Perspectives Series: Martin


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It didn't matter because 36 hours was plenty enough time for me to retrieve the desired footage and save it off to another media. The higher resolution feature was for specific occasions when I wanted to be sure to have good video.

It was best that Jessie didn't know about the cameras. I just filmed her having an orgasm in my basement (that I would enjoy watching again later.) Anyway, my favorite video was when the subject didn't know they were being watched. If Simon forgets to tell Jessie about the cameras, I could get some more great footage from her in the future. All I'd have to do is get Jessie to do what she just did for Simon.

We climbed the stairs just as Teresa was shutting the door. I didn't really pay attention to who it was. All the people I wanted to see or talk to were already gone or standing right in front of me. Anyway, I needed to think of a quick way to get out of there without arousing Teresa's suspicion. It has to be work-related because there wouldn't be any other reason for me to leave. I can't use Simon as an excuse, he's right here. Something to do with the deal. Think.

Simon and Jessie sat on the sofa and I walked over to my usual chair. It will be easier to get away if I can at least fool Teresa now into believing I want her. I sat down and patted the chair between my legs. Teresa half rolled her eyes at me and then sat down. When did she start being such a fucking smartass bitch?!

"So, what do you think?" Simon started. I knew he was talking about business.

"I don't know for sure. I still have to talk to Jason."

Teresa started to sit up. I pulled her back against me and reached my hand up toward her necklace. Where the fuck does she think she's going? I had half a mind to slap her thigh and finger her cunt. My dick was still on alert from earlier and the tension was starting to piss me off.

"I think it's going to work out. We'll have some sort of agreement in the next week, I believe." THAT'S IT! My hand instinctively slapped the chair as the plan formed in my mind.

"In fact, I should probably start drawing up some of the documents. I want to be ready to pull the trigger on this thing."

"Strike while the irons hot, right?" Simon added.

"It's good advice for everyone." I winked at Simon. Enough talk about business. I'm horny. My dick was standing up straighter with the mental vision of Jill fingering herself in my mind. That little redhead can drive me crazy sometimes.

I kissed Teresa on the cheek, "Isn't that right, T?"

It annoyed Teresa to be prompted to speak. She was so fucking stupid; I doubt she was following the conversation.

"Uh, huh."

Still, I really need to get off. Maybe I should get a quick blow job before leaving 'for the office'. I could pull that off. I slid my hand higher up Teresa's thigh. A wicked thought came to me and I looked up at Simon and smiled. A little payback could be fun.

Simon took a deep breath and quickly replied, "Yeah. Well, we really should be going. You guys don't need to entertain us."

Well, that's no fun. Simon used to love this shit.

Simon practically hoisted Jess to her feet as he stood up.

"It was a nice party, Martin. Teresa, thank you for everything. I know Martin didn't do any of this."

Teresa stood up. "No problem. Thanks for coming."

Jessie piped up. "The house is terrific. Thanks for having us."

Teresa started to answer so I had to talk over her. Do I need to remind her WHO this house belongs to?

"Thank you, I'm glad you like it. And thanks for coming." I took a couple steps toward Jessie. I could see Simon gesture with his hand to stop. It was our old sign for cut or quit that we could execute without anyone else noticing. Very subtle; hardly any movement of the hand or fingers required as the arm rests comfortably at your side. I retreated slightly and merely kissed her on the cheek. He is such a pussy. I think she can handle a lot more than he gives her credit for.

I shut the door and turned to Teresa. Now for the execution of the plan. I wanted to hear about Teresa's conversation with Jason but my dick had another agenda. Ten minutes. I want to be on the road in no more than ten minutes. Those earrings should be able to get me that much, at least.

After all, I wasn't sure I'd gotten my moneys worth out of them at that point. They were intended to get Teresa to soften to the idea of fucking Jason. The idea came to me when I was at the gym with him last week. He mentioned that he worked out as a release, ever since his girlfriend left him...blah, blah, blah. I don't remember the rest. I remember thinking, Geez, man...haven't you ever heard of jerking off? Then it dawned on me that what he needed was a woman. He didn't strike me as the hooker type and you couldn't trust this sort of thing with anyone, you wanted a sure thing. Teresa. Brilliant plan, if I say so myself.

But I wasn't so sure it was going to come down to that. Still, the earrings didn't have to be a complete waste. Teresa could make it up to me in other ways; she will make it up to me. Those earrings weren't cheap.

I decided the direct approach was best.

"Listen, T. I have to go into the office. I have some paperwork to do."

I paused, waiting for the argument or snide remark. I was ready with plenty of ammunition.

"OK. Whatever."

Perfect! Good girl! I sprinted to the bedroom for my wallet. I nearly walked out to the garage without my briefcase. That would've been suspicious. I backtracked to the office and grabbed the case. Teresa was engrossed in collecting empty dishes. No sense in interrupting her.

I called out as I was stepping into the garage, "I won't be gone long."

It was a lie, but it always worked. If she thought I was coming right back, she didn't question where I was going, or try to detain me. Although, I could really use a quick blow job right now. That could be pushing it with all the mess from the party. I probably had time...A quick glance at my watch revealed that I got that whole deal with Teresa closed in 6 minutes, and that included the time it took me to grab my wallet and briefcase. I'd always been an over-achiever. I could probably close a blow job in 5 minutes, 10, tops. Oh, fuck, forget it. I'm already out the door. Anyway, I have something way better waiting for me. Jill.

Chapter 18

Jill was on fire when I arrived at her place. I moved toward the bedroom but she insisted we do it on the floor of her living room. It was hurried and wild and completely primal sex. It was exactly the kind of sex I'd always liked the best. Until that point in time, that is.

I was discovering that my most powerful climaxes happened at the most unexpected times. It was the quieter moments when Jill looked in my eyes while I held her close, that I would completely lose myself. All the signs that I was falling hard were there. She feels the same, I know it. But something was missing.

Jill wasn't bothered by my relationship with Teresa, for one. She never complained about having to share me with another woman, a live-in girlfriend, no less. I can understand not being a jealous person but this was just not right. She's never asked me to leave Teresa and she never talked about moving in together.

And then there were the times I couldn't reach Jill. She wouldn't answer the phone and I wouldn't hear back from her until the next day. It turned me inside out when she did that. She always had some excuse, but I couldn't keep the thought out of my mind. She's out with another man. She never said so, but I couldn't help but think it.

As we lay there on the floor, I had a million thoughts in my mind. I should've been thinking about business but I couldn't get my mind off of what to do. My phone rang and it was Jason. I decided it was best to answer it.

In my haste to get to Jill's, I completely forgot that I had arranged for Jason to meet me after the party was over. I rescheduled the meeting for the next day, making the excuse that I was at the office drawing up paperwork. I nearly confessed to Jason about Jill in my vulnerable state, but something stopped me.

"Is everything OK?" Jill asked, looking up at me. She was starting to shiver from the cool air touching her nude, sweaty body. I lay back down, pulling her close to me to warm her.

"Yeah, it's fine. I forgot I was supposed to meet Jason at my house for a de-briefing meeting. To get his thoughts on the deal."

"Do you need to go?"

"No, I rescheduled for tomorrow."

"It's OK, really."

Honestly, it hurt my feelings a little. I looked at her suspiciously.

"I'm not ready to go ye...why are you so anxious to get rid of me?"

"I'm not. I don't want to interfere with your business, that's all. I don't care if you stay."

Don't care? "Doesn't it bother you that I live with a woman?"

Jill shrugged. "Is it supposed to?"

"Well, yeah, a little, I guess."

"It's not like you love her or anything. You've made that perfectly clear."


"I guess I'm just not the jealous type."

"What if I kicked her out? Would you move in with me?"

Her facial expression made my heart sink. It was a combination of shock and horror.

"I, uh, I'm happy the way things are now."

"I am, too but it would be even better if we were together all the time, don't you think?"

"I guess so, I don't know. It doesn't matter because I can't live with a man until I'm married."

"Why not?"

"My family, in short. It wouldn't fly with my family, trust me. And no matter the circumstance, they would not accept it."

"Is that the only reason?" It came out before I realized how significant the answer was.

Jill shifted her weight away from me and sat up. She grabbed her socks and started pulling them onto her feet.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm cold; I'm getting dressed."

"Wait. I want to talk about this, Jill."

"We can talk with clothes on." She replied dismissively.

"OK. Why don't you want to live together?"

"I don't know. It has nothing to do with you; don't take it so personally. I just like my independence, that's all."

How could I not take this personally? "OK."

I decided not to pursue the topic. She dressed with lightning speed and for the first time ever, I felt like leaving Jill's apartment.

I called her as I was pulling in my driveway, but she didn't answer the phone.

The next morning, on my way into the office to meet Jason, I called her again. No answer.

Jason was clearly ready to move forward with the deal. I took notes on what he wanted to include in the contract. Where could she be this early in the morning?

Jason was pretty confident that the transaction would pay-off for him. If it did, I would be in a good position to partner with Jason on future ventures.

As we were wrapping up, Jason brought up Teresa.

"I had the pleasure of talking with Teresa for awhile at the party last night."

You must not have talked too long to still refer to it as pleasurable.

"Oh, yeah? What do you think?"

I already knew what he thought. He is a red-blooded male, after all.

"She is charming. You better marry that one before she gets away."

"I just might take your advice on that." Blatant lie, but what he wanted to hear.

"You guys would have beautiful children together."

"You know, I was saying that very thing to Teresa the other day." Another lie.

I called Jill again as I was leaving the office. She answered this time.


"Hey. How are you doing?"

~Oh, OK. No, I take that back, I'm pretty crappy, actually.

"What's the matter?"

~I think I have a virus.

"You're sick?" That would explain why she didn't answer.

~No. I mean a computer virus. I'm starting to panic, Martin. I can't get to any of my files or anything. What am I going to do?

"Do you have your hard drive backed up?"

~Would I be panicking if I did?

"Hey, now. I'm just trying to help. Don't get snappy with me."

~I'm sorry. It's just that I have my resume on there and pictures and family recipes. All kinds of stuff that I don't want to lose.

"Well, I guess it's lucky for you that your boyfriend happens to be an Engineer."

~Do you think you can recover these files?

"I don't know until I take a look at it."

~Can you come over right away? I'm afraid it's going to get worse.

"I'll see what I can do. I think I can swing by there. I'm on the road now."

~Oh, thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!

"I'll see you in 15."

~OK. Thanks, Martin. Bye-bye.


Jill greeted me at the door when I walked in. I glanced around to see if there were any signs of a party or anything like that. I spotted a couple of glasses on the counter that I didn't recall being there the evening before.

She directed me to the desk and her open laptop. I started to poke around her files. There was definitely something strange going on. The screen was flickering occasionally. It wouldn't be too difficult to just take a peek at her Inbox while I'm here.

An alert went off on her laptop and it startled me. It was an instant message from someone. Not just someone, a guy. I asked her about it and she answered casually. It was a friend from work.

Another message came from another guy. She explained that it was another friend from work messaging her on the weekend. This message was a little suggestive. When I asked her about that, she dismissed it.

I could feel my heart rate pick up and I started breathing heavier. Thoughts were spinning in my mind and my hands started to sweat. She doesn't want to move in together because she wants to keep fucking around.

A few more messages popped up on the screen. Jill became agitated at my questions and then told me not to read them. I became completely enraged. I wanted to wrap my hands around her fucking neck and choke her. She lied to me. She's been lying to me all along.

She had the nerve to bring up the fact that I was living with Teresa when just the day before she told me it didn't matter to her. Fucking bitch! I don't remember what was said, but I remember she asked me to leave.

Don't expect me to ever come back.

Chapter 19

The remainder of that year was a blur. I hardly felt the energy to even celebrate my payout when the deal closed. I earned the money three times over by the time it was all said and done.

Jason asked about Teresa quite a bit more than I expected. She made an indelible mark on him, I could tell. I decided that it would be in my best interest, business-wise to keep her very close to me. It's a good thing that it's over with Jill.

As the months passed, I started thinking about how loyal Teresa had always been. I never had to worry about her fucking around. There was a lot to be said for that. She was dedicated to our home and to my business. It was true that we hardly ever had sex, and we didn't share much, but that wasn't very different than every other marriage I had witnessed, with the possible exception of my parents.

I still had The Club obligation over my head that I didn't want to deal with. I really wanted to quit, but Teresa still enjoyed her time with the girls and Simon had been expressing a real interest in joining, so I held on.

Apparently, Simon felt that Jessie was ready and so he gave her a key necklace. He hadn't talked with her about the club, though. He wanted to find out Jessie's reaction to swinging first. We met for happy hour on Sunday, per our usual routine and talked about it.

"So what reason did you give Jessie for the key necklace?" I wanted to know.

"I told her it was a symbol of my commitment."

"Well, that's sort of the truth. Do you still want us to sponsor you?"

"I did at first. I don't know now."

"Why not?"

"I've been considering that offer to go to Dubai. I've been more than considering it, actually. I've already accepted it."


"Yeah, I'm still a little shocked about it, myself. I haven't told Jessie, yet."

"I'm sure you have your reasons, man but, shit!"

"I know. I don't know what to say. I didn't have much time to think about it before deciding. The other Engineers in the office were lined up, dying at the chance to go."

"It's a great opportunity. I told you that before. It's definitely the right thing to do."

"I know." Simon looked up, focusing on the baseball game.

"Anyway, I wanted to join but I think this whole thing is going to happen pretty quickly. I'll know for sure Friday."

"Why don't you come over Friday? Once Teresa sees that key necklace on Jessie, she'll flip. It will be entertaining, to say the least."

"OK, but make sure you tell T that Jess doesn't know about Club, OK?"

I nodded.

We turned back toward the game. The fifth inning of the St. Louis Cardinals, San Diego Padres game was damn exciting. Thirteen runs were scored that inning.

"I'm going to need help getting my house on the market. Can you hook me up with an agent?"

"Of course...look who you're talking to. I'm the king of introductions."

"Let's wait until Friday."


I prepped Teresa for Simon and Jessie's visit. She was so excited about the prospect of hooking up with a woman, she didn't even care it was Jessie. She was also thrilled that we would be sponsoring them. I didn't tell her about the possibility of Simon moving to Dubai.

We moved out onto the pool deck to enjoy the warm night. I hadn't had a chance to talk to Simon because the girls were with us the whole time. I wanted to hear about Dubai. I gave Teresa a look, signaling her to occupy Jessie so we could talk. She led Jessie to the other side of the pool. I judged that with the music, they were just out of ear shot. I glanced up at the camera. It wasn't completely hidden but if you didn't know it was there, you wouldn't notice it.

I leaned across the table to talk to Simon.

"So, what's the verdict? Are you going?"

Simon nodded.

"Whoa. Did you tell Jessie?"

He shook his head. His eyes were fixated on Jessie. He had a very sad expression.

"Teresa is going to be disappointed that you guys aren't joining. She was looking forward to being a sponsor."

The girls slid into the water without their clothes on. Teresa was particularly entertaining and amorous. They moved to the steps. We couldn't see exactly what was happening under the water because the light from the house reflected off the surface of the water. I had a pretty good idea, knowing Teresa all too well.

When Teresa turned around and faced Jessie, it was obvious they were getting into each other. Simon shifted his chair to face them. I leaned over to talk to him so they wouldn't hear.

"Teresa will take this as far as Jess will let her. She loves pussy, dude."

He didn't say anything. He wouldn't take his eyes off the ladies.

Jessie pulled herself out of the water. Her nipples were hard as pebbles. I could feel my dick growing hard. I needed a good fuck.

"Nice tits." I complimented Jessie to Simon.

Teresa turned so her back was against Jessie. She still had the most magnificent tits I'd ever seen. Jessie must've been working on Teresa's clit because she was close to orgasm. It would've been a lot more arousing had they not been shivering so violently from the cold. We could see their goosebumps from where we were sitting.

Simon grabbed the towels folded on the table and approached the women. Teresa quickly wrapped herself in one and started to make a dash for the house. I paused for a moment to watch Jessie stand up. I could tap that.

I walked into the house and opened the bathroom door. Teresa was peeing, her towel on the ground around her feet.
