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So in one way as there was so very little left to the imagination she might just as well have been naked, but in another, the very fact that she wasn't, quite, seemed to only make even just looking at her that much more sexually stimulating.

She obviously saw from my goggle-eyed stare what effect her appearance had already had on me, but she still gave me a questioning smile then quite unnecessarily asked. 'You like it?'

'Of course I do, it's, no you, you look stunning Vanessa!' I replied as I pushed myself up. 'You take the blanket, stretch out, I've a much better idea.' I added as I went inside and brought out a chair.

Of course the moment I'd seen how she looked in that fantastic bikini I'd wanted to continue enjoying what she was offering, and realised that although in some ways it would be very exciting to lie close beside her, it would also actually give me a much more restricted field of vision. By fetching the chair I sacrificed the opportunity to reach out and touch her, but gained the opportunity to see that much more. And I figured I could make up for what I'd lost sometime later.

Vanessa knew exactly why I'd done what I had, and played up to it. At first she turned to face away from me then lay down on her stomach so I could see straight up between her legs, see how snugly the bikini fitted what lay up between them, see how tightly it clung to her bottom. Then ten or fifteen minutes later she rolled over and gave me an even clearer view of just how closely the thin fabric fitted around the bulging mound of her pussy.

So of course after we'd been out there for about half an hour or so I was almost as fired-up as I had been on the cliff-top. And as I remembered what I'd said to her after she'd given me that truly amazing mouth-fuck, I acted.

'If you're still worried about being seen you'll just have to come inside.' I said as I reached down and pulled her to her feet.

'What for Frank?' she said in mock innocence.

'You'll see.' Was all I said as I led her upstairs.

Then without saying another word I simply tugged down the bikini bottom, lay down on the bed, got her to get up and kneel above me, and then completely ignoring how I was feeling myself, slowly licked, nibbled, probed and sucked her to two or three absolutely shattering orgasms.

As I'd earlier told her, sucking pussy always gets me excited, so by the time I'd given her as much as she could stand, the state I'd been in after just looking down at her was nothing compared with how bubblingly tense I was feeling, or even more importantly, how my cock was reacting. But in contrast, after the series of massively energy-sapping climaxes Vanessa's body was limply compliant, so I had no trouble in putting her just where and how I wanted.

Having slid out from beneath her I stood beside the bed then I turned her to face across it and positioned her so she was down on all fours, kneeling right on the edge. I stood there, just looking down at her for a few moments, enjoying the sight of her beautiful body, seeing how it was still quivering from the echoes of the thrills I'd just given her.

She really did have a gorgeous bottom; the light tanned-looking skin was completely unblemished, the tautly full cheeks smoothly rounded, and I couldn't resist the opportunity that position gave me. I felt a shiver run through her as I ran my hands over it, slowly stroking up and down the backs of her thighs, then caressing each silky globe. I was briefly tempted to further delay what my cock was by then virtually demanding, indulge myself a little longer by taking the opportunity that position gave me to enjoy licking her again, but from the rear. But the pressure inside me had already become so strong I decided to leave that pleasure for another time.

So while continuing to stroke and gently caress her with one hand I moved forward and used the other to guide my cock into the slickly warm notch between her thighs. Just the feel of my cock-head nudging against her still super-sensitively pouting pussy-lips made her gasp, and to make my access easier she automatically lifted her bottom even higher. 'Yes Frank, now, please do it now!' she moaned.

Even though she was so wet from the multiple orgasms she'd already had her pussy was always so deliciously tight that I still had to give several determined pushes to get my cock fully embedded and felt my senses reeling from the shock-like thrills each one sent coursing through me. But once I was fully home, had my body jammed tight up against her arse, I held myself still for a moment.

'Oh shit! You were right!' she grunted. 'Pussy-licking does make it bigger. Much bigger, and harder too. It feels as though you're splitting me wide open!' she added breathlessly.

'It wasn't just the pussy-licking, though that got me started, but you really do have the most beautiful bottom, and the tightest, juiciest pussy too.' I answered as I bent down to kiss the back of her neck. Then, as I felt my cock throbbing and jerking in response to her pussy's spontaneous muscular contractions I added. 'And you can feel how excited I've got, can't you.'

'Yes, yes I can, I can feel it throbbing.'

'And why do you think it's doing that? What do you think it wants to do, what do you want it to do?'

'Fuck me. It, you want to fuck me! And I want you to! Fuck me with that gorgeous cock!' she answered between short, gasping breaths.

So, without wasting any more time on preliminaries, I did just that. Taking a firm grip of the cheeks of her arse, I spread them wide, then began thrusting, vigorously back and forth.

Although her juices had been so free flowing my cock was so massively engorged that each time it drove in and out I could feel the head rubbing against the slick lining of her pussy, each movement sent sparks zipping up my spine, each one triggering an intense burst of pleasure in my brain. I looked down to watch my cock pistoning, its length glistening with the frothy surplus of her pussy juice, hearing the guttural grunts I was making each time my aching balls slapped hard up against her thighs as I rammed it deep inside her.

I wished I'd been capable of continuing for even longer than I did, although they were nowhere near as fast as my reactions had been to the mouth-fuck that morning, I would have been happier if it had lasted even longer. But, as the pressure inside me rose steadily higher I found myself thrusting faster, the ache in my balls intensifying as the accumulated semen seethed and churned. And adding to the even stronger physical thrills I felt as I did so were the sounds of Vanessa's reactions to what I was doing.

From almost the moment I'd started fucking her she'd been making an almost continuous low sobbing moan but as she felt me speeding up that became broken by words uttered in a sharply hissing voice that was barely intelligible. 'Fuck me!' 'Fuck my cunt deep!' 'Ram that cock in harder!' 'Love this massive cock!' 'Need more cock, deeper, harder!'

And of course hearing those things spurred me on to even greater efforts, thrusting even harder and faster until I was literally pounding her body. Then, when I finally felt my balls tightening, drawing hard up against the shaft of my cock in preparation for that first massive surge, Vanessa shrieked. 'Again, I'm coming again! Yes! Oh darling, yeesss! Yeeeessss!'

'I'm coming too!' I answered. 'Any moment now I'm going to flood your pussy with another load of hot, sticky cum.' I growled. And then, just a few seconds later a climax that was far more powerful than the earlier one ripped through me.

I gave a series of loud, rasping grunts as each gout of semen scalded up the length of my flashing cock, and felt Vanessa convulsing as they shot deep into her flexing cunt. I drove on, frantically ramming myself into her, my cock pumping out everything I had, and, when I was finally done, with my cock still jammed hard up inside her, I collapsed forward on to her heaving back.

When we finally pulled apart and lay down to recover Vanessa said. 'Well I think we've proved we don't really need any fancy set-up to get us going Frank. And you were right.'

'What about?'

'I think pussy licking does make you bigger.'

'Make me?'

'Well, your, your cock.' she corrected with a low embarrassed giggle.

'You weren't so coy about calling a spade a spade a few minutes ago.'

'No I wasn't was I. What I said didn't upset you, did it?' she asked somewhat anxiously.

'Good heavens no, why should it upset me?'

'Well it wasn't very ladylike, and I don't think I've ever done anything like that before.'

'You can do it whenever you like my darling. It was exciting, hearing you say those things actually spurred me on.' I assured her.

'I felt that.' she replied. 'You were great! But then so was what you did to me earlier. By the time you'd finished I was a wreck.' She paused for a moment before adding in a low, tentative voice. 'And you know, right then you could have done anything you liked with me.'

'I did.'

'Yes but I mean, well if you'd wanted to, you could have, you know, well, the other way.' she said even more hesitantly.

'You mean anally?'

'Mmm, if you'd wanted to.'

'Do you like it that way?' I asked.

'Sometimes, but only if I'm really, really relaxed. As I was then. And you, do you like it?'

'I've not done it often, but yes, yes I did. So that's something else to keep in mind for when you're in the right mood.'

'See, I told you we wouldn't need complex scenarios all the time Frank. Now, do you think it's too early for a drink? I'm not going to get up just yet, but I'd love a scotch.'

I nipped into the bath-room to quickly freshen-up then hooking a towel round my waist went down to get us a couple of drinks. And strange though it seems after all that had happened in the previous hour, as I poured them I suddenly had a mental flash of an apparently totally unrelated image, well two actually, sort of superimposed on top of each other. One was from that morning, on the cliff-top, the moment before Vanessa had slid her mouth over my cock, the moment she'd paused, just staring at it. The other was the image that had actually started it all, from my childhood, the image of the girl dancing above me.

And after all the many, many years I'd been recalling that image I suddenly realised something that had never, ever occurred to me before. Even as the young boy had been furiously wanking himself, deep down in his subconscious he was hoping, praying, that she'd actually look down and see him!

It was an amazing revelation, and I had absolutely no idea why it had come to me at that moment. Nor of course, what, if anything, I was going to do with it. So I picked up the glasses and took them back upstairs and having given Vanessa hers, slid down into the bed beside her.

We clinked glasses, smiled and took a sip. 'I've been thinking about what you said, about hearing me say those things getting you excited. That's what they call 'talking dirty' isn't it?' she said.

'Yes, what were you thinking?' I asked.

'It was the same for me, hearing you say things was exciting for me too. Not that I'd want you to every time, but when we're doing it like that, you know, when we're sort of out of control. If you know what I mean.'

'I think so, when we're fucking, not making love to each other. Is that what you mean?' I suggested.

'Exactly! You do understand. Could we do that sometimes?'

'Of course we can. We can do anything that makes things better for both of us.'

'I like this, I meaning sharing this stuff, I've never been able to do this with a man before.' she said confidentially.

'It's the same for me darling, and I like sharing with you too. So I'll tell you something weird that happened while I was pouring the drinks.' I added, then told her about the two images I'd had.

'That's really interesting Frank. I remember that moment, do you want to know what I was thinking?'

'Yes please.'

She giggled, then I felt my face redden a little as she said. 'I was thinking what an absolutely fantastically gorgeous cock you have.'

'That's nice to know.' I answered feeling somewhat lost for a more appropriate response.

'Well you're always telling me how beautiful you think bits of me are, why shouldn't I think the same about bits of you, and especially that bit.' she replied. 'And if you think about it you'll probably agree, what I think you subconsciously wanted from the girl was what you must have seen on my face, her admiration.'

'It makes sense. But why on earth has it taken so long for me to think about her doing it, I mean it's years and years ago now, I've thought about what happened literally hundreds of times.'

'Maybe it was seeing the look I was giving you, something in that might have triggered the idea.' she suggested.

That made sense too, and I told her so, then added. 'And I figured out something about you too.'

'What's that?'

'Remember what you told me some time ago now, that just seeing a good-looking cock was in itself a turn-on for you?'

'Quite true.'

'Well I think that we agree that what I probably really wanted was for that girl to see me masturbating while I was looking up at her. And I think that in much the same way, you wanted that young guy by the pool to pull off his swim suit and show you exactly how excited he'd got from seeing you.'

She thought for a few moments before replying. 'You know, you could be spot-on there. I think that would have been just what I wanted to see. Of course I can't remember now what was going through my head when I frigged myself off when I got back home, but I wouldn't be surprised if that was exactly what I was thinking and imagining.'

We each drifted off into our own thoughts as we slowly sipped the rest of our drinks but when we'd finished and she had refused a top-up she said. 'After dinner, we're still going to that restaurant are we?'

'If you'd like to.'

'Yes, as you said, the food was good. But if the same waitress is on again tonight I expect you to be no more than polite to her.' she added as she gave me a gentle dig in the ribs. 'Anyway, before we go out can I ask for a couple of changes to the lighting? I mean the ones you brought with you.'

'Of course, what do you want me to do?'

'I'm going to move those bean-bag chairs, and tonight I don't want you sitting down, I just want you to stay standing up next to them, so I'll want one pointing that way. And as I'm going to be standing over near the top of the stairs the other will need to be moved a bit too. Then, once things get started, I want you to leave both of the lights on.'

'But if I do that you'll be too dazzled to see me.'

'Leave that problem to me.' she said with a grin. 'But now, I don't know about you but after all that hectic activity, and especially as I'm expecting there'll be more of it later, I'm going to have a nap, re-charge the batteries beforehand.'

That too was a good idea and having decided to leave her to solve the lighting problem, I also dozed off.

Chapter 9


Vanessa suggested I use the bath-room first, then watch some TV while she got herself ready to go out and when I'd showered and changed and went down to the lower level I noticed that she'd already rearranged a few bits of furniture. The two bean-bag chairs that had been on either side of the room were now pulled close together and pushed over to be next to the bottom of the stairs. And they had not only been moved but also flipped over, so the flatter parts that normally formed the base were now uppermost, creating a single pretty flat surface.

I had no idea as to what that arrangement was for, but was glad to see Vanessa adding her own creative inputs to our activities. So, having slightly adjusted and checked the position of the spot-lights, I poured myself a drink and spent the rest of the time it took her to get herself ready watching some pretty mindless TV show.

Of course when she came down I was initially disappointed to see she wasn't wearing a dress, but as she quite rightly said. 'I'll be sitting down most of the time, either in the car or the restaurant, so you wouldn't have very many opportunities to look at me even if I was.' But then both piqued my curiosity and lifted my spirits by adding. 'And what I'm going to put on for you later is just not something I can wear out in the public.'

'We could always call out for a pizza, just stay here.' I suggested hopefully.

But she laughed. 'Just be a bit patient Frank, there'll be plenty of time for us, and a decent meal will give us both the energy to make the most of it.'

And as I had to admit that even in just a blouse and a pair of really tight-fitting slacks she was still stunningly attractive we headed off. The blonde waitress who had served us the previous night wasn't on, and we were served by a more motherly type of woman, so with no outside by-play to distract us we simply enjoyed the food, the wine and each other's company. And although the central reason for us being away together was for sex, we weren't so totally preoccupied by that aspect of relationship that we weren't able to chat about many other interests we also had in common, so the time was both enjoyable and went quite quickly.

But although I managed to keep thoughts of what was in store for us later to a minimum I wasn't successful in keeping them totally suppressed. Just having Vanessa sitting opposite me stirred some of them. Quite apart from the overall beauty of her face there was the mischievous sparkle in her eyes that I'd see every now and then, and of course the always stirring sight of the large swell of her breasts. But, perhaps because of what she'd done for me with it not too many hours before, during that meal I found that the most disturbing part of her was actually her mouth. But then maybe my memory of what she'd done had been initially triggered by the fact that she seemed to be wearing a new shade of lipstick, a dark, rich cherry-red that gave a brilliantly glossy sheen to her lips.

Whatever the cause, as we ate I found myself watching their almost every movement, remembering the strength of the all too brief thrills they'd produced for me that morning, and wondering, hopefully, if her ideas for what we'd do later would include an opportunity for me to experience still more of those.

As we were finishing our coffee Vanessa said. 'That second bottle of wine you bought last night, do we still have what's left of it?'

'Yes, we only had a couple of glasses, so as it was still two-thirds full I put the cork back in.'

'Good, I might fancy another when we get back, so it won't go to waste.'

'I'm happy to buy another, it's not expensive.'

'No, there's no need Frank, just a glassful will be fine.'

'There'll be more than enough, and we still have the scotch. So are you ready?'

'Mmm, but this has been nice.' she said as she pushed herself back from the table.

'Yes it has.' I agreed as I stood and then went over to pay the bill.

It was only a short drive back to the cabin and at first neither of us actually said anything, but when we were almost there she said. 'I think you like this new lip-stick I'm wearing.'

'Yes I do. But why did you think so?'

'Because you didn't seem able to keep your eyes off it.'

'I didn't know I'd been that obvious.' I replied defensively.

'You were thinking about this morning, weren't you.'

'Yes I was.' I admitted.

'Well I'll just have to see if I can give you a repeat performance. But without being quite so effective, that was far too quick. Now, more importantly, have you got another pair of those sexy shorts, I think the ones you had on last night will need a really good wash.' she added with a giggle.

She was quite right, when I'd tidied up that morning I had been surprised to find that even in the relatively short time I'd been wearing the shorts I had leaked enough pre-cum to leave a large, stiffly congealed patch on them. 'Yes I have, I luckily bought a few pairs of them.'
