arm, head on her Domme Wife's chest, their smoothly shaved legs intertwined as they dozed off to sleep.

The next few weeks had almost returned to normal for them. Joe was busy with an internship at college and couldn't come home as often. While ginger didn't mind the extra time and not having to hide in the other bedroom, she had to admit that not only Ms. Michelle missed Joe. More than a few times, while Ms. Michelle was out, ginger found herself watching videos of Ms. Michelle and her Lover. More than once ginger found herself salivating at the memory of Ms. Michelle entering her bedroom to allow ginger to clean her up.

Michelle was missing Joe as well, they would occasionally send flirty texts during the day, or more sexually charged ones at night, but Joe's internship kept him very busy. Their only time together came on weekends, but those were rare. Even then, facetime was never as fulfilling for both of them as the real thing.

"I have a question for you." Joe's tone could best be described as sheepish at best.

"You've had me naked here for the past hour," Michelle teased, "being shy now seems out of place!"

"Naked and putting your new favorite toy to great use you mean!" Joe teased back.

"True," Michelle blushed slightly, feeling her pussy quiver at the thought of having her toy inside her again, "now ask your question silly man!"

"I get spring break off from my internship." Joe started.

"I don't know that I can pull off the drunk college girl look," Michelle giggled, "but if you want to see me in a wet t-shirt, I can arrange that!"

"Not quite that," Joe laughed, "but how does a trip to San Diego for a few days sound?"

"Sunny and warm!" Michelle smiled. "Should I pack my two piece? Or are you not going to let me out of the hotel room?

"We'll have a couple nights out," Joe laughed with a gleam in his eye, "I've managed to work it out to stay a few extra days after the interview."

"Sounds fun," Michelle winked in response, "I'll work it out here."

Sitting in the corner of the room, tied up in red lingerie and heels, ginger wasn't sure if the wink had been for Joe or for her. Truth be told, it could have been for both of them, but ginger was far too horny to really be able to tell. Wearing a snug fitting corset, 5 ½" heels, seamed stockings with a vibrating plug in her ass, ginger had watched their entire exchange while a condom captured her dripping sissy clit. Bound with her arms behind her back, legs spread, ginger's body ached for attention.

"That's great!" Michelle could see the glee sweep Joe's face. "I'll look forward to it!"

"Me too Stud!" Michelle blew him a kiss before dismissing the call.

"I'm sure you won't mind will you ginger?" Michelle asked coyly looking over at her gagged sissy husband. "If you don't want me to go," moving slowly, Michelle started to slide out of bed, "all you have to do is say no." Slightly sore and somewhat exhausted, Michelle rose to her 4-inch heels, walking as confidently as she could to her sissy husband. "Just think of it," she continued to tease as she approached the bound ginger, "sending me off for, what was it three days, of unbridled fucking?"

Eyes rolling in her head, ginger strained to respond but the ball gag was so large it spread her jaw almost painfully apart. Any sound escaping her mouth was inaudible.

"Well, if you can't speak, I'll just have to use my deductive reasoning to see if you're okay with my running off with my hung stud!" Michelle straddled ginger's lap, sitting on her sissy husband's thighs while pressing her bare chest to ginger's face. "Let's see," she said placing her hand on ginger's chest above her false breasts, "your heart is racing, feels like you're excited about it to me!" Gliding her other hand between them Ms. Michelle grasped ginger's condom covered clit. "Ohhhh, feels like someone is very excited about my going!"

Straining and groaning, ginger's entire body twitched when Ms. Michelle touched her crotch. The touch was almost electric, sending a wave of pleasure through her body. Eyes now fluttering, ginger could barely focus on Ms. Michele's words. It had been over a week since ginger had been allowed to orgasm in spite of Ms. Michelle's nightly teasing.

"Let's see just how excited you are!" Michelle's stocking covered legs rubbed against ginger's as she spoke. "I'm going to head off across the country," Michelle's hand tightly held ginger's shaft, "and spend three nights riding his big cock!" Feeling ginger surge in her hand Michelle beamed. "Maybe he and I can even join the mile-high club on the way there?" Michelle continued while lightly stroking ginger. "Or the way back!" Or both!"

Groaning loudly around the gag, ginger's body trembled as she orgasmed inside the condom. All she could picture was Ms. Michelle and Joe in the cramped confines of an airplane rest room having sex. They'd traveled before, and while ginger had suggested joining the club, Ms. Michelle had been completely against it. Now, it looked like there would be a possibility it would happen!

"Seems my baby girl is so excited about my vacation," Michelle squeezed ginger's sissy clit milking the juice from her, "that just the idea made you orgasm!" Squeezing ginger's softening clitty like a cow's udder, Michelle brushed her lips over ginger's face while continuing to rub her body and legs against her sissy husband. "Tomorrow morning you're going to cash in some of those frequent flier miles of yours," Michelle's voice was soft, calm yet authoritative as her free hand found the back of ginger's gag, "so we can fly in style." Nodding, ginger felt the gag strap loosen. "I'm sure they have a decent hotel for him the first night," speaking as she deftly removed the condom and slowly undid the gag, "but you've got points so I think we need somewhere really nice the other nights, maybe with an ocean view!"

Tracing her nose over ginger's cheeks, followed by soft nibbles of ginger's ear, Michelle knew she had to time this perfectly. Positioning her mouth in front of ginger's, Michelle dragged her tongue across ginger's upper lip, before pulling the gag free. With ginger's mouth open, ready for what she hoped would be a deep kiss, Michelle was able to slip the cum filled condom into ginger's mouth.

"With me gone, you won't get a chance to taste him," Michelle said as she slipped her finger from ginger's mouth, "I'll just have to make sure you get to taste yourself more often!"

With that Michelle plunged her tongue into ginger's mouth, kissing her sissy husband deeply while squeezing ginger with her legs. Michelle could feel ginger straining at her cuffs, trying to wrap her arms around her. While she could have released her sissy husband at that point, Michelle wanted ginger to dwell in that helpless feeling just a bit longer. Slowly dismounting ginger's lap, Michelle leaned forward, kissing ginger one more time before walking toward the bathroom. Making sure to let her hips sway just a bit longer, Michelle kept her heels on in spite of really wanting to remove them because she knew ginger would react more eagerly if she kept them on.

After finishing up, Michelle stood in front of the mirror, her calm demeanor belied the panic inside her. The idea of flying away with Joe was wonderful, but terrifying as well. What if someone saw them? What if a mutual friend was on the flight? Or saw them there? There was so much running through Michelle's head, but she needed to remain calm and in control in front of ginger. Running her hands over the black lace front waist cincher she had on, Michelle took a deep breath before walking back into the bedroom.

"I do wonder what I should pack beyond the usual lingerie and heels?" Michelle teased trying to sound confident and in control. "Imagine if my bag gets inspected by the TSA," Michelle giggled as she continued, "they might think I'm a stripper or something worse!" She watched as her sissy husband trembled slightly. "Maybe I should pack a dress or two?" Michelle watched ginger intently for her reaction. "I guess I have time," she winked at ginger while placing her foot on the chair between ginger's legs, almost touching ginger's clitty with it, "and of course you'll help with that!"

"Yes, Ms.!" replied ginger before swallowing hard.

"Too bad I can't hide you in the hotel bathroom," Michelle said gently sliding her foot underneath ginger's semi-hard clit, "but that might be tough to pull off."

"That is true."

"Tomorrow morning I'll have a list of things you'll need to do," Michelle rubbed ginger's crotch more firmly as She continued, "to include cashing in some of those frequent flier miles, I don't want the two of us flying coach after all." Groaning and nodding, ginger struggled to focus. "That and I'm sure we'll need a rental car; a convertible will be nice."

"Yes, Ms.!"

"The only thing we won't be able to work out," Michelle teased, leaning in close, "is I can't share him with you after." Michelle kissed ginger forcefully before continuing. "I know you'll miss that as much as I will."

"Yes I will Ms."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

It was very exciting being able to imagine ginger helplessly tied up and gagged in the chair in all of her finest girly attire and coming with very little manipulation a real sissy gasm. someday she will be able to come while still soft. That takes a little practice. But she will lose the ability to have intercourse. But not the pleasure of coming like a real girl. Anyway I loved the story. And thank you Ms- Allison. You're cute.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Time for Joe to meet Mr GLOCK

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Why is Ginger written in lower case as ginger? Very confusing.

Paul4playPaul4playabout 3 years ago

Excellent erotic tension and loving domination...

dawndavis66dawndavis66about 3 years ago

Oh. How i love reading about ginger and Michelle. Thanks for keeping the story alive.

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