Ice Heart Ch. 03


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"Yes ma'am, I am a lawyer, but I don't believe in taking someone to the cleaners," he smiled tightly. "Sooner or later, we all stand before the final judge and I want to go there with a clean slate."

Suddenly, the other lawyer quit making demands.

True to form, Sophia was more interested in the cake and ice cream than the presents.

"Little pig," Nicole teased as Sophia pointed to the large rose on the cake, demanding that piece for herself.


Danny walked into the room to see his daughter and his grandson. After two years of not seeing her, he was shocked and disgusted. She was breastfeeding the infant and 'Ugly Slut' was very visible. The gap of her missing teeth was also quite visible as she happily spoke to her baby.

She looked up, saw the disgust in her father's eyes, and hung her head in shame.

"So, who was that guy that came into the bank yesterday?" Danny forced his voice to sound cheerful. "The one that gave me the picture of Cris?"

"Christopher Michael," Alicia said and shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know; probably Cris, what'd he look like?"

She smiled as her father described Cris.

"Yep. That's Cris, Cris Dumas," she said happily.

"Is he your, is he the baby's father?" Danny asked, trying to keep his disgust out of his voice.

"No, no he's not," Alicia admitted.

"Hey, here to see my grandson," Cindy said happily, tugging a less than enthusiastic Bobby into the room.


"Aw, oh my God! He's so adorable!" Sandra gushed as Cris showed her the picture of Christopher Michael.

"Uh huh," Cris feigned nonchalance as he closed the locket and put it back into the box. "Oh, here, go superglue this one to my wall, damn it. Can't move any of them thanks to you."

"Whole idea," Sandra admitted and scurried into Cris's office.

"Oh, I think we'll start a whole new wall of Christopher Michael Dumas," she said and started pounding a nail into the wall to Cris's right.

"It's Christopher Michael Scandurro," Cris said as he carried his own cup of coffee into the office.

"Uh huh," Sandra said and stuck the picture to the wall.

"What the hell is all this noise, huh?" Sweet William asked as he entered the room.

"Cris's son," Sandra said, pointing to the picture of the wrinkled little red head.

"It is not my..." Cris argued.

"Don't ask me if it's cute; all babies are ugly as shit," Sweet William said, squinting at the picture.

"They are not!" Sandra squealed, punching his arm as hard as she could.


Nicole didn't know whether to laugh or cry when she realized her period was late. Right now, this was the last thing she needed; taking care of Momma, and Freddy, and Sophia was wearing her out.

"Oh well, you're the one told him 'don't worry about it' when he said y'all were out of condoms," she sighed then couldn't help as a smile crossed her face.


Danny felt like punching the man's lights out as the man kissed his daughter in a far too familiar way.

"Oh thank you so much!" Alicia squealed as Cris gave her the locket with Christopher Michael's picture inside.

Danny cleared his throat and entered the room as Alicia whipped her hair aside for Cris to fasten the chain around her neck. 'Skank' was visible on Alicia's back and Danny again felt sickened by his own daughter and her chosen lifestyle.

"Hi Daddy," Alicia smiled, revealing the gap in her mouth.

Cris nodded in greeting and the two men regarded each other icily.

"Get your fucking hands off my daughter, you son of a bitch," Danny wanted to tell the man, but said nothing.

The End.

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

The Alicia sob story was too over the top. I'm sorry but that was just ridiculous. The tattoos, getting thrown out of a moving truck at 80mph. Just absolute absurdity.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Cris's evolution into a complete asshole is ugly, but understandable to me. He was betrayed callously by his wife and daughter, the two people he loved more than life. Obviously he's in need of a lot of therapy to move past all that rage and hatred. That rage is poisoning his whole life.

stewartbstewartb8 months ago

Read this before .... reading it again .... this is a melting pot of characters. Good (a few); bad (many) guess I'll never learn.

Norseman123Norseman1238 months ago

Who is the good guy they all seem to be bastards. 4****

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Odd story arc. Literally everyone except Sweet William, Fred, and (eventually) Nicole, and of course the kids is a despicable character. OK Sandra is technically not despicable but is manipulating and also knew darn well Criss was screwing Sherri, her friend and next door neighbor, while married to Ronnie the cuck. Don't even get me started on the other main characters and many of the secondary characters. It is like Lord of the Flies with a lot of their actions because apparently either no one is a good person or the criminal justice system apparently sucks so bad in the stories that no one follows. OK I amend an earlier statement. Alicia was a terrible victim and traumatized to no end by everyone except Cris. How can April and Jimbo do what they did and expect no retribution or criminal prosecution? An investigation of those events would assuredly get their ass thrown in jail without the key. So yeah Lord of the Flies in Degarde, Louisiana. Sigh.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Dear alsialsi,

Who was Pol Pot defending? Stopping the spread of the evil plague known as Communism is never a bad thing.

Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki saved hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of Japanese lives. Had the US saturation bombed the island for months before invading and fighting house to house the loss of life would’ve been countless. The fire bombing of Dresden killed far more than either atomic bomb. Maybe read a history book every now and then.

And more to the point, has there ever been a bigger asshole on Literotica than Chris?

bigurnbigurnabout 1 year ago

3 Stars ... Because a whole lot of stuff is happening, but nothing is getting done ...

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Have these people ever heard of birth control? Most of them don't have a pot to piss in but keep adding to the population. Sandra needs to mind her own business and I would dock her pay for the gifts and money she keeps handing out. I would also remove the photo's, leaving empty frames on the wall.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago


26thNC26thNCabout 3 years ago

That was quite a chapter. Anne Marie is despicable, but I hate to see her have cancer. Cam Po is the heroine of the story in taking out the black asshole Amaan out. Don't know how you end this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

One star because you literally forced our long suffering protagonist to literally settle for a whore of a coal burner

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
3* Because you forgot Cam Pao

RIP to Cam past her fears and tried to help, really upset how you didn't even give her a send off, especially since she was close to cris in their own way.

I'm hoping the tatts in the last part will get removed or at least changed to make it more acceptable for her own mental health.

So much going on and the way you write (as a UK reader) it is sometime difficult to understand the accent or speech but I'm trying lol

WisquejacWisquejacalmost 4 years ago

Alicia just has the crappiest luck and it reminds again that I thought tony from the other story with Alicia in it was a dick.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Hey anon.

I see your point, but I know a lot of girls like that. Get raped, get beaten, get whored out for drug money and they come back to love on the guy again anyway. They worry about them even after they break up. It happens all the time, and its awful and sad. It isn't comfortable for me to read either, but probably doubly so since it feels so true to life for me. Jimbob does a lot of sad stories. gritty, dark, heartbreaking. But I keep coming back because they feel more substantial than so much of the stuff on the site. I hope you have a good day and if you find anything with as much story and heft as jimbob's work that is a bit more upbeat let me know. I like to mix happy with sad.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Hate is a strong emotion that needs to be nurtured. 5+ no one can carry that much hate.

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