In Loving Memory

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A missive on the loss of a friend, the Loving Wives category.
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I have not been a Literotica Member for very long, although I was reading and enjoying the works posted here for years before I signed up in order to post my own works. I tend to be attracted to only several groups here, although a well-written tale that is outside my normal bounds is often appreciated. But I always accepted the site for what it was -- a place to read and relate mostly fantasy fiction and the occasional true-life experience, for harmless stimulation and personal or shared enjoyment. The most important sexual organ is neither the genitals nor the heart, but is in fact the brain, where physical stimulation is converted to pleasure, where thoughts and emotions are interpreted, and where imagination feeds libido. The stories posted on this site by contributing authors helped me to accept my fevered imagination, and to embrace my arousal at both usual and unusual fantasies.

A favorite group of mine, from the early days, was the Loving Wives category, but after reading the recent story "Defrosting the Freezer" ( by qmhl1, and reading the accompanying comments, I am dismayed to admit that following a long and painful illness, LW has passed on. Sure, she has not been the erotic and playful woman she once was for several years, but seeing the reaction by the usual suspects, she has now, I fear, succumbed to her illness and slipped the mortal coil.

Oh, to have known her in her youth! How I often wish I had been there from the beginning, to have experienced the wonder of LW when she was a vibrant and sharing and adventurous category, exploring all the wonders of imagination, and was free to express the desires of fabulous characters living out experiences that were beyond the pale. To understand her long, brutal and unforgiving illness, one has to see what she once was; go back to the earlier stories, reading the adventures of married women, unencumbered by tradition and convention. In those days, fictional married female characters were free to enjoy the fruits of fantasy sexual adventures outside their marriage, either with or without their husband's approval, exploring the world of erotic variations and expanding their sexual horizons in a harmless world of words and images, enjoying all, and hurting none.

Let me state for the record that I bring my own pre-conceived notions to the group, and as you might determine from my postings, the idea of a woman coming to terms with her sexual desires, shucking conventions and mores, is a favorite slant. I suppose it is my way of convincing myself that my own fantasies are acceptable and not condemnable: it is not the attraction of a woman who cheats, but one of a woman who allows herself to enjoy, and to accept her own pleasure, and pursues it with vigor. And in the older stories of LW's youth is a gold mine of such fantasy. Adventures I would never experience, nor would want to, but in which I could allow my mind to explore and experience forbidden and exciting realms and scenarios.

Some of the responsibility for the recent demise of this once-wonderful category belongs squarely in the lap of the site itself, for misnaming the group as Loving Wives, instead of Cheating, or Hot, or the more narrow Slut Wives. But who could have seen the misinterpretation by readers so long ago? Loving Wives is a clever name, to include married women enjoying love in all its forms. Who would have guessed that current readers would read these stories of married women enjoying physical pleasures outside their vows, only to rail against the subject matter? Is it because they see it as their mission to wipe out infidelity, even in an imagined form? Is it because they have experienced an event in their lives that has hardened them to the idea, and yet they are lured back, drawn to it as a moth to flame, only to be burned, again and again, reliving their pain as self-imposed punishment? Or are they aroused by the stories, as so many have been, but shamed by their arousal, and hold others responsible for their feelings of doubt and self-recrimination?

But clearly, whatever their motivation, they have accomplished their goal; LW is now dead, passed on to another plane of existence. On her tombstone should be the tag line for the category "Tales of adventurous married women & their mates." She has been chased from this life by a small, vocal group of (and I realize this may inflame the haters) both anonymous and named readers who have, over the last years, chased the best fantasy fiction out of the category. The morality trolls, the "1*" commandos, the vicious threats of death (against fictional characters!) the insulting comments to the authors; vigorous, vehement and determined, have chased away all the best writers, daunting the experienced and accomplished storytellers, the weavers of fantasy fabric that enrich our minds and lives. They either left the site or post only in other categories.

What has been left in the last years is a shell of her former self. Gone are the well-told tales by good writers spinning quality narratives of women exploring other worlds, other men, other experiences. We are left with only newbies (I was one once -- keep writing!) who post their fantasies only to have them trashed by the peanut gallery. Granted, some of those stories are poorly written, and deserve the criticism for the lack of skill. But do they deserve the criticism because they relate fictional events that a small group of determined critics feel is immoral or wrong r evil? Is it any wonder the category has declined over the last years? Who could take that level of beating and continue?As a storyteller, I find it difficult to do the hard work of writing, re-writing, shaping, and editing until a story is ready for submission, only to have it reviled and trashed by lurkers who read a category they profess to hate.

Which bring me back to qhml1 and the story "Defrosting The Freezer", and the apparent demise of the LW category. The story is well told, with no glaring writing errors, and I thank qhml1 for his efforts and work. Well done. But it is clearly not a story that a few years ago would have been in the LW category. It is, at its basic level, a story of a married couple who have sex with each other. It clearly belongs in either Romance, or Erotic Couplings. The ice and freezer might place it in Fetish. But does the ice, henna tattoo and purchase of a major appliance qualify it for "adventurous married women & their mates"? Only in the narrowest sense. And that sense is what the commenters have forced onto the category: wives who have sex with their husbands. And based on the comments offered, they have gotten their wish. They have turned the intent of LW from what it once was into fidelity group. Those stories have a place on this site, no doubt. Several, in fact, as indicated above. But it received significant praise not only for what it was, but for what is was NOT.

Oh, Loving Wives, how we miss you.

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notredame43notredame43almost 3 years ago

Hmm perhaps in some places you're correct I get peeved when I read a story and the husband doesn't do anything to make the cheating wife see some consequences for her actions.. that bugs me.. blacktandi writes great stuff.. others do as well.. now some go waaay overboard I'll agree.. but the oh it's ok you fuvkrd around and the kids aren't mine.. yeah those if I know they're there I just pass by ..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
...and out come the Trolls.

Well written essay. It's funny how it draws out the very trolls that have destroyed Loving Wives to add their drivel to this piece as well. I have had trolls literally criticize the FANTASY female protagonist as a "slut that will catch AIDS at the rate she's going." The character never existed, and is purely a creation of my imagination, but this figment is bound to catch AIDS? Another intellectual titan wrote, "Her husband should divorce her and leave her in the gutter where she belongs." So this FANTASY character deserves to be divorced by her FANTASY husband and left in a NON-EXISTENT gutter? Readers in the West spend billions of dollars per year buying books and submitting glowing reviews for novels that revolve around the subject of murder. They don't seem to have a problem understanding that the authors of these books never actually killed anyone, nor are the advocating for anyone to be murdered, and they love the stories. Post a story about a wife cheating and the emotional kindergarteners come out in droves to smack down the offensive fantasy and then comment as if these fantasies are real. The category Loving Wives should be shut down. Two new categories should be created: Cheating and Monogamous Love. But I do not think this will solve the problem. Perhaps people who take such offense to a cheating wife story should not read stories on cheating wives. Until they grow up, or understand what a fantasy actually is. They will continue to vote down all LW and cheating stories because they know they can.

donaldelliott11donaldelliott11over 5 years ago
Yes. I once wrote -

Two kinds of cuckold?

I get your drift. I think the word cuckold is used vaguely here. To my mind, there are two very different "cuckold" plot lines. One is what one might call the loving wife: she has sex with other men because her husband wants her to. Not to say she doesn't enjoy it, but he's front and center with his enthusiasm for what she's doing.

The other theme is the wife who sleeps with other men because SHE wants to. Husband is either NOT OK with it or doesn't even know about it. Whether he knows what's going on or not, he is being humiliated.

I have a preference, and maybe you have one, too. But there's no point in getting cranky with authors who write stories that only other people enjoy.


and I wrote this:

What a great start! You're a terrific writer; please keep going.

You were wise to post it here, rather than in Loving Wives, so at least you won't get flamed by the "'Loving' means what I say it means" jackbooted thugs who "police" LW for cuckold stories.

You'll still get flames from the even-dumber commenters who treat each piece of fiction as if it is a Dr. Phil case study. They'll tell you what they think about the wisdom and morals of your fictional characters as if you were describing real people -- real people who wanted their opinions.

Glance at my stories

[ p?uid=789392&page=submissions]

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
I had to go get my hammer

Since you hit this nail right on the head I thought I would join you

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
The downfall of LW? Doubtful

You seem to think that at some point in time, LW didn't have consequence stories. Sorry, but you should research LW a bit more. There were consequence stories going back at least 10 years from the time of you posting this essay. Just like there were hot wife and cuckold stories, back then. And complaining about a story about a truly loving wife being in LW makes even less sense.

I believe that LW is, and has always been, exactly what it's meant to be. A place to share stories about couples, usually married, going through different situations only limited to the imaginations of the writers. And seeing the wide array of stories still being posted now, in 2016, across the wide spectrum of LW, shows that not only is LW healthy, but is growing stronger as the years go by.

fanfarefanfareabout 9 years ago
befire you get all fuzzy-warm about e-democracy

A couple of years ago I asked a couple of women authors why they had not posted their stories, that I admired, in Loving Wives. As, in my opinion those stories were classical LW genre.

We had a round-robin discussion about the subject of the LW category. Eventually both women admitted that the choice of another category too post to, even if not completely correct, was deliberate on both their parts.

They simply were frightened of the vicious hate commentary spewed by the spelunking trolls of the BTB lynchmob. Who infest that selection of the Literotica site.

They were fearful that the admins lack the IT skills to protect the women's confidentiality. That some hate-mongering hacker might be able too track down their actual locations.

I sympathized with their concerns even though I do not share them. Then I started posting stories to Literotica. It amuses me to read the hater's diatribes against my stories.

An interesting offshoot of those, is the hate mail I receive from commentators who share the delusion that I am a woman, Sending threats of violence including rape and murder.

So now I better understand the women's self-protective viewpoint.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
It comes with the territory . . .

I've written a couple of stories and received my share of positive and a few negative comments. The extreme ends of both the stories and comments in loving wives are the rabid BTB crowd, who are scary, and the humiliation slurping cuckold crowd (who are simply pathetic) aren't really appealing to most people. I realize that's an assumption on my part.

You will absolutely get extreme (read "unhealthy") responses to either type of story.

Just realize that, like you, most of us can quickly spot the lowest of the moronymati. You can then realize what pathetic little drones they are, feverishly clicking their "one star" scores, no doubt the only power they possess.

Then you can bask in a warm feeling of superiority, which should keep you feeling warm and fuzzy for the rest of the day!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
1 wonderful *


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
LW was captured by the commentariat

The insecure cucked eunuchs who spend delirious hours reading and posting in LW these days represent the most lonely and pathetic sexless neckbeards in existence.

There has to be a place for those losers and, for good or ill, LW is the category they have captured. Leave them to it, watching them grovel IRL stirs my compassion, not ire.

johnstang2johnstang2over 11 years ago
I agree with the Story myself.

I have been coming here since day one of Literotica. I used to love Literotica. And LW was really about adventurous wives. Now its about Husband dumping their cheating wives. While i do enjoy those stories too it is not what LW originally was about.

x_witless_x wrote

"Huedogg and saxon-fart and cantbuymy they too write wonderful stories and also have multiple usernames therefore making it easy for us to one-bomb and scream abuse at all slimy people who are here to read erotica in all its filthy forms"

Thanks for confirming my suspicions. And so you know I hate those authors and their stories.

And did I miss something here. I thought the name of this site was Literotica meaning letters of erotic nature in all its filthy forms. So in essence x_witless_x, Huedogg, Saxon-fart, and Cantbuymy all set out to destroy what the webmaster and owner of this site set out to do in the first place.

I personally want all this hate and animosity between the two groups to end. I like Literotica to adopt a new rule that any hateful feedback by a member can be reported and have their accounts deleted permanently.

I don't hate these authors. I just wish they quite hating on the erotic stories for this is a website built for them.

There is enough room here for the two of us. If you don't like a story here don't hate it - just find something you do like. Lets try to leave only positive feedback from now on.

Your hate campaign has the all the markings of terrorism.

Why can't we all just get along?


sublockedsublockedabout 12 years ago
Strictly Writing Ability

Forget the content and arguments, I like the way you write.

That does not go far on this site however.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Agree, and again, disagree

I agree that the comments, usually by anon, are often retarded at best. But... such is the way of the internet... the last true democracy on Earth. So I don't lose sleep.

If you don't have the backbone to ignore the haters, then don't post. Simple. Because no matter what slant you take with your story, your not gonna please everyone.

However, as for the LW category itself... I love how the ambiguity of the name leaves it wide open for all types of posts, and in my humble opinion, I think that it has actually evolved into a niche on the internet that is far more than just a beat-off spot.

There is room for the stories you refer to, and despite your protestations, I do think they still get posted.

But even though this is an EROTICA (not just 'porn') site, there is still room for many types of stories.

And I, for one, have read many stories on here that have transcended the category, and can be regarded not just as spank material, but as literature of a sort.

The story you refer to, does not kill the category by any stretch!

Is the wife hot? Yes.

Is the story actually erotic? Yes!

Is it good writing? Well, it's not BAD writing, is it?

Did it hurt to read about an erotic entanglement that still just happened to be virtuous? Hell No. Not every woman described in these stories has to be stepping out on her old man... and it read to me, that this wife WAS open to passion, fulfillment and joy. Just that it was with her husband.

Did it please the public? I think a vote on average of over 4 stars indicates that it did (I also think DWornock's votes should be discounted, whoever THAT person is, is a raving lunatic who gets off on attracting vitriol towards him/herself, but that's just my opinion).

So, if you pine for a particular flavour of story, then keep posting them as you have been. You have that right. Just accept that the audience also has the right to vote whatever the hell way they want too. If you don't like it, then I'm sure you'll find another place where it's all JUST spank material where the wife opens the marriage whether hubby likes it or not.

Be well.

x_witless_xx_witless_xover 12 years ago
In response to: Hey x_witcuck_x. That's very good, well done. Now go look up the words 'ironic' and 'priceless'.

And thanks for these classy comments in my inbox. You're obviously a very wise and funny guy.

This message contains feedback for:

This feedback was sent by: x_JohnDoe_x


"Hey X_dickless_X? what's the matter? didn't you spank your tiny dick today? Get to it and shoot all over the keyboard don't forget to lick it up though I am sure your cuckolding mistress hates to see any of your cum any where in the house or anywhere near her. As for 1 bombing? of course I did, I am just waiting for you to write your 'story' of how you lost your manhood and became the wimp limp dicked cuckold you are today, I am sure many other cuckolds will enjoy your story and spank away to it, if you are really good they will send pictures of them doing spanking away and ask you to clean them up afterwards, so get writing"

You really are a sick puppy. The mind boggles.

cpetecpeteover 12 years ago
Forever in line.

I do not cafe about the negative comments-everyone has an opinion.

My beef is with the posting wait times. Used to be maybe 48 hours. Now 5-6 days is the norm. If you get rejected for some reason it can be close to a month before your story is posted. Very annoying!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I respond very positively to your criticism of the "haters", BUT I think your etymology is way off base in criticizing Literotica for using the title "loving Wives". I am making an assumption that the editors thought very long and hard about that title as they developed the website and fully intended to leave the implications wide open, ranging from very faithful, truly loving wives to cheaters and absolute sluts. Remember that their title doesn't include the term porn, but rather focuses on eroticiam - we can get both very openly and freely under this title.

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