Gypsy Designs Ch. 04


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Turning toward the house Gypsy saw Sophie standing in the open door, a large revolver in her hand, Jaz reached for it, her arm resting around her mother's shoulders.

"Christian bring her inside," Gypsy sobbed seeing how limp Megan was in his arms, blood pouring down staining her hair from a large gash on her forehead.

Caydn grabbed her arms spinning her around, pulling her tightly against his chest. "He isn't going to let anything happen to her Gypsy," he said softly turning her toward the house.

Gypsy felt her heart stop hearing the soul wrenching sound that escaped Christian when he bent his head to Megan's chest, jerking his head up his eyes met Phillip's then Caydn's as if searching for answers.

Jaz rushed out to them, "I called the police," she said looking at each of the men, "I had to because of this, anyone in the neighborhood would've heard the sound of the shot," she said looking down at Roland's still body, the blood puddling beneath him on the paved driveway.

"Christian can you take her into the house?" Phillip asked, "Can she make it until the police do their questioning then we can take her to the hospital?" he questioned gently glancing at him knowingly before looking at Gypsy.

"Caydn take Gypsy inside, let Jaz stay with her and Sophie until the police get here, you talk to them being the home owner."

Gypsy looked at all of them as if they'd lost their minds, "Caydn we've got to get her to the hospital or she's going to die," she said her voice ragged with tears.

Caydn turned her toward the house, "Gypsy calm down, healing is what Christian does, he'll make sure she's fine until after the police have a chance to see her, then he'll make sure she gets the attention she needs please trust me," he said taking her face in his hands. "We need to make sure Sophie's okay," he reminded her of her aunt, the shock she must be feeling having just shot a man.

A patrol car pulled into the driveway within minutes, having been patrolling the neighborhood on his usual routine. Meeting Phillip in the driveway, Megan was stretched out in Christian's arms in the back seat of the SUV. Phillip lowered his voice, explaining to the officer what'd happened and that they'd drive Megan to the hospital instead of waiting for an ambulance for fear there wasn't time.

The officer nodded, turning toward the house meeting Caydn at the back door while Phillip and Christian sped out of the driveway in the large SUV.


Gypsy sat staring out the window at the pool while the police finished gathering all the information they needed for the report. The ambulance had come and taken Roland to the hospital, but the medical personnel who worked on him shook their head no when the officer asked if they thought he'd make it.

Caydn glanced at Jaz standing behind Sophie patting her shoulder while she dried her eyes when the officer assured her, if she hadn't taken the action she had it was possible both Gypsy and Megan would have been killed by Roland. Looking toward Gypsy he saw Jaz sigh.

"Gypsy honey everything's going to be okay," she said softly glancing at Caydn, nodding toward the front of the house.

"Officer if you're finished with Gypsy I'm going to take her into the other room," he said waiting to see if there'd be any objection, in case he needed to be some what persuasive.

At the officers nod he took Gypsy's arm, pulling her from the chair leading her from the kitchen. Walking into his study he turned only one small desk lamp on before pouring her a double brandy handing it to her, guiding it to her lips.

She took a sip feeling the burn going down her throat before settling in her stomach. "Caydn, is Megan going to be okay? Do you think Christian can help her?" she said lifting her eyes to meet his.

"Christian and Phillip will do everything they can do for her, don't worry about it," he said gently, "Gypsy I want you to think back when you were traveling with your father or doing anything with him when it was just the two of you, did he ever mention anything about the type of work your grandfather did or why and for who?" he asked kneeling near the arm of her chair, her eyes following him.

"My dad always told me my grandfather did something involving very important security but that's all," she said taking another drink, "he did tell me if anything in my life didn't make sense I was to talk to Uncle Vince and he'd do his best to explain things to me, he couldn't because my mom would be mad at both of us is all he said."

Caydn turned hearing a noise at the door, seeing Vince in his wheel chair Jaz behind him. He dropped his head knowing life as he'd known it the past few weeks might very well be coming to an end.

"Caydn can Gypsy and I use your study to talk?" Vince asked meeting Caydn's eyes, seeing the resignation and also a flash of what might've been dejection in the mans eyes.

"Jaz if you'd stay with your mother I'd appreciate it, and Caydn any word on Megan would be a great help, to help ease everyone's minds," he said while Jazleen rolled him into the room stopping him in front of Gypsy. Jazleen and Caydn both left the room closing the door behind them silently.

"I feel like I'm in the principal's office for doing something wrong," she forced a tear filled smile, taking the hand he offered her. "Why was I so stupid and had to confront him by myself Vince? If I'd listened to Caydn none of this would've happened, Megan would be okay and not possibly dying somewhere," she dropped her head, tears falling freely onto her hands resting in her lap.

"Gypsy you did it because you're an independent young woman who's gone through a lot in the past few years along with most of your life. Being such you've learned to not trust or need anyone but yourself and for that I'm sorry Gypsy," he said leaning forward to lift her face her eyes to meet his.

"I promised Elliot a long time ago, one day I'd sit you down and tell you a story that you might find hard to believe, but when you hear it things will feel as if they're falling into place," he told her gently.

Vince explained his father, her grandfather, was just one in a long line of their family decedents who'd continued somewhat of a family business over seeing material things and needs for some rather influential people from their home country.

He told her the story his own father had told him and Elliot, when they were growing up. It included a race of people who lived for the most part the same as everyone else, just a few things differed.

Sitting listening she leaned back finishing her brandy, getting up pouring herself another before meeting Vince's eyes.

"Okay you're trying to tell me that our family's done everything they've done because there's an entire group of people sort of like Boris Karloff in the movies? Vampires, you want me to believe that they're all vampires?" she stared at him not sure if she wanted to laugh or ask if he'd taken to many pills.

She could read what he was thinking and it suddenly dawned on her he wasn't kidding, nor was he overly medicated, sitting back down heavily she stared at him meeting his eyes while he watched her closely.

"You know what you're want me to accept don't you?" she asked getting up from her chair to pace the room. "So you're telling me their dead right? And your telling me Christian's one of them and he's going to let Megan die so he can do something to her and make her one of these walking dead people also?" she stared at him, looking up she saw Jazleen step into the room silently.

"Gypsy, daddy's not telling you anyone's dead," she said walking to her cousin, stopping in front of her.

Gypsy stared at Jaz for a minute before Jaz took her hand, putting it gently on her chest locking her eyes to hers.

"Feel that?" Jaz asked, "That's my heart it beats, if I were dead it wouldn't, in death no matter who it is their hearts don't beat they'd lay still and rot as would the mind and the body," she said softly waiting to see if Gypsy was going to understand.

"What would your heart have to do with any...?" Gypsy said stopping suddenly. Pulling her hand away from Jaz slowly, she walked toward the window taking a deep breath.

"Jaz okay if it isn't dead or they aren't or hell you, but are you like the vampires Boris Karloff made so famous drinking blood and flying through the sky at night as bats?" she turned to glance at her cousin who'd sat beside Vince.

Jaz laughed, "I really wish Hollywood hadn't made such a impression on people, all the millions of different volumes of the same story they made with different twists to it," she grinned, "I can honestly say I've never taken on the shape of a bat nor anything creepy crawly and I don't intend to start now," she grinned.

"As for your other question, the answer would be yes, do we kill those we take what we need to survive from, no of course not," she said firmly, "we don't hurt or kill anyone anymore than any average person does in their lives. Now I'm not saying there aren't some of our people who turn bad the same way someone's next door neighbor might, just like everyone else when someone turns to the dark side they then need to be removed before they can harm any one," she said glancing at Vince who nodded in agreement.

Gypsy leaned against the edge of Caydn's desk while she'd listened, "Okay this might sound strange but if you're one of them or like that or how ever you'd rather me word it is our entire family?" she asked looking to both of them for an answer.

Vince nodded, "There've been a few in the past and there are a few now that are yes. Jazleen as she's admitted to you, also Victor has accepted the gift of longevity since our family and the skills we offer has shrunk dangerously the past few years," he explained, watching when she moved to sit behind Caydn's desk trying to absorb everything she was being told, and after everything that'd already happened only an hour or so ago.

"You father fell in love with your mother, with that choice he also made the choice to not step into what'd be called a family business of being protectors. He knew not long after marrying Evelyn it wasn't something he'd ever trust her with the knowledge, that if not heavily guarded could endanger many lives," he said taking Jaz's hand while she sat beside him.

"No one in our family until Angelique was born to that life, but we've all been gifted with extraordinary talents that you're aware of," he smiled, "I have to admit your skills are even more refined from the time you were young than Jazleen's were when she first changed."

Gypsy looked at Jaz, "How come when I was in Paris with you and Phillip, I wasn't able to read him and learn this then about both of you?" she asked leaning forward putting her elbows on the desk.

"Phillip was speaking only French and even thinking in nothing but that language, if you remember you didn't speak it at the time so his thoughts would've been mixed in among the jumble of everyone around you," she grinned, "I had to make it a point to think only in French. And at that time I had not made the commitment to change as I have since then."

Gypsy laughed remembering having to ask Jaz what everyone was saying and how to say this or that. Stopping suddenly she stared at Vince. "You're a protector aren't you Vince?" she said her voice just barely a whisper. At his nod she closed her eyes dropping her face to her hands.

"So that means..." she said her voice trailing off to silence. Keeping her eyes closed, she listened when Vince asked Jaz to take him back to his room Sophie had been alone as long as he was comfortable leaving her.

Hearing the door close she felt the sob threatening to escape her, so many things bombarding her so suddenly she didn't know if she'd be able to process and digest all of it without losing her mind. Giving into the emotion she laid her head on the desk, crying silently, tears slipping through her fingers as she covered her eyes.

Sitting up she shoved her hair back from her face, opening her eyes she gasped seeing Caydn leaning against the closed door watching her closely.

"If you want to know then ask me," he said his voice deep and smooth just above the honeyed tones, something inside him twisted seeing the tears clinging to her lashes knowing the truth and confusion had put them there. "All you have to do is ask and I'll tell you the truth," he told her stepping over to take the chair she's been sitting in earlier.

"Why didn't you tell me this yourself?" she said so softly had his hearing not been so enhanced he would've thought the words a sigh.

Caydn leaned forward in the chair bracing his elbows on his knees, "How was I suppose to tell you this and make you believe me? And not have you think Vince and Sophie worked here taking care of me because I was insane and they were my guardians?" he asked with a strained chuckle. "I asked you a few times about anything your father might've told you and then remembering your mother I asked if Victor had told you anything. It only took me asking to know that you're one of only a handful in your family line that hasn't known," he explained.

She nodded understanding some what, "But you made me think you wanted me and I don't mean as a meal," she laughed blushing, "sorry if I word things wrong or offensively but if I don't laugh, I feel like I'm going to lose my mind and have to be locked in a padded room," she took a deep breath, leaning back in his chair her feet moving up to rest on the edge of the seat.

"Why would you do that? Or was it to much fun playing with my emotions because I'm so inexperienced?" she said her eyes moving along the patterned ceiling instead of looking at him even though she could feel his eyes moving over her with as much intensity as if he were touching her.

Caydn stood up walking to stand on the other side of the desk bracing his hands on the desk glaring at her. "What in the hell makes you think I was playing at any damn thing?" he asked his voice angry, her eyes moving to meet his.

"How am I suppose to believe anything that's been said or happened since I've been here, now that I find out all of it's a front to keep your life, hell even your existence a huge secret?" she glared back at him, "I saw you with the people at the event that night all those people flocking to you like you were 'all that'," she said sarcastically. "And Amanda," she said suddenly dropping her legs to the floor, leaning forward quickly her eyes blazing.

"Now I have some idea why Ms. Amanda was fawning all over you she's one of your toys or should I call them dinner, maybe brunch since you live the upper crust life," she snapped standing up, shoving the chair back against the low book case behind it with a loud crash.

"Stop it," he said his voice a low roar, smiling cynically when he saw her stop in her tracks only to turn and glare at him before spinning on her heel presenting her back to him staring out the window into the darkness.

"I'm trying to remember you've been through quite a bit tonight, first that bastard showing up, Megan getting hurt and then all of the questions from the police and having to mentally relive everything that'd happened the past few years," he said his voice lowering, "If it hadn't been for all this it's possible that you'd never been told anything."

She shook her head, "I understand what you said about my mother and the choices my father made, but what about when I was older? Hell I stayed with Jazleen and Phillip in Paris she obviously knew so why didn't she tell me then?" she asked.

"Yes Jazleen knew but she was raised here in this house and a few different estates I own, so she's grown up being aware, knowing about myself and others like me," he said stepping back to sit in the chair facing the desk.

Running her hands over her face, she leaned her head back taking a deep breath. "Why did Vince tell me now? Would've it been easier to not telling me, just let me go on being ignorant of all of it the way I was?" she asked taking her glass to the bar, pouring a stiff shot of bourbon. Lifting the glass she looked at it for a minute before tossing it back quickly, shaking her head as the burning liquor made it's way down her throat.

Caydn could hear the broken bits and pieces of her thoughts while she fought to put everything together so she could make sense out of it. Watching her closely he wished he could make things easier to understand but he knew she had to adjust to all of this on her own.

Turning she looked at him, tears shimmering in her eyes again. "What's happening with Megan?" she said her voice barely a whisper, "Is she going to be okay or not?"

He rubbed his hand over his forehead, "Megan was hurt much worse than it looked," he said slowly not daring to meet her eyes yet, "not only was it from the blow to her head but also where her head struck the car when she fell. The trauma was great and the damage equally bad," he said his voice fading to silence.

"Caydn can Christian help her like you said he could, you told me he was some type of healer so can he make her better or not?" she asked the sound of tears clear in her voice while she tried to hold them back for what seemed like the hundredth time that night.

"It depends on what your idea of better would be," he said glancing up at her feeling his heart tighten seeing the sparkling tears sliding from her eyes. "You'll be able to see her in a few days but her life will be different now you could say."

Closing her eyes she took a ragged breath, "She'll be like Christian, Phillip and Jaz now won't she?" she asked meeting his eyes.

He nodded quietly, "And like me Gypsy," he said looking away from her, standing he walked to the door, "If you decide not to stay here I'll understand it, I'm not going to lie and say I wouldn't like it but I understand you have many things to think about."

She watched him close the door behind him quietly, wrapping her hands around the glass tightly she fought the urge to follow him and ask him to hold her since it seemed to calm her down and make her feel safe, right now that would be a blessing compared to everything she was feeling.

Setting the glass down she walked out of his study, pausing in the hallway she heard Sophie and Jaz in the kitchen, before walking up the stairs to her room closing the door behind her locking it.

Crawling into bed without even taking her clothes off she pulled the covers tightly under her chin taking a deep breath forcing herself go to sleep to escape everything she wasn't ready to face at the moment.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Gah! I know it's been nearly 15 years, but the pedant in me can't let it go. Boris Karloff NEVER in his long career played a vampire. <sigh> I can't believe no one else pointed that out.

ScarletKScarletKover 15 years ago
Well done!

I love the way this story is unfolding! Additionally, it's good to know that you care enough about your readers (& your work) to get a proofreader. Bravo!

I_ShadowI_Shadowover 15 years agoAuthor
Editing is about to take place....

I am in the process of having an editor look at each chapter and then I will be reposting each chapter.

I have debated on removing the story completely until that has been finished but am not sure yet.

Thank you for the feed back though, all is apreciated :)

cantfightfatecantfightfateover 15 years ago
I'm really enjoying your story but

it would benefit from an editor. You have a lot of grammar and tense mistakes. You also use lots of run on sentences and have a tendency to miss words out of sentences. It makes it difficult to read. Also, it was difficult to tell when the scene was changing. In one sentence, it was night time and the next it was morning. The only indication of time change was the mention on coffee. Some indication when a scene is over, even if it's just a dotted line across the page, stars or a couple of extra lines between scenes would make your story even better.

I had to read some paragraphs twice to understand what you were trying to say. If the storyline and characters weren't so great, I would have given up several chapters ago. So my constructive criticism is to get an editor and to be more obvious with the scene changes. Thanks for writing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Love it!

Awesome story, I'm really enjoying it.

PseudonymAPseudonymAover 15 years ago
I really love the way this story is turning out

What can I say, I'm a sucker for sexual tension and a good story line! :)

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