Star Wars: The Legion Saga


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Now he was one of the strongest leaders of the Jedi. He would not allow his failure with Qui-Gon to be his defining moment. Studying the bust of his former friend he spoke aloud for the first time that day.

"What hand have you had in this my old friend?" He focused himself intently on Qui-Gon's statute. "What has happened to you?"

Dooku searched his feelings for the answer. Gravity's silhouette remains....

Dooku stood suddenly, his face grim. He knew the answer now. He didn't know if it involved Qui-Gon yet, but he soon would. Dooku pressed the com switch on the library computer, turning off the holographic image of the galaxy.

Yoda's face appeared on the screen.

"Master Dooku? Found have you what you seek?"

"Yes." The severe faced Jedi Master answered. "Master Yoda, we have a traitor in our midst."

Yoda said nothing, his face giving a sour expression as he waited for Dooku to continue.

"The archives have been tampered with." Dooku explained, "A Jedi has helped to conceal an entire star system."

"Dangerous and disturbing this is." Yoda answered.

"Indeed." Dooku answered. "I feel a great calamity is upon us Master Yoda."

"I agree." Yoda answered on the viewscreen. "Prepared we must be, for whatever darkness comes."

"Master Yoda," Dooku answered. "I fear it may already be too late."

Chapter 4

Anakin reached out with the force to his clone army. They surrounded the Jedi Temple like a great beast ready to pounce. He felt them all—they were hungry. The dark side was calling for blood—Jedi blood. Anakin walked into the open from behind the pillar. It had taken so much to get here. A month of careful planning, of secret transports taking his clone army to Coruscant in small groups. Using unregistered transports he had carefully moved his army into position, the entire time keeping them shrouded as best he could from the Jedi. It had been arduous work, transporting thousands of clones, but he knew if the Jedi sensed their presence too soon, it would be a disaster. Somehow, the clones seemed to be somewhat invisible to the Jedi's ability to detect danger. As if their artificial birth and dark side connection caused them to vibrate at a slightly different frequency than normal life. He was sure the Jedi sensed something was coming—they were not blind. But even now as he felt their presence in the Jedi Temple he could tell they were oblivious to the army arrayed against them.

It was time to strike. Anakin looked at the Jedi temple with disgust. They were weak. Guardians of a Republic who's time had passed. He was the future. He and his legion of clones would take control of the galaxy once they were destroyed. Qui-Gon had given him all the tools he needed to take on and defeat the entire Jedi Order with one swift stroke. His time was at hand. Soon he would rule the galaxy with his mother at his side. Together they would end slavery, end oppression, and make the galaxy the way they wanted it to be. Any who stood in his way would be crushed through the awesome power of the dark side of the force.

Anakin sent out a telepathic signal to his legionnaires. At once they all came forth from their hiding positions. It was amazing to behold: and entire army controlled through the force, acting with a single will. They wore a black armor identical to the Royal Guards of the Republic. Anakin watched as the streets around the entrance to the Jedi Temple became black with clone upon clone filing into position. There were so many of them here it was hard not to feel the dark power flowing around them--flowing through them.

Anakin raised his lightsaber over his head and ignited it. The blue blade crackled to life as a rallying cry for the attack. Silently the legionnaires ignited their electro-staffs and began moving in on the temple. Anakin began walking forward, leading the clones up the main steps. It would be a slaughter. He knew his victory was at hand.

Chapter 5

"Chancellor Palpatine!" Asajj Ventress called out as she quickly entered his main office. "An attack is underway against the Jedi Temple! An unknown force has--"

"Yes, I know." Palpatine stated flatly. "It is of no concern."

"Surely Chancellor, it is a concern. This army threatens the Senate as well." Ventress implored, "Shall I have your shuttle standing by?"

Palpatine stood from his desk chair to stare directly at Asajj Ventress. She felt the dark power emanating from within her master. His eyes burned with a powerful hatred that Asajj knew to be the raw power of the dark side of the force. She could not help but shudder as her master's gaze filled her with intense dread.

"You will do as I command, Darth Seether." He spat at her, his voice changing to the cruel intonation of Darth Sidious, Lord of the Sith.

" master." Ventress stammered, taking a knee in front of the Sith Lord.

Palpatine approached his apprentice silently. She had shown her worth as his minion many times. Her assassination of Mas Amedda had been subtle and swift. Sly Moore had been a different matter. Ventress had tortured and beat the Umbaran woman for days before letting her die. Ventress had been carefully to disguise the murders as the work of disgruntled spice workers but Palpatine knew his apprentice too well. He knew she had killed them both to take her place at his side in administrating the Republic. At first he had considered killing her outright for eliminating his valuable aides, but she had proven a capable administrator in addition to a powerful Sith. Still, Palpatine often wondered if the force was strong enough in the pale woman for her to truly be worthy the title of Darth.

"As I said," Palpatine continued, "It is of no concern. Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen.

Ventress looked up at her master. From her position on her knees in front of him she could not help but notice she was eye level with her master's crouch. She had never made any sexual advances towards him before. In truth, the dark master had never shown any interest in sex. Asajj wondered if he was too old. Or perhaps his total dedication to the dark side had somehow eliminated his need for sexual pleasure.

Asajj wasn't sure if she would be killed outright. But she silently reached out and slid her white hand expertly into her master's pants, quickly finding his flaccid cock. Ventress did not yet meet her master's gaze, her heart was beating quickly, hoping she had not crossed the line in a way that would cost her dearly.

Ventress pulled out Palpatine's cock and began stroking gently. Without meeting his eyes, she asked:

"Master...I am your servant. I serve you in all things as I serve the dark side in all things."

Asajj pulled repeatedly on her master's dick, hoping to stimulate him in a way she never had before.

"Let me serve you this way, I beg you." Her raspy voice began to fill with lust. "Let me serve the cock of the Dark Lord of the Sith."

Asajj finally dared to look up at the face of the Dark Lord. Palpatine looked down at her disdainfully. He had nothing but contempt on his face as he looked at the Sith woman stoking his cock with expert hands. He made no move yet to stop her.

Somewhat encouraged, Ventress leaned forward and took his cold shriveled dick into her mouth. Her lips and tongue went to work, sucking to make her master hard. She bobbed her head on his cock, noting with rising panic that he was not becoming the slightest bit rigid.

Asajj sucked his flaccid dick frantically, realizing her life may just depend on her ability to stimulate her master right now. Still, his cock remained lifeless in her lips.

Suddenly she felt a pain rip through her body, as she was seized by an invisible force and pulled violently off Palpatine's cock and thrust into the air. Asajj floated there, pain shooting through her body as her master glowered at her, his hand extended, holding her with the force.

"Your weakness," he spoke with hatred, "Is your need for carnal pleasure."

"I'm s-sorry m-master", her shrill voice cried, "I didn't know you couldn't..."

Palpatine yelled out in anger as he threw her body across the room, over his desk and crashing into his chair. Asajj's body fell ungracefully as the chair toppled over with her.

"You will die if you dare touch me again." Palpatine stated, his voice returning to the elegant tone of the Supreme Chancellor.

"Now go." He ordered as Asajj struggled to regain her feet.

"And inform me when young Skywalker approaches my chambers."

Chapter 6

Yoda spun with the blinding speed of the force as his lightsaber cut down another dark warrior. Two more of the black clad attackers were at once upon him, their electro-staffs glowing with an eerie purple haze. Yoda jumped over their heads, screaming as he sliced down into their black helmets. With two quick strikes, the warriors were dead.

Yoda took a defensive stance next to his old padawan Master Dooku. All around them the dark warriors closed in. It was amazing, the skill and ability these troops displayed. Although Yoda had just killed three of them, the other Jedi were not faring as well. Everywhere Yoda looked, more and more of the black armored troops were engaging the Jedi. They struck at padawans and masters alike. They would attack with a coordination that only a Jedi should have possessed. And all around him, Jedi fell.

Dooku used his expert lightsaber skills to chop off the hand of another attacker. Instantly four more were upon him. Dooku parried the four men simultaneously, in the center of their repeated attacks.

Yoda looked around his beloved temple as the countless black warriors struck repeatedly at his Jedi brethren. Blind he had been to allow such a force to catch the Jedi unaware. Now, there was nothing to do but fight for their lives.

"There are too many!" Dooku called out to Yoda as he struck down one of his four attackers.

"Warned the others must be!" Yoda called out as he spun to counterattack yet another foe. "To the communications relay you must go!"

"I'll not leave you master." Dooku answered, his blue saber deftly wielded with its curved handle. "I'll die at your side my old friend."

"Hurry!" Yoda cried as five more attackers ascended the staircase towards them, their electro-staffs crackling violently. "Little time have we!"

Dooku struck down another attacker and stepped back from the insanity briefly to survey the main foyer of the Jedi Temple. The temple was filled with a legion of black clad soldiers, the Jedi all falling back into small circles as the overwhelming force struck them down repeatedly. No matter how many the Jedi could slay, there were thousands against them.

"Tens of thousands." Dooku corrected himself.

Each of the attackers wielded their weapons with the practiced skills and reflexes of the Jedi. Though he and Yoda had struck down many, the other Jedi were losing the battle. The dark side flowed throughout the Jedi temple like a dark wave of hatred as the black warriors pressed their attack with reckless abandon. Dooku turned and ran for the main com room.

Chapter 7

In the center of the chaos, Anakin's blue saber lashed out with hatred. Anakin struck down a young padawan with ease. Another, younger padawan called out to his fallen friend in horror.

"Zett! No!" the padawan yelled as he ran to his friend's lifeless body.

As the padawan cradled his friend's fallen body he looked up at Anakin with tears in his eyes.

"Why!" the boy cried out in anger.

"You are unwise to lower your defenses." Anakin stated coldly as his lightsaber cut into the boy's chest, leaving his lifeless body slumped on top of his friend Zett.

"All too easy." Anakin spat out as he looked at the carnage all around him. The Jedi had been weak. He had lost many of his clones here, but the destruction of the Jedi Order was at hand. In truth, only the small master at the top of the stairs posed a threat. Anakin had anticipated that. Qui-Gon had told him many times of Yoda's saber skills.

Suddenly a battle cry erupted from the library. A dark skinned bald Jedi Master led a force of four Jedi into the center of Anakin's clone army. Caught unprepared, at least ten clones were struck down in a matter of seconds. As they died, Anakin felt the mental link he shared with them being ripped violently away. It had been happening throughout the battle—each of his clones that died caused him pain. He had learned to control it to a degree, but found it distracting. It was like small pieces of his body were being cut off each time a clone died. Still, it gave him a tool...if used properly.

The clones were falling back under the relentless assault of the four Jedi Masters. Anakin leapt over the bulk of his forces and somersaulted in the air. As gravity brought him down he adjusted his angle through the force. As he came down he aimed directly with his blade for the elongated pink head of one of the Jedi Masters that had come from the library.

Engaging three of Anakin's clones at once, the pink skinned Jedi sensed the danger a fraction of a second too late. Anakin's blade severed the long alien head just above the forehead. For a couple of seconds, the Jedi Master looked shocked at Anakin, not yet realizing he had been killed. The Jedi looked at the ground to stare dumfounded at his own cranium rolling at his feet.

"There," Anakin spat at the Jedi he recognized from long ago, "I've made you head the right size."

The Jedi's body slumped to the ground as he died silently.

"Ki-Adi!" the dark skinned Jedi Master called out, his purple blade moving gracefully.

Anakin turned to face the leader of the counterattack. Even in the midst of the chaos around them, Anakin sensed the blade master before him was formidable.

Without a word the two engaged in a violent flurry of blue and purple. Anakin was forced to retreat as the purple blade struck in smooth arcing motions. The Jedi's form was unique, Anakin tried to pin it down but found it impossible to anticipate. A rising sense of dread grew as Anakin realized that he was perhaps outmatched.

Suddenly a clone brought his electro-staff down on the back of the Jedi Master's neck. Stunned, the man fell forward, off balance. Anakin stabbed quickly, piercing the Jedi's waist. The Jedi Master screamed out in agony, falling to the ground.

Anakin spun around to see his clones had overpowered virtually all the remaining Jedi. Only Yoda remained, spinning atop the staircase, striking with blinding speed.

It was time to end this.

Chapter 8

Obi-Wan looked down at Aayla's face as he thrust his cock into her tight blue pussy. She had her legs up on his shoulders as he violently fucked her with all his weight.

"Ohhh yess!" Aayla called out, her head rolling from side to side as yet another orgasm built within her.

"I'm cuming!" Obi-Wan screamed out as he felt his balls begin contracting, pumping his seed into her juicy cunt.

"Do it! Do it in me!" Aayla screamed as she felt him unloading into her. The feeling of his pulsing member sent her over the edge. Her legs began shaking uncontrollably as they came together. She felt the flood of wetness exploding from within her, covering his dick.

Obi-Wan slumped on top of her naked blue body, crushing her amble breasts between them. She lowered her still shaking legs to wrap them around her Jedi lover as they both panted from their force enhanced fuck session.

Aayla brought her lips to his ear and whispered.

"That was amaz-"

Her sentence was interrupted by a sudden com-link signal from the bridge. Bail Organa's voice sounded from the speaker.

"Master Secura, Master Kenobi, please report to the bridge, there is an emergency call coming for the Jedi Temple!"

Obi-Wan and Aayla looked at each other in confusion.

"An emergency at the Temple?"

"We'd better get dressed." Aayla said as she reached over for her clothes.

"We'd better clean up first!" Obi-Wan laughed as he stroked his soaking wet beard and looked at the floor beneath them.

Aayla's violent wet orgasms had left them both covered in her cum. It was all over the floor, it was all over them both.

"Do all Twi'lek woman squirt like that my dear?" Obi-Wan teased.

"No." Aayla said, sensually running her palm across her well used pussy. "Just me."

Chapter 9

Yoda faced Anakin in the center of his black army. Determination hardened the weathered face of the green Jedi.

"So." Yoda breathed with disdain. "Your doing this was."

"Indeed." Anakin said with contempt. "Qui-Gon Jinn trained me well."

Yoda nodded in understanding and replied, "Much fear, to the dark side led you."

"Ah yes....fear." Anakin smiled evilly. "Fear of loss isn't it?"

Sending out a mental command, the clones instantly obeyed and brought forth seven Jedi. They were beaten, broken, but not yet dead. In perfect unison, the clones pushed the captured Jedi to their knees and ignited their stolen lightsabers.

"Surrender. Or they die." Anakin commanded.

"Death is a natural part of life." Yoda said with perfect tranquility.

Anakin sent out his kill command though the force. At once the clones responded, decapitating the Jedi prisoners with swift strokes.

Despite his stoic statement, Yoda clutched his chest as if physically assaulted--the pain of the Jedi passing had wounded the old Jedi master deeply. Anakin had counted on this---at once he struck, throwing his lightsaber directly into Yoda's small chest.

The old warrior fell to the ground, Anakin's blue blade piercing him clean through. Anakin walked over to the fallen Jedi Master and placed his boot onto Yoda's lifeless shoulder. Grabbing his saber hilt, he kicked Yoda's body away and turned to survey the damage. The bodies of Jedi and clones alike were piled all around him. Yet, there were still so many of his legionnaires left. The Jedi never had a chance against his power.

But there was still one Jedi here. Anakin felt his presence.

Chapter 9

"No." Master Dooku commanded, his face grim on the holographic display. "You will not approach Coruscant."

"But master!" Obi-Wan implored.

"Against this darkness, there can be no victory." Dooku announced, his voice echoing across the com.

"What must we do?" Aayla quietly asked.

"You must form a resistance." Dooku answered calmly. "You must find the remaining Jedi and train a new generation to combat this dark force."

"I understand." Aayla said with determination.

"No!" Obi-Wan shouted "We can help you—we can---"

"Step away from the consol old man." A cruel voice came from behind Dooku.

Dooku stepped back from the com system, the holographic display revealed to Obi-Wan and Aayla what Master Dooku had been describing. The room was filled with armored men. At the head of the group was a young man whose eyes seethed with the dark side. Even the grainy holographic display conveyed the anger inside him.

"You're going to pay for all the Jedi that you killed today, boy." Dooku said defiantly.

Obi-Wan and Aayla watched helplessly, as the entire force of men attacked Master Dooku simultaneously. Dooku's saber skills were amazing, but he was eclipsed from the holo view as the dark force closed in around him. Suddenly the signal went dead. There could be little doubt of the outcome.

"What are they?" Bail Organa shouted from his chair. "What could have overcome the Jedi like this?"

"I know what they are." Obi-Wan said bleakly, his head down. "I know who they are."

"Who?" Aayla said incredulously.

"Anakin Skywalker." Obi-Wan announced. "A boy I met on Tatooine."

Aayla and Bail waited silently for Obi-Wan to continue. It was clear he was deeply troubled by what he was saying.

"A boy taken by master Qui-Gon Jinn to the planet Kamino." He continued, "There trained in the force and cloned by the Kaminoans."

"How do you know this?" Aayla implored him.
