Hunting the Hunter Ch. 07


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"Or ever, for that matter." Offered another snidely.

"Like mother like daughter...In more ways than one..." Inanna caught the sneering glance in Feric's direction and resisted the urge to flambe the bitch...not that it would have done an good.

"At least her mother remains to do her duty to her people..." Her great-grand father chimed in, not wishing to be left out apparently.

The nattering continued until her Great-grandmother raised her hand causing them to fall silent.

Inanna huffed, crossed her arms across her chest, and glared back at them. "Just because it's expected doesn't make it right."

Another huffed back...her Great-great-great-Aunt Orvona from the looks of her. "And what, young lady, is right? We helped your N'wah, and we broke many ancient laws doing so. But you cannot expect such favors more than once. And for the love of all that is sacred, you used blood magic to summon us...does that not strike you as inappropriate?"

"Oh please, I use what I have because I have to...and what did it hurt? Nothing. Tradition does not knit the fabric of the universe people...these aren't the laws of magica we're talking about here."

"Careful child..." her grandmother again, "we are not unaware of the laws you yourself have broken...some very recently."

She bristled and sighed, bowing her head and placing her hands on her hips. For a long moment she paused and thought over what she wanted to say. With a final swallow she got to her hands and knees and leaned forward, touching her forehead to the cool stone.

"Blessed ancestors," she began, "I understand your hesitation in heading my call, and the absence of so many of my line. I come to you in humility and with shame in my heart for the ancient laws I have broken and with a desire to do penance to cleanse my spirit and to regain your most high favor."

"Somehow I doubt that." She heard one of them mutter. Inanna ignored it, prayed, hard, for patience, and kept going. This was going to take a while.


Feric watched, fascinated as the strange inscriptions began to glow more brightly until they changed color, filling the space above and around them with a bright light. The air in the room seemed to crackle with energy and it made his fur stand on end. So to did the figures in the center of the ring, though in the less literal sense.

Six figures, spirits, began to articulate in the light and haze. They were clearly Dunmer, two males and four females, their features eerily distinct while at the same time being almost transparent. He felt his hackles raise and could see the others shifting uncomfortably at the sight. It was rare that one encountered a such a spirit who was not intent on your immediate destruction.

Once they'd materialized, they simply hovered there. He glanced at Ina and mimicked the frown he saw on her face.

Finally she spoke, shaking her head and sounding irritated. Her words were in Dunmeri, so he couldn't follow what she said, nor the heated response she received. There was some sort of argument which ended with Inanna resting her hands on her hips and sighing in what looked like defeat. She completed the impression by getting down on her hands and knees and apparently grovelling before them.

She continued speaking, this time in a much softer tone...and did so for a long time. She stopped finally and there was a pause. What seemed to be the leader of the spirits, a woman, responded. He could feel the wave of frustration and anger which came off of Ina, but she didn't do anything more than pull her hand into a fist for a moment before spreading it palm down on the floor as it was before. She spoke again, her voice tight, but calm. He glanced at Desdemona who was watching with passive interest. He was tempted to ask her what they were saying, but that would mean shifting, and he didn't want to interrupt the proceedings.

Inanna said something else, which seemed to really get them going, a few making obvious gestures of frustration and anger themselves. But Inanna was insistent.

And then she said something which made all of them fall silent, and even caused Desdemona to start and let out a subdued 'oh my' from behind her hand.

The spirits were all but shouting now, and Inanna had risen to her knees and was arguing right back. He looked to Desdemona, hoping she could interpret his need to know what the hell was going on. She happened to glance over to him, then sidestepped until they were close enough for her to murmur to him.

"She's claimed you...all of you. Naturally they're pissed."

What did that mean?

He looked up and noticed that one of the spirits, a male seemed to be chuckling, though he was pinching the bridge of his nose and shaking head. Another spirit made some comment to him, and they all turned to look at him. Whatever he said made Desdemona chuckle as well.

He looked at her again, and she leaned in whispering, "they chided him for laughing, and he told them it makes no difference what they say or how they react, this is Inanna they're talking about, and she needs no encouragement. They were telling him not to encourage her...obviously."

There was another round of back and forth. "Now they're just being petty." Des whispered after a minute. "Oh...there we go." All but two of the spirits vanished, leaving the leader, and the male who had chuckled. Inanna looked frustrated and shook her head. Her voice was calmer though.

She reached out and smudged the circle. The woman drifted toward her, speaking, her voice stern, but the conversation seemed to have turned civil once more. She hovered before Ina, who crossed her hand over her heart and bowed her head as the spirit touched her fingers to the top of Ina's head. The words she spoke seemed to interest Desdemona more than Inanna though.

And then she vanished as well, leaving only the last spirit. Inanna got to her feet and gestured to him, smirking and saying something obviously sarcastic.

The spirit only smiled and shook his head, then turned and looked toward where he was standing. "Desdemona," he called in common. "So nice to see you're still about and causing mischief."

She held up her hands. "Don't look at me honored uncle, I'm just following your niece as always."

He looked back at Inanna then flitted over to her, touching her forehead as the other had and said a few words in Dunmeri.

"A fat lot of good that will do me." She muttered in common.

"You'd be surprised. Don't take it know how they are."

"They're the ones taking it personally."

"Yes...but we're old, and set in our ways. We have no patience for the frivolities of youth."

"There is nothing frivolous about this...I'm deadly serious. You know that."

"Yes, I do know. But I know you better than they do. They will come to understand eventually."

"Eventually isn't good enough."

"It will have to be. It's all you have I'm afraid."

He glanced once more in their direction, nodded politely, then vanished as well.

"I hate my life." Inanna said aloud to no one in particular. Then turned to look over her soldier to see everyone looking at her curiously. "What a waste of time."

"Not a total waste perhaps...I heard something about a prophesy? That sounds interesting." Desdemona piped from behind her.

"It's me." After their little group circle jerk where they all decided to get uppity and righteous on her ass, her great grandmother had at least paused to give her some 'advice'. It was pretty useless really, just gestures toward actual help...which they flat out denied. Except uncle Assurban of course. But he'd always been the exception.

"There are many powerful creatures in the web, she says. Consider your prophesy, she says. Look both ways before crossing the thoroughfare. Don't run with a knife in your hands. Don't swim after you eat...gee, thanks grandma." She looked around. "Dead end. Sorry folks. No ancestral guardians for us." She called out to those who were still watching.

"I suspected they wouldn't go for it twice." Des murmured, walking nearer and crouching down next to her.

"Had to try."

"So what is your prophesy?"

"Long story."

"Make it short."

"Ok, boring story."

"Make it interesting."

"I hate you."

"Fill in the gaps: Inanna is destined to..."

"It's not that big a deal. We all get one when we're born. After the smack on the ass and just before they rub the ash all over you."


"Yeah. How do you think we get so dark?"

She made a disgusted sound. "Be serious."

"Alright, I'll tell you but it isn't useful. It's just a bunch of common places and keywords strung together to sound interesting. Like those lunar astrological things. 'You may or may not recognize someone you met years ago, today is a bad day to travel, you lucky number is one, three, four, eight, or ten.'"

"tell me already."

She sighed and cleared her throat. "One of many roots of a great tree, your fortunes will grow and multiply like its leaves, and its trunk will remain strong against wind and axe. Greater yet will it become, fed and watered with the blessings of the hunter and kin." She arched a brow at Des. "See. Useless. It could mean anything or nothing. That old bat lives for that crap. Fetching mystics. You know I bet they've never given a bad one. No one ever says, 'you're life will be boring and you'll do nothing useful or interesting,' or, 'you will be betrayed by everyone you care about and will die sad and alone.'"

"I'm sure everyone has something positive to offer." Another voice commented from behind her. She turned and raised a brow as Feric who was now hovering over her right shoulder. "Or at the very least can play a part in something greater than themselves...even if they are unaware of it."

"You are too cute for words. Did you pick that up from a priest of Akatosh or something? Maybe read it in a psalm book?"

He gave her wry look, but declined to answer.

" are aware that you're not wearing anything..." Desdemona was eying the naked man standing next to her with an amusing mixture of discomfort and appreciation. He only smirked and crossed his arms over his broad chest.

The flush that infused the Breton's face made Inanna grin maniacally. She'd gotten so used to the casual nudity round here that she forgot the effect her sexy cat could have on the uninitiated.

"Yes, well." She cleared her throat and pretended not to look at him. "He's not all wrong, dear. Even if it does sound a little 'Sundas morning special'."

"Not you too?"

"Think about it. We've encountered our share of sorry souls who have in their own way played an integral part in much larger tales."

"Fine. That still doesn't make my tree analogy any more useful."

"True enough."

"Maybe it's not completely an analogy?" Feric offered.

"How do you mean?"

"Well it mentions kin, right?"


"Maybe it's talking about a family tree. Meaning your family will grow."

"Not a bad thought actually." Des agreed nodding. "That does fit in well with the Ashlanders' fixations on ancestry and kinship."

Inanna had to admit it was probably true. "It still isn't helpful. I mean it probably has nothing to do with what I'm doing right could just be a general thing. Like you are destined to pop out a ton of babies. Plus if 'kin' is supposed to be helpful...well, not so much...obviously."

They all looked contemplatively at the wasted summoning circle.

"What if it was in Kynareth?"

She blinked and looked back up at him.

"Or the hunter," offered Des, "could mean Hircine the hunter...he is known to be associated with were-creatures."

"You're both serious aren't you?" they looked serious. Hell...who knows. It could be worth a shot. "I don't know." She hedged. "It seems like a long shot. Also, Hircine and his kin? I don't think I like his kin. But I guess I could go bother him...though I hate to think what he'll want in exchange for help."

"Still it could be worth looking into." Des countered. "Do you know where the shrines are?"

"I've a good idea. I guess once everything is set up here I could see what's what. They're near enough to the city that I could check in with you in a couple of days once you've settled in and go from there."

"Also, have you considered using your other talents more extensively? They could be most useful here."

She made a face. "Ugh, don't wanna. When there's no other way, I'll use it, but I don't like the resemblance to necromancy. Especially suspecting what we do about our villain. Plus I don't see how. The spells I know aren't immediately useful as far as I'm concerned."

"Oh don't be such a prude. The waste witches use it."

"And you know how I feel about those nutty broads."

"Speaking of which...I do know of a weald witch or two who you might be able to get more applicable spells from."

"Oh hell no."

"Inanna..." she warned.

"Desdemona," Feric interrupted, making them both start as his silent presence had been momentarily forgotten, "she's doing more than enough already, and more than can or should be asked of her."

Ina tilted her head at him, and he looked down to meet her eye. "Don't do anything you're not comfortable with. You've already risked yourself enough for our sakes." She quirked a smile at him and sighed, turning back to Des.

"Well I guess I have to at least check it out now."

He scoffed behind her. "Impossible woman...just because I said you shouldn't?"

She smiled sincerely at him. "No, because you just had to go and be so sweet about it. I'd feel like a heel if I didn't."

He shook his head. "I mean it Inanna. Don't take risks you don't have to."

She grinned. "Whatever you say boss man."

"Why do I have a bad feeling about this?"

Des chuckled. "Because you're smarter than you look."

"Hey! Take that back, he looks plenty smart."

"Alright, because you're smarter than she looks."

"Have I told you I hate you yet today?"

"Four and counting."

"I hate you."



"She likes you."

Feric glanced at the Breton woman next to him. He had joined her under the auspices of company, but he was in truth keeping an eye on her. Having let her come here at all meant it was too late to do anything about it if she betrayed their trust...but he still felt better keeping an eye on her...and he knew it made Mirisa less edgy to know she didn't have free reign.

Of course this time he was in human form...and dressed. He smirked to himself.

Mirisa had more or less accepted Inanna's presence, or at least had stopped complaining about it. They both seemed to have come to some sort of accord after the hunt. Which made his life significantly easier. But that didn't mean she liked this new development any better. In fact, he'd already had an earful from her.

She didn't mind Inanna's presence, but she certainly didn't trust her like he did. He doubted any of them did. Which was fair enough. They trusted him, however, and he was determined to be worthy of that trust. Hence babysitting the Breton.

Desdemona had been doing something to the wall with a piece of chalk but whatever she had drawn was suddenly gone.

"Where did it go?" He asked nodding to the wall, deciding to continue ignoring her previous comment.

She cocked a brow at him. "It's still there. I used an illusion spell to hide it. Not much of a trap if they can see it coming. It's good enough that only a decent mystic will be able to see it. One of Inanna's caliber could do it."

"You keep mentioning that. Mysticism...and what was it called, blood magic? I really don't think she's interested."

"She should be."

"Is she really so unusual in that, and is that why it bothers her?"

She shrugged and crossed the catwalk to peer down over the side to the hall and gate below. "Yes and no. The mysticism is pretty common for Ashlanders. Even those who aren't naturally talented are at least intimate with it on a theoretical level. Is that gate connected to this push block?"


She nodded and walked over the block, examining it closely. "They're actually well known for it in Morrowind, among the Ashlanders." she continued, "Especially the wise women...and Ina has several in her lineage, on both sides. So it makes sense that she should come by it naturally. Of course it's probably part of the reason she's so pig headed about using those particular skills. She respects her ancestors, but she's never gotten along with them.

"The blood magic she avoids because it's something the waste witches use, so there's a bit of a taboo against its use. Plus there's the Daedric thing. It indicates that the one using it has Daedra tainted blood. Many Dumner would be fine with that, but Ashlanders are especially mistrustful of the Daedra...even the ones they hold in high regard."

"Is it true?"


"That she has Daedric blood?"

"As far as I know, yes. Ina seems to think so as well. But there's never been a proper study done on it that I know of. But then my knowledge is limited to what is publicly released by the guild and what I can squeeze out of my own contacts. So it's partial at best."

She crossed her arms and smiled mildly at him. "Are you pretending you didn't hear me earlier?"


"Well?" She prompted, her smile widening slightly. There was something predatory about it that he wasn't sure he was comfortable with.

"I know." he finally answered, facing her down and mentally challenging her in an attempt to get her to leave it alone. It didn't work.

"Do you? How's that then?"

"She told me."

"And you believed her?"

"She gave me no reason not to." He turned away slightly, giving her his shoulder, once again attempting to end the conversation.

She only smiled knowingly, which he caught out of the corner of his eye. Oddly enough it didn't bother him anymore. He knew the truth about Ina...he'd always known...since that moment their eyes first locked, and he'd seen her fearless gaze turn to wondering shock...and heard her arrow pass harmlessly through the air. She'd lowered her weapon, and he knew everything he'd ever need to know to trust her. Everything that came after was just the visible proof. So he no longer cared what other people knew, or thought they knew.

"Do you love her?"

"What?" he turned to look at her, surprised, and certainly not expecting that question...or to be asked so bluntly at least.

" you love her?"

"No offense, but I hardly know you to be asking questions like that."

"True. But I know her."

"So you say."

"What, you don't believe me?"

"I didn't say that."

"You implied it."

"That's your interpretation."

"My, my, you are the equivocator aren't you? Are you sure you're not an Imperial?"

He chose not to respond to that.

"You don't like me very much do you?"

"I don't know you well enough to like or dislike you."

"What are you a bloody law clerk? Fine. You don't trust me."

"No, I don't."

"Ina does."

"And that's the only reason you're here. I trust her. Implicitly." He looked at her again...hard, "And she is my friend and I have a great deal of affection for her. So if someone were to betray her trust...I would be quite upset."

"Is that a threat?"

"Only if it needs to be."

She laughed. "Well you may not like me...but I think I like you Feric. Why don't you trust me if I might ask?"

"You aren't what you seem."

"Come again?"

He turned to look at her full on. "I look at you, and I see one thing, but every instinct in me tells me you're something else."

"Physically you mean?"

"That's part of it, I'm sure."

"Well, it's I can't fault you there. I am not anything in particular...and therein lay the problem. I tend to be whatever I need to be. It's part of my profession, you see. Bard's are master illusionists...or at least the good ones are. Often actors as well. Of course you're probably sensing the magic around me..." She waved a hand about her as if gesturing to some unseen force hovering around her head. "I have a number of enchanted toys, and a few permanent enchantments which allow me to make myself appear a particular way."
