Giving In


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I tucked the note in the robe pocket, as I walked out of the bedroom and down the curving stairs. I got my bearings where I was and where the back would be, but took my time admiring everything as I went. I got to the French doors and opened it, looking around where the pool was. I heard my name and saw them in a secluded area surrounded by rock walls and gardens. I closed the door and walked off the deck, then along the short path there. It was like coming into a small oasis garden with a small water fall. I stood looking at them, smiling broadly, seeing them as a couple, then noticed they were naked. I could see Sharon's breasts bobbing slightly and her dark nipples clearly capping them. I shifted and looked and saw Curtis' cock floating freely in the water. My smile left quickly, being replaced with an uncomfortable look and no idea what to say.

"Hey, Shae, it's okay, ain't got all day, it's time to play!"

I had to laugh at the dumb rhyming, even though I still wasn't sure what I would do.

"The drinks are over on the cart, so go pour one and sit at the side and put your legs in the water if you don't want to come in."

I took that cue to get out of that situation and went to the cart, pouring a tall glass and made sure I had lots of ice. It gave me time to think and I had to remember that this was their place and they did what they wanted out here. This was normal to them and I did like the feeling of being naked outdoors, so I considered what I was getting in to. If Sharon had already seen me naked in the shower, which I suspected she did, Curtis might also have seen me and I was the only one not getting a look. Now that I had seen them, more or less, it sort of evened the scoreboard in my mind and figured when in Rome, do as they do. I took a big drink and topped it up again, before I came back.

"Okay, I'll join you for a dip. I don't think I'll scare you if I take my robe off. Oh, by the way, I really love it, Sharon, it feels so soft and cuddly."

"Isn't it great? Like a thousand soft hands holding you all at once."

"Yea, it does feel like that. Okay then, guess it's time to take it off and get in the water. No peeking."

They both laughed heartily and kept looking at me as I undid the sash and shucked it from my shoulders, letting it drop into my hands.


"Woohoo. Toss it on the chair there and come in. The water feels great."

I put the robe on the chair and came back dipping my toes in first. It was a bit chilly, but the hot sun and the hot shower and left me in a heated state. I slowly got in and sat down, feeling the water hit my aroused pussy and cool it off. It made me shiver hard and then sat down completely, feeling the water come up over my breasts just below my neck. The first thing that hit me was my nipples getting rock hard and almost aching they were so tight. I couldn't help myself and had to rub them as discreetly as I could to relief the aching.

I looked up and noticed them both looking at my breasts and blushed hard.

"Sorry, the water was a bit too much on them and they were hurting."

"No problem, Honey, rub away. If it feels good, do it."

"No, it's not like that. They shrank so fast they were really hurting. The hot shower and the hot sun and then plunging them into this, they..."

"Hey, hey, it's alright. Relax, everything is fine. Don't think anything of it. To be fair and honest, mine did about the same thing and I gave mine a rub too. Poor Curtis suffered the worst. He got a bad case of turtle neck and I just finished coaxing him back out when you came out."

I didn't catch on at first and then it clicked. That's why his cock was floating above his lap like a sea creature luring its prey. I had to laugh. It all hit me just the right way, but I was busting a gut over it all. I just had to look at Sharon or Curtis and their looks just made me break out at seeing them. I finally got myself under control again and apologized. Sharon ran her foot up and down my shin softly and told me to enjoy myself and stop being in control of everything all the time and worrying about what people think.

I realized I was just like that. I was always in control of everything, because my life demanded it. Every part of it required me to be in charge and make sure it was done and done right. I really had little, or no time to just let go and not be in charge of anything. I reached back and grabbed my drink and took a few good swallows, feeling the alcohol do its thing and the relaxing feeling it gave me start to take away that sense of control. I lay my head back against the rounded edge and closed my eyes, letting myself float a bit more, feeling my legs becoming buoyant.

I felt Sharon's hands on my left foot, holding it and beginning to massage it. I squinted my eyes open and smiled.

"That feels incredible. Thank you."

"Great, Honey. I like doing massages. If I had oil, this would feel amazing, but it'll be good just the same in here."

"Oh, I bet it would. I had an oil massage before and loved it. I haven't had one in a while and wouldn't mind having one of those again. Love your hands, they feel so good. You give good massages for sure, I can tell."

"Well, thank you, Honey. That's sweet of you. Tell you what, after we have dinner and some wine, how about I give you that oil massage. I wouldn't mind doing a woman's body for a change. I love Curtis' body, don't get me wrong, but it's nice to feel a woman and the differences between them."

I took another drink of L I iced tea and felt another blast of calming warmth from it. I loved how alcohol made me feel. I didn't like getting smashed, just a really nice buzz and that warm feeling inside. I could feel the tingles up my leg, as Sharon worked the arch of my foot and then the balls of my toes. I always thought it was incredible how sensitive my feet were and the pleasure from touching them like this.

I felt like I didn't have a care in the world right then, despite my situation being so dire. I understood about letting go and how it felt and I was happy inside and breathing easier. I felt Sharon put my leg on hers and then take the other foot and start on it. I didn't care that I really didn't know them from Adam and Eve, but they had given me the chance to unwind and relax and I was more than ready to. I just sat there, almost floating, sipping away on my drink as Sharon lulled me further into a relaxing state. The ice tinkled in the glass, letting me know it was empty and drained the last few drops of it and put my glass on the pool deck.

"Curtis, be a dear and fill Shae's glass again would you? Put some fresh ice in too. Thanks Baby."

Curtis leaned over and kissed her and stood up. I creaked an eyelid open and peeked to see what he looked like out of the water. Even limp, he was almost five inches and nicely thick, then I saw the rows of silver studs along the shaft and opened my eyes a bit wider to focus. There was at least six or seven rows that I could see, with about eight to ten in each row. The sun glinted off the rings on his balls and that had my eyes open all the way. He was shaven smooth and he had a tattoo of a pair of handcuffs linked together, with the initials SW in them. I figured out easily that S was for Sharon and their last name started with W, most likely. When I saw eyes turning towards me, I closed them again and envisioned him all in my mind.

It didn't take me long to imagine him hard and as big as I figured he might be, or hoped. I might be in a weird position right then, but cock was cock and I loved them. I sat there with my eyes closed, feeling Sharon rubbing the most delightful sensations into me as I imagined her husband's cock and what I'd like to do to it. Those studs spelled texture and that was big with me when something was going inside me. I liked cocks with big veins along the shaft and a big head on the end of it. It wasn't so much the length, but the thickness and ridges it had. Curtis looked like he possessed a cock with all the right features, at least in my mind.

I heard my glass set down beside me and a soft stroke of my head from him as he climbed back into the pool. It was only three feet deep, so his cock was out of the water as he passed me. I took a really good look and noticed the thickness of it, knowing he had to have good veins to make it swell to full erect size. I closed my eyes again and put all the new details to it and savored the thoughts. I felt my other foot being placed on Sharon's other leg and then her hands were doing my calves and massaging the muscles well. I was getting so comfortable with her touch and let her work away at me as she wanted.

I reached up and carefully took my glass and sipped at the cold drink.

"This is really nice. I'm am truly enjoying all of this you two. Thank you for the drink Curtis and again, Sharon, your hands are marvels at making me feel good. My feet feel so relaxed and now my calves. You really do know how to make me feel good."

"Wonderful, Honey. I'm sure you'll enjoy it with oil later."

"Oh, that still sounds so delicious. My neck and shoulders still feel tense from all the driving and so does my lower back and butt for that matter."

That got us all laughing a bit, then Sharon put my feet down and stood up. I saw her naked for the first time and couldn't really avoid looking at her. Her breasts were full and round and the dark nipples I saw earlier looked even bigger and juicier in the flesh. She was in great shape physically, not much fat on her any where and I took a look between her legs and saw she was smoothly shaven and the glittering of precious metal came from her lips and clit areas. I saw her hold her hand out to me to help me up and I took it, holding on to my glass as I did.

"Come, let's get dried off and have some dinner. You must be starving after your trip. We have some stew in the crock pot and a fresh loaf of bread I baked this morning. Curtis will get us a couple of bottles of a nice red to go with it and we'll have a nice dinner together."

"I just don't know how to thank you both for all you're doing for me. I'd be in such a worse position if you didn't come along. I don't even know the direction to the nearest town from where my car is. I just hope the engine is okay. That's my biggest worry right now."

"Well, let that worry go for now. No amount of worrying is going to change anything, until you know for sure what's what."

"You're right, Sharon. It won't help change a thing. No sense in worrying over nothing. I guess we'll find out tomorrow morning if it's okay to drive or not."

"Yes we will. Ready to go eat?"

"Sure am. I'm starving and a good bowl of stew and bread sounds yummy. I like reds myself, so I'm looking forward to it."

"Great, let's go get it."

Sharon walked me up the steps and I went over and picked up the robe. I saw Sharon standing there comfortably naked and went with the flow and held it in my arm instead of putting it on. Sharon smiled at me, liking that I wasn't shy about my body being exposed to her. She put her arm around my waist and it felt comfortable there. I put mine around hers and felt our hips together as we walked in. Curtis had the stew and bread on the table, bowls and plates at three places. He was opening the wine and pouring glasses as we came into the dining room.

"Excellent Baby, great stuff. Looks perfect. Okay, Shae, you sit here and help yourself to whatever you like. Lots of everything, so dig in."

"This is a new one for me. I've never sat with people naked and ate dinner. I do it all the time when I'm alone, but this is a first. Interesting."

"It is, isn't it? Sharon and I have been doing it for years. In fact we're naked more than we're dressed. Great sense of freedom from it."

"There is, Curtis. I like being naked myself. I like the feeling you're talking about."

"I find it let's us be who we really are and not hide behind the disguise of clothes."

"I would agree with that, Sharon. I've got to say, you guys made a great stew and this bread is great, Sharon. It's perfect for this."

"Glad you like it. Lots of great, small game animals around and we make a batch of stew with some of them. We grow all our own vegetables and eat quite well with what we have out here."

"That's great that you can do that. I wish I could do that some day. I like my independence and doing things like that, I just don't have the place or the money to do it. I hope one day I can live that dream out."

"That's a nice dream to have, Shae, hold on to it and you never know when fate decides to make it happen."

I felt her hand on mine as she said it, letting me know she felt strongly about it too. I shifted mine so I could hold hers and smiled at her, letting her know I was happy with her support on it. She gave mine a little squeeze and smiled broadly. I did love her smile. I found it so warm and inviting and made me want to smile back. Curtis picked up his glass to make a toast, so we picked up ours as well.

"Here's to good food, good wine and good friends. May they all bring us happiness to our spirits."

We all clinked glasses and took a good drink each, before we got back to eating and talking. No matter what topic we hit on, it was something we could all relate to and it brought us closer together. Sharon asked about my personal life and what I was doing. I told her I had tried a few new things and experimented with toys a bit more. I didn't want to let her know about my dalliances in bi-sex and kept that back from her. As comfortable as I was being naked, being that naked wasn't as far as I wanted to go.

She started telling me the things she and Curtis had tried out and found they were thinking much like I was in what they wanted to do. I wondered if she had been with another woman before and asked as subtly as I could.

"I have, several times. Mostly when I was in college with friends seeing what it was like. I did meet a woman when I was in my early thirties that I had a chance to play with and that was a lot of fun. She was more experienced in it than I was, but it didn't take long for me to get into it and enjoy it. I hadn't really even considered doing anything with her, but one night we were getting drunk and one thing led to another and we ended up in bed together. It was before I met Curtis and after I had broken up with my ex. I was lonely, so was she, we hit it off and like I said, one thing led to another and we were at each other like crazy."

"I tried it once already too. Sort of happened like you did and we ended up making out together. We didn't plan on it, but like you said, one thing to another and we were naked and going like mad at each other."

"What did you think of it? The way a woman touches you and does things to you, compared to a man?"

"Hmmm, right off, everything was completely different than how a guy does anything, at least the ones I've been with. I think it's because we know our bodies so well and another woman's body isn't that much different, so we know where all the good parts are and we know how to touch them and do things at the right time. I like not having to ask to do something a different way that I like. I really liked that she just sort of knew by instinct and allowed me the chance to just enjoy everything."

"I agree. She knew all the buttons and the right order to push them. I just laid back and let her do me whatever way she wanted to. I knew I would like it no matter what it was. After I lost count of how many orgasms I had, I knew I liked being with another woman."

"I felt the same way, too. It was so exciting and everything we did just turned us on more. I came a lot too because of her and like you, knew I liked being with another woman after that."

I couldn't believe what I was telling them about myself. I never shared any of my intimacies like this. I wasn't sure why, but it felt good to be able to tell her about them. Curtis seemed to be a quiet guy and never really said anything. I could see Sharon was more of the dominant one in the relationship, but Curtis didn't seem to mind and accepted his place.

"So after experiencing both men and women, which do you like being with more?"

I looked at Sharon, wondering why she asked me that and hesitated in answering. I thought about it and gave her an honest answer.

"I think I'd have to say I still like guys better, because I do love cock, but there's something different and wonderful about being with a woman. I'd have to say I like guys more, but wouldn't mind a woman in the mix."

Sharon was looking at me and seemed to be studying me and measuring me. I wasn't sure why and it seemed innocent enough to me, but something told me there was more to it than just asking questions.

"I'd say I'm about the same. I like a good cock to fuck too and enjoy some pussy once in a while as well."

"I still can't get over that I'm even talking about things like we are. I'm normally not this open with things."

"I guess you just feel comfortable enough with me to say them."

I looked at her as I ate and had to agree. I did feel comfortable with her and felt better finally sharing them actually. I was also feeling a bit wet between my legs too. Sitting naked and talking about sex had my body responding to it all. Curtis topped up our glasses again and I was feeling the warm glow sweep through me as I drank some.

"You know, Sharon, oddly enough, I do feel comfortable telling you. I'm not sure why, but I feel like I can tell you anything."

"That's because you know there's no judgments handed down here. You can be who you are and not worry you'll be thought of less."

"You know, I do feel that. I feel accepted and everything I say is okay. I really feel I can tell you anything and you'll understand."

"Of course I will. I stopped living my life like everyone else thought I should and live it my way, doing what I want to do. I don't care if they don't agree, it's none of their business anyway. I like who I am and love what I do and my happiness is important to me, so I wouldn't deny myself it because someone gets a bit bent out of shape over it."

"I like that. That's a good way to think of things. I want to know more about myself and what I might like and I'm always worried someone might find out about it."

Sharon held my hand again and looked at me squarely.

"Honey, whatever you come up with in that pretty head of yours, go for it and enjoy it for all its worth. Nothing worse than wishing you had of taken a chance and tried something new. That's a regret I'd hate to live with."

I heard her words and each one sank in deep and took hold inside me. For all that I wanted to explore and find out about myself, I was holding back from doing it because of what I thought others would think of me if they found out. Sharon's words made all the sense in the world to me. I would never be living my life, until I stopped letting other people's concerns worry me. It all seemed to be, 'just give in and do it and the consequences be damned.'

"I like that attitude a lot, Sharon. I do feel some regret at not taking a chance when I had it. It was there for me to try, but I declined and I've kicked my ass ever since for not doing it."

Sharon studied me a bit closer, getting a sense I guess of what I wanted to try and didn't.

"I bet I know what it was too."

"I doubt it, Sharon, but you can guess if you want."

"I bet you had a chance to do two guys and couldn't go through with it."

I was floored. That was what I had turned down and I had no idea how she could possibly know that. I looked at her with a great amount of surprise and she started to laugh lightly.

"Honey, that was easy to guess. You're not the only woman who's fantasized about having two cocks fucking her. That and being fucked and having your clit licked at the same time is another."