Dr Wooden, Sex Therapist Ch. 01

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He has unorthodox techniques for helping a couple.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 06/03/2013
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This is part one of a story that I eventually want to turn into a whole series. The story fits into the cuckold genre. It involves a woman cheating on her husband without retribution and the idea that women prefer well-endowed men. If this offends you, please stop reading.

Otherwise, please enjoy.


"Maybe we should see a therapist," my wife said as we laid in bed sounding bored.

I was covered in sweat and panting heavily from love-making. "Really?" I said.


"You still weren't able to... you know."


God, we'd been having trouble with this for the past several months but I'd tried so hard.

Before we were married, we'd had sex constantly. I could hardly wait to get home from work so that I could tear her clothes off and reveal her long legs and firm ass. A lot of times we didn't even make it up to the bedroom, I just would pull her skirt up and bend her over the couch. I barely had my dick in her and she'd be moaning in ecstasy.

Since we'd been married though, she'd been having trouble orgasming. I told Samantha to book an appointment with a therapist. She made an appointment with a guy named Dr. Wooden.

The therapist greeted my wife and I as we sat across a desk from him. He was in better shape and younger then I expected. He was in his mid-thirties and I'd go as far as to call him handsome.

"So your wife listed lack of sexual satisfaction as one of the main reasons for seeking therapy. Is the dissatisfaction yours or hers?"

Wow, he didn't beat around the bush. I guess for $100/hour he shouldn't.

"That would be mine," my wife butted in.

The therapist nodded. "Have you always had these problems?"

"Yes. Well, as long as we've been dating."

Dr. Wooden started to ask another question when I butted in.

"Whoah, whoah, whoah" I had their complete attention. "You've had this problem as long as we've been dating?"


"Why didn't you say anything?"

She looked down, slightly embarrassed.

"It sounds like there's a real lack of communication here," said the therapist followed by nervous silence. "something that could really help is if we met for private sessions."

"Uh, I don't know about that..."

"If it will help our relationship, i don't see why we wouldn't," said my wife.

"Well, it's just that... well... mmm...."

"If the money is an issue, I think we can work out some type of lowered rate for the private sessions."

"That might be a good idea," I said. My wife rolled her eyes. I didn't care. These sessions were costing me a fortune.

"Now, in our private sessions I want to have much more frank discussion about your sexual needs and desires, talk about things that you wouldn't feel comfortable talking about in front of your partner. We should also discuss ways of bringing up these things in front of your partner."

"That sounds great," said Samantha. She had a strange look on her face.

"Now, some of my male patients prefer to deal with a female therapist during their private sessions. They have trouble discussing topics of a very sexual nature with a male doctor. For that reason, I have an associate, Dr. Laslo who will be meeting you."

I almost laughed when I saw my wife choke on her smile.

My first session with Dr. Laslo was later that week. I wasnt sure if I was more worried that she would be attractive or unattractive. I also didn't know why it mattered. Maybe just something to make the wife jealous?

Whatever my concern was, she turned out very sexy. She was in her mid-30's with brown hair, dressed very conservatively. You could tell she was hiding a sexy body undeneath the glasses and business jacket.

After we had greeted she skipped the pleasantries and got right into the action, asking me how long we'd been unsatisfied sexually.

"I'm honestly not sure."

"So would you say the dissatisfaction is mostly on your wife's end?"

"Uh... I suppose."

"Are you open to experimenting with her?"

"She never asks me to!"

"Would you be though?"

"Yes... I mean as long as we're not talking anything crazy" I said.

"Good, good. Have you had trouble with exes?"

"No, not that I know of."

"Do you participate in cunnilingus?"

I almost did a literal double take with that question.

"Sorry if that makes you uncomfortable..." she started.

"No, no... this is the kind of thing I need. I don't head south regularly but the last time we had sex I actually spent quite a bit of time."

"Well, time isn't everything. Technique is also a factor. Do you focus on the clitoris?"


"Studies show that most women enjoy receiving oral sex however some need intercourse in order to orgasm. What about penis size? Are you adequate in that regard?"

After the oral comment I didn't think she'd be able to shock me again. "mmm... uh, yes."

She seemed to take note of my reaction. "You seem flustered. Is this a hot button?"

"No, I mean... Well... No. I mean I'm not a porn star or anything like that..."

"Well, male porn stars aren't good comparisons but I'm wondering if you've ever measured yourself and compared with national averages?"

"Uh, no, I haven't done that."

"Would you be willing to let me take a look?"

I was at a loss for words.

"There's no reason to be worried. Even if you are below average, penis size is just one of many factors..."

"I'm not small."

She paused, "Right, of course. Just keep in mind that I'm a doctor and I'm going to look at this from a completely scientific approach."

I thought about it for a moment and then I said, "ok."

"I can measure your flacid size now." She put on a pair of latex gloves as she talked. "But we need an erect size to complete our data."

"mmm... alright." I stand up.

She picks up a clipboard and measuring tape from inside her desk, coming around the desk. seeing that I'm nervous, she smiles to put me at ease. That is the first time I notice her betraying any emotion on her face.

I fumble with my belt, then unzip my pants. I pull them down in one motion, like ripping off a band-aid.

I searched her face to see how I fared. Did she think it was big? Average? Small? How could I tell? She was like a robot.

I sucked in my gut. I could feel the warmth of her fingers through the latex gloves as she put the measuring tape up to my cock. I began to worry that I'd offend her if I got hard. She wrote a few things on her clipboard.

"OK, I have the flaccid measurements." She reached into her desk. "Here's some pornography if you need it." she turned to leave.

"Uh, where are you going?"

"I'll be outside while you give yourself an erection."

"Oh... Oh yeah... RIght, of course." I had assumed that she was going to try to give me the erection.

I thought about my wife and started stroking. It was no good. I looked through the magazine. That also didn't work. I thought about how good the doctors fingers felt on my cock though and it stood right to attention. I somehow felt guilty about this thought though, knowing that I shouldn't be turned on by my doctor.

I went to the door and let her know that I was ready.

She came back in and again, there was no reaction on her face. She spent several minutes measuring my cock, both length and girth. She wrote on her clipboard each time.

When she was done she went back to her desk and sat down. "If you don't mind waiting a few moments, I can analyze the data... and you can put that away."

"Oh, of course," I said embarrassed. I fumbled with my pants.

She looked through a statistical book and wrote on her clipboard like she was doing advanced trigonometry. I didn't understand how penis could be so complicated.

"Are you ready for your results?"

I nodded.

"lengthwise, you are below average in size. As far as girth, you are considered extremely below average in size." she said it completely monotone.

Her words hit me like a ton of bricks. That can't be right can it? Every girl I'd been with had told me I was average. "I... I... but..." I stammered.

"This is what an average penis looks like." She turned the book she was using for comparison around. There was a picture of a nude man with what I considered a large cock.

"Don't panic. There are other ways of satisfying a woman without a large penis. Cunnilingus is one of the best known methods but there are others. Have you ever used sex toys with your wife? If she's unhappy with your size then perhaps getting..."

"What do you mean unhappy with my size?"

"Well, I haven't discussed it with her, I'm just making assumptions based on the evidence..."

"Assumptions? You don't know what you're talking about."

She seemed caught off guard.

"I'm sorry if this bothers you but facts are facts. Penises that are small in girth often have trouble stimulating the clitoris while penises that are small in length have trouble hitting the G-Spot. You're lacking in both areas. There's also the issue of visual stimuli. If this is the problem, you could consider an open relationship. Perhaps if she had another lover with a large penis she could get the satisfaction she desires."

She reaches into her desk and pulls something out of it. "Have you ever used one of these?" she asks.

In her hand is a small metal object. It looks like a very small cage and it has a lock on it. I'm very confused and not sure what she was showing me.

"What is it?" I ask.

She breaks her icy demeanor for the second time in this session with a smile. "You really don't know what this is used for?"

I nodded my head no and my therapist stopped smiling.

"A woman who desires to seek sexual gratification outside of her marriage will sometimes allow her husband to watch so that he too can get some enjoyment out of it. This is a tool to keep the man from participating."

I turn my head a little, still confused. "How does it work?"

"Well," she said, taking the device apart. "You place this around the diameter of the penis..."

"Oh, god!" I said realizing what she had in mind.

"You want me to wear that?"

"I don't want you to do anything. Remember I'm here to help."

"You've got to be joking" I said.

"OK, I can tell that I'm making you uncomfortable. We don't have to put this on today. Let's try a different approach..."

The rest of the appointment was extremely awkward and I got out of there as quickly as I could. I was so mad. That night at home was very tense around Samantha.

The next week we went to meet for our joint session.

"So, I talked with my associate and she said that you were a little reluctant to follow her advice" said Dr. Wooden.

I sat there unblinking.

"Nobody's here to judge you. We all want to help you have the best relationship you can" he said. "Anyways, I discussed a potential solution with Samantha at our private session. Dr. Laslo and I agree that a possible solution could be having an open relationship.

I looked over at Samantha and noticed just the smallest hint of a smile on her lips. I didn't say a word.

"Now, in order for this to work, I think we should set up a few ground rules. I don't think it's a good idea to discuss other relationships around each other... and it's not a good idea to bring potential lovers into the home. Are there any other rules that you think are necessary..."

His words faded away. I heard what he was saying but my brain wasn't registering it. I was in a daze the rest of the session.

The car ride home was silent.

"You know, you could at least act like you wanted to do something to help our relationship." Samantha said, finally breaking the silence.

"I suppose you're excited about the idea of an open relationship."

"Look, I'm willing to try anything."

I was quiet for a few minutes.

"You know, Samantha. Have you considered that maybe you won't be the first one to take part in our open marriage?" I had a sly smile on my face. I knew she hadn't thought of that!

"Actually, I've already got a date."

I slammed on the brakes. Samantha flew forward in her seat as the seat belt tightened on her. The guy behind me honked his horn.

"What are you doing?" cried Samantha.

"YOU ALREADY HAVE A DATE? How do you already have a date? We just agreed to this."

"Uh, I... I'm sorry." People outside our car were starting to look at us. Cars behind us were really honking now. Samantha looked embarrassed. "Please, people are staring."

"I'll move as soon as you explain it to me."

"Look, our therapist mentioned that he was going to bring it up at our session today so I went ahead and got a date. I figured it was no big deal. It was going to happen anyways."

I stared at her a few seconds longer then began driving again.

"No big deal..." I muttered.

I walked into the office building and sat down, prepared for my second meeting with Dr. Laslo. She was doing some paperwork and didn't look up at first.

She glanced up, saw me, and smiled.

"You know, I don't think we got off to a good start the other day."

"You could say that." I knew I was being difficult but I didn't care. I was mad.

"I know from speaking with Dr. Wooden that he's discussed the idea of an open marriage with you. I thought today we might discuss your feelings on this."

"What do you want to know?"

"Well, Dr. Wooden said you didn't seem too thrilled about it. Do you think we could start by discussing why?"

"Why am I not thrilled about it? Are you joking?"

She looked surprised and started to defend herself but I cut her off.

"I'm not thrilled about the idea of my wife fucking another guy because it's my wife fucking another guy! Do I need more reason to not be thrilled about it?"

There was silence for a few seconds.

"I see. Maybe try to tell me how it would make you feel to know that your wife is having sex with another man. Would you feel maybe... inadequate?

"Of course, I would feel inadequate!"

"Would it be because another man was having sex with your wife or would it be because your wife needed to seek satisfaction outside your marriage?"

I was silent.

"What I'm saying is that I don't think the issue is that she's might be enjoying having sex with another man. The real issue is that she wasn't enjoying having sex with you."

Wow, talk about blunt. I paused for a moment and let her words sink in.

"It seems to me that whether you have an open marriage or not, nothing about that situation will change."

I sat there in stunned silence, realizing that she was completely right.

That saturday night, I paced back and forth around our home. I couldn't focus on anything. I picked up a book and tried to read it but I'd set it back down two seconds later. I heard the sound of Samantha showering and all I could think was "she's showering for her date." I heard Samantha blow drying her hair upstairs and all I could think was "she's doing her hair for her date".

I went into our bedroom with the excuse of looking for a book but I was actually spying on her. She was trying on sexy underwear in the mirror. She was turned around admiring the thong panties and a garter belt she was wearing.

What should I do? Was I really going to let her be with another man?

Maybe I could find a date also.

I went back downstairs and sat in front of my computer. I typed the word escort into google and a list of matches came up. I had no idea how to tell which ones were legit and which ones were just going to get me a bunch of junk e-mail... or worse. What if I e-mailed a cop?

Samantha came down stairs wearing low-necked red dress. She gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"So, tonight's your big date?"


"Do you want to tell me who it is?"

She smiled "I thought we weren't supposed to talk about it."

She bent down to where I was sitting on the couch and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Don't wait up" she called as she left.

I watched her walking away out the window. SHe was dressed in an all black skirt with a slit down the back. God was she sexy.

The thought "she's with another man" began running through my head. I sat back down on our couch, trying to read a magazine and I kept read the same sentence over ad over again. I pictured someone younger then me, better looking too. He grabbed my wife by her hips and lowered her to her knees where he pulled out a massive cock. I was getting so mad. I was biting my lip now. I put down the magazine and noticed for the first time that I was completely hard.

"Why had that happened I wondered?"

It was probably just a by-product of thinking about the sex. Even though getting turned on wasn't my goal, it was just something that happened. I began thinking about my wife out with some guy I didn't know the same as before. The only difference is that this time I'm in the room with them. I begin stroking my cock. My wife is now completely undressed and getting fucked by this other man. His cock is nearly double my size. I'm stroking my cock really hard both in real life and in the fantasy.

In my dream, my wife looks up at me from the bed and says "you could never fuck me like this" and I cum almost instantly.

I decided that it was best to not even think about why this fantasy had turned me on. I grabbed a liquor bottle from the cabinet in the kitchen and mixed some scotch with ice. Not being a big drinker I didn't care for the taste but I did know that it helped me sleep. I downed the glass as quickly as I could and went to bed, falling asleep almost instantly.

I woke up late the next morning and my wife was laying in bed next to me. I had a slight headache from the booze.

Samantha was laying next to me. She was wearing nothing but the same red thong and garter belt she'd been putting on the night before. I was about to go back to bed when I noticed something on her ass.

"Is that what I think it is?" I whispered to myself. I put on my glasses and looked close. Sure enough. THere was a bright red mark on her ass. It was in the shape of a hand.

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mattenwmattenwalmost 3 years ago

After all these years it actually makes no sense to write about this story. The author must have long since recognized what an idiotic story he wrote. Stories that are improbable as a fantasy and have no relation to reality are solely ridiculous. Even the most die-hard fan will not make an idiot and take an iota of this idiotic text at face value. He won't even want to use this story for masturbation. He knows that the two therapists lost their license faster than they can think, that the husband will sue them for ruining his marriage and the wife will be divorced faster than she can cheat! So what did the writer want with this bullshit? If he's on this page again, he can explain!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
junk that what it is

I think this is junk and should not be showed to any one. No Dr would do this if they did or do they should me sued.

devilspy2001devilspy2001almost 11 years ago
Husband is following her lead

He has no choice. Little pee pee, jerking off to his perverted idea's. Yes the second Dr was correct, he needs chastity. And panties. Hope she starts having him suck her strap on and stretches his pussy a bit for him before she hands him off to a hung tranny to be taught to suck cock, swallow, and to breed his pussy.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
just get rid of her

And may I suggest a penile implant and possibly suing the quack docs...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
you seem olfended people dont like your theme and have a chip on ur shoulder

if u don't want the negative number and comments put the stories in fetish or gay for the audiences that will enjoy them. Do you really realize the amount of hate and disrespect a woman would have to have for her husband to act in such a manner. People wonder why men kill their wives and them themselves, your story will explain why. Women with caverns shouldn't marry smaller cocks faking organisms to get a meal ticket. Sex before marriage can keep from have mismatched couples.

kapugiannkapugiannalmost 11 years ago

It's been too long. I'm awaiting chapter 2. Off to a good start!

ChastizedChastizedabout 11 years ago

You have to make him wear a real chastity device like a Lori's tube or a Neosteel.

Good God, this story is off to a great start.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Pretty good

I must say - pretty good. I'm sick of all the hardcore humiliation, and unrealistic cuckold stories. This actually seems somewhat believable - a guy and his wife seeing an unconventional therapist who suggests an open marriage. Stay on this track and please, don't get to part 3 and have the wife turn into a porn-star-like-chick. It will be cool if she finds a boyfriend, it develops into a serious relationship, and she stays with her husband while fulfilling all her sexual needs w/ the boyfriend who is better than the husband physically.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

It's always nice to read a story about some stupid guy getting taken advantage of by his wife. It's also a turn on when some other people talk a husband into letting his wife get seduced. Keep up the good work.

ModestlyModestlyabout 11 years agoAuthor
Can somebody explain the logic in this...

"So... you told me in the first 3 or 4 lines of this story what it's about and I read it anyways then I bitched at you for writing a story about it."

You don't like my writing? Fine... But don't criticize me because I'm turned on by something different than you.

People who are criticizing this story for being cliche, I've haven't read many stories about being humiliated by a sex therapist on literotica. There are plenty of stories in the cuckold/cheating wives/humiliation genre but I don't know what you want from me... I'm turned on by what I'm turned on by.

I'm going to keep on writing and focus on the people who enjoyed it.

Bald_Jason74Bald_Jason74about 11 years ago
Looking forward to the rest of the series!

If others don't want to read it...they don't have to. Nobody is forcing them to read these kinds of stories. You even had a warning up. They're being ridiculous. lol. Just keep writing what turns you on and I'll be here to read it :)

IronDragonIronDragonabout 11 years ago
Easy fix.

Divorce her. Get audio and video, and I hope you live in a Fault state where she gets jack and squat for cheating, and Jack just left town.

FullCircle56FullCircle56about 11 years ago
Another Wimp Cuck Story

Like other comments, this is one very tired story line. Nothing new here. If by the grace of God the author doesn't finish this, THANK YOU!! The only redeeming value in a continuation is to burn them. Bad. Sue the therapists, divorce the bitch and hunt down the lover. Enough said.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

I look forward to the rest of the series

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
oh God..

please no! not a whole series..

Ducky7Ducky7about 11 years ago
Very fucked up story

Please stop. Find something else to do.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
well, here goes another hopeless, helpless cuck story

You could as easily have said, "The man is an insecure child in a hopeless marriage.....Hopeless, because they never talked about anything important....EVER!"......and ended it there.

There are so many of these lousy cuck stories! I don't get it.

No imagination, just rehashing the same damn set of features:

She's frustrated, but never told him.

He's stunned to discover he's sexually inadequate and stupid enough to believe it's related to his size.

She wants to 'experience' life with 'real' sex with a 'real' man and sets out to do so without talking it out.

He's pissed and clueless, hopeless and helpless.

This is one dimensional drivel.

Again, your lack of imagination kills this story for me before it even get's off the ground.

Too bad. You write well enough, just need a story to tell and some imagination in doing it.

By the by, your shrinks are amoral assholes with an agenda. Whose? Not sure, and probably won't be back to find out.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

For giving me another series to ignore. Pure crap that should be under Fetishes.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

I really like the way you write.Very believable scenario- dialogue. Flows very well. Not all women care about a man's cock size. My man is on the slim side, and his cock is about 5-6 " inches long, but not very thick. He is fabulous with it though. He loves to use his hands and his mouth on me, which I also love. It makes me feel very worshipped.The other night we laid in bed. He kept telling me how tired he was from work and everything. I was tired too but he kept rubbing my breasts and playing with my nipples. After two hours of it- he fell asleep several times- I was ready to scream he had me so hot!We went to sleep together and woke up the next day extremely tired.He's good with his hands, and mouth and that's all good! Great story you wrote!

snakes454snakes454about 11 years ago
fetish garbage

X_dickless_x should stick to reading the gay section. Cum guzzeling faggot

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