Something to Offer Ch. 01


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I had a brief moment of anxiety, unsure how he would feel with me; then my already warm inside was warmed further by his firm and massive member. I felt so full, so wonderful; soalive.

"Yes," I gasped, as all thoughts of anything besides physical fulfillment flew from my head. Billy steadily increased his tempo, pounding my pussy to the next level with each stroke. Somewhere within me an ember that had begun to smolder when Billy's lips were on my breast broke into full flame. The inexorable sensation overwhelmed me; my body convulsed, somehow exploding and contracting at the same time.

My eyes and mouth flew open at once. I wasn't sure what had happened, but I was sure I liked it.

"You are so hot," whispered Billy, bringing his lips to my own.

Nothing beats a hot kiss during a hot fuck, and I immediately climaxed again. Billy picked up the force and pace. I knew his culmination could not be far away. I closed my eyes, intent of savoring the final moments, wondering what it would feel like when his cock exploded within me.

Suddenly Billy was gone. So involved had I become, I had forgotten the plan. I looked down just in time to see his first burst spring from his cock and sail over my head. My eyes instinctively followed the streaking white missile. I was still looking up when the next shot struck me squarely below the chin. I turned my attention back to his still-spasming cock to see his final spurts land first on my breasts and finally on my stomach.

Billy sat back on his haunches; panting so hard I thought he must surely collapse.

"Well." I smiled. "You made quite a mess."

"That was the plan," Billy managed between breaths.

I smiled. "That wasn't my plan."


I sat upright, nuzzling my nose to his. "Pull out a bit sooner next time and you'll see." Not giving him a chance to reply, I concluded our alleged study session with a final lingering kiss.

* * * * *

Monday morning found me with Lynn and Denise, camped on our usual benches where we waited for the opening bell of school. In retrospect, we were as unlike physically as three girls could be. I was a brunette, medium height and at least a bit chubby. Denise was tall and gangly, with blazing red hair and more freckles than anyone could ever have counted. Lynn was the blonde, short, yet hardly petite, but with a face so divine I often found myself coveting it.

Naturally, the first thing we three discussed was what we did over the four-day break. When my turn came, I was unsure what to say about my amorous adventures, so I avoided the subject, focusing on family instead.

"Dad's not back for another month," I began, "So mom and I just had turkey sandwiches. Seemed silly to make a big meal for just the two of us. We had a good enough time though."

"You didn't do anything else all weekend?" asked Denise.

At the time I found her question haughty, but I think the truth was I was looking for any excuse to brag. "Well, I sawPrivate Benjamin," I said, before adding, "and fucked Billy Drake."

Lynn laughed. "Oh fucked Billy, did you?"

"Sure," I said matter-of-factly.

"Yeah," teased Lynn, "In your dreams."

"In my dreams too," added Denise. "Right before Cindy Pierce scratches my eyes out."

We all had a decent chuckle and the conversation drifted to more mundane topics, the same stuff we'd always talked about, except now it all seemed so terribly dull.

By the time lunch rolled around, I had yet to see Billy and I was feeling a tad low. I went to eat with Denise and Lynn at our usual spot and chat about more of the usual stuff, which was no more interesting at noon than it had been in the morning. Almost immediately I found myself daydreaming, wondering if I needed to put myself back in the loved-and-lost class.

Lynn snapped me out of my daze. "Wendy?"

I refocused on my friend. "What?"

"I just asked howPrivate Benjamin was," Denise said. "Or did you make up that too?"

"It was ok," I replied.

"Are you feelin' ok?" asked Lynn. "You hardly touched your food."

"I guess I'm just a bit tired," I offered. "Maybe I just stayed up too late." I looked across our table at the pair of them, expecting some sort of reply. Instead I noticed them both stare up and behind me, mouths agape. I reversed my own head to seek the source of their fascination. When I did, I think my heart must have leapt out of my chest and danced on the table before returning to its proper place. He had sought me out after all!

"Hi, Wendy."

"Hi, Billy," I replied. I wasn't sure whether I should sit, stand, or jump onto the table and yodel at the top of my lungs. I decided on the former, mostly because it involved essentially doing nothing.

"I was thinking we could eat lunch together," Billy suggested. "If you want to. And your friends don't mind."

I didn't think they would mind, though I felt a bit guilty about not really giving a shit if they minded or not. "Sure," I said, standing. I looked back to Lynn and Denise. "If you don't mind."

Both just shook her heads, their agape expressions having rendered their mouths useless.

I grabbed my lunch and my pop can. "Where to?"

Billy nodded to the unoccupied end of one table across the cafeteria. "Over there?"


I led the way, not looking at anything other than my destination, but imagining everyone must be looking at me. I'm sure I must have glided across that cafeteria, a good six inches off the floor. Only years later would I fully realize why having lunch with Billy in front of everyone made me so much happier than anything we'd ever done in private. And I was happy; life had gotten better again.

When we were finished eating, it got better still. As we walked from the table Billy slowly reached down with his hand to find mine; and this time when I gently squeezed back he didn't let go.

In between classes, Billy started meeting me at the door and walking me to the next one. At day's end, we shared our first truly public kiss.

"I don't want to wait until Wednesday to see you again," Billy whispered as our lips parted.

"You don't have to," I whispered back.


"Now?" I suggested

Billy didn't reply other than to head for the parking lot. Within half an hour we were in the cozy confines of my bedroom, in one another's arms.

"I want to try doggy-style," I announced after what I thought was an acceptable amount of foreplay.

"Ok," Billy grunted with a smile.

The sensation of being fucked from behind was decidedly different. Each stroke somehow seemed to venture deeper, massaging yet another portion of my womanhood that yearned to be touched. Yet, somehow it was all just a big tease; taking me to the edge and just leaving me there. Not that I really had much of a chance.

Just when I was wanting more, he was gone. Again, his withdrawal had caught me by surprise. I spun around as quickly as I could, expecting to see Billy's cock pumping semen all over my bed.

There was no mess however. Billy had followed my instructions precisely. His cock sat before me, bobbing slightly in an almost beckoning fashion. I could see the shimmering of my own moistness upon his shaft. Though I had sniffed my fingers on many occasions after a good frigging and had always enjoyed the scent, I was still a touch reticent at the prospect of engulfing an entire mouthful of my own juices.

My eyes bounced to Billy's face. He panted through his just parted lips, his muscled chest throbbing in time with his breaths. His eyes were wide, almost begging. I gulped.You told him you were going to surprise him, I reminded myself.You can't let him down!

Shifting my focus back to his cock, I crawled forward and threw my lips over his massive member. My eyes widened as the acrid tang of my own arousal saturated my taste buds. I found the musky flavor of pussy to be similar to its aroma, only better! Unlike the acquired taste of masculine ejaculate, this was a flavor I relished at once, which only added to my excitement. I began sucking him with a furor.

The reward for my efforts came within seconds as Billy's flavor first joined, then obliterated my own. The shock of my first blowjob a pleasant memory, I kept sucking, ingesting as I went, until his spent and shrinking cock had nothing left to offer.

"You areso hot," gasped Billy.

He'd said it before, a lot; but I never tired of hearing it. I bounced my eyebrows and flashed a smile. "So you liked that?"

"That was unbelievable. You're unbelievable!" Billy chortled. "How could I not like that!"

"Good," I whispered. "Let's do it again tomorrow."

We did just that. And every night afterward until a scattering of telltale red spots in my panties signaled the beginning of my unwelcome cycle. Not that Billy minded much, since he still got a blowjob. I guess I didn't mind either. I had come to covet the feel of hard throbbing cock within my mouth.

On Sunday Billy dropped by later than usual. I didn't really think much of him being late, but I should have. As soon as my tongue touched his dick I tasted it; or more appropriately tastedher. The flavor was subtle to be sure; he must have washed. Still, I recognized it easily, so similar it was to my own. Her taste wasn't bad; I suppose I could even have enjoyed it if not for the realization that came with it.

My eyes glazed as I pictured them together, her naked body accepting the cock I had come to think of as my own. Cindy was so beautiful; I could hardly blame him for going back to her. I didn't know what to do, so I didn't do anything. Except finish what I had started, of course.

Later as I finally drifted off to sleep with tired, red eyes, I still didn't know what I should do. Part of me wanted to dump him. Part of me wanted to fight to keep him. Part of me hoped he might think enough of my cocksucking skills to keep me on the side. Lying there lonely in my bed, being number two did seem highly preferable to being number zero.

* * *

Dawn brought a new day and a fresh burst of confidence. I categorically concluded that I would not be cleaning another girl's scent off of my boyfriend's cock. Billy avoided me during the morning, removing any doubts I had regarding my course of action. At lunch, I marched straight to where he ate, surrounded by a few of his jock friends.

I came right to the point. "Are you and Cindy back together?"

"I, uh..." Billy's eyes wandered everywhere but upon me.

"I thought so," I interrupted. "I knew I tasted someone on your dick last night. I figured it was her."

Billy could but stare for some time. "I'm sorry..." he eventually started.

"Don't be," I cut him off. "Hey, it's not like we were engaged. I had fun. Hope you did too. You and Cindy have a lot of history. I hope you find a way to stay together this time."

I did not wait for a reply. As I turned and walked away the realization that my first real relationship had ended sought to overwhelm me. I tried not to weep. Sure Billy and I weren't engaged, but I had thought we might be a serious couple for more than a fortnight.

As the afternoon wore on, I came to imagine what a perfect maneuver I had performed; I had dumped Billy publicly, without overly embarrassing either of us, and had advertised both my availability and my qualifications. Still, boarding the bus for the long ride home that afternoon was one of the most melancholy experiences of my life. In that instant I felt myself sinking into my dumpy little loser persona, resigned that no boy would ever want me on his arm again.

I could not have been more wrong. I knew boys talked, but I never knew how much. I had so many hopefuls ask me out over the next few days that by Thursday I was giddily excited to discuss my prospects with my friends.

"They're all jocks," noted Denise with a wry smirk.


"So, you know all they want is sex, don't you?" asked Denise.

"Sure," I smiled. "What do you think I want them for?"

"I don't know," Lynn observed. "It just seems so, well, sleazy, to go out and have sex with some guy, well, just to do it."

"Yeah," added Denise. "It's like you're turning into, well, a slut."

"A slut?" I stammered. "You said you dreamed about doing it with Billy too!"

"That was a joke. And even if I did dream it, not like I would want to do it."

"What?" I tried to suppress my ire. "It's ok for the boys to like it, but not for us? That's the kind of crap our mothers had to put up with, and their mothers before them. That's what equal rights and sexual liberation are all about. I'm glad I can enjoy sex and not feel guilty about it."

"Does your mother even know?" asked Lynn.

Her question caught me totally flat-footed. If I wasn't feeling guilty, wasn't doing anything wrong, then why hadn't I told my mother? I'm sure my pause and my expression had already provided the answer long before my lips did. "No," I admitted. "I guess I'm still not sure she'll understand."

"I'm not sure I understand either," said Denise

"Are you still going to be our friend?" asked Lynn in the solemnest of tones.

"Sure," I replied, "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well," Lynn glanced at her food before returning her gaze to me. "You used to go to movies with us."

I took some time trying to absorb the situation from their perspective. I had more or less abandoned both of my friends during my liaison with Billy. Although I'm sure it's a blessing in disguise, empathy can sure take the wind out of one's sails. I spent the remainder of the afternoon weighing my responsibilities against my desires and my options.

By the time I got home, I hadn't reached any decisions regarding my friends, but I had made another, more important resolution. Without giving myself the opportunity for cowardice, I sought my mother, finding her reading in her bed.

"Hi mom," I said, parking myself on the edge of the mattress.

"Hi," my mother replied, throwing a glance my way. "What's up?"

"I, uh, broke up with Billy."

"What?" she asked, this time without looking away from her book. "You two aren't study pals anymore?"

There was some tinge of sarcasm in her voice. Or maybe I just knew even my mom couldn't be that naive. "We haven't been studying. But you knew that, didn't you?"

"Well, if you had been just studying," Mom nodded, "I'd have been shocked. "Was Billy your first?"

"Yes," I replied, before even realizing that wasn't completely factual. Then I realized it was true enough. The first boy to touch my heart was more deserving of the title than the first boy to touch me elsewhere. Billy was my first love. The other twerp was just a footnote, at best.

"Are you ok?" Mom asked.

"Yeah," I nodded. "I'm fine. He's a nice guy and has a lot to offer the right girl. I'm just not the right girl. For him anyway."

Mom looked rather puzzled. "You don't miss him then?"

"A little," I began with a sigh. "But you know how they say most men think with their dick?"

Mom nodded, with an anxious, yet curious expression.

"Well, Billy should," I said. "Because it'd raise his IQ at least twenty points."

We both had a chuckle at poor Billy's expense and I got up thinking a good laugh was a fine note upon which to end.

"Wendy," Mom prompted in a tone that stopped me in my tracks. "What are you using to keep from getting pregnant?"

"Well," I turned. "Billy was, uh, pulling out."

Mom looked over her reading glasses. "Do you know what they call people who practice that method of birth control?"

I shook my head innocently. "No."


We both smiled in unison a few seconds later when I finally got the jest. But I also knew it wasn't completely a joke. I returned to Mom's bed, this time sitting beside her.

"What should I do instead?" I asked.

"I take it you intend to," Mom paused for a breath, "to remain active?"

"Yes," I nodded softly. "Unless you think I shouldn't"

"Would it matter?" Mom asked. "If I thought it was wrong?"

I rubbed my nose as I considered the issue. "Yes. It would matter."

"Would it change your mind?"

"I don't know," I admitted. "What do you think?"

"I'm not completely sure what I think," she said. "But regardless of my opinion, I won't tell you to stop. You're old enough to make up your mind."

"What about Dad?"

"Well, you are his little angel," said Mom. "And no father ever thinks any boy is good enough for his daughter. But give him a chance. He may surprise you."

I nodded. "Should I tell him then?"

"I think I probably should," she replied. "But give me few weeks to turn that one over in my head. We've a more pressing issue, remember?"


"Do you have a new boyfriend yet?"

"No," I replied, wondering if she intended to set me up with someone.

"Ok then," Mom began. "Let me make an appointment for you and let's see what we can do about contraceptives. It'll probably be a few weeks before I can get you in to see the doctor."

Well, I guess that was sort of setting me up with someone, but old Doc Peterson wasn't exactly what I had in mind. "Won't he just tell me, well, that I shouldn't be having sex or something?"

"Oh, I wouldn't worry about that," Mom answered dryly. "Doctors are people too. I'm sureshe'll understand."

When her meaning finally became apparent, I had to blink back a tear. I moved to hug her. "Thanks, Mom."

"No, my little angel," Mom said as we embraced. "Thank you."

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BodingtonBodingtonabout 1 year ago

Excellent story! I love every element in the expressed thought process the heroine goes through. The best scene in the story is when she confronts her boyfriend and handles the break-up with dignity and avoiding any outright recrimination. That's when I became a true fan of her character. When Billy doesn't even understand what 'Victorian' as a reader I could tell he would not be right for her for any lasting relationship. It makes me wonder about the merits of Cindy as well.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Wonderful story

This is one of the 20 or so best stories on Literotica because the characters and the situations and dialog ring so true.. It is really superb

luvjuice43luvjuice43over 12 years ago
I love first time stories

I loved you attitude about your first few sexual encounters. They often scar deeply if the girl is not strong so obivious you were a strong girl. I will have to wait to read chapter 2 but I'm looking forward to it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

Ya know, that was sweet, but still had some hot moments. The best part was the honesty, the realizations and insights... I almost feel like I kinda understand a teenaged girl.

Naaaaaaaaaaah! :)

Really fun read though, looking forward to pt 2.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Oh My

Wow.......Im been living under a rock way to long

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
An excellent story

Such a good story. I'm surprised there aren't any comments since 2006. I found this story, 1) realistic, 2) sensitive, and 3) erotic. Not many parents are so understanding when they find their teenage kids becoming sexually active. Thank you Penelope for sharing a sensitive discussion between a teenage daughter and her mother.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Being Sexually Active

As I read this story I thought of my daughter. She is 19 and a college freshman. Recently she became sexually active with her boyfriend. This is a tough situation for a dad, but I asked myself what I did when I was her age. I had had a lot more than one girl at that age and become active much sooner. I told her I wanted her to be safe and with a guy who was serious about her. I told her to never feel self-conscious about calling me for help.


amber_now26amber_now26over 18 years ago
perfect as always

You are so damn good, Penelope! Every story of yours that I have read has had characters that jump off the screen at you and plots that are utterly believable as well as touching. Not quite sure whether to love ya for being so good or hate ya for making me feel like such an amateur. LOL! Seriously though, girl, this is a beautiful story and possibly my favorite of yours.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago

So beautifully written. Wendy reminded me so much of my youngest daughter when she was a teenager. You brought tears to my eyes at the end. A wonderful read, keep up the good work and I look forward very much to reading some of your other submissions.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
A hot read.

Your story was very hot and sexy. Very well written and not all about the sex. Keep up the good work.

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