Kenpachi's Training


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Nelliel felt her breath catch in her throat, and suddenly all eyes burned on her. She looked for a familiar face; someone friendly enough to take this hit for her and step up in her place. Her eyes darted from student to student, and while they all looked AT her, none made eye contact. She was completely alone in the crowd.

Stepping forward, she pushed the bone helm further onto her head examining in morbid silence the beast in front of her. She had gone an entire week thinking she'd avoided any punishment for her actions, yet somehow she felt that this was it. Not a training exercise or a demonstration of skills learned, but actual combat.

"You've lost if both your knees hit the mat" those last words played over and over, almost like a threat. She tried to think about it sensibly as his looming, masculine figure drew closer. Stopping at the mat she looked up at him, slightly doe-eyed, trying to work out how hard he was actually going to try and put her down.

"I just have to avoid him, that's it" she whispered to herself, planting her feet firmly into the floor while attempting to ignore the wetness in her panties. She kept her eyes on his, watching for any signs that he might be aware, or on his own little mission to turn this into one of his private training sessions with an audience.

"Kenpachi-san," she addressed him, pert nipples visible through her top "When does the minute start?

The fight hadn't started already and Kenpachi was breathing heavily... Were the other students really so blind to what a pervert he was? The only thing missing from this shameless display by the man was his awesome cock tenting the front of his kimono, jumping and twitching with eagerness to sink raw into her unprotected pussy... He panted, then seemed to focus. She knew the man's concentration wouldn't be the best right now... He'd be attacking almost blindly and haphazardly, not only underestimating her skills, but also horny as fuck. She wouldn't find out for some time just how badly Kenpachi's dick needed constant milking and attention, but the class had almost gone for a whole hour and he was having trouble concentrating... Combined with this pert, busty, good-smelling gal in front of him and he was starting to have trouble focusing!

But how could she even begin to take advantage of this weakness, no matter how obvious it was? Their skill levels were leagues apart, with her being a rookie with a blade and him an experienced teacher with hundreds of years of experience... All she could do was defend! And then she saw him coming, surging forwards, with a yell of, "Right NOW!" and then she was in the heat of the moment. Of course the giant was all about offence! Attack, attack and attack! His first move was to rush straight at her, eyes wide, mouth twisted in a manic smile as he swept the sparring blade over her head, only narrowly missing her and skidding to a halt a few feet away, turning and attacking again with frightening speed... The next swing was an overhead that hit her sword as she just barely raised it to defend in time, and the impact sent her skidding back, hitting a tall rack of bokken and sending them spilling all across the floor... He hunkered forwards, arms lowered, mouth open and sliding his big tongue over his lips hungrily, looking at the pert young gal and her big tits like she was a piece of meat...

"Hey, come on now... Come on now..." he said in a voice most people only heard right before their deaths. "Let's not give up too early... Get up!" 20 seconds had passed. 40 still to go! He was already moving towards the petite girl again and she realized he had no restraints against beating her. The force behind his swings showed zero regard for her safety.

"Twenty seconds and you're out of breath? Come on Nel!" she kept an internal mantra going, chest heaving in the most pornographic of ways, already slick and clinging to her tight curves and frame. She allowed herself a few seconds rest against it, feeling the sting in her back where she'd smashed into it. That would bruise, but she couldn't think about that now. He was serious, so she had to be. Forty more seconds....there had to be a way....

He burned through the distance between them in a few quick strides before swinging again. She skittered off to the side as his sword carved its way through the rack of bokken. She didn't look back to see how quickly he recovered or turned, taking the chance to dart to the other end of the mat and put as much distance as she could between them, giving him a good view of her perky bouncing virgin ass as she ran and almost toppled at one point. Still, she had managed to evade him for a while longer. It had felt like a life-time, she had no idea if it had been 5 seconds or 25, but her body was pulsing with a forced exhilaration that came from being pursued by such a sexually charged man.

If he caught her, she had no idea what he'd do with her... And at this point, neither did Kenpachi. He was consumed with hunger, greedily pursuing the woman across the dojo... She pushed her way between some gals watching the fight, while he came behind her a moment later, shoving a gal who'd been in his way to the ground and stalking past her... Eventually, they reached the corner of the Dojo and Kenpachi's evil grin only became more terrifying as she realized she had nowhere left to run! He lifted his sword fully up into the air, arm extended, and gave a hissing little laugh, ready to swing it down... And then they'd both be shocked to hear Yachiru cry, "Time's up!"

Kenpachi faltered for a moment, as if he'd only half-heard her, which prompted the tiny cutie-pie to leap up and jump onto his leg, wrapping her arms and legs around it. "No! Nope!" In response, he looked down at her, then up at Nelliel with a slack jaw, then ruffled Yachiru's hair. His evil smile was gone and he was grinning brightly again. "Not bad! Looks like you've got some skill, newbie!" Then he laughed and slapped little Nelliel hard on the back in congratulations!

She'd see Yachiru looking up at her, a playful expression on the little loli's face, tongue sticking out, as she held up the timer in a way that Nelliel could see it, but not Kenpachi. But she could clearly see it had been only 58 seconds... Seems like Nelliel had just been saved a trip to the hospital, from the man who saw her as an equal. It was kind of exciting, to fight a man who took her seriously and saw no reason to hold back his full strength. That's how Kenpachi was. His harsh training gave you a chance to shine, or you were forced out. Those were the only options available to students in this class.

Nelliel stumbled under the force of the slap, falling down to catch yourself on one knee in time to see Yachiru wink at her. She steadied herself with one hand, looking up at Kenpachi and quickly back at the timer.

'Two more seconds and I was gone' she thought, trying not to look as guilty as she felt. With Yachiru's help, she had cheated, and with a growing pit in her stomach she began to wonder how good the little girl was at keeping secrets from her 'father'. The little girl adored him, and she seemed motivated by impulse desires. In the right situation, would she betray that Kenpachi had won? That with nowhere to go he'd have brought her not just to her knees, he'd have taken her out cold!

When she stood, she ignored the tingling through her body and the moistness in places she'd rather not think about. Pushing back hair and pulling down her top, she gave a curt bow to Kenpachi out of respect.

"May I please be dismissed?" she asked, unsure of how to proceed but feeling quite certain that walking straight out was a bad idea. Her entire body was a quivering mess.

Rather than responding, he turned that thick neck to take in the rest of the class, eyes scanning the crowd impassively, the perfect figure of a macho man who'd take his lumps with dignity... So he'd just lost at his own game to a girl 1/10th his age, so what? He dared the assembled crowd of beautiful gals to say anything at all... They wisely kept quiet. "Get out of here," he said coldly to the rest of the students, and they couldn't disappear fast enough. Soon, he was alone with Nelliel and Yachiru. Yachiru seemed genuinely concerned, like she hadn't expected this... Like the old guy might do something crazy...

As soon as the last student was out, he rushed forward, grabbing one of her hands in both of his and stooping down, bringing their heads level. "You have to rematch me! Right now! Please please, please! A minute wasn't nearly long enough, I... I couldn't get into it at all! It was so fun! Please rematch me, right now! I can't waaaiiiiit! I can't wait till next class!" Yachiru's jaw dropped, her wide eyes darting from the man mountain to his newest student, with little "Eh? Eh?" noises... Then she punched him in the leg.

"Dummy! Show some dignity!" He responded by turning to face her, tears beginning to well up at the corner of his eyes, and said, "She did it, though! She lasted the whole minute! We have to fight again!" Yachiru pouted and swept her foot on the dojo floor embarrassedly, hiding her timer. "Well, uh... Actually..."

A few moments later, she'd explained and he was, quite understandably, pretty pissed! "Why'd you do that? We were dueling! It was fair!"

"You were going to clobber her!" she said, stamping her tiny foot, and he shrugged. "So what! She has to learn the ropes sooner or later..."

Yachiru glanced in Nelliel's direction, then grinned a little slyly as an idea came to the tiny cutie. "Well, let's do it again, then... But this time, we'll make it a wrestling match, mmhm~ Ken and the rookie, no swords! That way, if you beat her, she won't get hurt!" He looked bothered by the idea, clutching onto his sword tightly, but with some coercing she finally was able to free it from his fingers... He was pouting, but it looked like he might get his rematch. "You have to fight me now, right?" he asked, looking like he might be ready to beg again. Somehow he had no control when it came to stuff like fighting~

Nelliel felt every muscle in her body scream no, and her head started shaking in disagreement before she knew it.

"No...I can't" she took a few steps back towards the door, still shaking her head. The adrenaline that had just begun running through her body was electric, and though she suddenly felt like she could fight or run if she had to, she desperately wanted to avoid having that man near her again.

"Why not a rematch tomorrow? In front of the other students?" she suggested meekly, the room being empty except for Kenpachi and Yachiru meant no one was here to even witness anything without their spin on it.

"I'm sorry Yachiru hit the timer early, I didn't mean to scare her into thinking I was going to be hurt, I'm sure I could have moved in time...." she paused, looking at the sweet little loli. She had the kindness intentions at heart, and for the Nel's heart welled for her. If it weren't for the threatening presence of Kenpachi, she might have scooped the girl into a hug and found some way to spend time entertaining her for the kindness she'd shown.

Yachiru seemed to have taken full command of the situation now... If Nelliel stopped and thought about it, she might have considered that she'd arranged the entire thing just to have it turn out like this! And now they were trying to rope her into a wrestling match! She tugged gently on Nelliel's hand, looking up at her. "Ne ne... Do you really want to rematch tomorrow, in front of everyone? With swords? I know how that would turn out! Why not get it out of the way right here, where nobody can see, riiight~? You'll be outta here in five minutes flat, Nelly!" she chirped, smiling, as if everything had already been decided.

Then she walked back across the room to Kenpachi, standing on tippy-toe to untie the sash holding his kimono closed... This was something Nelliel shouldn't see. It had to be, for sure! He was licking his lips as the kimono fell open, showing what he had on beneath... And his body. Oh gawd, his body... It was the sort of thing teenage girls would peek out at from between the gaps in their fingers when they covered their faces. He had a middle-aged man's body, with a broad chest, thick neck and a washboard chest, with two hard pecs above it. A girl could really lavish a chest like that, running her tongue into the dents and hard angles of that muscle... And below that...

No wonder Matsumoto liked to give up so easily. That was really all you could say about him down there. He was wearing a super pair of boxer shorts, black of course, that clung to his skin exquisitely tightly, outlining the shape of... no way... It was like seeing a leviathan moving under the ocean. It stirred as he felt her eyes on it, responding naturally to a healthy woman of child-bearing age by getting longer and fatter and jumpier... Kenpachi's cock looked like Yachiru could've comfortably hung off like a balance beam when it was fully erect, and the lewd, masculine motions it was making looking at her were a sign that it was all very real. This was already feeling less like a wrestling match and more like a stallion inspecting the new filly...

Yachiru tugged Nelliel to one side, leading her into an adjoining room, where she quickly had some tiny, tiny clothes thrown at her. "Get changed~ You can't wrestle in your kimono, Nelly! No, don't be silly, hurry up! Unless you want to get humiliated in front of everyone again tomorrow~?" she teased, curling a finger in her hair as she giggled impishly. These two played pretty hardball!

Nelliel was far more agreeable when dealing with Yachiru, offering little resistance as the little girl tugged her into the adjoining room. She caught the clothes and held them up, utterly mortified at how small and thin the black bikini seemed. Showing concern, she looked up at Yachiru, who simply looked back with an unyielding stubbornness.

'She'll tear this off me if I don't change voluntarily, and if she doesn't succeed I'm sure...' her thoughts drifted to the beast Kenpachi outside, a vivid image of his perfectly-toned body and fertility-charged muscles sending a shiver down her spine. Nel opened her eyes and looked at Yachiru, patient yet clearly not backing down on this idea. Nelliel was getting changed.

"Just give me a moment" she asked, turning her back to the girl and slipping the kimono off slowly. Her hips were wide and round, showing off a tiny waist that begged to be stretched out by buckets of cum and the ensuing offspring. She pulled the black bikini up and felt the black PVC press up between the lips of her naked pussy, squeezing out a drop of wetness that gave away just how fertile this young little filly was. It was a small struggle to get the tight little top over her engorged bouncing breasts, the bottom of it sitting up and showing the bottom curve of her breasts and threatening to spring up and leave her perky nipples exposed for milking and sucking. She was every part the vulnerable little tart begging to be mounted, she just didn't know it yet. Still, she touched at her exposed skin and her barely covered breasts, sighing before dropping her hands to her side and walking to Yachiru. She was going to try, just once more, to get out of this. If it didn't work, she just had to make sure there was a way she could get through this without needing to be near that man and the temptation and thrill of his cock.

"Yachiru, let's go" she called, holding her hand out to the little girl. She was still quite fond of her. She wondered what she thought of the outfit she was wearing.

Yachiru was just standing there in front of her, grinning like a pervert as she saw Nelliel's luscious, soft, breeding body wriggling into her tiny, slutty clothes... Every fertile curve, from nourishing breasts to hips adapted all too well for rearing potentially dozens of young, was lewdly put on display... She looked every bit as much the animal as Kenpachi did now... A vivid flash would cross her mind of the man doing what was only natural, sliding on top of her and feeding his long, strong cock into her tight snatch...

And she'd be thinking about her body's response, how it was only natural that a pussy would tighten around a fat cock and milk it... The worst part was that the bigger, more virile cocks were more likely to have her body respond and drink his semen where she wanted to or not, and, well, with a man like Kenpachi, it just seemed so natural... What wasn't normal about getting bred by such a strong man and having her ass and rear expand as her belly grew enormous with the weight of his children~? She was a prime specimen to be added to his stable of "Bareback-Exclusive Gals" and she must know it on some basic level.

Yachiru saw Nelliel's response and loved it. She loved feeding on them once their titties got big and round... Even the ones who protested, she would sneak into their beds after they'd fallen asleep and suck on their milk for hours... And Nelliel's tits looked like they'd keep her belly stuffed to the brim with delicious mother's milk... She'd been homesick since coming to Soul Society, so why not just make a whole lot of new brothers and sisters to play with?

She was sad she wouldn't get to see the moment of penetration up close... The little pervert gal had even sometimes gripped her daddy's dick two-handed and pushed it into the girls, giggling at how their slack pussies got tight and squeezy so fast, till daddy shot his load really deep in them... Of course she had to use two hands... There was no way she'd ever be able to hold that cervix-penetrator with just one!

"Eehee, well, I got to go, actually! But you and Kenny can do the lesson on your own, right~?" She spoke to Nelliel's tits, unable to take her eyes off of them. She was almost drooling.

"Daddy's going to make you soooooo fat and pregnant," she thought to herself, licking her pink, moist lips. She snapped at the air, imagining the way her mouth would close around Nelliel's fat, blackened nipple and suck the milk right out of her... "I'm going to get the milk straight from the cow udder!"

"'re leaving?" Nel almost choked, unable to move as Yachiru ate her body with her deviant little eyes before disappearing in a flash-step. She gave one final tug to the barely-there top before stepping out before Kenpachi. She tried not to imagine that tongue running across his lips, or the way his eyes would try to find all the most tender, grabbable parts of her tantalizing body.

She was ripe for the taking, as any young girl that age would be before such a virile man, and though her mind may have been slower to catch up to such things her body spasmed and craved the buckets of cum that man could produce, and the ludicrous amounts of children he could make her womb beg to take.

Rather than keep her distance, Nelliel took a deep breath in and began to walk slowly toward Kenpachi, her hands in nervous fists by her side. She came close enough that he could have grabbed her if he wanted.

"I don't want to do this," she said plainly, looking up at him "But if I have to, what are the rules? I can't pin you, so I want a time limit." she tried not to sound terrified, or look down at that surging monster beneath his trunks. Neither was proving to be easy.

"Buckets" didn't begin to describe the loads Kenpachi was capable of putting out... The typical male ejaculation weighed in at 2-5 milliliters, a respectable volume, certainly, but paling in comparison to the 300 mL he put out at a time... Fully a third of a litre was normal for the guy, and it could get much, much larger if he'd gone without being tended to for a while...

Kenpachi was feeling a terrible hunger for breeding-sex as he looked at cute Nelliel and her bomb-ass tittays, flexing those enormous biceps of his in anticipation of their fight. "I liked that you didn't surrender earlier, Nelliel. I liked that a lot! Got me really fired up and ready to fight you more! You've got a lot of spunk! So we're going to follow the rules of my training group for this one... Rangiku might seem like she isn't learning anything, but she's one of the best fighters in Soul Society when she gets serious. I trained her! You want to get strong enough to defeat me, right?
