Surprise Encounter Ch. 01


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Then one day she offered a spanking out of the blue, something that had never happened before...I'd always had to ask. I should have suspected that something was up! Once I was across her lap she had given me a good warm up session, spanking me thoroughly and well using her hand and the light ruler I especially like for the warm-up. Then, after a rest while she softly caressed my barely warm buns most sensuously, she started in a bit heavier than she usually did at this point, until she had me squirming and trying to buck off her lap. Hard spanking, Whew! Normally I can take a lot, but it takes some time to work up to it. This time she just went for it right out of the gate. Owwwwch!

She stopped and started the soft wonderful caresses again, this time going deep into the crack and teasing without actually touching my sensitive anus. As she teased but denied the pleasure of an actual touch she said that Celia also had a hot bottom today and had complained that Jim had spanked her a bit harder and longer than she wished. She grabbed my free hand, pulling it behind my back, and leaned onto me and said "I'm going to do the same for you."

OK, fine with me. She usually let me, or rather my squirming, dictate the spanking and though I often asked her to push my limits a bit harder, she was always a bit leery of really hurting me despite my reminders that she couldn't really harm me with the toys we used. I don't care for thick heavy, thudding, bruising paddles so we don't have any-ours are all of the thin, light variety or are leather toys. Consequently, though I often could still feel the tingle as much as a couple of days later, there was seldom anything visible after more than a few hours. Don't get me wrong, the spankings were always hot and made me horny as hell, but I definitely wouldn't consider them any kind of punishment, even the ones that were ostensibly supposed to be.

Not this time, though! She really lit in going straight to the paddles that that were usually only used after I was well and very thoroughly warmed up and the endorphins were flowing. She held on to me while I bucked and begged her to stop, but continued on long beyond what I found the slightest bit erotic. She quoted my words back to me, "They can't really harm you, you know", as she applied smack after stinging smack to what I thought must be my definitely blistered behind.

She finally pushed me off her lap and said, "There, is that what you've been wanting me to do?"

"Well, yeah, I guess so. But you might have warned me."

"What do you mean? I did warn you that I was going to give you a spanking, didn't I?"

"Umm...yeah. Ouch! I guess you did."

She got up and spread a towel over the bed and told me to lie face down on it as she pulled a bottle of lotion out of the nightstand.

I did a graceful belly flop onto the bed as I heard her snap the cap and squirt a healthy dollop of the lotion out of the bottle. Her hands were cool and soft on my burning buns as she started working the lotion over the reddened areas of my butt and upper thighs. I sighed and melted into the mattress. Finally she added more lotion and started working her fingers into the crack of my ass. I thrust it back and opened my legs a bit to give her more access and she took advantage of that, teasing the little pucker without actually trying to enter it. Finally I raised my butt higher to give her a hint but she stingingly slapped my lotion slicked butt and said "Raise up some more so I can get a pillow under you."

I got to my knees and she picked up the towel, put a pillow down and put the towel back down across it before giving me a push forwards, causing me to fall over it.

She applied more lotion to my butt, squeezing a dollop straight from the bottle onto my ready anus. But she didn't touch it. She just started rubbing lotion all over my ass cheeks and upper thighs again, finally working a hand down past my balls and under me. She caressed my steel hard erection while I humped her hand as hard as I could, seeking my release. The spanking that had been considerably less than fun a few minutes ago now had my whole body a bundle, a veritable powerhouse, of sexual electricity.

She pulled my dick downward between my legs and pushed me back onto my stomach, caressing me slowly, oh so slowly with her lotion slick hand. The other thumb probed and then slid effortlessly into me. I thrust back at her, trying to get more, more! She withdrew the thumb and slid, first two, then three fingers deep into me, gently stretching me. She withdrew them almost entirely and added the last finger as she slid it back in. I heard someone moaning and realized it was me. I found I couldn't stop.

Curving her fingers down she alternately massaged my prostate and pushed her hand in to firmly stretch me all the while she slowly, too slowly, stroked my frantic cock.

"Ohhh...Please." I begged.

She bent down and said, "You really should get Jim to do this and give poor Celia's ass a rest. You know you want to feel Jim's cock doing this," as she slowly and deliberately stroked my prostate just a bit more firmly and pushed me over the edge of the orgasmic precipice. She kept up the massage as my body tried to ejaculate itself inside out through my spasming dick while she said softly, "Can't you just feel Jim's cock doing this to you?"

Damnit, that wasn't fair! She was absolutely right. I was curious to know what it would feel like to have Jim's dick in my ass! But I'm not gay, I love pussy. I don't fantasize about guys. Well, except for Jim's dick in my ass sometimes, apparently. Luckily I was too blown away by the orgasm I'd just experienced to have to try to sort this out verbally or even mentally for that matter.

Deb got up and went to the bathroom to wash her hands while I slowly tried to gather my shattered wits. My breathing was almost back to normal when she returned with a warm, wet towel and started gently cleaning the excess lotion off of me.

When she was done she lightly smacked my butt and said, "Well?"

"Well, what?" I mumbled, knowing and fearing the answer.

"Well, what about Jim? Don't try to deny you'd like to try it; I know better."

"Look, there is no way I'm going to risk our friendship by propositioning Jim. I'm not changing preferences and a little curiosity just isn't worth it. I really doubt Celia would be happy about it even if it did save her butt a bit, either." I said firmly, dismissing the subject from conversation. Dismissing it from conversation, but not from my mind.

Debra sighed and mumbled that she really doubted Celia would be upset, but did let it drop though I could tell by now that it would come up again. And again. Damn!

She did let it rest for the next couple of months while I, to my complete mortification, found myself fantasizing about it much more than I liked. I refrained from asking for a spanking because I just didn't want to deal with the subject again. So call me chicken. Cluck! cluck! cluck! There were some times I would've loved a tail warming, too. I just wasn't ready to deal with that subject again.

At least our love life continued unabated. The most noteworthy event was an outdoor session on the rocks at the edge of a pool at the bottom of a waterfall in a nearby state park on a slightly cool but sunny weekday very, very early in the spring. The sun was beaming into this pocket at the bottom of the falls and the spot was screened from the light breeze by being in a ravine and screened from three sides. The fourth side, where the stream ran out was screened by trees and thick underbrush so, though the air was a bit cool the sun was warm enough to more than make up for it.

We were just finishing up when I discovered that a guy had been watching us from the other side of the creek at the top of the falls, just his head sticking out over the rock lip about 25 feet up where he could look down on us. We wouldn't have known he was there, except that I caught the movement of his head silhouetted against the blue sky while Debra was sitting on my face getting me to clean her up after we had made love, so her panties wouldn't be a drippy mess on the way home.

I tapped her and signaled for her to lift and let me speak and told her he was there but couldn't get to us. So she sat back down and rode my face until I had finished cleaning our mixed juices out of her and she'd had another orgasm before she got up to get dressed. I guess he really got a show!

Well, it would take him much longer to work his way back across the creek and out than it would for us to get back to the car and be gone. We dressed and I waved at him across the stream as we climbed out of the ravine but he didn't wave back. I was a bit miffed about that-I thought we deserved a round of applause! We laughed like naughty school children and Debra's nipples stayed tight and crinkly all the way home. Clothing was strewn from the car to the entrance and we were screwing like rabbits again on the carpet just inside the still open door!

But before this though, one Monday a couple of weeks after the big spanking and our non-discussion of Jim, and, Debra came home and announced that in order to get some CEUs for her license; she was enrolled in a four day seminar on a subject unrelated to her particular job but in which she was really interested, in a tourist destination city about four road hours away and it would be paid by her employer. We checked my calendar and found that though I'd be off for the final two days, I would not be able to take time off to go on the first or second days because of coverage issues. So we decided I should just skip it since she would be tied up all day and I just didn't want to go sightseeing without her anyway. There were projects around the house that I could do or I could find some way to entertain myself, or whatever. The trip was scheduled for about two months hence. She would ride with a couple of her coworkers who were also going.

Of course during this period we were entertaining and being entertained by Jim and Celia on a regular basis as had become an enjoyable habit over the last couple of years. I casually checked Jim out a bit more than I had before but I didn't admit to myself that I was doing it. We'd never seen each other with erections and until recently, I hadn't even thought about it. Now I wondered how big he would be when he was erect. If it caused me to get hard, it was easy to just let the hot water of the hot tub boil it away. Take it from an owner, sex in a hot tub isn't easy for a man if you've been in there awhile. The heat is sapping and it is difficult to keep enough blood pressure to get the old trouser snake to look any direction but downward, at least at the fever temperatures we preferred to keep our hot tubs.

So as the time for Debra's trip got nearer and I denied my desire for a round of spankings so I wouldn't have to deal with the Jim issues again, I found myself thinking about using some of the alone time to do a long and elaborate self spanking masturbation scenario, something I hadn't done in ages and ages. I took an opportunity one day when we were using some buzzy electric toys as well as my tongue to thoroughly wear Debra out, to completely dump the box of sex toys and review each item as I packed it back up. There was stuff that we hadn't played with for years in there and I wanted to be sure I recalled every item for my upcoming long session of self abuse.

Yeah, I was planning masturbation on an epic scale, hours and hours of self pleasuring.

Finally Deb's departure day came, and after a morning quickie to hold us over until she got back, I drove Debra to meet her ride, kissed her goodbye, gave her an extra long squeeze, reminded her that I loved her very much lest she forget, and sent her off while I headed for work. Oh, by the way, I had noticed while she was packing for the trip that she had gotten her Eroscillator out to take along. Some solitary pleasures were obviously in her future, too. I just quirked an eyebrow at her and when she grinned, I gave her a thumbs up and said, "I have plans, too. We can compare notes in bed when you get back." She was still grinning as we went out the door.

That day at work was the most miserable one I can ever remember. We were two people short due to vacations and I ended up working 14 hrs just to end up even. When I got home Deb and I talked on the phone for a couple of hours and I read her a couple of erotic stories while she put the Eroscillator to its intended purpose. I idly played with myself but was just too tired. Besides, I had decided that I'd rather save it for the next night. I loved hearing her breathing change as she got close to orgasm, though, and her cries when she came. She usually tends to be pretty noisy when she comes, something else about her that I really enjoy. I'm sure there have been some times when we are travelling that her sex music has titillated or scandalized our temporary neighbors. Well, after this orgasm she drowsily said goodnight and we both went to sleep.

At least the next day at work wasn't quite as long, if otherwise little better. Debra and I talked again after I got home but she was out with her co-workers so we kept it fairly short.

Then I got busy getting stuff ready. First I got out the hot water bottle/enema set and arranged things to give myself a thorough flushing out. Three passes with a couple of quarts each had me well cleaned out. I love the light airy feeling I get after a good enema cleansing, even if the enemas themselves are sometimes a pain in the ass, uh, cramp in the ass, if you know what I mean. But sometimes they can be pretty erotic, too. Just not that night, lots of cramps with these, so I got them over with as quickly as I reasonably could.

Then a shower and shave. Then I got out a butt plug and a couple of dildos, the medium one that Debra had used on me the time she had told me about Jim and Celia's spanking proclivities and which fits in the strap-on harness and one pretty damn big one on a suction cup base. The last time I'd had the big one in it had taken a pretty long time to get it planted, but I remembered the great feeling of stretch and fullness and wanted to try it again. I put them on the bathroom counter because when it neared time for them, I would put them in a sink full of warm water since they are so much easier to insert when warm. Especially that big monster. No way will it go in cold. The Astroglide went on the nightstand beside the bed where it would be convenient. I left the paddles that I would use in the box on the closet floor. I'd take them to the living room later because it would be easier to use them in there over the well padded arm of the sofa and where I could more easily set up the big mirror to watch myself.

Then I got out the garter set I've already mentioned and went and sat in front of the big mirror and started putting the stuff on. I watched myself as I rolled each stocking up my leg, running my hands up from the tip of my toes to the top of the stocking, all the while getting hotter and harder. I clipped them to the garter belt and checked to make sure everything was straight. I put the bra on and stuffed the cups first with socks but then because of the lumpiness, changed it to a couple of pair of Deb's black panties, cupping the bra and positioning it with both hands. I also slid on a pair of sheer black panties. They wouldn't stay on long, but, what the heck, might as well start out with them. I also put on a satiny black half slip, but though I liked the feeling of it swishing against my body, I took it back off because it detracted from the visual effect and it got in the way.

I went back to the bedroom and sat and then lay back on the bed and started running my hands over my body and the lingerie, caressing all my most sensitive spots. The panties quickly became a problem, not being able to contain my erection, so I slid them down around the stocking tops while I stroked the cause of the problem.

I had been yawning helplessly for the past 45 minutes or so and found myself sinking deeper from sensuousness towards sleep. I started to get up to get some caffeine to get me going, but decided that it would be better and more fun to just go to bed and wake up in the morning still wearing all this slinky stuff. Then I'd have all day to stretch my erotic imagination. I got up to go pee, flipped the lights off and crawled back in bed, pushing the panties down again so I could fall asleep fondling that hard/soft skinned feel good thingie hanging around down there. But I was pretty exhausted from the previous short night and just fell promptly and deeply asleep. If I dreamed, I don't remember it.

Stay tuned for part two, coming to a Literotica near you!

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26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

First tag is a complete no, and the rest are just piling on.

Tootight1Tootight1about 8 years ago
good story

"She told me she couldn't see where it would make any difference since I would be face down across the lap for the spanking and couldn't see who was doing it or the difference in her using a strap-on vs. Jim using his natural equipment from behind where, again, I wouldn't see who it was." Exactly, there was no love, no understanding, just sex. It's just sex honey, it doesn't mean a thing. Can anyone else see anything here. How about, in the middle of making love(at least one of them) what do you want for dinner honey? or wait till I put my gum on the bed post.

49greg49gregover 10 years ago
Second time around and it's still good.

I got to this story from another author's favorites. As soon as I started it sounded familiar, and withing a few paragraphs I was remembering it very well. I kept on and sure enough Lit remembered my "five star" vote LOL. I enjoyed it a lot and don't care which category. A good story is a good story. Now I'll go re-read the rest.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
To "yep". Whoa there protest too much -

Just wanna see dick? What are you afraid of boy? Never been in the services? Never been in the locker room? Obviously you ain't shared no sweet hole with your buddies..

You're a loner, a no-friend loser, and repressed. Fucking hell - you get uptight 'bout seeing some guy's dick??

You're a closet fag and no-doubt cucked to the nines. 5* (Actually didn't read it, sorry)

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

This in the right category. a bit more truthful than those " I want to watch my wife get fucked" crap. Yep, those husbands just want to see dicks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Interesting Story Wrong Catagory

This story belongs in BDSM, or Gay Male, but not in Loving Wives. Still, I want to read the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
really enjoyed the story cant wait for second part

just getting to the good part it seemed, nice

Saxon_HartSaxon_Hartover 11 years ago
I stopped three words into this.

Those three words told me this was drastically miscategorized. Gay male is it's own hub.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

This belongs in gay, since only queers want cock, real or fake, in their asshole.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
I'm sorry

you wrote this...

I read this...

the time is lost forever...

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Loving Wives?

You are a moron. No stars No nothing, Listen Mr Bottom why dont you put this trash in Fetsih or Gay where it belongs.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

This sucks! Please excuse the pun.

LickideesplitLickideesplitover 11 years ago

Don't know exactly where this story belongs (fireplace came to mind, but I'm not that mean) but it sure isn't LW.

ythebadgerythebadgerover 11 years ago
Its wide open

the closet door, that is. Just step out whenever you're ready.

newjaynenewjayneover 11 years ago

Live how you want to live. I really don't know why you've chosen to put this in loving wives - perhaps the next part will tell us - but I really can't mark it at present.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Just like the hole he's obsessed with


AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
re: Belongs in anal

Actually, fetish would be a more accurate category.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Belongs in anal

I don't know how it ended, but it started out with nonstop anal, and that is a complete turnoff.

Don't mislead like that.

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