The Allotment Ch. 02


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Derick started kissing Sarah's neck while he pulled the straps of her dress down over her shoulders revealing her braless tits. Straight away he bent down and suckled on each nipple in turn.

Sarah gasped in pleasure as the old man nibbled on her tender buds and bringing her hand up she run her fingers through the hair on the back of his head holding him to her breast.

He pulled away taking a step back, "Take y' knickers off, Las and get on the floor," he ordered.

Allen stared as his wife put her thumbs into the elastic of her panties and pulled them down; he took another photo; his lust in control again.

Sarah with her tits on display got onto the floor and lay down. She lay on her back with Derick gawping down at her.

"Pull y' dress up, Las I want t' see y' cunny." Sarah obeyed and lifted her hips and pulled her dress up revealing her black hair covered mound. At the same time Derick undid his trousers and dropped to his knees opening Sarah's legs as he went and knelt between them.

Sarah had positioned herself slightly side on mainly to avoid the coffee table but unbeknown to her she had given her husband an excellent view of her body.

"Y' have a great looking muff, Las nice and long, what ever y' do don't shave or cut it cos a cunt isn't a cunt without a full muff."

With his heart thumping, Allen could feel the blood pumping into his head as Derick parted his wife's legs even further. The old man then shuffled forward on his knees while holding his erect cock. He went right up to her sex lips and touched her with it.

Sarah jerked back, and then relaxed.

Allen couldn't quite see but it looked as though he was now running his cock head up and down her slit. Then he seemed to push gently as he held his cock at her hole.

"I'm going to fuck you now, Las is that what you want?" he asked Sarah his voice moving up an octave as his own excitement grew.

For the first time Allen could hear the old man's ragged breath.

Sarah said nothing. She lay with her legs partly open, her eyes closed in what looked like anticipation.

"I'm going to slide my cock up inside you, Las and pump my cock into you," he gasped catching his breath as his lust came to the fore.

Derick pushed forward. Allen couldn't see it but he knew that the old man's cock was sliding up into his wife's cunt.

With a grunt Derick pushed home. He must have been practically all the way in, thought Allen as he took out his cock to release the pressure of it in his trousers. Then he saw Derick start to fuck his wife.

After a few thrusts Derick seemed to set up a rhythm, "God you're so slick, Las you feel bloody wonderful. I've dreamt of this for so long and now it's really happening." He dropped down onto his forearms and sucked on a nipple.

This caused Sarah to catch her breath as the old man's cock stretched her cunt and slide in deep.

Very quickly Derick set his pace and maintained it. He moved up her body slightly and kissed her neck while his thrusting into her cunt was neither hard nor soft just a steady forceful movement.

Allen stood by the door and watched his fantasy become a reality. 'She's fucking another man.' To him it was the most erotic sight he'd ever seen. He took another photo and then put his mobile away.

Peeking round the door post he saw his wife's hips rise up to meet Derick's thrusts. 'Another man is fucking my wife!' His mind raced.

"Do y' like me cock up y', Las?" Derick asked her.

Sarah remained silent eyes closed her face flushed.

"Answer me, Sarah do y' like me cock up y'?" He repeated speaking close to her ear.

Sarah half opened her eyes and quietly replied, "Yes."

"Yes what, Las?" Derick coerced.

There was silence again and Allen strained to hear what she was going to say. He found himself wishing. Wanted her to, go on darling say it!

"Um – I like your cock up me, Derick," she whispered while opening her legs and bending them at the knee giving the old man all the access he needed to her cunt.

Allen was ecstatic. He sucked in his breath in shock at what she'd just done, for the first time he took hold of his cock, and gently pulled on it.

"Do y' like me fucking y', Sarah?" he asked his voice full of lust now.

Again there was silence as Sarah took in the question. Her hips were still meeting every one of Derick's thrusts. It was then Allen saw the sign, her face took on a deeper tinge of red as did her upper chest the tendons in her neck became taut; 'she's going to come, she's going to come on his cock,' the thought burst into Allen's brain.

Through her heavy breathing she spoke, "Yes I like you fucking me." Then she moaned in pleasure, Christ he's doing me, he's going to take me – bring me off!

"You shag real good, Las," Derick said as he continued with his momentum, keeping his pace equal throughout.

With Sarah's legs now wide open Allen got glimpses of the old man's cock sliding in and out of his wife's cunt. He saw her matted black pubic hair stuck to the thrusting cock and cunt juice covered nearly the whole length of his cock.

With a grunt in keeping his self control Derick spoke again, "You going to come on my cock, Las?"

Sarah opened her eyes, she looked up at her lover and placed a hand on the back of his head, "Yes, I'm going to come – make me come." Her mind raced with her lust; 'yes, he's going to take me – I'm going to come on his cock!'

Allen's mind rebelled again as he heard her speak those words, again his jealousy reared its ugly head; again he fought it and continued to watch. His cock now covered with his juice.

Derick continued his pace, he never wavered.

The thirty-one year old woman slowly arched her back; her breathing became heavier, with her back arched so her hips pushed down bending the thrusting cock into her slit rubbing across her clit.

Sarah moaned, "Mm, yes. Oh yes." 'He's fucking me good I'm going to come!' She thought.

"That's it, Las you come on the old codger's cock."

"Ugh!" Sarah gasped taking air through gritted teeth. She lifted her head and look into the old man's face as he fucked her.

Allen could see he was giving her a real good fucking. Although he was excited beyond believe, thoughts of jealousy, anger and retribution raced through his mind. He could feel the anger towards himself for letting it all happen. He resented the way this man could use his wife. And worse he was jealous of how he could pleasure her so well. He saw the lust and pleasure on her face; he saw the way she responded to him and the way she looked at him. All this seemed to be a contradiction of his true feelings as he watched this man thoroughly fuck his wife. He gained pleasure from all these feelings as they fused together within his mind running riot with his nervous system and though his cock was running with pre-cum he could not bring himself off.

"Oh God," Sarah caught her breath and held it. The whole room went silent except for a mild wet sound coming from between her legs and Derick's ragged breathing.

Then a deep throaty growl burst from Sarah's mouth as she exhaled and relaxed, falling to the floor. Her body seemed to jiggle; she put her legs down and then her thigh muscles shook. Seconds later she brought her legs back up and opened them.

Derick grunted as if he was trying to hold back, "That's it, girl you come for me."

"Yes I'm coming, God I'm coming – I can't stop!" She blurted out. Still holding onto him she lifted her head, kissed him passionately forcing her tongue into his mouth, and then went into a frenzy of kissing his face while she screamed out her orgasm.

Allen stared in disbelief as his wife's neck and upper chest turned red as her orgasm exploded in her womb. She looked so beautiful as her pleasure played across her face.

"I'm going to spunk you now, Las."

"Yes give it to me, I want it," she groaned in anticipation as she continued to kiss his face in a frenzy of lust.

Derick heaved into her body forcing the rest of his cock deep into her body, "I'm spunking you, Las," he cried out in-between catching his breath, he threw his head back with a grunt as he filled her with his sperm.

Surprise filled her brain, 'Christ he's pushed it right up into my cervix. I can feel him spunking - shooting up into me!'

Allen, with tears in his eyes watch the spectacle in front of him wishing on the one hand that he'd never had the fantasy, on the other ecstatic that he'd seen his wife taken by this man, and realised his dream.

Sarah lay back onto the floor gasping for breath; eyes closed in a dream like state as the remains of her climax spread through her body. Derick fell gently on top of her his arms giving out. He too was panting and struggled to get his breath back.

Sarah felt his cock slip from her well fucked hole and gave a quiet groan. She felt her cunt was wide open but the feeling very quickly disappeared as her body began to revert to its normal state.

Allen managed to put his still erected cock away and zip up. He fell back against the wall and closed his eyes wandering what was next. After seeing the way Sarah had responded he thought he'd have no chance in managing to keep her.

He walked back to the kitchen.

'What have I done, why did I let it happen,' he thought.

Derick tried to get up but all he could manage was to roll off her. His heart thumping hard in his chest and he wondered if he would ever get up again. Yet all he could think about was Sarah and how they had made love, what they had just done was the best sex he'd ever had. 'That woman was fantastic, she felt so beautiful; I've never had a woman like her - I want her.'

Sarah slipped her legs down after Derick rolled off. Her breathing was coming back to normal. She could still feel the throb in her cunt and the warm after glow of her orgasm as it gently receded. Her own mind was reeling at what had just happened; 'that was the most amazing thing, nobody has ever made love to me like that before. Even Allen last night was nothing like that. Shit Allen!'

Sarah stood up and looked at her watch, 'nine o'clock.' "Derick you have to get up its nine o'clock, Allen will be home any minute." She said urgently.

Derick sat up and then got to his feet. He put his limp cock away and zipped up making himself decent while Sarah picked up her panties and put them on. Then put her tits back into her dress and pulled the straps back over her shoulders. She smoothed her dress down trying to take out some of the creases.

"God, I must look a mess, he'll guess we've been up to something, I just know it." Sarah worried as she put her dress straight and ruffled her hair. Then she pulled her dress up and re-positioned her panties; it was then that she felt them become wet with Derick's spunk.

Car headlights flashed through the gap in the curtains and she knew that Allen had returned.

"He's here, Derick sit down and try to look decent," she said her voice full of concern. She was still trying to get her panties right so that nothing would start to run down her legs before she could get to the bathroom. As the front door opened she pulled her dress back down and returned to her seat. As she sat she felt her panties pull up into her crotch and press into the discharge making the spunk spread across her minge lips. The feeling made a tingling sensation on her sex but it was quickly squash as her husband enter the lounge.

"There that didn't take to long did it?" he said with a smile as he entered, "So where's me wine."

Picking up his glass he sat, "So has my wife been a good girl, Derick?" he asked jokingly.

Derick flustered and eventually said, "Oh she's been a real hostess, Allen." He paused and finished his wine, "But I think I'd better go its getting late and I'll have to be careful driving home."

"You sure you don't want to stay, Derick and have another glass, there's always a taxi?"

"No I don't want to intrude on your hospitality any longer, it's been a great evening, thank you." He stood up making haste to leave.

Allen looked over at his wife who just sat there not saying anything. He saw the look of concern on her face, "Come on then, Sarah let's see our guest out shall we."

Once Derick had gone and they were both in the lounge Sarah picked up the glasses and the empty wine bottles then headed for the kitchen.

"How was it while I was out?" He called after her.

"What do you mean?" She replied defensively. Sarah returned and stood by the door to the lounge.

"Well nothing, just wondered if anything happened while I was away that's all."

"We never agreed to let anything happen, Allen so nothing did," she lied.

"I see, okay point taken. So nothing happened just sat and talked?"

"I'm afraid so, anyway I've got to go to the bathroom must be all that wine I've drunk."

She turned and went up stairs to the bathroom.

Allen decided not to say anything more and after watching a movie together went up to bed.

They were both up early. Allen as was usual on a Sunday cooked breakfast. The weather was jus the same as yesterday - raining.

Instead of going over to the allotment they went and visited family. The following day, Monday, work took priority and both Sarah and Allen put themselves in their work.

For days Allen couldn't keep that evening out of his thoughts. Sarah never said anything about what had happened after he'd left that night.

Throughout that first week he must have fucked Sarah a good dozen times and every one he visualised that session his wife had with Derick; and after every one Sarah expressed her delight with his performance.

Sarah was telling her husband the truth. Since her fling with Derick Allen had become a better lover. He took her to heights of pleasure she never knew existed with him. Yet the session she'd had with Derick never went away. She was happy with Allen and though she had been royally fucked by a man who knew how to fuck a woman she was happy if it didn't happen again. She loved her husband; he was her man regardless.

It was into the tenth week after that weekend. Allen came home from work to find found his dinner waiting for him just like always.

"Hello sweetheart had a good day?" he asked as he took her into his arms and kissed her hello.

They parted and he sat picking up his knife and fork, "Traffic was bad tonight must have been an accident or something." He spoke as Sarah washed up some pots.

"It all depends on what you call good, I've had better days," she replied to his question.

Allen noticed the sound of her voice and realised something was up, "What's up, darling?"

"I don't really know how you're going to take this, Allen even I'm finding it hard to accept."

"So what's the problem, Sarah?"

"I hope you love me, Allen and I mean really love me?"

"Sarah what's up?" Allen was showing signs of anger.

Sarah swallowed hard, "Well I missed my period last month and again this month. So . .."

"Oh, darling," Allen made to stand but Sarah put her hand up indicating for him to remain seated.

"I'm not finished yet, Allen." He sat, ". . . so I went to the doctors to get myself thoroughly checked over. I returned this afternoon for the results."

"And . . ."

"The results were positive I'm pregnant, the doctor said I was about ten weeks and the tests indicate that as well."

Darling that's fantastic, that's the best thing I've heard for a long time, the best thing to happen to us." Again he made to get up wanting to put his arms around her and pull her close.

"There's more I need to say."

"Go on," her husband said eager for the news. But he saw the strained looked on her face.

"If I'm ten weeks or there about, it not only means I'm up the duff but I could be with Derick's kid instead of yours."

Allen's look of happiness dropped from his face like a ton of bricks, "Oh my God!"


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pummel187pummel18718 days ago

Ahhh hahahah hahaha hahaha hahaha, what a simp 🤣🤣🤣

black75black7510 months ago

Excellent, but it's "Lass"!

BeauReadyBeauReadyover 3 years ago

Sad to think the little bastard is going to grow up without a father and living with his divorced mother in a welfare hovel - just another delinquent come criminal. Males after 50 yrs of age should be forced to have vasectomies, and females after 40 yrs of age should be forced to have their tubes tied - married, widowed, divorced or single. Everyone gets done!

Then you can all go about "making mistakes" without destroying other people's lives!

Bring back the rocks! Lying, cheating, manipulating, deceiving, adulterous whores should all be stoned - to death. Male predators chasing married women need to be fully-castrated on the spot.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Brilliant story.

The above comments are those of scumbags. Well done Lucy 54

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Just another moronic and idiotic slut and cuck story

Nothing new here. Husband goes brain dead and let’s wife sleep with another man. He is an idiot because he doesn’t get anything out of it but becoming yet another worthless cuckold. Why would he stay with her if she is pregnant with another mans child and how truly moronic does she have to be to get pregnant? Loser couple and nothing here but a slut and cuck

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago

What a stupid fucking British cuck, whore, and bastard story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Love this series! Love this couple!

I can really relate to all three characters' thoughts and feelings, especially in this chapter, except at the very end. My husband gave me to our own "old codger" next door, but he wanted us to play pregnancy roulette. One of them knocked me up and we didn't know who until our little girl came out with red hair. The old codger gave me a right good fucking when he found out he was a Dad again, intent on reseeding me...which he eventually did, to my husband's thrill. I love stories of young wives and old codgers. They bring back so many memories. (Sigh)

babymaker8babymaker8almost 11 years ago
hes put his sexy young wife into maternity knickers for him

great story the older bull getting into the sexy young wifes knickers as her husband watches with the end result that these fuckings allways have thats with the older bull putting the sexy young wifes tummy in the family way , with his baby growing in the wifes slut cervix that he pumped full of his potent thick spunk as the sexy wife came all over his old fat cock as the cuck hub watched his sexy young wife impregnated by her lover

imready2imready2about 11 years ago
A successful sequel

Another enjoyable read that put me in Allen's position thinking of me watching my wife with another. My thoughts however were not of jealousy and rage but of pure passion to the point of walking in and joining them. The ending, although not surprised would ccertainly have to be a result to consider, although n my personal situation, not an issue. Well done!

desperate1desperate1over 12 years ago
marvellous story

One of the best on here. loved the conversations, the descriptions, the words used EVERYTHING please write more

StoneyLodgeStoneyLodgeover 13 years ago
Let's Hear It For The Altacockas!

I'm really enjoying this saga! Looking forward to chapter 3. Furthermore, as the hubby in my first story ("Kate's Date With Destiny") finds out, one needs to be careful about for what one wishes!

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