Love and Adventures in the Far East


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"No, I don't mean the normal type of general. What if his father was a disgraced general? Maybe his father's father was a general himself, but one of the Whites, fighting against the Red Army in the Civil War? What if his father renounced his own dad, but couldn't escape his shadow? What if the father was almost executed in Moscow, but then just exiled? His son wouldn't have cars or mansions in the Krimea then. He'd just be here somewhere, trying to make ends meet. Do you know what I mean?" Vikki looked up at Anya, who was in turn looking at her, wide-eyed.

"Vikki, where are you getting all this from?" she asked.

"I don't know, it just kind of came."

"I see. You have quite an imagination Vik." Anya said, scratching Vikki behind the ear. "But that's enough daydreaming for the day. Rest up for a moment, then we're going to get you ready for bed."

After about twenty minutes, which Vikki spent napping contently in Anya's arms, everyone was more or less finished. Lena, who now sported a mop of tangled hair and a look of total moral defeat, told everyone it was way past curfew and they should all be getting to sleep. She was on her way out the door when Yulia stopped her

"Lena, we're not in trouble, are we?" she asked, "This was all part of the Session, right?"

"Right, yes, of course," Lena answered, "It, it says in Manual Appendix: 'the Session-induced affection is likely to manifest itself through physical means, which is accepted'. Or at least was..." she added quietly, closing the door behind her.

Most everyone, including Anya, shuffled off to the bathroom to wash up. Vikki stayed behind fishing for a toothbrush that had gotten lost in the dark depths of her suitcase, and didn't notice that Katya had stayed as well. When Vikki was most distracted, Katya tip-toed up to her and smoothly wrapped an arm around her waist.

Vikki tensed up, unsure of what would happen next. Katya saw her discomfort and smiled sardonically

"Don't worry pigeon," she said, "I won't eat you. I know you're not really into girls; otherwise, I would have made you mine a long time ago. Anyway, I guess I owe you another apology. Seems like you DO know something about sexual satisfaction. You were riding me so hard I thought you'd my lips!"

Vikki blushed violently. "Ah.. thanks. For.. um.." She mumbled.

"You know, you're pretty cute when you're timid. I'd jump you right now… but we've gotta save our energy for tomorrow." Katya gave Vikki a loud spank on the butt and started off toward the door.

"Wait!" Vikki called.

"Yes, little hare?"

"Katya, how did you… I mean, when Lena was talking, I couldn't even think."

"Oh, I was just bored. That psychoactive mumbo-jumbo doesn't work on me. I was lying there listening to Lena's little tricks, and thought it'd be fun to turn them into something more fun!"

"But why didn't it effect you?"

"Oh, it's just one of the great mysteries of the universe." Katya twirled around, arms turned heavenward, to demonstrate. "Like why an uptight, upstanding girl, would get her pussy eaten out in front of nine spectators." Katya paused just long enough to see Vikki's intense blush, then pranced out of the room.

Vikki found her toothbrush, and quickly did her business in the bathroom. When she got back, lights were off and everyone was already in bed. Slinking quietly along the cold floor, Vikki found her own bunk, which was right above Anya's, and climbed in.

The remnants of the Session's high had evaporated, and once they did, Vikki found there was a lot on her mind. So much, in fact, that she couldn't even begin to set it all straight. There were the worlds opened before her by the Session, Katya's coup and its consequences, her virtual encounter with the boy and the link between them, the ominous events of the coming day.

"An, we should talk. About everything," she whispered, bending down..

"Tomorrow, Vik. We'll figure it all out tomorrow, promise. Let's get some sleep tonight."

"Tomorrow," Vikki repeated to herself, pulling the covers over her tired body.

Nighttime desert cold had already seeped through the thin aluminum walls, wrapping the entire dormitory in its icy embrace. But potent as it was in its own domain, the cold had no power over Vikki's cozy bed, stopped at the gates by her heavy woolen comforter. Comfy and utterly exhausted, Vikki fell asleep in a matter of minutes.


"Wake up girls! We've got a big day ahead of us!"

Vikki grumbled and turned toward the wall, but there was no arguing with Guard-Dog.

"Let's go, let's go! Rise up, working peoples of the world!"

Guard-Dog made her rounds, making liberal use of her paws to prod the sleeping forms into wakefulness.

"Alright girls," she said finally, "Whoever isn't up in five minutes stays on the train in Vladivostok! Lena, make sure I don't see a single sleepy eye when I come back!"

The girls roused slowly but surely, and by the time of Guard-Dog's return, almost everyone was ready to be escorted to breakfast. As they were shuffling along, Katya caught up to Vikki:

"Hey Pidgeon," she said, "so what did you think of our little orgy last night?"


"Yeah, orgy. What did you think it was?"

They filed into the mess-hall, where they were served sugar cookies and compote made of stewed plums and apricots. The girls hardly talked during the meal, and Vikki assumed their reasons were similar to her own. Her reasons began with apprehension about the previous night and especially the word 'orgy', which despite its archaic nature seemed frighteningly appropriate. They certainly included feeling groggy, which came from sleeping a full two hours less than allotted. Most importantly, they included the unvoiced specter of the upcoming session, which hung heavily in the air. Though Vikki had continuously tried to cast it from her thoughts, the session's concept still frightened her even after all the motivational lectures, glowing first-hand accounts by session veterans, and brave posturing of the previous days.

As she picked at her food, she noticed the mess-hall doors swing open to reveal a purposeful-looking staff officer, who marched straight to the teachers' table and called Guard-Dog over to confer. Vikki went back to her thoughts, but looked up at them once more when the corner of her eye caught the trail end of a gesture. Disconcertingly, it seemed that the officer had just been pointing at her.

"Oh no," Vikki thought. "Did the girl in the bathroom tell on me? Did someone from last night talk?" If that were true, Vikki would be one of the first on the blame list, having been the most visible part of Katya's mischief.

The officer soon got up and left, but Vikki didn't dare look at Guard-Dog to see what her next move would be. When Guard-Dog approached ten minutes later, Vikki's heart almost jumped into her throat.

"Now girls," Guard-Dog said, "it's time for serious business. Finish up, and we'll get going." Vikki was safe, at least for now.

When the girls had finished, Guard-Dog gathered them up and herded them across the base toward the session hall. Vikki, still apprehensive, tried to remain as inconspicuous as possible. At the same time, she couldn't help scanning every nook and cranny she passed, hoping against hope to see her boy. A few boys were outside, on patrol or otherwise occupied, but her boy was nowhere to be seen. Vikki wondered whether he even remembered her, or whether their link was just a product of her overactive imagination. The thought, along with the others troubling her, made life too depressing, and made herself stop thinking about it.

After a ten minute walk, they reached a building which, judging from its ostentatious appearance, was used for Party rallies and Polit-work assemblies. Guard-Dog led them to a nondescript door at the side of the building and a staff officer opened it for them. They packed into a short corridor which resembled an airlock in a submarine, bounded as it was on both sides by heavy metal doors one of which the staff officer closed behind them. Once the outer door was securely fastened, Guard-Dog pushed her way towards the inner door, unlocked it, and motioned for everyone to proceed.

"Everyone come in," she said. "Be quick about it girls, we're already running behind schedule."

The second airlock door led to a combination bathroom/locker room. Vikki was surprised to see that this bathroom was possessed of an otherworldly, almost fairytale level of cleanliness and comfort. The floor was made of polished marble, and the benches lined with expensive-looking lacquered wood. Each bench had an assortment of pristinely white gowns, towels, scented powders, shower caps, a multitude of other expensive toiletries.

"Okay girls," Said Guard-Dog, "I want each of you to take a package of this cream. "Guard-Dog produced a large cardboard box from a supply closet and heaved it on a bench.

"Klavdia Ivanovna," One of the girls spoke up, "Is that really Azazello's Cream?"

"Yes," she replied brusquely. "yes, that's the colloquial term for it. Though you shouldn't use it because of its author's anti-Soviet leanings. Now girls." she continued, "I won't be here to supervise – director's rules - so pay close attention. You should each find yourself a private spot facing away from your neighbors. Then I want you to take off everything – even your undies and t-shirts, and put on a gown. Then, take a scoop of the cream and rub it…" Guard-Dog halted and grew beet red. It was apparent that reconciling her strictness and modesty with her socialist ideals was still proving to be a challenge. "..and rub it down there." She finished. "And I mean ALL over – on your legs, on your thighs, on your intimate parts, even, even inside." Guard-Dog grew even redder. "And if anyone is a tiny bit nervous, simply use more cream. Right then… questions?"

The girls all nodded no.

"I'll be waiting outside," Guard-Dog said, "Now girls, be sure to go to the bathroom right now. You won't get a chance for a couple of hours."

Once Guard-Dog was out of sight, everyone stripped down and got themselves a package of cream. These weren't packages in the ordinary, rough-brown-cardboard sense of the word –they resembled petite jewel boxes. Vikki's box didn't contain any jewels however – instead, it was half-filled with a vanilla colored cream. This cream was thick and fatty, giving off a strong, musky scent. Yet when scooped up, it felt surprisingly light and airy on the hand, rather like a piece of vanilla soufflé. Vikki, warned beforehand about cream's toxicity, had no interest in determining whether it tasted like soufflé. Instead, she took off her clothes, slipped on a robe, and found herself an out-of the way corner.

Some of the girls, with Katya at the head, immediately started joking and monkeying around, smearing the cream on each others faces and trying to pull each other's panties down. With all the things weighing on her mind however, Vikki was in no mood for games, so she just turned around and started applying the cream. There were no explicit instructions for dosage given on the package, so she made sure to coat everything completely and evenly, from her hips to her inner thighs to her vaginal lips. She even pushed a glob inside, swirling her finger around to coat as much of her inner passage as she could reach.

As she was applying the cream, Vikki was surprised to feel her depressed state lifting, gradually replaced by curiosity at the sensations the cream was producing. Wherever it touched, the cream spread a sensation of increasing warmth. At first, it was almost like vapor rub that Vikki's mom used during her wintertime bouts of the flu. However, within a matter of seconds the warmth was augmented by a sensation of lightness. This lightness didn't want to stay contained – it immediately flowed into Vikki's sensory pathways, through which it spread throughout her body with dizzying speed. Vikki suddenly felt so light she could reach the ceiling with the tiniest push-off. The feeling was liberating, almost intoxicating in its power. All the things weighing on her mind – nervousness, fear, romantic gloom – seemed to seep from her pores and congeal into a millimeter-thick layer of mud caked on her skin. Vikki shook herself all over, and the layer cracked and crumbled onto the marble floor. Vikki took a deep breath and suddenly realized, with absolute clarity, that her worries were gone and all that was behind was pure, unadulterated freedom.

On a more corporeal level, the, the warmth had also generated a pleasant tingling sensation. As this sensation was localized around her private parts, Vikki felt an almost irresistible temptation to satisfy it with vigorous rubbing. Vikki gave in for a second or two, rubbing her vulva luxuriously, before some vestigial remainder of modesty urged her to stop. Vikki looked around and saw that compared to others, she was showing an almost monastic restraint - when Katya came up to her, robe unfastened, her right hand was casually massaging her clitoris.

"Some cream, eh Vik?" Katya said. "Takes that shyness right out of you, doesn't it? Just look what it did to me."

Katya spread her pussy lips with her fingers to demonstrate her engorged clit. Vikki thought vaguely that the proper impulse would be to turn away. Instead she almost reached out to touch Katya's pussy, stopping herself halfwy through the motion.

"Whoa, this thing really IS potent," She thought, her tummy aching with desire.

Katya, having noticed the half-formed gesture, couldn't resist stoking the fire. She dipped into her well, then took a wetness-coated finger and put it into her mouth seductively.

"Katya, no!" Vikki tried to warn her. "The cream's poisonous, don't put it in your mouth."

"The cream? Oh right, the cream." Katya gave her a coquettish shrug. "Don't you worry for me pigeon, I'll take care of myself." She blew Vikki an air kiss and frolicked off towards her other playmates.

Anya, having finished the application procedure herself, wandered over. Vikki hugged her and had to restrain herself from turning the hug into a sensual kiss.

"How you feeling, Vik?"

"Better. I'm feeling…Like a total slut!" Vikki said, surprising even herself, and burst out laughing.

"Me too!" Anya giggled, holding onto Vikki's hands. "Now I see why we don't need all that 'psychoactive' nonsense."

"True, but I still liked our bonding session."

"Yeah," Anya said, eyes glowing like embers, "Me too."

Vikki had to restrain herself a second time, but she sensed she was fighting a losing battle, her fight made harder by the fact that defeat seemed like the most desired of outcomes. She was rescued by Guard-Dog, who poked her head in the door and said, "Let's go girls. File out!"

They formed a queue to file out, and as they stood at attention Katya appeared once again beside Vikki. She pressed against Vikki and whispered to her, "Girl, you're gonna get fucked soo hard right now.."

Vikki's pulse quickened. Katya was right – they were really here, and in just a few short minutes they would have a whole regiment of insatiable boys descend upon them. Vikki had had this thought before, but now instead of frightening her, it filled her with both excitement and longing.

They were led into a large circular room lined by linoleum floors and finished with a smooth pastel color. The room was dominated by six strange, roughly circular structures. The structures themselves seemed to be made of black molded plastic. Embedded in this plastic were five seats. The seats were inclined into almost horizontal positions, headrests meeting at the structure's center and footrests radiating outwards, forming a five-pointed star. Each seat was lined with light brown leather and looked like a cross between an astronaut's cradle and a birthing chair. Suspended above each structure was a dome, made of opaque plastic and held aloft by a metal truss intertwined with an inscrutable multitude of cables.

Vikki took all this in at a glance, not really bothering to ask herself any questions. She saw two other groups of ten girls each – likely hangar floormates from neighboring partitions - emerge from two neighboring doors. Like them, the other girls seemed excited and uninhibited. From the looks of it, they'd also had their fair share of Azazzello's cream. Vikki smiled and waved, and the girls energetically returned the gesture.

"Whatever this is, it's going to be fun!" Vikki thought.

"Okay girls," said Guard-Dog, "Break yourselves up into two groups. Lena, Katya, Anya, Vika and Sveta will be in Group One and will go to the cluster by the door. Masha, Dasha, Alyona and Yulia will be in the Group Two and will go to the cluster by the wall. You all are free to choose whatever chair you want, but don't climb in just yet. Let's go!"

Given the events of the day before, it was easy to imagine the seating arrangement. Vikki chose to be near Anya, Katya chose to be near Vikki and Sveta, and Sveta chose to be near Lena. Vikki's chosen seat faced the main door, which was ajar on account of the white-robed technicians slipping in and out. Vikki noticed the vestibule beyond the door, lined in oak paneling and bearing posters and banners. Vikki could make out a couple of them; a banner that said "To a man, a man's due!" and a poster proclaiming "Give it to 'em good!" which depicted a vanquished demonic enemy on one side and a sultry-looking harlot on the other.

Guard-Dog trundled over to Vikki's cluster.

"Now girls," She said, "We're almost ready to begin. If you'll just slip off your robes... yes yes, you can just leave them there on the floor, and take your seats."

Even in a room full of people, to Vikki there seemed nothing simpler than to take off her panties and climb into her chair. She was surprised by the leather's smooth texture and the chair's warmth – it must have been somehow heated from the inside. Everything – the warmth, the atmosphere, the chair's indescribably comfortable contours – beckoned her whole toward total relaxation. Vikki found that this feeling of relaxation, combined with the sensual excitement inside her to produce a sort of sleepy, simmering desire.

A technician came over and pushed a button. The dome above their heads rumbled to life, starting to descend. While the technician informed them about the dome's comfort and safety, Vikki noticed another army official take Guard-Dog by the arm and look in Vikki's direction. This time, Vikki wasn't the tiniest bit afraid.

"Let him look!" She thought. "Let him come over and take a closer look if he wants to!" She reclined in her chair and spread her legs, giggling to herself.

The dome kept descending over them. Vikki noticed that it had five rubber accordions placed along it perimeter. As the dome slid in place, the accordions pressed snugly against their waists, separating them from the outside world.

As, for the second time in twenty four hours, the visual world receded from her, Vikki felt a sort of sensory deprivation. She could neither see nor hear the room outside – she could only experience it by touch. Her universe was now confined to dome's interior and the five girls lying close to her. This isolation came with an unexpected sense of freedom - though she was restrained from the outside, Vikki was free to do as she wished inside the dome. For instance, she could look in all directions, explore the rough texture of the dome with her fingertips, or even prop herself up on her elbows. The latter action allowed her to reach over and interact with her closest neighbors - an opportunity which Vikki immediately took advantage of by tickle-torturing Anya. When they made peace, Vikki reflected that, despite its unusual nature, their current setup was wonderful. The dome's interior might have seemed cramped to an outside observer, but the cream, their nude closeness, and their unsupervised freedom made it cozy and welcoming.