The Bullpen Ch. 07


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The elevator chimed their floor a few seconds later, and Erica was once again denied deliverance. The black-haired girl reluctantly extracted her right hand from her crotch, and took Natalie's hand with her left. Together, the two women walked the familiar halls of the Human Hormone Lab, past darkened laboratories to Erica's own set of offices. Erica had walked these halls thousands of times, but never like this – clad in only her red lace panties, brimming with sexual excitement.

They stepped into the lab that Erica and Noah had called home for the past few years, the lab in which Natalie Hart had worked when she, herself, had been running the deuterotone experiments. But they weren't alone.

Hannah Cho was seated on the far counter, still clad in the cocktail dress she'd been wearing upstairs. And Jane Allard, who seemed only slightly less confused about what was going on than Erica herself, sat uncomfortably beside the bleached blonde.

Erica was mystified. But she put faith in her mentor.

"Take off your panties," Natalie instructed her. The blonde women circled the room, finally leaning against the lab counter beside the Korean biologist. Erica did as told, draping the wet panties on the lab counter by the door, and facing the assembled group before her in nothing but her shoes and jewelry.

"You're an exhibitionist," Natalie explained. "You've been an exhibitionist all your life, Erica. It's only recently that you've allowed yourself to truly experience it, however."

Erica simply nodded.

"Your fantasies in the Bullpen? About the zoo? About being taken by Colin, or Noah, or Tom in the Bullpen itself while your staff has been gathered to watch? Your fantasy about being eaten out by your roommate while your college boyfriend and your friends watched?" Natalie continued to list the sexual situations that Erica had pictured herself in over the previous few weeks, fantasies she'd recently divulged to Hannah Cho. "In fact, I'd be willing to bet that some of your most vivid sexual fantasies, even before the deuterotone injections and your time in the Bullpen, had to do with multiple partners, or an audience – just so long as you were being watched."

Erica thought back. This wasn't entirely true, but there was, admittedly, an element of truth to it. Even in bed with Tom, she'd often thought about what it would be like to have sex with the windows open, what it would be like to perform in front of someone else in the room. They were fantasies she'd never allow herself to realize, nor to fully admit even to herself. She'd been so prim and proper – it was all she had known.

"I'd also wager that your first orgasm in the Bullpen, beneath the shower that day so long ago, was perhaps the must fulfilled you'd ever felt sexually." The blonde woman quickly added, "Up to that point."

Erica nodded again. The fireworks she'd felt that day made every orgasm before it seem hollow. But while that first climax had been among the best during her time in the Bullpen, it was not alone atop her list of personal bests. The orgasm while in Dick Abbott's lap? Being licked to submission in her first lesbian experience with Wendy? Fucking Colin Eggert while Jamie Eggert watched? Sixty-nining with Hannah on the floor of the Bullpen while cameras whirled overhead? Each were delicious in their own way, but all had occurred since she'd stripped for the deuterotone experiment – each orgasm with her previous boyfriends now felt empty, for some reason.

"But you've moved beyond exhibitionism as a turn-on," Natalie continued, "and turned it into a full-fledged paraphilia. You physically can't get off without an audience, you can't cum without the knowledge that someone is watching you."

The blonde woman pulled a package from behind her back, a square-ish box wrapped in black wrapping paper, with a silver bow atop. She ordered, "Open it."

Erica, once again, did as she was told. She stood in the center of the room, completely naked and dripping with sexually energy, while friends and colleagues sat around her. They watched her every move, drank in every part of her body, from her biochemically enhanced tits to the café au lait on her backside. As she tore the wrapping paper from her gift, Erica luxuriated in the notion that she was being watched. She truly had become an exhibitionist.

No, she hadn't become an exhibitionist; she'd always been an exhibitionist. She'd simply realized the fantasies that had haunted her subconscious all her life.

"A webcam," Erica breathed, tossing the paper aside. Already, she was dreaming of hooking it up, and masturbating for a subculture of voyeurs watching from their homes.

"For home," Natalie explained. "You're not always going to have a captive audience in person. You're not always going to have the three of us in this room.

Erica smiled wickedly, thinking she understood what Natalie's intent was. "I'm going to touch myself for the three of you?"

Allard was noticeably flushed, turned on by everything was unfolding before her. Was she a lesbian? Did she want to lick Erica's twat, and vice versa? Erica found herself doubting the executive's homosexuality, however, as she herself had come to appreciate that her partner's gender mattered less than her own vaginal pleasure. The situation itself was turning the redhead on, not the fact that Erica was a woman. And besides, as Erica would learn in a matter of seconds – she wouldn't be performing solo.

"No," Natalie responded, shaking her head. "You're here to be fucked for the three of us."

Erica put the webcam box down, and glanced from Natalie, to Allard, to Hannah, and back to Natalie. She didn't quite understand. Was she going to be fucked by one of them?

Hannah slid from her perch, and quickly closed the distance between herself the naked girl. Without hesitation, she locked lips with her friend, her tongue probing into the recesses of Erica's mouth. Hannah, fully dressed, pressed her body into her naked friend's, surrendering to the osculation. It was passionate. It was hot. It was lustful. But it was brief.

The Korean reluctantly pulled away, saying, "Not me. Not now. Not here." The two girls had already set a date for their next, and perhaps final, tryst - the night of Hannah's bachelorette party.

"We're here as your friends," Hannah explained. "We're here as a favor to you, to help you achieve your orgasm, to provide you with the audience you need in order to get some sort of release. This isn't about me, or Natalie, or Jane, or," the girl paused, finishing, "or your partner."

Erica looked at the other woman quizzically.

Hannah nodded. "But, he's worried about things getting confused between the two of you. He's worried about how you'll view him, worried that perhaps he's taking advantage of you. He's your friend, and he's more than willing to go the extra mile, to do everything in his power to help you. But he doesn't want you to know who he is."

The naked girl scowled. She'd fucked Colin. She'd fucked Rinaldi. Hell, she'd fucked Hannah herself. Erica wasn't concerned with being taken advantage of, and she certainly wasn't worried about ruining a relationship with someone at ConnPharm. She was more than capable of separating the physical act of sex from the person providing her with the sexual stimulation she needed. As she began to point this out, though, Hannah silenced her with a finger to her deep red lips.

"It's the blindfold," she offered, directing Erica's attention to a familiar-looking necktie on the lab table, "or the restraints." Hannah gestured to the tan leather belts and buckles on the far side of the lab, the harnesses the Human Hormone Lab used of simians and, occasionally, on human volunteers.

The necktie was certainly less humiliating, but Erica had long since stopped caring about what others thought of her depravity. And even if she was incapable of seeing her mysterious partner, she wanted to have her eyes wide open in order to watch the three women who had gathered to watch her.

The answer surprised no one, and Erica guessed that the necktie belonged to the same sensitive gentleman who had worried about his identity. The tie remain untouched on the table top, even as the girl was bent down over it, Hannah snapping the restraints into place.

Bending at the waist, Erica spread her upper body across the tabletop. Her breasts were mashed beneath her, her bare skin alive with the sensation of the cold Formica against her. She reached out, and grabbed a hold of the far edge, spreading her legs and exposing her welcoming cunt to empty side of the room. Before her, as she looked up, were Natalie and Allard, watching as Hannah strapped her right wrist to the top of the far table leg. She followed with the left, pulling Erica just a bit off the tile floor, just a bit too far for the girl to rest the heel of her shoes against the linoleum. The coup de grace, however, was the neck restraint, a sadist-looking collar with a leash loop, which Hannah fixed upon her friend, and tied to a convenient drawer handle. Erica was incapable of looking behind her, incapable of moving her head too far to the right or left, incapable of seeing anything but the two women in front of her.

"I'll get him," Hannah announced, and disappeared behind Erica to one of the offices beyond – Erica's own, perhaps. The door swung open, and it was apparent that when the Korean girl returned to the lab table, she was not alone.

A familiar touch lighted upon Erica's bare buttocks, and she quickly placed the soft skin as Hannah's. Her friend brushed tormenting circles around Erica's anus, and then, unexpectedly, placed her tongue inside Erica's pink folds. A wave of electricity shot through the naked girl's body, as she imagined Hannah crouched behind her, her mouth upon Erica's shaved twat. But as had been the kiss before it, the embrace was quickly broken, and Hannah stepped around the table to join Natalie and Jane Allard.

Erica was, admittedly, curious as to the figure that approached her from behind. She sensed his presence, and felt his body heat as he got closer. More than that, she watched Natalie, Allard, and Hannah watch him approach, their attention flitting from her, to him, and back to her. But Erica's curiosity only carried so far, and she was less interested in who her partner was than when he was going to insert himself inside of her.

Erica didn't have to wait long. Strong, masculine hands found her bare hips, and seconds later, Erica felt the man's dick enter her from behind. As his tip found the outer folds of Erica's pussy, she could already feel her climax building. He pushed inside of her, and Erica screamed in bliss. As the man's shaft plunged further into her cunt, Erica's vision blurred – she saw stars.

"OH! MY! GOD!!!" Erica squealed, and her whole body trembled. Her high-pitch whine echoed through the near sterile room.

All three women watched from the other side of the room with rapt interest. Allard licked her lips. Natalie did her best to behave cool and collected, but Erica knew that a fire burned inside the blonde woman, no matter how well she hid it. Hannah, though, locked eyes with her friend, looking deep into the nude girl's soul as the orgasm began to build.

"Fuck! Fuck!" Erica gasped, doing her best to thrust her lower body back and forth against her partner. She had limited movement, however, and she would have to be content with the pace and strength which the man applied. Still, Erica had few complaints, especially given the length and girth of the cock inside of her. It was massive, certainly larger than Jake Rinaldi's, eliminating his candidacy for the man behind her. It was bigger than Tom's, and even dwarfed Colin's sizeable member, as it plunged further into her than she had even thought possible.

Erica stared into Hannah's eyes, very aware that Natalie had been correct, that all Erica had needed was an audience. She worried, for a brief moment as her climax began to build, that she'd be disappointing her audience if she came too quickly. But, as Erica reasoned, she had more than proved capable of multiple orgasms while in the Bullpen, and there was little doubt in her mind that she'd want Noah to continue fucking her even after she'd cum.

"Noah!" she cried out. "Oh, fuck me, Noah..."

Erica hadn't meant to scream the man's name, and hearing it aloud obviously spooked the man behind her.

"How?" Noah murmured, torturously extracting his dick just before Erica's long-awaited crescendo.

"NO!!!" Erica screamed, anguished by the thought of once more being denied to cum. "NO!!! "NOAH!!! NO!!!"

Noah, completely bewildered, looked to the four other women for help, for guidance. Receiving none, he refocused on the dark-haired girl squirming on the tabletop before him. He swallowed hard, and offered, ""

"It's your tie," Erica huffed, her hips still grinding outward against nothing. She was desperate for his dick, once more. "And your breath. And your smell." They'd worked with one another for over three years, at point. She had spent more time with him in the laboratory than she had with Tom outside of it. And, though they'd never done anything like this before, Erica had fantasized about it endlessly while locked away in the Bullpen, and, if she were being honest with herself, time and again long before.

"Erica....I just," Noah stuttered, "I....I just wanted to help. Natalie said that you needed a partner, and since I'm your partner, er....your, your partner...she thought I should be the one to bite the the one to help you."

He was nervous. He would have been nervous had it been the two of them alone. But Noah wasn't performing for Erica and Erica alone, but for a room full of women watching his every move.

There was no question that Noah was a sweet man, a good friend who was more than willing to go the extra mile, someone who was always willing to do what was in Erica's best interests. But Erica's best interests had changed over the course of her time in the Bullpen, and what she needed was no longer a knight in shining armor to defend her honor. No, she needed someone to fuck.

In his own way, Noah was behaving in a noble fashion. Natalie had threatened to find someone else, to use someone else in order to combat Erica's newly-realized sexual paraphilia. She wouldn't be able to orgasm without an audience, and without that orgasm she might slowly drive herself mad. At the reception, Noah had noticed that she hadn't been acting quite herself, either the Erica Rivers he had known in the years leading up to the deuterotone experiment, or the sexually confident Erica Rivers who had emerged over the past few weeks. Instead, she had seemed lost, unfocused, and desperate – drunk on her own libido and unable to function normally. Worried for his friend's psyche, Noah had eventually given in to Natalie's request. He was half-naked in his place of work, in the middle of fucking one of his friends in front of her friend, their boss, and the head of ConnPharm's sales and marketing.

Noah's better intentions notwithstanding, there was little he could do to deny his feelings for Erica. Long before she'd ever stripped in the Observation Room, Noah had fantasized about this girl. Beneath the prim and proper exterior, the well-placed hair, the conservative dress and demeanor, Noah had been well aware of the sexually attractive girl. He'd watched her hips sway back and forth in the lab. He watched her ass as she moved away from him during earlier experiments. He'd dreamt about her red, red lips, and what it would be like to feel them against his own.

Instead, those red, red lips were calling out for more.

"Well, then, HELP ME!" she demanded. "Noah, please, please, fuck me." Her eyes still staring straight ahead, at the gathering of women watched, Erica continued to plead her case, "Natalie, please. Please tell him to make me come."

The blonde woman jutted her chin at the unseen man. "You heard her request."

Allard, who had been a last minute addition to the group, on account of her recently expressed voyeuristic leanings in the function upstairs, was the one who spoke next. She, too, was living out her fantasies. "Pull her hair."

Erica sensed the hesitation on Noah's part, but echoed the saleswoman's request. "Do it," she begged, not wanting to disappoint the spectators.

Nervously, the male scientist did as he was told, taking a handful of Erica's dark black hair in his fist. He was gentle, at first, but as the tip of penis again found Erica's waiting cunt (which was still radiating a tremendous amount of heat), he leaned back, and tugged a bit more roughly.

It didn't even take a full stroke in and out. From the moment that Noah's shaft re-entered the dark-haired girl, she had begun to cum. Groaning in absolute, perfect bliss, Erica found her release.

"Ohhhh....," she moaned loudly, her entire body quivering. "FFFUUUCCCKKKK."

Her body melted, fixated upon the wave after wave of warmth emanating from her cunt. Every hair on her head stood on end. Her vision went dark, and Erica felt as if she were on the very edge of fainting. Had she not been supported by the wrist restraints and collar, she would have collapsed. She had, finally, found her orgasm.

As Erica regained her senses, coming to grips with the people around her, she only then realized that Noah hadn't yet cum, himself. Desperately eager to feel his warm jizz shooting against her bare skin, and even more interested in performing for her audience, Erica refocused on the task at hand. She'd have Hannah free her, Noah's identity no longer an issue. And she'd give Natalie, Hannah, and Allard a show like none they'd ever seen before.

In the back of her mind, Erica thought of Emily DiStasio. The girl had complicated matters for the deuterotone project immensely, and had put significant burdens on Erica and her staff, all because of a tattoo. Erica promised herself she'd seek the girl out, and thank her backing out. But not at that moment. For now, Erica would content herself with Noah's dick, driving in and out of her welcoming pussy, as her biochemically enhanced tits cushioned her against the table.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
So amazing

I loved this. You had me hooked for a full three days, reading it every chance I got.

ericthebardericthebardalmost 11 years ago

In. Fucking. Credible.

This story kept me rapt for its entirety, the only irritation being having to click the next segment. This is fantastic work. I frankly don't know how much more I can say about it without simply gushing off fatuously, but be assured in my sincerity when I say:

Well done. Well done indeed. I will definitely be checking out the rest of your work.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
The best story so far

Not just from this writer, but from the few hundred (that I read) of the top lists of this entire site. If I knew his name I'd go buy a book from this writer. It's the realism of peoples reactions that works so well. And intelligent characters. Story and plot are brilliant. His other stories are also good, but this one is the best. I wish there was more from him.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

Your set of stories is about the best I've seen; and I've been doing this - writing and reading - for a long, long time.

Well done, sir.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Is there more?

Is this the last of the story? I wish you would write more chapters to this. Great story. It's my favorite.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Fantastic series

I really love this series. A really interesting plot with great attention to the emotions and conflicts in her personality. Your work is the best!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
not your average story

I thought the whole concecpt was ingenius.

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