Flight of the Raven Pt. 02


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Ha, that'll teach a glorified mutt to mess with me. Little fucker.

"What the..." I whispered, suddenly having no more spear to pull. The entire weapon was inside the creature, but it didn't seem to be in as much pain as it was before. What the hell. My hopes were utterly quashed when I looked past the end of the shaft which was quickly disappearing down the hound's throat. Fire. The thing had fire in its throat. That couldn't be fair I moaned inwardly, watching the last of the spear turn to ash inside the demons jaws. Well, this was just great.

The hound wasted no time, seeming to have tired of its new plaything, and its jaws quickly descended upon me once more.

So I did the only thing I could do in the situation -- I stuck my arm down its throat. I didn't exactly expect to get the Nobel Prize for brilliant ideas award, but I was under a lot of pressure.

As I felt the demon's jaws inexorably tighten and its flames lash out at my gloved fist I couldn't hold back from venting my fury and frustration. "Why won't you fucking die!" I screamed, putting everything I had left into the words.

I felt a pressure building in my engulfed hand, but it wasn't from the hound. The force became more and more powerful, until I could no longer contain it. Within moments my hand was ripped open as the force inside it was unleashed directly inside the beast's throat.

My head felt a little fuzzy. Well, at least I had a head.

The hound on the other hand, did not. It didn't have much of a torso either.

The demon had literally exploded, its limbs and chunks of meat and bone hurtling backwards into the closely bunched pack of zombies, sending a few of the corpses tumbling uncontrollably to the ground. The beast's black blood had also drenched the area like thick rain, making the pavement, road and most of the zombies appear as if they were victim of a particularly large oil spill.

I could only glimpse the destruction from my peripheral vision as I was entirely focussed on my hand. The hand encased in the black fabric of my combat suit. The black fabric that was covered in bright, shining gold script. A script I had never seen before. A script that began to fade back into the fabric, becoming completely black and undetectable from the ordinary cloth. A script that I knew had just saved my life.

"Luke, come on!" A voice called behind me. Cathy. Shaking my head to clear the sudden dizziness I quickly got to my feet, ignoring the pain in my back and turned, stumbling tiredly to the doorway.

Cathy ran out to meet me, leaving a stunned looking John clutching the door frame, his knuckles white against the dark wood. She reached me a few feet from the door, quickly threading her arm under mine and helping me limp to safety.

We passed the still flabbergasted John and Cathy pulled him with us, all three of us crossing the threshold together to a chorus of happy cries from the others inside. I smiled with relief as Cathy slammed shut the door, wedging a chair under the handle and swiftly throwing closed the door's bolts.

Just in time too. No more than a second passed when the first of the zombies crashed against the entrance, immediately silencing the joyous reunion and sobering the house's occupants, reminding us all of our dire situation.

There were still a dozen zombies outside after all.

"Right," I coughed, still a little fuzzy. "anyone got any ideas?" You'd think I'd come from Mars the way they all looked at me.

Cathy was the first to speak up. "Erm, I think we were kind of hoping you'd have one Luke." Well at least she had the decency to look embarrassed, the others were just nodding their heads dumbly.

Luckily, John provided more fuel for idiot head-nodding time. Lucky me. "When you suggested we run inside I think we all assumed you had a plan Luke." John also had the decency to look embarrassed as he said it. Well that was something I suppose.

"I was thinking more along the lines of we all die right now, or we get inside where we'd have a few minutes to think up a plan. I didn't have one ready. Besides," I said softly. "I didn't expect to make it back."

Cathy hugged me tightly, burying her head against my shoulder. "I'm glad you did." she sniffled, obviously thinking she'd lost me.

A loud clattering could be heard on the other side of the house, making us all jump, the zombies had us completely surrounded and were even trying to get through the ground floor windows. I hoped the glass was thick.

"Um... I have an idea" It took a moment for everyone to find who'd spoken as the words were uttered so softly. Eventually the small crowd parted and Tony was revealed, wobbling slightly as he felt everyone's hopes resting on him.

"What is it Tony?" Cathy helpfully supplied, after seeing him struggle to begin.

"Um... Well... I've checked the gas in the kitchen and it seems to be working. Erm... Luke and I both live on this road. Does your house have a skylight in the loft too Luke?"

I nodded, wondering what the hell he was talking about.

"Right... So it stands to reason that this house should have one too, being on the same road and all."

I interrupted, staring at him in amazement. "You're a genius Tone."

He smiled, proudly, obviously relishing his role now that I'd given my approval.

John, along with the others were still confused. "I'm not sure I understand Tony, what a skylight and gas have to do with anything." John said, voicing the opinions held by the group. Cathy was grinning though, obviously she's figured it out too.

"Well, we can't simply break out of a window and run. The zombies will hear that and pursue us and even if we get away they might happen upon other survivors while they follow us. We probably can't fight them without at least some of us losing our lives in the process and hiding here indefinitely is obviously not an option. We have to get back to the bus before others come looking for us and run into the zombies and we also don't know if zombies need food or drink to survive, they might stay out there until we're all dead from thirst or starvation if we try and wait them out, or they might even manage to break the door down or smash through a window." As if to emphasis his last statement a huge, resounding bang echoed through the house as the door was once again used as a zombie punching bag.

"So." He continued, unfazed, finally getting to what I hoped was the 'plan' part of his speech. My ears were beginning to go to sleep after all. "The only real option we have is to get away, while ensuring the zombies are no longer a threat to us or anyone else."

He continued before the inevitable interruptions from the still unenlightened people could stop him. "It's fairly simply really. We make a rope out of sheets, climb out the skylight to the roof, jump to the roof of the house next door, tie the rope to the chimney and hang it down behind the house, we then climb down the rope to safety. We can't go through the other skylight in case the zombies hear the glass shatter and decide to investigate." Tony paused, obviously hesitant to continue, looking at me for help.

I sighed, knowing I'd be the one to stay behind as soon as I'd figured out his plan. "I'll stay behind, while you all escape, and I'll turn on the gas. When you're all outside I'll set fire to a fuse which should ignite the gas, I'll then open the door, letting the zombies inside the building, and escape myself. Hopefully, if we time it right, we'll all be outside and the zombies will all be inside when the house goes boom. That about right Tone?"

He nodded at me dumbly. Great, now Tony was doing it too.

"You don't have to be the one that stays behind Luke, let someone else do it this time. You've risked enough for us." Cathy begged me, still attached to my chest.

"She's right Luke, I'll do it." John spoke up gruffly, squaring his shoulders.

"No. You have Kate to consider. Anyway, it's honestly not that dangerous, I don't know what you're all so worried about. Besides," I added, placing a finger on Cathy's lips to stop her from arguing. "I'm the one with experience of being blown up. Aren't I." referring to the explosion we'd rigged on the cafeteria fire-exit which had killed five imps and almost taken me too.

Cathy and the others couldn't help but grin, I knew I was successful when I felt Cathy disentangle herself from my arms, fixing me with a piercing stare. "You be careful though. No silly heroics okay? Just set the fuse, open the door and get the hell out. I won't be pleased if you get yourself hurt again..." I grinned, nodding at her like a school-boy would his teacher, making Cathy roll her eyes in mock annoyance.

"Sorry to interrupt, but how will we jump from this roof to the other one? I don't understand." Kate asked, worriedly. Seriously how annoying could one girl be, it was utterly ridiculous. Although, I admitted, grudgingly, it was a good point.

Luckily Tony seemed eager to prove her wrong. I didn't blame him, she'd been a bitch to him for so long it must have been hard to look at her in any other way. "The gap between houses is only a couple of feet so you could probably just step across to the other roof, and the roofs aren't too steep so they shouldn't be too hard to keep your footing once you're up there. Any other questions?" He said, almost tauntingly towards her.

She shook her head no, wide-eyed. John seemed oblivious to the exchange, but Cathy gave Tony a look of disapproval. She really didn't miss much.

The tension in the room got the better of me and I clapped my hands, shattering it. "Right! Let's get moving then, it's not like a pack of zombies are trying to claw their way inside and eat us all is it?" My attempt at humour sadly falling on deaf ears.

Well whatever. At least that got them moving. I watched as Tony, John and Kate took the lead, forging up the stairs with the others following them up. I could hear their feet clattering up the steps on their way to the loft. Cathy was still here. It seemed I wasn't getting away that easy.

She was standing a few feet away, hands on her hips in a pose not unlike the ones my mum used to adopt when she was angry with me. I was pretty used to that pose. "You'd better come back Luke, or I swear to God I'll drag you back myself. Are we clear?" she asked, trying her best to put on a stern face.

I smiled, softly, still not really used to having a friend. "I'll be fine Cathy, compared to everything else, this'll be a doddle. Trust me."

She nodded, not trusting herself to speak and just looked at me, as if trying to commit my face to memory. Finally, she smiled sadly and turned, making her way up the stairs behind the others.

I breathed a sigh of relief, glad to finally be on my own. I had a lot to think about and it was hard with all those people surrounding me.

Walking to the kitchen I made my way over to the oven, smashing the gas spout with a frying pan I'd found in a cupboard, damn useful these pans I thought with satisfaction as I heard and smelt the gas beginning to escape. Grabbing the cloth covering the kitchen table I ripped off a long, thin strip, creating the fuse I'd use to ignite the gas. With nothing left to do but wait I sat on the kitchen counter and went through my final moments with the hound, racking my brain for anything I'd missed.

I wasn't sure how exactly I'd blown up the demon. It had something to do with my suit, that much was obvious, but beyond that I was at a total loss. I was emotional at the end I suppose, I definitely remember feeling strong frustration and anger towards the beast. I spoke too, just before I blew a 400lb demon to little more than pizza toppings. What had I said... Something about wanting it to die I remembered, but I don't see how that would have affected anything.

I sighed, no closer to an answer than I was before. looking at my gloved hand, trying to see that gold script from before I was interrupted by a shout. "Luke we're all out, good luck young man!" I heard John's booming voice bounce down from the loft.

Cracking my knuckles I jumped down from the counter. It was time to roll. Producing a match from the pack Cathy had given me from her explosive stint earlier in the cafeteria I proceeded to light my makeshift fuse, tying the other end to the gas spout.

All that was left now was to play tag with a bunch of zombies, just great.

I decided leaving through a window at the back of the house would be the best option. I wanted to make sure all the zombie got inside and to do that I'd have to give them something to follow. I couldn't just open the front door and expect the zombies behind the house to make it inside in time. No. That'd be far too convenient.

Swiftly creeping to the lounge I briefly looked outside the window, making sure no zombies were standing right next to the glass. I was in luck, so I slid open the window and eased my way outside. There were three of the demons in the back yard, walking aimlessly around and groaning like demented, battery-powered puppets that couldn't be turned off.

Continuing to stealthily make my way to the other side of the house, I stopped short. They weren't following me. "For the love of..." I murmured under my breath. The only time I actually want to be chased by demons and they're completely oblivious. Well, I'd just have to make it more obvious. Walking back to the window I'd made my exit from I took a deep breath, preparing to run.

I smashed through the window with my elbow, filling the still night with the shattering of broken glass. Well, I think that ought to do the trick. I wasn't disappointed. All three zombies were shambling their way towards me. Groaning with excitement. Excellent.

Running through the dark night with demons close behind gave me some perspective on things. This was fun. I was actually enjoying myself. Maybe I'd hit my head too hard outside the cafeteria, I mused.

Finally making my way to the front of the house I was met by a solid wall of zombies. A wall that just so happened to be between me and the door. Shit. Looking at the door also caused my blood to run cold. I'd forgotten to unbolt the fucking thing. Ah shit.

Fortunately, there was a window on this side of the house, unfortunately, there was also a zombie in front of it. Well, I didn't exactly have many options. I ran towards the lone zombie, skirting the other demons as I ran straight at the confused creature, obviously unsure what to do with itself as I came hurtling towards it. Eventually the corpse decided that some form of hugging strategy was the best way to go and proceeded to spread its arms in a loving fashion.

I smiled -- this I could handle. Ducking under the arms of the zombie I dived behind it, arms crossed across my face and eyes closed. I felt the window shatter completely as I sailed through the opening. I rolled upon landing, immediately running to the hallway. I wasn't sure how long I had until the gas ignited but it couldn't have been long. Unlocking the bolt on the front door and kicking open the door completed my mission. There was no way the zombies wouldn't follow me inside now. Follow me they did, slowly climbing the stairs after me as I made my way to the loft.

I didn't pause to check behind me, I didn't need to. I could hear the zombies clumsily making their way upstairs. I saw the skylight as soon as I entered the loft. There was a desk directly under the open window, obviously acting as a form of step ladder to the opening. Swiftly jumping to the desk I grabbed hold of the the window edge and pulled myself up, breathing in the fresh air as I stood on the roof.

I could see the rope tied to the chimney on the other house, the mismatched sheets forming a colourful line to safety. Jumping the two foot gap between houses -- better to be safe than sorry -- I reached the chimney and looked down, smiling as I made out Cathy and Tone's faces amidst the people gathered in the garden of the other house. They waved to me, relief evident on their faces, causing me to smile warmly. I could get used to this.

I slid down the rope, hand over hand and legs wrapped around the sheets as I descended to the garden. Cathy embraced me almost before my feet touched the ground, causing me to chuckle in amusement.

"Hush, it's not funny" She admonished me. "I was worried about you. We all were." Everyone was nodding in agreement, even the people I'd never met before. I didn't recognise them from school so they must have been a few of the survivors Cathy had told me about on the bus. It felt strange, going from pariah to celebrity in the space of a few hours, though I suppose a lot of crazy things were happening in the wake of the eclipse.

Tony was the next to approach after Cathy had released me, grinning at me in relief. Obviously, he felt somewhat responsible as he was the one that came up with the plan. "I'm glad you're okay Luke, it's nice to have you back." He paused, unsure how to continue.

"What's up Tone?" I offered, helpfully.

"Erm... Did you manage to rig the gas up okay? I mean, when do you think the hou--" Tony was silenced as the house in question suddenly exploded as a pillar of flame erupted into the night sky, illuminating the entire street in a hot, orange glow. The noise was so deafening that I was sure some people's ear drums must have burst. We all watched, silently, as the blaze consumed the building, seeming to engulf the structure in its fiery depths. Somehow, I doubted any zombies would be walking out of that.

After a few moments of relative peace amongst the chaos reality set in and John spoke to the group. "We need to get back to the bus people. It's too dangerous to be searching for survivors after witnessing that demon-hound. Far too dangerous. I know that a few of you had friends or family living in this road, but we just can't risk staying out here any longer, we need to get to the bus, organise the others and then decide on our next move." Tony stiffened beside me as John spoke and I knew why. He lived a few houses along from mine. They'd yet to search the other side of the road so our homes were still unexplored. I knew how hard this must be for him, judging by my own worries.

"You guys go, Tony and I will check a couple of houses and then follow you back, we won't be long." I said clearly, daring anyone to argue. Tony stopped shaking and smiled at me in thanks, looking relieved.

John's moustache quivered as he seemed to be engaged in an internal struggle about what to do. Eventually one side prevailed and he just nodded towards us, barking at the others to get moving. Well that was easy I thought cheerfully, delighted to have convinced him so simply.

A cough brought me back to earth and tempered my mood. Right. Cathy. I sighed, this was going to hurt my ears. "You can't come with us Cathy." I gently uttered.

As I suspected, my hearing got a battering. "What do you mean I can't come with you!? I bloody well can if I want and I do want to so that's that." she yelled vehemently, causing a few unlucky people who were close-by to cover their ears with their hands.

"I need you with the others Cathy, John needs someone as intelligent and insightful as you for assistance. Kate needs you too. Everyone does. Besides," I added, hoping to placate her. "We're just gunna get in and get out, the more people we have the riskier it is. Tony and I can do this, But John can't lead everyone without you. Please Cathy."

"But I owe you my life..."

"And you can repay me by using that life to help the others. To save their lives, as I saved yours." I firmly replied.

"You're sure about this?" She asked, sniffling, as she struggled not to cry.

"I'm sure."

She nodded absently, not trusting herself to speak.

John saved me from the heart-wrenching goodbye with his typical brisk tone. "Miss Jones, we're all ready to leave." Gesturing toward the line of people that looked like they wanted to all lay down and have a nap or something, rather than walk back to the bus. I didn't blame them. Hargraves buses were fucking horrible.
