Stormy Days


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"Ahhh!" she cried as the titanic orgasm coursed through her body. The giant lapped up her juices and laughed. He stared down at Sue.

"It looks like my theory is proven in spades. My shrinking process greatly increases the sensitivity of a woman's clitoris and all her erogenous zones. If I ever patent my process, one of its medical uses will be to help women who have difficulty climaxing achieve orgasm. In the cases of women with normal or hyper sexuality, it will not take too many treatments like the one I just provided to turn them into virtual nymphomaniacs! A big reason I chose you, sweetheart, is because your well-documented history with Namor and The Black Panther prove that you are an unusually sensual woman with a higher-than-average sex drive who would make an excellent test subject. In theory, the orgasms my shrinking process provides are as addicting as crack or heroin. Shall we test this theory, small one?"

He smiled and winked. Sue's crystal blue eyes grew large. He raised her to his lips a second time.

"No!" screamed Sue. Internally, she was praying that all of this was a dream and that she would wake up any second. Her clitoris sprang to life anew, this time with increased sensitivity. Sue feared that the giant's theory was an actual prophesy of her future. A tiny living doll addicted to coming and nothing else. A tiny woman who would do anything to receive her fix from her supplier. A cum crack whore! "Reed!" cried Sue in desperation. Her body betrayed her almost immediately after and she hung limp in the giant's hand, her body flushed crimson with embarrassment.

When the giant came into focus again, he was wearing a besotted expression.

"My, that orgasm was even more intense than the first one. I don't really have anything else planned today. Let's see how many big Os I can get out of you between now and midnight. In theory, the effect is cumulative. The fifth orgasm will be more intense by factor of up to ten than the sixth orgasm which will be less intense than the seventh orgasm and so on. In theory, there must be a physical limit. Shall we see if we can find it?

Sue gasped in horror but already her brain's pleasure centers were abuzz with curiosity and desire. He shifted her in his grasp, his lips closed in upon her tiny, sensitive, blonde thatched box.


"Reed, this is pointless."

"Ben it is the only angle we have. I called in a favor from the Department of Homeland Security. On the corners of the building Sue was abducted from are a pair of passive license plate readers. I've gotten permission to tap into a certain federal database that will spit out the home addresses and occupations of the owner of every car."

Johnny Storm interjected, "How many federal laws have we broken in obtaining this information?"

"I know it's hinky, Johnny but I spoke to the director of Homeland Security in a one-on-one he got approval from the president personally. They both agree that it is vital that we find Sue as fast as possible. So far, we've been able to keep Sue's disappearance off the radar. My in-laws are watching the kids and we've kept the press from snooping too deeply."

"We can't keep that masquerade up much longer professor; Sue's been gone a week now and we are no closer to solving this case."

"Which is why no one sleeps until we have run all these plates and see if there is anybody worth investigating."

"All well and good, Reed but what if our perp borrowed his father-in-law's car the day, he kidnapped Sue."

"Ben, your positivity could sink Shirley Temple.'


In her lucid moments, Susan Storm Richards was aware of who she was and what was being done to her. She gazed at her reflection. The skintight yellow vinyl bustier and micro-mini and punishing canary stilettoes and matching yellow thigh-high nylon stockings were exactly what an unrepentant pervert would dress their fantasy woman in. She hiked up the skirt and pulled aside the yellow vinyl thong. He'd taken her pubic hair when he implanted the tiny bead in her clitoris. The bead caused almost constant erotic stimulation whenever she took a step or even breathed too deeply. Even tiny steps brought her to the cusp of orgasm. She could never run away. Not now. Before she got more than a dozen yards, the orgasmic pleasure would overwhelm her, and she would collapse in a knot of sensation. Orgasms took her elsewhere, out of herself, to a place she dreaded leaving. The high was so acute and so enjoyable it colored the rest of her existence. The tiny bars through her nipples stimulated her breasts in a manner like the clit bead. The final piercing, in her navel was mostly for show, although he found orgasmic uses for that as well. The constant stimulation placed an edge on her entire existence. She could reach for an object only to have the movement stimulate her nipples and fire all her nerve endings with pleasure. Even modest exercise resulted in a string of orgasms, and he made her exercise vigorously every day. Sue put herself back in order.

She spoke to her reflection, "You are Susan Storm Richards. You husband is Reed Richards, brilliant scientist. I am the Invisible Woman, strongest and most resilient member of the Fantastic Four! I am a mother twice over. I am unvanquishable and that man cannot make me something I am not." Some part of her believed that. The rest just nodded and wondered when he would work his magic upon her again.

Her fingers fiddled with her inhibitor collar. The complicated lock sealed with a computer code. With it off, she could perhaps put up a defense. At the very least she could vanish from view and gain some alone time. The giant intimated that in the not-too-distant future he would remove it. He assured her that when he did, she would be so devoted to him and to seeing to his pleasure and receiving pleasure from him that they would be bound closer than husband and wife or any romantic couple from history. She'd be so devoted; she would never dream of utilizing her innate metahuman powers simply because he asked her not to. Sue shivered because it now seemed all too plausible. How she already debased herself to receive pleasure from the giant. The things she did just to get him to dine on her kitty and give her the endorphin rush that she now craved more than even food, water, or sleep were beyond disgusting. Swallowing every drop of his ejaculate when he used her. Posing for pictures that even the raunchiest pornographic magazines balked at publishing. Praising him as though he was an Adonis. Shitting and pissing on command. What had she already become? Who or what would she be in the future?" A tear came to the corner of her eye.

'You look smashing!" came his voice. She turned. Instantly, she was all smiles.

"Hello, darling!"

"Who wants to ride the orgasm express?"

Her hand shot up into the air like an eager schoolgirl's.

'Oh, I DO!" she shouted.

Music began playing. A slinky, sensual striptease would make that happen," he intoned.

Slowly, enticingly, the tiny blonde figure began to gyrate in time to the music.


"State your case, Richards."

"Look, Namor, I know that I am not your favorite person, but this is about Sue, the woman both of us love."

"Well, one of us is at any rate, the other one is in love with science."

"Can you stop the editorializing? Sue is missing!"


"Yes, kidnapped somehow. I and the rest of the team are following every lead. I came to you on the off chance that an Atlantean might have been involved."

"I resent your implication, Richards. I'm not one to sneak around your back. I certainly wouldn't kidnap Sue or have her kidnapped when all I have to do is wag my finger and she would be at my side. Only the fact that she has your kids keeps her tied to you."

"Spare me, water brain."

"Fine, how long has she been gone?"

"Three weeks."

"Three weeks! And you are just contacting me now?"

"I felt positive you weren't involved. I was right, I'm just trying anything at this point."

"I'll send out some feelers, Richards. If she is being kept anywhere near an ocean, there is a good possibility I and my people can find her."

"I'd appreciate it."

"For Sue!"

The two metahuman and Atlantean reluctantly shook hands.


She floated in the hot tub on the balcony of the resort hotel. He had provided a large mirror angled just so over one side of the tub that gave her a view of the sandy beach crowded with people. She was in her purple bikini working on her tan. The giant had told her he found tan lines sexy. Although she was kept out of view from the rest of the resort's guests and never parted from the giant's presence, she was enjoying herself royally. It occurred to her that she must really have lost track of time. The giant refused to tell her the date, no matter how enticingly she begged. It seemed to her that she had confronted the Doll Maker on a blustery February day, but were those Fourth of July fireworks they had spied from the balcony last night? That meant that nearly six months had passed!

He promised to remove her collar when they returned home, wherever that was. For now, she was just content to float and laze in the sun and via the mirror, people watch the folks arrayed along the strand. He scooped her up for a moment and placed a gentle kiss across the entirety of her tiny face. All was right with the world.


The Atlantean slipped out of the water in the deepest part of the night. He sensed her presence. Up the beach, over the dunes, up a trellis to a balcony. She had been here! He was not far behind, not more than two of three days. Something was off though, something he could not put his finger on. There was the presence of another, a mortal, sensual but sloppy, unkempt. An aura akin to Reed Richards hung around the unknown mortal. Clearly not a love match but the residue of an incredible amount of kinky sex hung about the balcony and the rooms beyond.

The rest was simple detective work. He made his way back to the sea. Come dawn and he'd do things the human detective way. This was too sensitive to share with her husband, Reed would come in gangbusters, the superhero way. That was the problem with the Fantastic Four, none of them save Sue could turn it off. Only Sue, feminine and genuine could be humane and sensitive. That was why he loved her so much. Namor was sure, she felt the same about him. Reed was her husband, the father of her children, her employer and team leader, but Namor held her heart, a fact she wanted to admit but never could. In another universe, she was Queen of Atlantis, and they had a passel of kids. Namor sighed deeply. His people should still be ruling this planet!


The inhibitor collar clattered to the tabletop. Sue felt free. The emotion overwhelmed her, and she briefly became invisible. The sensation was comforting, familiar.

"Very nice, but no more of that without my permission."

"Yes, sir! I just couldn't help myself."

"A beautiful woman like you should always stay visible, darling. Now, it is time for dinner, your bath and then we can see how well that new lingerie I ordered fits."

"That would be wonderful, Sir!"

"But first," he reached for his belt buckle. The tiny blonde began to strip off.


He had swum up the Passaic River, brokenhearted with every stroke at what humanity had done to the watershed. The foul water put him in a foul mood. In an indistinct tract house her scent came full and clear even through the industrial smog. He was in the house silently. The sound of running water urged him further. He spied her over the man's unimpressive shoulder. She was spectacularly nude. She floated tiny in a ceramic basin among the soap suds. Her blue eyes filled with recognition. Only now did the dumpy human sense Namor's presence. He turned and was immediately felled by a powerful right hook.

"Namor?" came her familiar but shrunken voice.

"Yes, Susan darling. I've come to take you home."

He delightedly lifted her from the basin and wrapped her in a towel. It took him forever to find something suitable to clothe her in considering how tacky and tawdry the wardrobe the giant had selected for her. He watched her dress. He noted the shiny piercings in her anatomy and quickly deduced their purpose. Aside from somehow being rendered tiny, she was in fantastic shape. Sleek and gloriously beautiful.

"Is Reed with you?"

"No, Sue Darling. I'm going to take you home."

Once they were out of the house and on the banks of the smelly Passaic, he formed a protective bubble around her, and they entered the water. They were in Atlantis by dawn. His people had seen this before. Ancient texts were consulted, and a half-remembered device was constructed. It would take a few Atlantean days to assemble. In the meantime, Sue had not ceased in giving Namor the eye. Her new incandescent sexuality went into overdrive when Sue was presented with a person, she felt real affection and lust towards. Often her fingers darted into her underwear and attempted to give herself relief. The temptation was too much for the king of Atlantis. In the privacy of his royal bedchamber, they at last consummated their relationship. As Namor watched Sue's intoxicating body writhe with the pleasure of an overpowering orgasm, he knew that he could not give her up. The Sue he knew was passionate, this tiny version of her was indefatigable. Fortunately, since Namor was more than human, he knew he would never have any problems sating her.


She sat on her royal throne, full-size, in an aqua gown. Her protruding belly demonstrated that those many, many hours of intercourse she and Namor shared had not gone to waste. Namor felt a bittersweet sense of triumph. The woman of his dreams was carrying his son. This hyper-sexualized Sue was everything he had ever dreamed about. So long as Namor kept her orgasming, she never asked about Reed or her life as a member of the Fantastic Four. But the innocent woman he had fallen in love with had been taken from him. Nymphomaniacs were wonderful in small doses, but they were not great conversationalists. He sighed as he settled himself in the throne next to hers. His hand clasped her bare thigh and gave a gentle squeeze. She faced him and flashed her incandescent smile, and, in that moment, things were perfect. He'd get around to telling Reed Richards that he had knocked up his wife one day.... Eventually.

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