The Baronessa's Charge Ch. 3

Story Info
Antalya begins learning of the villa's ways.
2.9k words

Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/21/2022
Created 04/24/2002
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Antalya raced to keep up with the baronessa with a much more confident step. She understood now how to hold her head up and straight, throwing her shoulders back with a regal air. Strutting naked through the corridor reminded her of the summer of her freshman college year. Her boyfriend at the time had driven them to secluded beach along Lake Michigan. After a time splashing around, he dared her to take off her top. She hesitated, scanning the horizon for onlookers, but the she accepted the challenge. Feeling more comfortable in the warm midday sun, she in turn challenged him to take off his trunks. In a flash, he tossed them aside on the shoreline. She found herself almost staring at his member as it bobbed freely while they played in the shallow water. He reckoned that his true size was somewhat diminished due to the effects of the waves and the coastal breeze. But this was the first live naked man she had ever been allowed to look at and she was liking it more than she could have thought.

He was certainly no Adonis, she thought. Yet the natural ease in which he played with her and the way he laughed when he looked at her and splashed her erect nipples gave her the confidence to make her boldest move. She stood still in front of him and when he paused and was watching intently, she undid the ties to her bikini bottoms. He smiled broadly at her sudden boldness. Returning him a playful grin, she walked up the beach to where they had left their towels. She lay down first and without a word he followed behind her. The sun was like a soothing drug, raising her temperature and urging her forward. She lay on her back and as her boyfriend positioned himself over her and started kissing. She encircled her arms around his waist and entwined her legs with his. His drenched hair dripped down his face and across hers and pooled in her eyes. The lake water slipped into their mouths and she tasted all the fluids mixed by their thirsty tongues and it trickled down her throat.

That afternoon Antalya learned something about herself and about male anatomy. Water and cool breezes are not at all useful for maintaining a man's erection. But luckily for her, this boyfriend was a practicing gentleman. His fervent kisses began shifting lower along her own responsive torso until his mouth centered on her engorged vulva. He worked his whole mouth across and up her labia, letting his tongue explore the folds, leaving no crevice untouched. Finally he settled into rhythm she picked up on. She held her eyes tightly closed as she was bathed in the sun that, by the time her orgasm caught up with her, was drying and kissing her erect nipples. That sensation and pleasant memory came back to her in an unexpected flash as the baronessa led her the imposing doorway into the walled garden. The same sun that had warmed exposed breasts along the lakefront so long ago now rediscovered her nakedness.

The view she now beheld was much more intense that she had enjoyed from her bedchamber's balcony window. In the center of the walled garden ran a narrow watercourse, which bisected the space and babbled quietly at its end in a circular basin. The baronessa's heels clicked along the bricked pathaways, which felt surprisingly smooth under Antalya's extended feet. As the women approached the pool, Antalya saw a table set for two under an attached umbrella blocking the strong midday sun's rays.

"Please sit," the baronessa offered indicating the chair nearer the water. Antalya pulled the chair up underneath her, keeping her head held upright and sat down lightly, feeling proud to have accomplished the task in strict silence. "Allow me to pour," the baronessa intoned, raising the teapot. Antalya scanned the tale and pushed her teacup and saucer forward across the linen. The baronessa frowned and set the teapot back down. "Your master did say you had much to learn with regards to table manners. I should learn to expect such from Americans." She rehoisted the teapot, "Now lift your cup by the saucer and hold it forward, Antalya."

Antalya picked up the saucer and extended her arm. "Please forgive me, Baronessa," she pleaded lowering her eyes slightly, hearing the admonishment ring in her ears. The baronessa poured out a serving.

"Would you care for milk?" offered the baronessa. Antalya concentrated on holding the teacup steady as the fresh milk mixed into the hot liquid. Antalya carefully reset the teacup down in the exact spot she had first picked it up from. Rather than make any more mistakes, Antalya chose to sit briefly and watch the baronessa's own table manners. She watched the baronessa after unfolding her napkin and laying it across her lap, pull a slice of grilled bread and set it on her plate, and then take a spoon and scooped one of the jams and ladled a large dollop onto her plate. The baronessa then lifted up her teacup by the saucer and raised it towards Anatlya, breaking her concentration, "Would you serve me, please?"

Antalya gently turned the teapot, lifted it by the handle and tipped towards the baronessa. The hot liquid splashed into the cup and pooled in the saucer. Antalya nervously set the teapot back down. The baronessa looked at her directly with her teacup still in hand. Antalya began to panic when she glanced at her own setting. "Would you care for some milk, Baronessa?" she quickly lifted the milk pourer.

"Yes, I would." The baronessa watched her pour out the milk, then set her teacup by her side, and stirred it with a teaspoon. Setting the teaspoon on the edge of her saucer, she looked into Antalya's timid eyes, "You will quickly learn that all things have a purpose and it behooves us to understand that we might benefit ourselves and pleases those around us…. Now let me explain some lessons which your Master hinted that you were lacking in." The baronessa proceeded to itemize to Antalya the basics she would need to get along at the villa. Antalya listened but her mind lazily wandered as the baronessa explained what her Master had attempted to teach her so many times in the past. The water babbled next to her chair as she though back to the number of squabbles when her Master chastised her for reaching across and using her fork in her right hand. He had given up trying to teach her to use her fork and knife in the way they are laid on the table. The baronessa explained the reasoning as she spread her bread with the jam. The words were hers in the present but Antalya thought back to how many times He sat exasperated watching her load food into her mouth and use the side of her fork to hack away at her meal. She could see the shortness with her but she always thought that the sex that she gave him would make up for any of her annoying habits. He hated whenever He learned of her trips to the drivethru windows and eating a quick bite in her car. She thought that by hiding the evidence, he would not find out and she could fool him. He himself was not above cooking for them. Whenever He worked in the kitchen, He would pull out all the stops, and she would tell him how wonderful it all was. He would ask for opinions on the wine, or her thoughts on the meal, the flavors, spices, or the preparation and she would simply nod in agreement, afraid to share her perceptions or to ask questions lest she show her ignorance about wines or her limited taste in cuisine. She agreed with him as she thought a good submissive should, shaking her head mechanically whenever she was asked to share her thoughts.

"Antalya, are't you going to begin eating?" scolded the baronessa, jarring Antalya's daze. The baronessa crunched loudly into her tartine. Antalya began repeating the steps she had witnessed perform. She reached across and pulled a slice of grilled bread, spread it with some apricot preserves, then held it before her mouth and inhaled. The yeasty aroma mingled apricot perfume caught her off guard. Holding her head stiffly erect, she brought it to her mouth and bit down. Chewing slowly and deliberately, she was struck by the amount of flavor in the apricots. Their delicate richness filled her mouth. She lifted her teacup and sipped. The heat of the liquid trickled down her throat and seemed to spread its warmth right through her. As they sat together eating, Antalya started to take in the setting. There were lemon trees in large terracotta urns placed at strategic intersections. She was amazed at how large and how many lemons such small trees could hold. So fertile in fact that the trees were in bloom even as they bore fruit. She scanned the walls and noticed that there were some grape vines trained along wires, their leaves just beginning to unfold. She squinted to see what other plants there were, when the baronessa prodded her:

"Do you enjoy our garden?"

"Yes, it is very…. full."

"Hmmm…," wondered the baronessa, "Perhaps we ought to go on a tour? How would you like that?"

"Yes, please, Baronessa." Antalya's face beamed, thinking about spending time with the baronessa.

"Very well. We shall first finish our meal." She focused in on Antalya, then licking her index finger, she leaned forward and wiped off a bit of jam that had landed on Antalya's breast. She placed the finger in her mouth and sucked off the sweet stain. Antalya had been watching the whole movement with awe and the graceful ease in which it was carried out. She tried her best not to stare, so she finished her meal and drank down her tea. When the baronessa saw this, she intoned, smiling, "So let us begin?"

Both women lifted their napkins from their laps and set them down on their plates. The baronessa plucked a parasol from the ground near her chair, opened it and handed it to Antalya.

"The sun can be quite strong and we need to take precautions. We shall walk close together."

"Yes, Baronessa."

They both rose and the baronessa began to recount the garden's finer points with Antalya following close behind, parasol in hand, casting a single shadow over them. As they strolled, they moved so tightly together that the baronessa did not need to speak very loud as her face was up close to Antalya's. As she pointed out a detail or they turned in unison, they would sometimes touch inadvertently. As the baronessa talked she would pluck sprigs for Antalya to touch, smell, sample. There was such a variety of flowers, herbs, and plants that Antalya's head began to tire as the baronessa rattled on the names in Latin, Italian, and in English whenever she knew them. She gave the account of the garden's restoration, her future plans and some discoveries they made while digging in the soil. They went outside the walled garden and walked over more of the estate. She explained that the villa was originally self-sustaining, producing all the food necessities for the residents and guests. There were stables here, some greenhouses there, and a dairy and many other connected buildings in various states of repair and dilapidation. It felt like they had been walking for hours when she directed them down a footpath towards a large clump of trees in the middle of a pasture. As they approached, Antalya saw that there was a blanket spread out on the grass and a picnic basket with pillows.

The baronessa whispered slyly to Antalya, "It pays to plan ahead." Antalya was relieved when she was finally able to sit down. The baronessa sat down with her legs spread out, propping one elbow on a pillow. Antalya sat down carefully lowering herself to face the baronessa with basket between them. Antalya kept her legs tucked up tightly under her ass. They enjoyed a simple lunch containing more flavors than Antlya thought existed. Between them they split a bottle of prosecco and under the influence of the Italian bubbles, the baronessa and Antalya got to know each other. They both drank and laughed freely in this special circumstance until both had their heads pressing on the pillows. They eventually drifted to sleep and relished a lazy afternoon nap.

Antalya awoke when she felt a chill affect her and saw the sun already low on the horizon. She glanced over and saw that the baronessa was lying awake looking back at her. She became slightly insecure from the attention and sat up and stretched. The baronessa followed her lead and stood up. The two women gathered the items and carried them back to the villa. By the time they entered the walled garden, the sun was nearly set. They placed the items left over from their picnic lunch inside the main door of the villa. The baronessa went to a table in the darkened entryway and found a candlestick and lit it. And then she led down the corridor to her bedchamber. Over the din of the baronessa's heels, Antalya could detect the presence of others in the same closed rooms she had passed that morning. She could see candlelight flickering through the transoms and the faint sounds of voices murmuring and in languages she did not recognize. When the baronessa came to her door, Antalya stepped forward and opened it. The baronessa walked through and Antalya closed the door behind them. She saw glistening on the dressing table a silver platter on which were placed two small glasses. The baronessa set the candlestick down and lifted the platter toward Antalya.

"This is the local liqueur. It will help you sleep." Antalya accepted her glass, then the baronessa lifted hers and set the tray down. "To your stay here," she toasted, hoisting and clinking her glass with Antalya's. They simultaneously placed the glasses to their lips and imbibed the essence. Antalya enjoyed the herbal concoction immensely and they exchanged smiles as they swallowed, but just then Antalya caught a glimpse out of the corner of her eye of a leather whip lying on the dressing table. She shifted her gaze to the baronessa who slyly twisted her head to where Antlya had been looking. She then took their glasses and placed them back on the platter and picked up the short whip, then looked directly into Antalya's eyes. The baronessa reached her hands up to both sides of Antalya's face and lifted out the tingling earrings and rested them on the dressing table. "Walk over near the window," she spoke in a somber tone. Antalya obediently stepped across the floor until she stood a few paces away from the window. "That is close enough," instructed the baronessa. She walked up behind Antalya and touched a hand to her shoulder. She whispered, "Lean forward and grasp the curtain tie back." Antalya tilted forward and with both hands grabbed onto a bronze medallion that had caught her eye earlier in the day. As she did, her breasts swung out and her Achilles tendons were drawn tight, stretching her shapely calves. The baronessa stroked Antalya's upturned buttocks briefly and Antalya held in her breath while her hand remained in contact.

"Cominciamo," declared the baronessa. Antalya held her eyes tightly closed and prepared to receive her strapping. The baronesa raised the whip and planted it squarely onto Antalya's plump ass. "Uno." Antalya clenched her teeth and started to fee the blood rush to and the warmth permeate her buttocks. "Due,…tre,…quattro,…" Antalya's arms nearly gave out from the fulfillment that started to sweep up through her taut spine. She refused to weep. She would only weep aloud in her Master's presence. "Dodici,…tredici,…quattordici,…" She thought about Him, how he would cradle her so tenderly after spanking her repeatedly and assuredly and she would sob until his chest was damp with her tears. He then would stroke her hair as she drifted off to sleep, her wrists and ankles still securely tied with his knots. Now she must bear her blows without that comforting afterglow she could always count on before. "Ventotto,…ventinove,…e trenta!" The last strike came down the swiftest across her already enflamed buttocks. Antalya breathed in once deeply. The baronessa walked closer to the window and touching lightly on the nape of her neck whispered, "You may stand now."

Antalya pulled herself upright and rotated to stand face to face with the baronessa, noticing the fine sheen of sweat that glistened on her brow in the faint candlelight. She held back an urge to throw her arms around the baronessa's neck, but she knew better. "Thank you, Baronessa," she said meekly.

The baronessa produced a slight, noble smile then turned and picked up the candlestick. She held aloft while Antalya stepped to the foot of the bed and slid her nightgown over her weary body. She then climbed slowly under the blankets and leaned on one arm until the baronessa exited and as she did, she whispered, "Buona notte, Signora." In the dark, Antalya laid her ear on the pillow and fell asleep hoping to dream about the day's events.

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