Prince of Darkness vs Prom Queen 04


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Chapter 3 Coitis Interruptus

The door was still closed an hour later when he heard a slight tapping and looked up to see Laci peeping inside.

"Can I come in?" she wanted to know.

"Of course you can," he responded. "You're always welcome. Everything go well at the doctor?"

Instead of answering, she pulled him out of his chair and across the room to the sofa. Pushing him down, she snuggled next to him before answering, "Everything went fine, in fact the pediatrician thinks Matthew is doing exceptionally well. He's very alert. What I want to know is how you're doing? You've been working so much. I've hardly seen you."

"Had a few problems to deal with. Nothing unusual. How've you been? Haven't seen much of you these last few weeks either."

"You're always awake before I am and usually still working when I fall asleep. You've been so quiet. I haven't even heard you getting into bed."

"Just trying not to disturb you. I want you to get your rest. You've been rather busy. We haven't talked too much. How are you feeling? It's been a long time since we..."

She smiled at him, beaming a little brighter. "It's been seven and a half weeks, fifteen hours and," she glanced at her watch, "about nine minutes since we..."

He smiled for the first time since she entered the room. "You've been keeping track, too?" he asked incredulously.

"Yes, I've been keeping track, too, and I think we can stop keeping track and start doing other things beside keeping track unless, that is, you still have some work problems to deal with."

"I can make the sacrifice."

The sound of crying filtered into the room. "Uh oh, I think someone wants a snack but I will see you later." She kissed him before leaving the room.

Donovan sighed with contented happiness. Maybe normalcy was finally returning. He should have known Laci would take care of everything.

It was a perfect evening. They shared a quiet, romantic, and uninterrupted dinner in front of the fireplace in Donovan's office. He was positive their discussion was going to be all about the kid but Laci wanted to know everything Donovan had been doing. That wasn't expected. Things were going back to the way they had been, he thought with satisfaction. Perhaps the Munchkin Dom wasn't going to be a big problem, after all.

After dinner they promised to meet in their bedroom in an hour. Laci was going to get Matthew settled and Donovan had some last minute work to finish. He'd been keeping track for seven and a half weeks, and now he was counting the minutes.

He wasn't disappointed. When Donovan opened the bedroom door, he stood in pleasantly surprised shock. She had outdone herself. The room was illuminated by flickering candles and Laci was standing by the bed wearing the sexiest blue lace nightgown he'd ever seen. Wow! Damn she looked good. Even so, he couldn't wait to get it off her. The only thing better than Laci, was naked Laci.

He was already hard and he hadn't even touched her yet. He didn't have to wait very long. She was in his arms before he could say a word. Her fingers were already unbuttoning his shirt. Either she really missed him and was as ravenous as he was, or all her horny hormones were still present. He really didn't care. He missed those hormones. A lot.

Scooping her up, he placed her on the bed, gently lowering the whisper-thin straps of her nightgown. His thumbs caressed her breasts and he felt the nipples harden under his touch. He smiled listening to her tiny sighs of pleasure. Her skin was like stroking satin and he needed to touch every inch of her. It had been too long. She was pushing his shirt off his shoulders, running her nails along the surface of his skin, behind his neck, up and down his back. Her touch made him shiver in anticipation.

Usually meticulous, he was almost ripping his clothes off. He was battling with himself, wanting to be inside her immediately but also wanting to take his time and savor her. He wasn't accustomed to needing anyone the way he needed her. Usually others needed him, but it was always different with her. His desire for her was endless and, amazingly, she hungered for him just as much.

She mesmerized him. These had been the longest seven and a half weeks of his life. He craved every inch of her perfection. He loved her gentle caresses and the countless, feathery kisses she was giving him. He had touched her so many times, but this time felt like the very first. It was magical.

She was making him feel incredible, but she always made him feel incredible. More than incredible. She was making him feel spectacular. He had never met anyone who could wear him out like she did. His wife was nirvana. Lusty, exhilarating, insatiable, passionate nirvana. Damn, he was lucky.


NO! Not now. Maybe the kid would fall back to sleep. He couldn't be waking up now. It wasn't his turn. He'd had his turn for seven and a half weeks. Didn't he know about sharing?


Damn! Damn! Damn!! Damn!! DAMN!!!

Laci was off the bed, adjusting her nightgown. "I'll be right back," she told him.

Oh, yeah. Great. Just great. Donovan rolled over and stared at the ceiling pondering all the wonderful benefits of parenthood. He knew he was being a little unfair, maybe even irrational, but this was supposed to be his time with Laci. She had been his Prom Queen long before the kid entered the picture and Donovan didn't like sharing either.

He'd read about this in his books and articles. Once there was a baby on board, romance sank like a stone. How much longer was he going to have to wait? Maybe he needed a break from baby-world. He could take Virgil up to the ranch and they could commiserate with Prince Ogre. All three of them had been neglected during the past seven and a half weeks. They could drink beer and juice boxes.

It was nearly forty-five minutes before Laci returned to the bedroom. Donovan was lying on his side, his back to her, pretending to be asleep. She had to smile as she slipped quietly into bed, giving him a light kiss on his shoulder, knowing he was pouting.

Could she possibly love him anymore than she already did? Accepting her into his neatly arranged and orderly life had been so hard for him, but he had done it because he loved her. He changed so much of himself and who he was for her and that was something she didn't take lightly, but he was used to being the center of his own world and hers, and now he wasn't and it had thrown him off balance again.

She wasn't worried. She knew him far too well, even if he was the most confident Dominant with insecurity issues in the entire universe. She had lavished him with attention during her pregnancy, knowing how it would be after Matthew's arrival. Blaming it on hormones had been a stroke of genius. Now it was time for another stroke of genius. By this time tomorrow, Donovan was going to be self-assured and back in control.

And all it was going to take was just a little bit of submission.

Chapter 4 Prozac and Pee-Cones

Sitting at his desk in the office, Donovan could hear Victor singing in the garden.

"One little, two little, three little..."

What the hell was he singing about? He had to presume Victor was entertaining Matthew. One could never be certain of anything when Victor was involved, but Victor was singing? Not once in all the years they had known each other had Donovan ever heard Victor singing anything. True, there weren't many 'Sound of Music' moments in the life of a slave training Dominant or his assistant, but even so...Victor was singing? What other surprises could Donovan expect? He really didn't need any more surprises.

After many hugs and kisses to Matthew, and a kiss goodbye to Donovan, Laci left early to drive to a nearby town to interview someone for work. She was going to be gone for most of the day and she hadn't even mentioned their interrupted romantic evening, causing him to feel even more neglected than before. He wasn't sure if he was more annoyed at her or himself, but he was annoyed at someone. Maybe he could take it out on Virgil and kick him around for a while. Damned unicorn would probably kick him back.

He should just go talk to Laci. She always understood and made him feel better. But Laci wasn't there and wouldn't be back for hours. There was always Victor. If Donovan sat and wasted enough time steaming and stewing, eventually Victor would figure out he was bothered about something and would annoy him into confessing his dilemmas. Might as well go talk now and just get it over with. Make things a hell of a lot easier. Victor? Easier? Damn! He must be desperate.

As Donovan opened his office door Victor was coming out of the dining room. Victor motioned for Donovan to be quiet as Donovan motioned for Victor to follow him into the office.

"Could you sit down for a minute," he addressed Victor. "I'd like to talk to you."

Victor frowned slightly and looked behind him. "There's no one else in the room, so that must mean you want to talk to me, but you never want to talk to me. Are you sick or something?"

"No I'm not sick. I need some advice."

The frown deepened. Victor reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. He flashed his driver's license to Donovan.

"Now what the hell are you doing?" Donovan demanded.

"Showing you my I.D. You asked for advice, so I figured you'd mistaken me for someone else. See," he held out the wallet, "it's me. You never ask me for advice. You sure you're not sick?"

"Victor, is it possible to have a simple conversation with you?"

Victor's frown was joined with puzzlement. "You want to have a simple conversation? You? When do you do anything simple? Maybe you should sit down. You must be sick. Need an aspirin? You're not dizzy or anything, are you?"

"Damn it, Victor. I don't need an aspirin and you're the only one making me dizzy. This is why no conversation I have with you is ever simple. It is too much to ask that you just listen? Quietly. Without interrupting. Preferably while you are paying attention. Or at least giving me the illusion that you're paying attention."

"Sure, Daddy-bug. What's on your mind?"

"Well, for one thing, can you stop calling me by that ridiculous moniker?"

"Sure, Donovan-bug. What's on your mind?"

Donovan glared at him. "And you wonder why I don't have more conversations with you. Have you always been this annoying?"

"Of course I have. I haven't changed. You're the one who's changed."

"How have I changed? I haven't changed."

"Well, that's partially true. You're still demanding and compulsive. That hasn't changed. You'll always be fastidious and persnickety. That's never gonna change. And you might as well get used to the egotistical, self-absorbed part of you, 'cause that ain't going nowhere. I mean, let's be honest here, Donovan. You're kind of a general pain in the ass."

"Thank you, Victor. It's nice to know you hold me in such high regard, especially since I'm the one who signs your pay checks."

"Of course I hold you in high regard. You're my idol. Hell, you're your own idol. So, what's on your mind?"

Donovan sat quietly, staring out the window. "I don't know."

"Okay. Good place to start. Any chance you could elaborate?" Victor's frown was back as he watched Donovan. The poor guy looked miserable. This was something big. "Everything good with you and Laci?"

Donovan looked up with surprise. "Yes. I think so. Why? Did she say something?"

"No. She seems totally fine. You're the one who's a mess. C'mon Donovan. Out with it. Quit stalling and tell me what's going on."

"Is Matthew afraid of me?"

The light bulbs starting popping everywhere. "Of course not. You're more afraid of him than he'll ever be of you. Kids are like animals. They can sense things and Noodle-bug can sense your fear."

"Great. So he's going to need baby Prozac and it will be my fault. I'm a lousy parent."

"You're a new parent, and you're going to need super industrial strength Prozac if you don't calm down. Donovan, be honest. You've learned a lot since Laci came along, but you still can't really take care of yourself. There isn't some little gas gnome living in the trunk of the car who replenishes the gas for you. I do that. There isn't a dry cleaning elf who comes here and takes away your suits, then brings them back when they're clean and pressed. I do that, too. I know your routine and your needs and I take care of them. You don't bother because you don't have to and that's exactly what you're doing with little Noodle-bug. I'm doing it and Laci's doing it, so you're just stepping back and letting us handle it."

"So, we agree. I'm a lousy parent."

"Question...suppose Frank Harding showed up and tried to hurt Matthew. What would you do?"

"Kill the bastard," Donovan growled. "Even though I'm sure he's long gone, if anyone ever tried to hurt Laci or Matthew, the last thing they'd see would be me choking them to death."

"So I guess that makes you the worst father and husband in the entire world because your first instinct is to protect your wife and child. Damn. You're a horrible person, aren't you?"

"Are you trying to tell me you wouldn't protect Marian?"

"Course I would, but up until now, all your instincts have been focused on business and training and yourself. You're comfortable in those situations and you know exactly what to do. Now you're dealing with a whole new situation and a whole new set of priorities. Give yourself a chance to get comfortable with Noodle-bug and all your Daddy-bug instincts will kick in. You'll see."

"I don't know."

"You'll be just fine and I can teach you about the rest. I can show you how the stroller works and how the pee-cones work."

"Pee-cones? What the hell are pee-cones?"

"It's like I said yesterday, his aim's not real good yet so when you change him, you put a pee-cone over his little dick. Then he can't pee on you."

"Pee-cones? I hope you're kidding. Besides, I think diaper changing has to wait. I'd probably stab him with the pins and he already isn't particularly fond of me as it is."

"No pins, Donovan. You use tape for diapers."

"Tape?" Donovan sounded perplexed. "You tape his diapers on? What kind of tape? Packing? Strapping?"

"The diapers come with their own tape. I'll show you. I can show you the bath fish, too."

"Bath fish?" Perplexed was replaced with horrified. "You put fish in his bath? Why? Is it like a baby Jacuzzi or something? And what kind of fish? Like gold fish? Or trout?"

Victor rolled his eyes. "No, Donovan. It's a little plastic thing that floats around Noodle-bug's bathtub and it has a little temperature thing on it so you know the water isn't too hot."

Donovan was sitting with his head in his hands. "Why can't I just touch the water? And how the hell do you know about diaper tape and bath fish? And pee-cones?"

"Oh, remind me to show you how the onesies work."

"What the hell are onesies? Are there twosies and threesies and one hundredsies? Do they have anything to do with that song you were singing before?"

"And I can show you how to use the bottle warmer. And the burp cloths."

"The bottle warmer and burp cloths? What are burp cloths?"

"So he doesn't puke on you," Victor told Donovan, who was wincing with a pained expression. "And Noodle-bug loves it when somebody talks to him. Do lots of talking."

"Talking. Finally something I understand. There are ten thousand things I have to figure out and the only one I know is talking. Great odds. Maybe I could use that Prozac after all." He looked up at Victor. "It is regular talking, right? I don't have to learn some secret baby language, do I? Why are you laughing at me?"

Victor sat chuckling with a huge grin on his face. "And you don't think you've changed? Donovan, I'm proud of you. You're turning into a real live person."

"What the hell was I before? A robot?"

"Pretty much. Your whole life was robotic. You just went through the motions. You got up at the same time and ate the same foods. You never really did anything except work and train. You went weeks without smiling. Now even when you're grumpy you're happy and you're trying all kinds of new things. You eat pizza. You can make toast. You're learning about pee-cones. Back when we were in the training facility, in the pre-Laci days, did you ever think you'd be learning about pee-cones?"

"I can assure you, pee-cones did not enter my mind. Pee-cones are not Dominant requirements."

"They are if you're a Dominant-bug with a Noodle-bug."

"I hate that name, Victor. His name is Matthew. Do you call my wife Laci-bug?"

"Hell no. She'd kill me."

"So you just live to torment me?"

"Hell yes. Me and that little gnome who lives in the trunk of your car. He knows all the best ways to annoy you."

Donovan shook his head in frustration. "Do you see what my life has become? Upstairs is a stuffed unicorn who gives me the creeps because he's always staring at me. Downstairs is my infant son who screams every time I walk within fifty feet of him. There's a growling horse in another state that hates me, and you get guidance from non-existent gnomes. Any chance you or the gnome would happen to know how long it will be until Matthew starts sleeping through the night?"

"You still horny? What the hell am I saying? You're always horny. Even when you're grumpy, you're horny. The only time you weren't horny was when Laci was expecting Noodle-bug and that was only because she didn't give you time to be horny. I think she has you beat in the horny marathon."

"And how horny are you, Victor?"

"Depends what I'm doing. When I'm hanging with you, horny doesn't come up much, but when Marian and I are flipping for tying privileges, I could run a close second to Laci in the marathon."


"Noodle-bug's awake. C'mon, Donovan, and I'll show you the pee-cones."

He watched Victor happily toddle off to pee-cone land. Pee-cones. Donovan had never even heard the term before and in less than ten minutes it had become a regular part of his vocabulary. Pee-cones.

Pee-cones and bath fish and onesies, oh my!

Super industrial strength Prozac was sounding better all the time.

Maybe he could talk to Virgil and Prince Ogre and get some sympathy. The three of them could form a support group since they were all being neglected by Laci. Maybe they could all use some super industrial strength Prozac. They could get a group rate.

Chapter 5 Dominantly Challenged

Donovan felt like a complete and total failure and had a pounding headache when he finally returned to the silent sanctuary of his office after Victor's crash course in Noodle-bug 101.

For nearly fifteen years his company had grown because of his hard work, dedication and perseverance. He had accomplished things others had failed at. He had quadrupled his own personal fortune and made many other people wealthy by disassembling then reassembling and merging dozens of companies. He had given thousands of people job security and did his part to bolster the economy. He had successfully conducted business all over the world.

He had trained as a Dominant, excelling to the highest standards of understanding and being in control. As a trainer, he was revered by the wealthiest denizens and habitués in the BDSM culture who called upon him for his knowledge, skill and his ability to obtain quick and lasting results. He could operate and manipulate every type of apparatus and equipment used to discipline a slave.

And he had nearly strangled his infant son with a damned onesie.

He had changed his clothes three times after having been peed on and puked on and screamed at by a miniature, very loud and unforgiving disciplinarian.

Finally Donovan had waved the white diaper of surrender and taken refuge.