Lucy's Film: Family Fun Pt. 01


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Melody would have been terrified, if she had not already received Frank's erection into her ass. She knew that she would love it again. That thought, and Betty's active tongue, brought her passion back.

Frank stroked his erection as it returned. He was deeply excited. He wanted Betty's ass. He would have someone's ass. He would not be denied.

Frank laid Melody's stomach over a large pillow. Her ass was open to his gaze, and his hands. Her ass was available for his whip. He used her ass like a toy for his pleasure. He pulled Betty up to him.

Betty's script ended at this part of the scene. Frank's script brought him the next words. The words, and the command, shocked Betty as she heard Frank speak.

"Sister dear. You got her up so good. You'll prepare her ass for me. You'll get her asshole, and my cock, wet for her violation. Use your mouth on her asshole. Use your mouth on my cock. Get them both shining with your spit. I will beat you until they are as wet as her cunt."

Betty blushed furiously, at the command. She could not bring herself to do what Frank commanded.

"Please Frank. Don't make me do that. I can't do it. It's so dirty."

"You'll do it. You'll obey me in all things. You'll do a lot of dirty things for me."

Frank used his whip. He was not furious at her disobedience. He was beaming at her displeasure. He used the whip with cold calculated pleasure. He would dominate his sister tonight. He would fuck her ass soon.

He found intense pleasure using the whip on her. He found intense pleasure thinking of having his sisters ass. Just like he would take Melody's ass tonight.

Betty found neither passion, nor pleasure, in her orders. She held out as long as she could. She could see the cold determination in Frank's eyes. She knew that he would not back down. Betty's face was covered with tears as she knelt her head to Melody's open ass.

She shuddered with revulsion, as she licked Melody's asshole. She worked up her saliva. She wet the outside and the inside of Melody's ass with her tongue.

Betty moved her head to Frank's erection. She got his erection as wet, as she had just gotten Melody's asshole. Frank was beaming. He was not in a role right now. He was in control. His pleasure was completely his own.

Frank pushed Betty from him. His lust controlled him. He wanted an ass to fuck. He wanted Betty's ass. He lusted for it. He glared down at Betty as he took Melody's ass.

Betty felt his lust. She could feel in on her body. She was frightened. Her vagina was flushed and wet. Her vagina wanted her violation as much as she feared it."

Frank fucked with cold deliberation. He was glad that Melody was not aroused by her violation. He wanted the camera to see her fear.

Frank pulled from Melody's ass. He held Betty's face close to him as he stroked himself up to his orgasm. He flushed with intense pleasure as he ejaculated onto his sisters face. He was the lord of the manor. It was his right. Frank turned and left the room, beaming in his dominance.

"Cut. Great scene. It was perfect."

Betty thought she would be sick as she staggered from the bed. She found some alcohol to wash her mouth with. She spit the alcohol out of her mouth, then wiped her face clean.

"It was disgusting. I cant stand it. I can't do it again. I'll puke."

Lucy stormed up to Betty and slapped her.

"You will do it again. It will be just as disgusting the second time. You'll do it again. You won't like it, but you'll do it. You'll play whatever role I put you in. Get ready to replay your scene with Melody. Jim reset the cameras. Do it as quickly as you can."

Betty was seething. She paced, while Jim reset the cameras on the other side of the bedroom. She was furious. She had never been this angry or this humiliated.

She knew that she could not vent her anger at either Frank or Lucy. She glared at Melody. She beamed all of her anger, and humiliation, at her.

Melody could feel the anger, and the hate, from Betty's eyes. She was frightened of it's intensity. She did not have to act. She was deeply afraid of Betty right now.

Betty did not have to act. She hated the slut who caused her defilement. She detested Melody with every fiber of her being. Betty seethed as she waited.

Lucy was pleased. She knew that the second filming of Betty and Melody's scene, would be better than the first filming. The movie was more important than her daughters pleasure. Or, her displeasure.

When they were in place, Lucy beamed with satisfaction at the steel cold look in Betty's eyes. She was ecstatic, seeing the fear in Melody's eyes. The scene went perfectly.

The lines were almost identical, to the first filming. This time the camera would see, and record, Betty's anger and resentment. The camera would capture the fear in Melody's eyes.

Lucy quickly set the next scene. She did not want to lose the emotion. She saw the stone cold displeasure in Betty's eyes as the scene developed. This time, the emotion was exactly as she had written the scene. She saw Frank beam, with his power and control.

He was leering at Betty when he ordered her to lick Melody's asshole. Lucy reveled at the pure disgust, and humiliation, in Betty's eyes as she complied. Lucy was intensely happy with the filming this night.

Betty washed her mouth out after the scene.

"I can't do this ever again. I won't do it ever again."

"You'll do it again. You'll do it because you are a professional. If you are not a professional, get the fuck out of the business... Get your ass home. Be back here in two days, ready to film again. If you can't do it again, use the time to pack your shit. Move out of the house, and out of the business. I'll rewrite the movie. You may like being broke in this world. I do not."

Lucy went to her purse. She took out a small stack of hundred dollar bills, then returned to Betty. Betty was in hysterical tears. She could think of nothing, but her anger and humiliation. Lucy handed her the money.

"Go have fun. Shop with your friends. You did a great job. You are not your role. You did not do that. Your character did it. Quit sniveling. I have neither the time, nor the patience for a child's snit."

Betty began to calm down, as she looked at the money in her hand. Betty quickly dressed. She stormed out of the house, with the money and her purse. Lucy spoke to her as she was leaving.

"Do not fuck. Do not masturbate. I expect your eyes to be sparkling when you return. If they are not sparkling, do not return. You'll become a dependent child in this family."

Sally came up to Lucy.

"Weren't you just a little hard on her right now? It was a hard scene."

Lucy snapped at Sally.

"She must be able to play the hard scenes or she has no future in this business. Her, or Melody."

Lucy took out some more money from her purse. She handed it to Frank.

"Don't get to carried away with your role. You are not in charge here. I am. You go play also. Stay at the Even's house. Play. Do not fuck. Be back here ready to film, in two days."

"Yes Ma'am."

Frank dressed, then left quickly. Lucy went to Melody. Melody was crying in the front room by herself. Lucy took her into her arms and held her as she cried. Lucy let Melody cry until she calmed down.

"Did I hire an adult actress? Or, did I hire a child?"

Melody held Lucy tightly. She spoke in a small voice.

"I'll be alright. You hired a woman. I felt like a child until tonight. I feel like a woman right now."

Melody reached her head up to Lucy. She kissed her deeply. Lucy took the kiss.

"Go see your father. He'll comfort you. He loved you as a child. He'll love you as a woman."

Sally was in tears as she watched. She knew for sure that her little girl had grown up. She knew that Jim would have her as a woman tonight. She knew that Jim's gently strength would comfort her daughter right now, better than she could.

Jim spent his time with Melody in quiet gentle comfort. They had always been close. Jim now recognized Melody as a woman. He would never have been able to take her to his bed as long as he saw her as a child.

Melody was deeply in love with her father. She was happy when he took her to his bed. Melody needed the gentle lovemaking that he provided. She was now even closer to her father. She loved her two nights with him in his bed.

Melody knew she was like her mother. She would only find her lust from submission, to a strong dominate person who held a whip. She knew that she would find enough passion, and lust, from the film. Right now gentle lovemaking from her father was what she needed.

Lucy slept with Sally in the down stairs bedroom. She knew that Jim would not be comfortable with Melody, unless they were alone. They were now a complete family. They were professionals. Lucy was sure this film would be the best one they had ever done.


Lucy spent the two days with Sally. Jim and Melody spent the time together. They were the only ones fucking during the two days. Lucy wanted to fuck Sally. She controlled herself. She would not be filmed, but Sally would. Lucy's passion was raging when they returned to the film.

Betty arrived in good spirits. She had plenty of time to think about the scene. She did not like it. She never would like it. She felt a certain amount of pride in her performance. She was fully determined to handle it like an adult. She was sharp and alive, when she greeted Lucy at the door.

Frank was also rested and ready. Lucy was pleased. She only had one problem in her mind. She was still worried about Frank's dominance. She did not want to dampen it at all. She needed it for the film. She could see that each dominant scene, brought him closer to becoming his role.

He became less the dutiful son, and more the dominant master with each scene. Lucy could see it in his walk, and in his carriage. She let her concern move to the back of her mind.

She could not shake the feeling she was losing control of him. She knew that the next scenes would intensify the problem. She hoped that she could work the problem out.

She would film Sally and Betty's domination by Frank next. She thought she might as well film his dominance, before she dealt with it as a problem.

She would wait till the end of the filming for her domination at Frank's hand. If she lost control of Frank, at least she would have the film in the can. Lucy gathered the cast around her in the late morning.

"The sun is right. We'll film outdoor connecting scenes this morning, and into the afternoon. We won't stop until we lose the sun. Stay in your roles... Today Frank is only sitting up his plan to dominate the whole house. There is an underlying tension. It is not overt yet, in relationship to Sally. Frank is overtly establishing his dominance of me. He has already established his control of Betty and Melody. Get ready. Get in costume for the first scene. We'll change costumes many times today. It'll be a long hard day. Keep fresh."

The scenes went quickly. They were quite good. Lucy was pleased with them. She especially liked Frank's scene with Sally. He played the role well. There was nothing overt in the scene. There was an underlying tension between them. Frank and Sally were having coffee on the patio.

"I am so glad that you and my mother have become friends. I know there is more than just friendship, in your relationship. I think you make a nice couple. I have no problem with such a relationship. Neither does Betty. It is different. We'll adjust. My sister and Melody have already become close friends."

Sally was blushing at the conversation. Sally was into her role.

"I'm so glad you can except our love together. I do love your mother deeply. It's not easy, in this society."

Frank stood up. He leaned over and kissed Sally. It was more than a dutiful son's kiss. It was not lewd or sexual.

"I'll learn to love you as much as my mother does. I already love my new sister. We'll have so much fun together as a family."

Frank smiled at her red face. He left her energy as he walked off camera. Sally was flushed with sexual arousal. She knew that Jim's camera would catch it. She felt good about the scene. Lucy also felt good about the scene.

They filmed Frank abusing melody in the yard. Frank let his dominance raise as he forced Melody to her knees. He made her suck him as Betty knelt next to them. He fucked melody's mouth, then ejaculated onto Betty's face. He made Melody lick her face clean.

"Mother is going to visit her relatives tomorrow. We'll have so much fun while she is gone. I'll visit your room tonight. You'll both kneel before me when I arrive. You will both be glad to see me, won't you?"

Both kneeling women spoke in unison.

"Yes master."

There was still some time left in the afternoon after the sun lowered. They filmed several short scenes of the family together in the house. After dinner they set the cameras up in the small bedroom.

"Tonight we'll film two scenes, then reset the cameras. Then we'll film them again. The first scene will be Betty and Melody. The second scene will be Betty and Frank."

Frank smiled deeply, knowing that he would have his sisters ass tonight. He didn't just want it. He lusted for it. His erection rose just thinking about it.

"The first scene, is the same night as Frank's violation of Melody. Betty, remember your anger and outrage, at your humiliation in the last scene. You are totally enraged. There is nothing you can do about it with Frank. You think it is Melody's fault. You'll humiliate her the same way you were humiliated."

When you make her serve your ass with her tongue, prop yourself up so the camera can see it all. Your scenes have all been good. You must remember the camera. The last scene you all forgot. You blocked some good shots. Keep the action open for the camera. Get ready. Film call in one half hour."

Lucy gave Betty, and melody, their short scripts. Melody's script only covered the first part of the scene. She left them little time to read them. She was sure that they all knew their parts, and would play them well. Lucy knew that this scene would be important. She needed to know if Betty could get into her anger, and humiliation, from scratch.

This scene would determine Betty's ability as an actress. In the last scene Betty did not need to act. Her violation was real. She was not acting. If she could raise that energy when it was not real to her, she had a future in the business.

Lucy was feeling left out of the movie. She only appeared at the beginning and at the end of the movie. She missed playing the staring roll. She liked being the director. She also liked acting. She would cast herself in a fuller role in the next movie. She was already forming the next movie in her head.

The cast assembled. Lucy walked up to Betty, and slapped her.

"Doesn't it piss you off when someone slaps you?"

Before Betty could answer she slapped her again.

"Doesn't it make you angry when you get slapped in front of everyone?"

Lucy again slapped Betty.

"Aren't you angry at me, right now?"

Betty was seething. She was angry where she lived. She glared at Lucy.

"I'm more than angry. I'm livid."

"Well, little girl. What are you going to do about it?"

Betty snapped. She reacted with out thought. She slapped Lucy. Her eyes were embers of cold fire.

"I'll beat your ass. I'll rape your asshole, bitch."

"That's it Betty. Now you have yourself, almost, ready for the scene."

Lucy called Frank to him. She pushed Betty onto her knees before Frank.

"You left her with cum on her face, when you left the room. Use the slut's mouth. Use her like a slut. She is one."

Betty's eyes flared at Lucy. Lucy slapped her.

"Don't even think about slapping me again. I'll beat your ass. I'll rape your ass. I'll film it. I'll rewrite the movie for the scene."

Frank was grinning as he masturbated into Betty's mouth. As Frank worked himself up, Lucy spoke down at Betty.

"You're angry. You had better get humiliated. If Frank's cum on your face is not humiliating enough. You'll lick my asshole. You'll lick it in front of the camera."

Frank knew he must be quick with his orgasm. He was feeling good about his control. He could extend his fucking quite well. He wondered how quickly he could raise it. Frank went into his fantasy of taking his sisters ass. He rose to orgasm quickly.

Frank used Betty's mouth as he masturbated. He imagined it was her ass as he ejaculated onto Betty's face. He tried to get it in the same spot he did in the filming. He remembered every detail of the scene.

Lucy spread the fresh cum onto Betty's face. She wiped her finger on Betty's tongue. Betty was ready for the scene. She was both angry and humiliated.

She glared at Melody. The intense gaze, frightened Melody. It woke Melody's vagina to full lust. Lucy walked up to Melody.

"You have just been raped in the ass. Cry in your shame. Your face will be down. The first whipping will bring the tears. As soon as you are crying, show your face to the camera."

Lucy place the women in the position they were in, when Frank had left them.

She looked down at Betty.

"Beat her ass first. I want tears in her eyes when you make her lick your face.

Betty rose from the bed. She picked up the whip from where Frank had dropped it. She saw Melody laying before her. In her minds eye, Betty saw Lucy in front of her. She saw Melody as the Lucy she could dominate.

Betty recalled all of the insult from the last filming. She frosted it with Lucy's threat to make her lick her asshole. Betty was not acting. She used the whip as she snarled at Melody.

"Fucking slut. Whore. Bitch. You slimy cunt. I hate you bitch. I'll rape every hole you have."

Melody was caught in the emotion. She was a natural just like her mother. There were tears in her eyes, when she turned her head to look back over her shoulder at Betty, and the camera.

"Please Betty. Please don't hurt me anymore. Please. I'll use my tongue on you. I'll be your slave. Please stop hurting me."

Betty stopped her lashing. She pulled Melody to her.

"Clean my face bitch."

"Yes mistress."

Melody licked Betty's face. Between licks she kissed Betty. Betty did not receive her kisses, nor did she return them. Melody's eyes were filled with fear. She was in her role.

Betty lay back onto the bed, reclining into the pillows. She pushed the pillow that had been under Melody, out in front of her. Betty put her heels onto the pillow.

"Lick my shoes. Kiss them. Suck my heels. Call me mistress as you do."

"Yes mistress."

Melody lowered her head down to Betty's heels. She knelt to one side, remembering the camera. She flipped her hair over her shoulder as she had seen her mother do. She was not playing to the camera. She was playing to Jim.

"Yes mistress. I love your shoes. Mistress, I kiss your shoes. Mistress, I lick your shoes. Mistress, I suck your heels like a cock. I do it for you. Please don't hurt me anymore. Please."

Betty accepted Melody's devotion. She knew it came from fear. She loved it. She felt good, seeing the fear she had raised in Melody's eyes. Her dominance brought her waves of pleasure. The pleasure from her domination was almost as strong as her orgasms.

Betty withdrew her heels from the pillow. She pulled the pillow up under her ass as she spread her legs wide.

"Use your tongue to bring me pleasure. I'll beat you until I cum."

"Yes mistress. Please don't hurt me anymore. I'll pleasure you. My tongue is yours mistress."

Betty was somewhat uncomfortable in her position. She was determined to make sure she was available for the camera's eye. Betty used her whip on Melody as she served her mistress with her tongue. Betty did not use her whip to leave bruises. Melody was serving Betty. She was making love to Jim as she did.