The Chronicles of Slave Nano No. 06


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"Word soon spread of the wager between Hrothgar and Freyr and the serving girls in the hall eagerly volunteered to be a participant in the competition and offer themselves to be fucked by Goddess Freyja's stallion. On the appointed day of the challenge twenty beautiful and lusty maidens lined up excitedly. The clock was set ticking. Hrothgar's cock was already rampant with the expectation of the pleasures he was about to indulge in. The bedchamber was soon full of moans and screams of pleasure as one after the other of the girls reached their orgasm within minutes of Hrothgar's mighty member being thrust into their welcoming cunts. He was frenzied in his rutting and brought each of the girls to ecstasy."

As Hrothgar dismounted each one Freyr checked that they had reached a climax and they all replied that they had been satisfied. In a few short minutes they all emerged panting and dishevelled many in a dream like state of satisfaction; they passed comments like 'mmmm, that was so wonderful' or 'he's so large, he just filled me up' or 'I just couldn't stop myself from coming.' They were full of admiration for their mistress who they knew could spend whole days fucking with her stallion-warrior.

"There were five minutes left of the hour and Hrothgar had already fucked nineteen girls and was well ahead of schedule with only one more girl to take. Freyr was starting to look very worried now. The prospect of having to dress up as a serving maid and be ridiculed by everybody was looming. The final girl came forward and lay nervously on the bed. As Hrothgar prepared to mount her for the triumphant completion of his challenge he saw that there were tears in the girl's eyes and he hesitated. 'What's wrong girl, don't you want Hrothgar's hard cock inside you.' The girl replied, 'I'm sorry my lord Hrothgar but I am only a young virgin. I did not volunteer for this, my father thought it would bring disrepute on the family if I did not offer myself. I have never been with man before and I wanted to save myself for the stable lad that I'm in love with.' And Hrothgar took pity on her. He did not want to take any girl who hand not willingly offered herself. 'You may go girl, I won't take anyone against their will,' he said kindly.

After this exchange there were only seconds of the hour left and no time to find another wench to be fucked. Freyr laughed out loud. 'Oh dear Hrothgar, it looks like you've lost your wager, that's only nineteen girls.' 'But that's not fair,' spluttered Hrothgar, 'you saw what happened.' 'Too bad,' laughed Freyr, 'you are too noble-minded for your own good my friend. You still lose. I shall have fun seeing you muck out my sister's stables. I believe the size of the droppings from her giant blue cats is quite a sight to behold and that the smell is powerful enough to knock out a giant.' It amused Goddess Freyja immensely to see her warrior working hard for her raking out the straw and muck from her stables. 'Don't expect me to let you off,' she scalded affectionately, 'it serves you right for being so boastful.' I trust, serpent that this will give you some insight into the goings on in Freya's hall," I concluded.

"Yes that is most interesting," Nauthiz replied, "So, tell me story teller, it is said that the Goddess Freyja is the most powerful and beautiful woman in the whole world. I have not seen her and everyone, except Loki who passes here often and whose word is not to be trusted in the matter as I know they are enemies, says that she is the most beautiful woman they have ever seen. You have seen her; would you say that this was true?"

I hesitated. Was the serpent trying to trick me into something? The answer to this question was fraught with danger whatever I replied not only to the serpent but also for when I reported back and was held to account for my words and deeds to the two Goddesses who were aware of my quest.

"Oh, she is indeed beautiful and is fair beyond human imagining but I believe there is another who is her equal."

"One as fair as Freyja?" the serpent hissed, "how can that be? Who is it? What kind of worlds do you pass through shadow walker that you know of another woman who is the equal of a Goddess? Come, you must answer my question"

"I know of another who is from another world that I pass through on my travels. And in all honesty it is impossible for me to say who is the most beautiful. It is like asking which is the fairest, the sun or the moon, when the balance of them both is needed to illuminate our world."

"I enjoy a straight forward saga. I don't want to hear you speaking in riddles from another world shadow walker.

Nauthiz was looking disgruntled with my answer. I was so close to my goal; I daren't anger him now.

"There is a woman in another world O mighty Nauthiz, who is a Goddess in her own right. As Goddess Freyja is fair and beautiful so this other Goddess is dark and beautiful like the sun and moon, as I have said. She is cruel and powerful and will capture men's souls and use them to serve her. Men are captivated by her and will give themselves up to her willingly because once they have set their eyes on her or heard the command of her voice or felt the touch of her fingers on them then they will submit to her. She controls fate and is the distributor of retribution and she goes by the name Nemesis."

The serpent seemed satisfied with this reply. But I had to change the subject. A hint of light was shining on the horizon. One more story, one more tale, might do it.

"But mighty serpent, the night is yet young and I still have many tales to recite of the deeds of Hrothgar. I have one that is a testament to his bravery and strength that I think will impress you."

"Very well, go ahead," the serpent hissed, but his eyes were starting to glaze over and he was getting tired.

"One day many moons ago Goddess Freyja summoned Hrothgar to her throne room again. Her brow was furrowed with anxiety. 'Listen carefully to me my champion,' she announced, 'I have received numerous reports that a terrible sea monster has invaded the coast of my dominions. It attacks the sailors and merchants at sea and destroys the raven-sailed ships of my fleet, it prowls the ports and fishing villages terrorising my people. I hear that this is a huge many tentacled monster that emerges from the depths of the sea and sends fear into the heart of every sea captain. I fear that it has been summoned from the depths by the other gods who have been incited by Loki against me.' Freyr, who sat slumped on a couch in Her throne room interjected. 'Well sister, it is hardly surprising given the number of enemies you have made.' Freyja gave her brother and icy stare, ignored him and continued her account. 'It is crucial that I make a show of strength to show my enemies that Goddess Freyja's authority remains undiminished. I have another important task for you Hrothgar and that is to seek out this monster, which goes by the name Frondel, and to kill it. That will send a message to my enemies that I will not be toyed with. It is a dangerous mission my champion and will require all of your fortitude and strength. I have heard that this sea monster is charmed and that no weapons of metal or wood will harm it and that it can only be slaughtered with a man's bare hands. Will you do this task for me Hrothgar?' And he replied, 'Of course my lady. You know that my life is at your command to carry out such services. I will seek this monster out for you and rest assured I shall return with its head for you on a sliver platter and its tentacles so that you can send one out to each of your enemies to show the contempt Goddess has for their jealousy of your power.' "

"Hrothgar set off. He went to one of Goddess Freyja's ports and commandeered one of her splendid vessels. When the sailors heard of his mission none would sail with him as the reputation of the sea-monster had spread far and wide and had struck fear into the hearts of everyone. So, Hrothgar set out to sea sailing Freyja's golden bowed boat alone. He cast open the sails and the symbol of the raven billowed in the wind announcing that Goddess Freyja's champion was abroad."

"Like all men from the Norse lands Hrothgar was a skilled sea-man. He scoured the coast seeking out the giant sea monster until after five days and five nights he happened across a broken and deserted ship, its crew all devoured by the fearsome sea monster. He knew that he was near. He got out his silver rimmed horn and blew to attract the monster to him. Hrothgar was not to be disappointed. The black slimy monster emerged from the depths its fanged mouth bellowing an invitation to battle and its black tentacles flailing in the air. The force of its body as crashed to the surface sent a tidal wave that nearly capsized the boat. But, Hrothgar showed no fear. He knew what he had to do. He threw his axe and sword onto the deck and stripped himself down to the waist the muscles on his chests rippling in the sea spray created by the monster. His blonde hair was matted and soaked. He went to the side of the ship and dived into the murky depths. The only way to defeat this monster was in single-handed combat and Hrothgar would not shirk from his promises to the Goddess Freyja however daunting and powerful the enemy.'

'The fight raged in the depths of the sea. One of the tentacles wrapped itself around Hrothgar's body its suckers gripping him and squeezing the life out of him. Any normal man would have been crushed. But this was Goddess Freyja's chosen champion. He grasped the tentacle with his bear hands and tore it apart. The battle continued for many hours. Spectators from the land could see Hrothgar, one minute on the surface of the water the next submerged in a mass of tentacles. They gasped. He had seemed to be under water for an age; surely he was drowned. But then his head broke the surface of the water and he emerged a ripped tentacle in his hands. The battle was building to its bloody climax."

I could see the serpent Nauthiz was gripped by my tale, hanging on my every word anxiously awaiting the outcome of the fight. The sun had crept over the horizon. The moment was close, oh so close. But, I had to play my hand very carefully. I had just a few moments before the sun would be powerful enough to cast a shadow from the Yggdrasil tree.

"Just imagine the scene O wondrous serpent, guardian of the tree of life. Here, we can act it out, you are the sea monster and I am Hrothgar."

I manoeuvred the worm into the position where the first shadow would be cast.

"The sea monster rose up again to attack Hrothgar. But, he was ready and he was not tired. He had waited patiently for a moment when he could find a gap through the tentacles to get to the sea monster's head. He dived down into the dark ocean and swam with all his strength straight for the monster. He grasped its head in his huge muscular arms and twisted. The neck of the sea monster snapped and Hrothgar ripped it triumphantly from its body."

The rays of the early morning sun had spread. The branches of the Yggdrasil tree cast their shadow over the serpent Nauthiz.

"Aaaah, the shadow, the shadow of Yggdrasil," the serpent called out in fear and distress. "You have tricked me shadow walker. Somebody has warend you of my weaknesses. You know I will not stay in the shadow fo the Yggdrasil tree. I don't' know what your purpose is but when I find out who you are I will seek you out to get my vengeance. Nobody fools Nauthiz like that and gets away with it."

And with this threat ringing in my ears the serpent sped to the safety of the roots of the tree away from the spreading shadow.

I tried to reign in my sense of satisfaction and having out-witted such a dangerous enemy. I could hardly believe that my plan had worked so well and that I had been able to deceive an opponent as powerful and intimidating as the serpent Nauthiz. I re-focused on the task at hand as I ran through the snow to the entrance of the cave. Suddenly I realised that I was being followed and that the sound of galloping hooves crushing the snow was behind me. I glanced back and saw a black stallion, which must be Hrothgar's horse that Goddess Freya had told me to look out for. It was a magnificent specimen with its sleek black coat and finely proportioned physique. I could well imagine what an awesome sight Hrothgar would look mounted on this powerful steed decorated for battle in wrought gold with the raven symbol on its nose? It had now caught up with me and had slowed his pace and was running alongside me but several hundred yards off. I felt reassured that events were unfolding exactly as Goddess Freyja had ordained. I had been given the warning not to approach the horse but he would seek me out at the time aid was needed so I noted the presence of the fine stallion without acknowledging it in any way.

I was heading for the cave of Goddess Erda, on of the three Norns the giant maiden Goddesses from Jotunheimr who rule the destiny not only of men, but of the gods as well. It was only one of the Norns who had the power to un-pick the thread of Hrothgar's fate and re-weave his destiny.

Looming before me was a giant ice wall that reached high into the heavens. I looked up but its summit, if indeed it had any physical ending, was shrouded in early morning mist. Its face was a sheer sheet of ice but in this vast expanse of ice there was one fissure; a crack in time or crack in the fates of men. I approached in trepidation. I could still hardly believe that my own destiny had taken me into a world of Norse Gods and Goddesses, into this realm of potent symbols of Norse mythology. I entered into the crack in the ice and Flame-Stepper, who had pursued me to this point and was now close behind me into the cave.

The rocks were close around me at first and there was just a enough room for man and horse to squeeze through, but after a short while the rocky fissure opened up into a vast cavern. I looked around in amazement. The cavern was set with seams of gold and silver and precious jewels of every kind that glittered amongst the rocks. There was only one way out of the cavern and I followed it down into the bowels of the earth. The passage was high and broad and like the giant cavern was like a fairy tale grotto with sparkling gemstones of turquoise and ruby red and azure blue. Then at one point the cave divided into two paths. I had a fatal decision to make. One must almost certainly lead into Erda's cave and the final destination of my mission. The second -- well that could lead me anywhere into the hidden parts of subterranean Norse world fed by the roots of the Yggdrasil tree. Flame Stepper went ahead of me and took the left hand fork. Goddess Freya had told me to wait for the moment when Flame Stepper would come to my aid. I took the left hand fork and followed the passage as it descended into the bowels of the earth.

Flame-Stepper led the way until once again the passage opened out into another huge cavern. This one was vast even larger than the one I had encountered earlier. This cave was being mined. There were wooden racks with rows of pick-axes, scaffolding had been erected high against the cave wall and networks of ladders snaked up them so they could extend to the highest reaches of the cave. There were little trucks, some piled high with nuggets of gold or silver or precious gem stones. I had a gut wrenching feeling in the pit of my stomach. This was not Goddess Erda's cave; this was a working mine. I suddenly had misgivings about the choice I had taken and yet I had been led here by Flame-Stepper, Hrothgar's own trustworthy steed.

I looked around to see, to my horror, the black horse morph into a blonde-haired figure. It was Loki. I had been tricked again. He had used his shape-shifting powers to turn himself into Hrothgar's own horse. I felt such a fool and yet although I had been warned of Loki's shape-shifting powers how could I have known that he would transform himself into the form of Hrothgar's horse? Loki's voice boomed and echoed around the vast cavern.

"I have caught an intruder for you; a sneaky shadow-walker who has come to steal the gold and riches from the dwarves' kingdom."

The cavern started to fill up with dwarves who emerged from cracks in the cavern wall. They gathered around me and Loki staring angrily and muttering through their long beards. Loki knew how covetous dwarves are of gold and precious metals and his words were cleverly used to arouse their hostility against me.

"Well, we meet again. You tricked my trolls but that is no great feat, they are stupid and superstitious. I underestimated you though. I didn't think you had the capabilities to out-wit even my trolls. I have been caught by Freyr and had the wonderful falcon- feathered cloak taken away from me. And now you have even tricked your way past Nauthiz the serpent. That's no mean achievement."

"Tell me shadow walker, how is it you are known to the Goddess Freyja and her fallen hero warrior, Hrothgar. How do you know so many tales of his life and deeds that I overheard you telling Nauthiz some of which I know to be true. How did you know that it was Hrothgar who stole my silver chariot? How is your fate and Hrothgar's intertwined? What is Goddess Freyja's purpose in sending you here?"

"I will tell you nothing Loki. All I need to know is that you are Her enemy and I will never betray Her to you." I replied.

"I know she is plotting something, but what is it? Why has she sent a wolf-man on such a perilous quest to seek out the Norns? Shadow walker, I know how Hrothgar met his doom. What part did you play in it and what do you know of my magician Hammah, who I have offered to aid my friends and Goddess Freyja's enemies in other worlds?"

I was taken aback. Were Baron von Hellcencoq and Empress Dykenspeil pawns in a wider battle being played out between these Norse deities? It would explain why Goddess Freyja would have offered the assistance of her most favoured warrior to Goddess Nemesis. My eyes must have betrayed a flicker of recognition to Loki.

"You have heard of the magician Hammah, haven't you! How is your destiny and Hrothgar's woven together? I see now, you are the stranger who trapped my wizard in the magic mirror of time. But why has Goddess Freyja sent you here?" Loki asked, but it was not a question, he was thinking to himself now. "Goddess Freyja is trying to undo time and destiny, isn't she? Why else would she seek the aid of one of the Norns. She is playing a dangerous game, trying to change time and fate. Who knows what unknown forces that will unleash. Whatever she is up to, it must be stopped."

The cavern had now filled with dwarves. Loki focussed on me again.

"You know that these dwarves are loyal to me wolf-man, and you will also know how jealously dwarves guard their gold. They are greedy and covet gold and precious gems above all else and will do anything to protect their riches. All I know is that whatever your errand for Freyja is, it must not succeed. I will let my dwarves deal with you. My business is with Freyja."

Then he turned to the dwarves.

"You see how Loki befriends you. He has sought out and caught red-handed this creature who haunts the shadow lands. He is a thief, here to steal your gold. Even worse is in league with the Goddess Freyja."

The dwarves started to mutter and grumble to themselves animatedly. Freyja's name was clearly not one that had much support in this place.

"Yes, you remember her; the possessor of the most precious object created by you - the Brisingamen. You re-call how some of your brethren were tempted by her and tricked into surrendering this wondrous necklace by being offered one night of debauched passion with her."

The grumbling of the dwarves increased in volume as Loki roused them.

"The whore and slut Freyja should have slept with the whole of the Ica dwarf tribe before deserving to claim such a beautiful object. She is a harlot and thief and this shadow walker is one of her spies. He will go back to Goddess Freyja and let her know where the richest mines in all of the Norse realms are hidden. She will steal your gold and riches just like she stole the Brisangamen from you."
