Katja Pt. 18


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Erik nodded, "Well, we've had a lot more support here from the government."

Tony laughed, "Gee, I wonder why?"

Erik grinned also, "I just hope it keeps going like that once the current leadership is out." The President and his people had been reelected about a year ago, so they had about three more years, give or take.

Tony nodded, "Well, hopefully they next ones will be just as good, or maybe the VP will run."

Erik nodded, thought a bit, then said, "I kind of hope so, between you and me, I've heard the others will be coming in two years or so. As I understand it, they'll be two ships, one from each species to start, then the rest will be a couple of years after that."

Tony's eyebrows went up as he heard that. "I thought it was going to be a while yet?"

Erik nodded, "As you said, with the current leadership being so accepting, they thought it might be better to bring them in slightly earlier. That's the reason for only one ship each to start."

Tony nodded, "Makes sense."

They both finished their coffee, then they went out to grab one of the golf-carts to make a tour to see what else needed to be done before the opening this weekend.

Once they were done, Erik told Tony he'd see him later, and went over to Katja's office to see if she was almost ready to head home.

Katja smiled as she saw him walk into her office. She stood up and came over to give him a hug and kiss. "Hi love, I missed you."

Erik smiled, "I missed you to hon, you almost ready to head home?"

She nodded, then looked up at the clock. "The kids should be done in about fifteen minutes, then we can go."

Erik smiled, "Good, I guess I'll just wait here then."

Katja smiled and pulled him over to the couch in her office and they sat together. She hugged his arm as she leaned against him, "So, how's your day been?"

Erik kissed her taking a deep breath of his mate's scent. "Not bad considering. Everything seems to be just about ready for the opening this weekend. It should be fun."

Katja smiled, "I know, everyone is so excited, especially the children. And it will be nice to see the people from Arizona."

Erik nodded, "It'll be nice to see Jimmy Neville and his mate Evie again. I haven't seen him since he got out of the Marines and took the security job."

Katja looked up at the clock once more, "Why don't we head over to the learning center, the children should be done by the time we get there."

Erik nodded and stood, pulling her up with him. He smiled and hugged her, giving her a kiss. He took her hand, and they walked over.

Once there, they greeted the rest of the parents who were waiting. They stood talking with Ariel, Tony, Helen, Azlan and a few others. Then they all smiled as the children came out excited that the school day was over.

Erik grinned; they were really no different than human children. School was okay, but being finished was better.

They were followed by Allie, plus Cassie and Lexi who were holding hands with their grandchildren. The three of them walked over and hugs were exchanged, as they turned over the children.

Allie smiled as she saw Jonny and Lucy walking hand in hand towards them from the other learning center. The children eight and under went to the original learning center for now, while the rest went to the new one. Jonny and Lucy were both talking college level courses now, Lucy was fifteen and Jonny would be seventeen in a few months.

Geoff and Gesa were holding hands as were Brigitte and Bryan. Kendra and Liam were laughing together about something and Helen smiled as they both giggled.

The parents and grandparents talked for a while longer, then they all headed home. Most of the people had finally gotten their driver's license, so Allie took Lucy home as Jack was doing something for Commander Geoff.

Jonny was taking driving lessons as he was considered an adult now by the Lyonness, but he'd still had to wait until he was seventeen to get his license by state law. Once he passed the test, he'd be able to bring Lucy to school or take her home if her mom and dad were busy like today.

Both of them were taking courses for their base degree right now and Lucy had decided she would go to veterinary school and Jonny would start taking engineering classes. Luckily, the college nearest the town had both a basic engineering and veterinary classes.

Speaking of licenses, Tony had taught both Nemo and Ariel how to ride a motorcycle and they both had their licenses now. They were looking for bikes for both of them, but hadn't found them yet. Tony had said they might have to go slightly closer to where they were at first to find something, or get something nearer that needed work then he, with Nemo's help, could rebuild them like he did his.

Erik, Katja and the kids pulled into the driveway of their house and Katja smiled as they drove up the driveway. Erik had done such a nice job on the outside, he had put in planting beds for her and they had planted numerous flowers, bushes and other things. When he took her to the nursery, she was stunned on how many plants and other vegetation that was available. She had smiled and said, "They have so many things here."

Erik had grinned at her, "Didn't they have a lot on home-world?"

Katja shook her head no, "We did at one, or so I was told. But with the sun like it was, not much grew well anymore. We had to use hydroponics for the vegetables mostly."

Erik nodded, "Okay, I see what you mean. I never thought of that." He smiled again, "Well, we have plenty here, so get what you want. I also want to pick up some earth vegetables to add to the things I got to put in that we're growing from your planet."

They picked out what she wanted and he got the vegetables and herbs he wanted to add. Then with a smile, he told Geoff and Brigitte to pick out some flowers and vegetables they liked. "This way you two can have your own garden, but you'll have to take care of it."

Geoff picked out some carrots and Brigitte had pick out some tomatoes. Erik had smiled at their choices, Geoff would have carrots with every meal if he could, and Brigitte would eat tomatoes like an apple.

Katja smiled, it had taken a while but everything was growing well. The flowers around the front of the house was a riot of different colors and the two vegetable plots out back were doing well also.

Erik parked the car and they all went into the house where they were met by the other members of the family waiting for them. Marcus and Neffi made a beeline to the kids begging to be picked up. Geoff and Brigitte giggled and hugged their friends as the cats rubbed faces with them and licked them purring.

Cleo and Cesare waited more sedately for their humans, but the head butts, face rubs and licking was about the same.

After the getting home ritual greetings were over, Katja helped the children get cleaned up and changed, while Erik went through the mail. Then after the kids were done, he and Katja went in to clean up and get changed while the children played.

As Erik and Katja helped each other clean up and change, Katja smiled, "This used to be a little more fun."

Erik smiled, "I know, but I still like it."

Katja smiled back as she rubbed against him, "So do I, it was an observation, not a complaint."

She purred as her mates' hands stroked her back as she reached up to kiss him.

Erik still loved the feel of her, she was always so soft and warm. He kissed her back, "Maybe we should ask one of the relatives to take the kids for a night after the celebration this weekend."

Katja licked his neck as she nuzzled him, "That sounds good to me, we haven't done that in a while."

Erik nodded, "We can have a date-night. Why don't you check to see who can once we get in tomorrow? I don't care when, just soon."

She kissed him again and nodded as she reached down and stroked him. "Very soon."

They finished getting dressed and came back out into the living room. Erik smiled, the kids were sitting on the couch, each with a happy cat in their laps as they watched the TV. Like normal, Geoff was trying to read a book, but Neffi would put a small paw on the page as he tried to turn it, because he had stopped petting her. He would stop and pet her, then she'd let him turn the page as he giggled.

Brigitte had Marcus laying on her chest with his head under her chin. If she stopped petting him, he'd lick her neck making her giggle.

Katja came up behind him, wrapped her arms around his waist and kissed his neck, "I wonder if they do that on purpose?"

Erik grinned at her, "Oh, I'd say it was."

He turned in her arms and leaned down to kiss her, then they both grinned as they heard giggles from the kids as they watched.

Both children could feel the love their parents had for each other and them. So they returned it to both their parents.

Neffi feeling it laid up on Geoff's chest and snuggled up to him, then head-butted him. "Do you love me like that too?"

Geoff smiled and gently hugged her to him, "Of course, you know I love you too. Or you should." He stroked her and Neffi purred loudly as she rubbed her head against his cheek. "I guess I do, I just like hearing you say it."

Geoff giggled as her fur tickled him. "I do love you Neffi and I always will."

Neffi purred again, then laid back in his lap once more. "Good, now I feel better."

Geoff grinned at her, then went back to reading and petting.

Later, once the children were asleep, Erik and Katja sat on the couch like normal. Then Erik decided to bring up what Tony and him talked about. He kissed the top of her head and said, "Love, we need to talk for a few minutes."

Katja looked up at him, "Is something the matter hon?"

Erik shook his head, "No love, it's something Tony and myself talked about today and I wanted to run it past you and get your opinion on it."

She sat up a little, "Okay, tell me."

Erik smiled, "Well, we were talking about what we're going to do now. Then town is done more or less, so my job is basically done. Everyone is trained, and any that come after don't need me to do it, all the lectures are on video now."

He shrugged, "I know you were offered the one position, but you didn't seem to want anything to do with it. I told Tony I have a feeling you might just quit to stay at home and take care of the kids, be a full-time mom."

He kissed her, "I tell you; I'm even thinking about it. Maybe we both need a break from everything that's been going on, get back to it all being about us and the kids. I just don't know what to do."

He snorted a laugh, "This is the time that Uncle Geoff normally comes and says, "Oh, how about this."

"But he hasn't said anything, he just smiles every time we talk, but I don't know what he's up to and that kind of scares me."

Katja nodded her understanding, "Yes, outside of the idea for me to head up the public works department, which I have no desire to do what so ever, he hasn't said anything to me either."

She stretched up and kissed him, "What would you really like to do love?"

Erik shrugged, "I'm not real sure, except what I just said. When I said that to Tony, he said, "Well, if you're thinking about it, it's probably the right thing to do. Let's face it, you've been going non-stop for over three years. If anyone deserves a break, it's you."

"He smiled at me and said, "Take a vacation and recharge the batteries. Hell, take two of them, one with the family and one just you and Kat. We'll look after the kids and cats, or I'm sure Kat's mom or someone would keep an eye on them."

Katja smiled to herself, that was what her, Ariel and Tony had talked about. She knew her mate was getting burned out, to use a human term. "Well, what do you think? Would you like to do this? I remember we had fun that time in the mountains."

Erik sighed, "Yeah, I think I do. Once everything is over and the weather gets a little nicer, why don't we. I think I like both ideas. This will give us a little time to decide what and where we want to go." He leaned down and kissed her, "Maybe when we go with the kids, see if Tony and Ariel want to go with us. This way the kids can play together."

He laughed, "Brigitte will be happy, she can play with Bryan."

Katja smiled, "I'm sure she will be, but Gesa may be a little upset Geoff is going to be alone with Kendra."

Erik laughed, "Yeah, I never thought of that. Hell, maybe plan something with the whole extended family instead. I'm sure we could find something, and we all could use a break. We've all been working our tails off this past few years or so, we could go when the kids go on summer break. Maybe go to one of those big theme parks we have here."

Katja smiled and stroked his face, "Still trying to make everyone happy, even on a vacation. You'll never change my love."

He hugged her to him and kissed her, "Would you like it if I was any other way my mate?"

She smiled and stroked his face. "No, I guess not. We can relax and afterwards we can go someplace by ourselves, just the two of us."

Erik smiled and kissed her as he stroked her arm. "That sounds wonderful love. We could use it."

Katja snuggled up to him as she stroked him as well. "I think you should take me to bed, I want you. I want you tongue all over me my mate."

Erik smiled and stood picking her up as he stood and cradled his mate to him, then took her into their bedroom to do as she asked.

Saturday morning, they all gathered at the main hanger once again for the opening day celebration that afternoon. They were waiting on the people to arrive from New Tygris, the Australian and the European sites, and the other special visitors. The other visitors consisted of Mr. Sharpe, Joseph the Presidents Aide, the governor of their state, plus the mayors and their people from the nearby towns.

The ones from New Tygris, the Australian and the European sites would be coming by ship shuttles and would be here soon. The rest would be driving in and be there closer to the start of the celebration.

The first thing that would happen, the original main gate that was still left, would be removed symbolizing New Lyonn was open and being accepted as an official town like all the others in the state. Then the celebration would begin after a few speeches from the officials.

Erik looked around to see how things were going while they were waiting. He smiled to himself, Gesa had a death grip on Geoff's hand like normal whenever they were with a bunch of other female children. Then he grinned as Geoff leaned in and said something to her and she smiled loosening her death grip, slightly. He remembered the conversation he had with his son after Gesa had become jealous of Erin and he must have followed his advice;

"Yes, sometimes they just get really scared."

"So there's nothing I can say to her to make her happy and not worry?"

"No, that's not what I meant. Look, just tell her you like her a lot when you think she needs to hear it."

"Oh, you mean like you tell mommy you love her?"

"Yes, that's what I mean. You tell her when you think she needs hear it, or just because you want to let her know. All females like that. Then everything should be okay."

"Okay, I will. Thank you."

Erik grinned remembering that conversation, then looked at Brigitte and Bryan sitting together and laughing about something Ariel had said to them. Then he saw Kendra and Liam acting almost the same way. Even after a few years, it was still hard to believe how they acted with each other.

Katja leaned over and kissed him, "What are you smiling about love?"

He grinned at her, "The kids. How they all act around each other always makes me smile and laugh a bit." He sighed, "They are still so young, it's hard to believe."

She squeezed his hand, "I know, I saw the death grip Gesa had on Geoff's hand. Then he said something to her and she relaxed a bit, I wonder what he said?"

Erik smiled, "Probably what I told him to say."

Katja grinned, "And just what did you tell him?"

Erik grinned, "Well, it was after Gesa got jealous of Erin, when I hung up that picture she drew for him. He asked me, "So there's nothing I can say to her to make her happy and not worry?"

"Then I told him, "No, that's not what I meant. Look, just tell her you like her a lot when you think she needs to hear it."

Erik smiled at his mate, "Then he said, Oh, you mean like you tell mommy you love her?"

"And I told him, "Yes, that's what I mean. You tell her when you think she needs hear it, or just because you want to let her know."

Katja grinned, "Well, like father like son I suppose." Then she hugged his arm. "So, did you give our daughter any advice?"

Erik smiled, "No, that's your job, the other was a male thing." He looked over at his daughter, "Or maybe, the way she acts, it was some aunt Ariel advice."

Katja grinned once more, "It just might be."

She hugged his arm again, "I glad this is all over finally. Maybe now we can just relax, I'm looking forward to both our vacations."

Erik nodded, "I figured we could bring it up today to the rest once everything calms down." He looked over the "extended family" table, "We could all use it."

Katja nodded, "I think your right love, we could."

He smiled and leaned over to kiss her, "So? Did I come up with the right idea you wanted me too when you asked Tony to convince me?

She looked up at him with a stunned look, "How did you know?"

He laughed, "Well, when you're a commander, you have to know these things."

Katja grinned, "Yes, I bet that was it."

Erik grinned back at her, "You think, after all these years, I don't know what you're feeling and thinking? Besides, Tony was never that good of a conniver, I've known him a lot longer."

She looked at him, "You're not mad, are you?"

Erik looked skyward, "Yes, I'm so mad that my wonderful wife was worried about me. I don't know how I'll ever get over it."

Katja giggled, "I love you so much."

He leaned over and kissed her, "I love you too."

Then, Uncle Geoff and Victoria walked up smiling, "So how are you today? The shuttles should be here soon and then the party can really start."

They smiled back and Erik said, "We're doing good uncle, it's nice that this is basically over. I'm also looking forward to seeing them also."

Katja nodded her agreement, "This has been a long time coming and I agree with Erik, it's nice to have it over with finally."

Geoff and Victoria joined them at the table and agreed with them, "Yes, it is good that's it done. Now we just have to get New Tygris started. Captain Julius and Commander Kendra will be here for a few days afterwards, they wanted to have us all sit down and give them some advice, plus anything we learned doing it. I've been sending them your and Azlan's reports on our progress, so that's a good start."

Erik nodded, "I figured they'd want to do something like that since they're going to be here. I've copied everything I have on it, just in case. Basically, it's like you said, lessons learned and how we handled it."

Geoff grinned, "I figured you'd already have something like that." He laughed, "Your too organized not to have done it and I know you to well."

Erik grinned and shrugged, "Well, like I was taught, if you don't write it down, it never happened. Plus, I have a hard time anymore remembering what I had for breakfast."

Geoff nodded, then looked at Katja, "I suppose you did also?"

Katja smiled, "Of course. How could I not, being mated to him?"

Erik grinned and pulled her closer kissing her, "Bragging or complaining kitten?"

She grinned back and returned the kiss, "You should know the answer to that by now my mate."

The others laughed at that, then uncle Geoff's phone rang. He answered it and smiled saying "Good, thank you. We'll be out in a few minutes." He hit the end button and smiled, "The shuttle's will be here in ten minutes, why don't you join us."