The Corrupted Forest Ch. 06


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"Uh huh, sounds like you got carried away. Finding it difficult to think, are we?" She looked down and smirked, "didn't feel like dressing either?"

"Nuhuh!" He retorted, back straight, head held high, thinking he was clever.

"Are we a silly little bimbo?" She asked, bringing her hand up to tickle his chin. He laughed and nodded. "That's what I thought. And what if you had been needed here? Don't you want to meet your daughter?"

He looked up and saw Tatiana and the little one in her arms. His glassy eyes cleared as he shook his head. He handed the blue haired nymph off to her sister.

"Yeah, that's what I thought, sugar," she said with another laugh, taking her silly snoring sister in her arms.

"Thanks," he said before walking around the angry, churning water. Never once did he notice anything wrong with the swirling green liquid.

He crouched next to his lover and they shared a passionate kiss. After he looked down at his adorable daughter who blinked up at him with bright green eyes. She looked just like her mother.

"Did you name her yet?"

"No, my love, but I was hoping for Verde." They smiled at each other.

"I like it, Verde." He reached out and his daughter curled her delicate little fingers around his index. "She's beautiful, just like her mother."

Tatiana nuzzled against him, kissing him softly. "We had visitors before I gave birth."

"Oh? More fae?"

"No, humans, monks to be exact."

"What did they want? They've never come here before."

"They took one look at me and ran, fear in their eyes."

"That's strange. Do you think they'll be back?"

"No, not for a while at least. It troubles me though. You're the only human that I trust. Your kind are notorious for destruction. Anything they don't understand, they fear. And they're quick to violence. I don't want any humans entering my forest and endangering our daughter."

"How can we make sure of that? The borders are all open. We have no walls or choke points. Just vast open tree lines before a valley under the mountains."

"No, my sweet, we have magic. I've been preparing the lay line for such an event."

He turned and looked at the water for the first time, truly seeing. "Wha-What have you done?"

He had been sworn to protect the magical blue water with his life. Magus would be extremely disappointed in him. He sat back with a huff, watching the water rage, swirl and bubble. It had been so calm and crystal blue, now a blackish green, flashing brightly from deep within.

"I poured my magic into it. The ancient energy source serves me now."

"We're not meant to tamper with such power. I knew I never should have let you enter it. It's always been forbidden." He lashed out, anger filling his heart.

"Such simple minded thinking my love. You wouldn't have survived copulating with me if you hadn't entered the water with me."

"What do you mean? You're a fae!" He replied angrily. She had tampered with forbidden magic and tried to brush it off like nothing. How could she be so naive?

Selestia walked over. Tatiana handed over her daughter. "Thank you darling. We need a moment."

"Of course, mistress." The naughty nymph replied with a curtsy.

The fae queen stood up, rubbing her hands into Enorim's hair. "I am so much more than you can comprehend. I want to show you, but I can't risk losing you, not now. We're parents. I never thought I'd be a mother. Everyone I fuck dies... I consume their souls to survive."

"Wh-What are you talking about?" Her musk was distracting. He couldn't stop himself from leaning in, taking a deep breath. Her loins were giving off potent pheromones. He couldn't resist the scent anymore, if he ever could before.

"My sweet boy. We have a daughter to protect. The humans won't want her to live. They'll see her as an abomination, a mix between human and dream walker."

"I don't understand. If you're not fae, what are you?"

She sighed, rubbing his head. "If you insist in knowing, I'll show you."

He nodded, leaning further and kissing her clit before catching himself. He struggled to hold onto the anger he felt earlier. "I need to know."

"As you wish my love." She said with a sad sigh. "Promise me you'll let me explain afterwards."

He looked unsure but her musk was influencing him now, "I promise."

"Then behold, your queen," she said with outstretched hands. Her green skin flushed, almost glowing. Her nails grew into sharp talons. Small horns grew out of her temples as her pupils turned to diamonds. Leathery wings expanded from her back, spreading and flapping. Her strong musk blew into his face.

He took a deep breath, eyes wide in shock. Finally, a thin spade tipped tail slithered around behind her, curling around her leg and rubbing against her nether lips.

"You-you're a... you're a,"

"Go on lover, say if."

"A... a demon?"

"A dream walker, succubus to be exact. I feed on human essence."

"You're evil?" He said unsure of himself, leaning back. Everything she had ever told him was a lie.

"Evil? Do I feel evil to you? Did you fall in love with an evil being?" She gazes at him with sadness, a single tear forming in her eye.

"But you lied to me..."

"Only about what I am. Would you have accepted me when I was injured if you knew what I was?"

"No, I would have handed you over to my master."

"And given up all we have together? My feelings for you are real, I have kept my secret from everyone, especially the fae."

"I... I don't know anymore." He rubbed his temples, feeling two bumps forming. "You've corrupted everything... I should have seen it earlier."

"But your love for me blinded you? Is that what you think?"

"What else have you been keeping from me? Are you responsible for Knigrith?"

"No, she was a thorn in your side long before I showed up. I gave you the strength to face her and then we dealt with her together. She killed your master and would have killed you and taken the lay line for herself."

He couldn't believe it, but he actually believed her.

"Because of you I fell in love. You protected me while I was weak and vulnerable. I can never repay you enough for that." She took his chin in her hand and angled his head up.

He gave her a weak smile. His pupils dilating as he breathed in her powerful pheromones.

"We belong together, you survived when we made love. We have a daughter. Is she evil for simply being born from me?"

"No, I don't think you're evil. You're mischievous and playful, but not evil. The readings must be wrong."

"Of course, they are wrong, my love. They were written by humans. How could they comprehend something from another world? Are some of us evil? Yes of course, we're no different than humans in that regard. You have good and bad people. It doesn't make you all evil."

He nodded, that actually made sense. His heart swelled for her more than ever. Seeing her in a new light but still the same woman he had fallen in love with.


"Umm, there's one more thing." She said with a grimace. "I took that name to convince the fae I was their queen. My name is really Viridis."

He blinked, shocked at hearing her real name.

"So, you aren't really their queen?" He said looking around expecting the nymphs to overhear them. They weren't there.

"No, not really but now that I've given them some of my power they've been changing. I truly am their queen now. Even when they see my true nature, they still serve me without question."

"You've been changing them, why?"

She shrugged, "It's in my nature?" Her wings kept flexing and lightly flapping. He found himself wondering what it would be like to fly. "You seem to be taking this pretty well darling."

Her spade tipped tail dipped in between her nether lips, coming out slick. Then she teased him by placing it under his nose. The wizard's eyes rolled back as he took a deep breath. Now he knew why he found her simply irresistible. He leaned after the tail with an open mouth, but she pulled it back with a giggle.

"What do you say? Shall we dive in and go for another round?" She said with a wink. He'd been getting a lot of sex lately; you'd think he wouldn't be ready for more.

You'd be wrong though. Something inside him stirred, eagerly. He gave her a wolffish grin. His blue eyes glowed. Then he lunged forward, taking her hips in his hands, licking her nether lips.

Viridis cooed, pulling his head against her. The spade tipped tail wrapped loosely around his neck.

"I, oh yeah right there... I had hoped you wouldn't freak out when I told you." She closed her eyes and mumbled. Two tendrils of swirling water grew out of the pool, wrapping around his body.

Enorim gripped her hips harder, probing her depths deeper with his tongue. Then the water pulled, and he yelped as he was flung backwards into the lay line, back flipping with a splash.

Viridis stood at the water's edge with a smile on her face. "I've been dreaming of the day I get to fuck you in my true form."

Her wings stretched and flapped once, powerfully. The succubus lifted up into the air. Enorim watched from below. The water swirling around him, caressing his flesh.

The large, green wings folded together, sending the demon plummeting down. She dove into the water and came up behind him, laughing. He melted into her embrace as she wrapped her arms around him and took his ear lobe between her lips.

He no longer felt angry at being lied to. Instead he felt his body filled to the brim with lust. He grabbed her arm and pulled her around him. The look on his face drove her wild. Enorim desired her above all others and he seemed to have his pick these days.

The wizard pulled her close and kissed her lips hard. Her tail wrapped around his throbbing dick, lining him up. At the same time, she used her wings to keep them floating at the surface. Then she broke the kiss, staring deeply into his eyes.

"Do you still want me?"

He answered by pulling her hips against him, impaling himself until their hips slapped together. He had grown since their first coupling. Now in her true form, she fit him like a glove. Her inner muscles felt like a hundred little hands and mouths worshipping his weapon simultaneously.

He groaned feeling himself swell already. If he could think he might have been embarrassed. However, she wasn't ready for him to cum quite yet. Her tail tightened its grip around his base.

Enorim screamed, eyes flashing as magic hands of his own formed around her, massaging her shoulders, lightly tickling her sides. She let out a giggle before her green eyes flashed.

The water swirled and coiled around them, squeezing until it felt like a serpent held them within its death grip. Only it didn't hurt. Rather it felt like a rippling massage along their flesh, squeezing and flowing rapidly.

"Something I forgot to tell you," pausing for a quick kiss, "you've been changing too, I don't know how... oh yeah, don't stop!"

He groaned, mashing his lips back against hers. Deep down he knew she was right. He felt different, more energized. Not to mention he always felt horny these days.

Enorim felt his body back off the edge and he resumed thrusting, her tail undulated against his base, squeezing rhythmically. He kept one hand gripping her ass while the other ran up her back. He tentatively touched her wing, fascinated by it. The leathery skin felt foreign and he wondered what it would be like having them. Would he have control of them like his arms, never needing conscious thought to move them? Or would it take a while to adjust?

Viridis' grin widened as if she could read his mind, "you'll find out soon!" She cried out, throwing her head back. "I can't hold back anymore, you feel too good, fuck, harder!"

He obeyed without question, thrusting with all he had. Her body squeezed him tighter, until he couldn't take it.

They both screamed, the sounds echoing around the chamber. His eyes rolled back as his dick unleashed his seed within her. Then a flash of pain filled his head, agony replaced the bliss. Horns grew out of his temples, larger than hers, curling back. Two large wings shot out of his back as a thick tail ripped out of his lower back.

New sensations overwhelmed him. The demonic pheromones mixing with corrupted lay line water. He could feel Viridis' pulse, sense her essence. He opened his eyes and saw details he never noticed before. It was like being able to zoom in at will. The fine microscopic hair on her face, the galaxy-like details in her eyes.

It all hit him so suddenly that his loins felt on fire. Not the bad kind though. This fire was more pleasurable that he'd ever felt before. His eyes widened in shock as he climaxed for the second time in mere minutes. His engorged cock sprayed so much cum that he felt like he was going to black out.

She smiled at him, pulling him close, mashing her lips against his before pulling back. "You're so handsome."

He eyes were getting heavy, thrusts weaker.

"It's okay my love, sleep. It's a lot to handle the first time. Sleep now. Next time will be easier."


Enorim woke up in his bed, body still coated in sweat. His vision was blurred but he didn't feel any different. He reached up and felt his smooth temples. Had it all been a dream?

A body stirred next to him. Orange hair covered her face. "Selestia? Wh-What happened?"

"Mmm, morning." He turned and Ambirosi stared at him with beamed devotion. "Feeling better?"

"I... I don't know." Another body moved, much smaller than the nymphs. His heart swelled when he looked down at his daughter snoring in his arms. "I thought I had been dreaming but..." he reached over with his free hand, lightly caressing his daughter's cheek.

"You weren't, mistress said your body will take time to adjust to your new form." The blue haired nymph kissed his neck. "You need to rest, we're here if little Verde wakes up."

"Where's Tati... Viridis?" He watched her expression, expecting her to not understand. She didn't even flintch, answering with a smile.

"Mistress is out for a walk. Said she had borders to protect." His heavy eyes fluttered, feeling himself drift. "Sleep now, we can play later."

She patted his flaccid dick. It felt bigger than he remembered. He leaned back, content. Rosi nuzzled up against him, closing her eyes. Selestia didn't even wake up. Her arm wrapped around his waist.


Meanwhile... Viridis stood at the forest's edge. Her three special mist women floated behind her, watching with devotion. The demon's eyes were closed in deep concentration. Her arms were outstretched, palms up.

The corrupted lay line water shot out of her hands, spraying the valley's grass. The dense mist slowly expanded past her, out of the tree line. It covered a ten-foot radius around the entire forest.

The ground rumbled and shook violently. It rippled and cracked. Thick blackish green thorny vines grew out of the cracks. They grew and twisted like giant serpents angrily curling around one another.

The succubus opened her eyes and smiled as she watched the thick plant made walls form around her home. They continued to grow until they twisted high above her head. They stretched about thirty feet in the air.

The vines kept growing within the ten-foot-thick line of mist until the entire forest was encased in their defenses. No one would be walking in or out from now on. Any on lookers would see a thick mist with something sinister moving within. They wouldn't know what they were walking into until it was too late.

Only those with wings would have access to her lands. She embedded her magic into the plants. Gifting them the ability to fight back against intruders. No human army would threaten her any time soon.

She turned to her mist women. "Think you can make sure no one comes or goes this time? If you fail me again, I'll send you back from where you came."

The malice on her voice didn't go unnoticed and they nodded in fright. Viridis hadn't been happy when she learned they allowed the monks and ranger to escape. Though she did smile when she learned the woman had been turned into a lust sprite.

Perhaps one night she'd pay the woman a visit in her dreams. She'd encourage that little firecracker to cause mischief behind enemy lines.

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AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

One of the best ever read in this category

YshomatsuYshomatsuover 4 years agoAuthor

Athan’s storyline on Lit is currently on hold because I have what’s happening to his soul being expanded with a chose your own adventure style Twine 2 html file. Since I can’t post that here it’s currently the only exclusive story on my patreon account. I have 5 full encounters written so far on it.

I do plan on continuing the Inquisition storyline I just don’t want to be jumping around the timeline and getting things mixed up at the moment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Really really good! :) Was wondering if you're planning to continue Athan's storyline anytime soon?

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Love your writing!

Please continue this story, love your writing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Your simply the best writer on Literotica. Please keep it up!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

It was simply awesome buddy. Wish there is more sex between viridis n our hero🙂.

YshomatsuYshomatsuover 4 years agoAuthor

At least there are less errors this time =P hope you enjoyed it. And the last bit happened in Inquisition ch 6, they pulled Viridis away, bypassing the need to summon her into the world. They’re her handmaidens in a sense. Meridiana had stolen them and used them. So I guess In a sense it does work both ways

negrodamu5negrodamu5over 4 years ago

Page 1:

He was way out of his liege here. League, liege is a synonym for king

Page 2:

The burning around her neck made her scream out in agony, dripping to her knees. Dropping

The three women had been Viridis' savors way back when. Saviors? Did they save Viridis somehow? Or did she save them?

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Loved it

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

i liked it! :)

(secretly hoping viridis wins in this story)

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