The House Ch. 06


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"What were you going to get out of this experiment?" Aaron asked.

"I was going to try to fuck her like you fucked my Clara." Oliver said.

"Fuck her? Just how were you going to do that? You're a damned ghost!" Aaron said incredulous.

"I don't know." Oliver admitted. "Millicent said something about a spell. I swear that's all I know!"

"Who else is in on this plan of yours?" Aaron asked as he prepared to send Oliver to Antietam.

"If I tell you, will you show me mercy?" Oliver asked.

"I'll show you as much mercy as you showed me when you shot me and left me to die, now tell me what I want to know!" Aaron demanded.

As soon as he had the names and as much information as he could get from him, Aaron banished Oliver Norton. He had joined the souls wandering around the battlefield at Antietam, many of whom he had sold inferior products to.

"Mr. Aaron? Do you understand what's happening?" Sadie asked.

"What?" Aaron asked distractedly, his mind was focused on eradicating the threat to Minerva.

"Men." Sadie muttered as she followed Aaron through the woods.


Minerva woke up disoriented. It took her a minute to realize where she was and the dull throb in her wrist reminded her of her adventure in the woods.

"Are you alright?" Dwight asked waking up when he felt her move.

"I have to go to the bathroom and my wrist hurts but otherwise I'm fine." Minerva replied.

Dwight helped Minerva to the bathroom and gave her two of the pain pills that the doctor had prescribed. She was reluctant to take them but the pain in her wrist was beginning to escalate from a dull throb to a more insistent pain. Dwight made her eat a piece of bread before she took the pills and helped her back into bed.

Minerva was anxious and tried not to show it but Dwight could feel her trembling when he held her.

"Minerva, talk to me." he urged.

"I don't know why I'm so anxious." she replied. "I feel like I need to go somewhere." she added.

"Don't tell..." a voice whispered in her head.

Minerva shook her head and moved closer to Dwight. She had never been one that was easily frightened but she was scared. What made it worse was that she didn't know why she was so scared and she couldn't rationalize why she was hearing the voices except for the narcotics but she had taken narcotics before and had never reacted to them like this. In the past, no matter what happened as long as she could explain it, she was good but this fear was inexplicable.

"Dwight? Make love to me." Minerva said hating the shakiness in her voice.

"Minerva, what's scaring you?" Dwight asked. "You're safe here; I won't let anything happen to you." He added.

"I'm not safe here." Minerva thought and then she realized that Dwight wasn't safe here either; the only safe place for them was the house. If asked, she couldn't have explained how she knew that but she did and she didn't know how to tell Dwight that they needed to go to the house without sounding like a lunatic. There was nothing to do but to stay here for the night at least. In the morning, she would try to convince him to take her home and he could stay there with her.

Minerva pressed against Dwight; she could hear the voices whispering to her as she wrapped her arms around his neck and began to grind against him. Dwight responded by kissing her until she moaned into his mouth, he broke the kiss and stopped her.


"Make love to me." she said interrupting him and kissed him, offering him her tongue which Dwight accepted without hesitation. Minerva was the one to break the kiss this time. She moved slowly down Dwight's body stopping at his chest to suck and nip at his nipples along the way. Dwight murmured something that Minerva didn't catch as she continued her journey down his body not stopping until she reached his cock.

Dwight couldn't remember the last time he had felt a woman's mouth on his cock; it was another one of those things that Beth refused to even consider doing saying that it was filthy and unhealthy. Actually, there wasn't much about sex that Beth didn't think of as being disgusting or unhealthy. She saw it as a duty and not a want, sex was just for procreation and not enjoyment and an expression of love. They hadn't been married for very long when Dwight realized that Beth was puritanical about sex, but here was Minerva about to take him into her mouth as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

Minerva stopped for before just a second and then kept going. She licked the head of Dwight's cock as if it were an ice cream cone before taking it into her mouth and sucking on it gently.

"Minerva... that feels so good!" Dwight said as he toyed with her braids. He realized that if he let himself, he could fall completely in love with her but there were two things stopping him; Joseph and Becky. He found himself wishing that Minerva had come along just two years later, Joe would be nineteen and Becky eighteen, they would be adults and could make their own decisions as to whether they wanted to see him or not without any interference from Beth.

Minerva stroked Dwight's cock as she sucked and licked on the head. Dwight rubbed Minerva's back with one hand and held the back of her head with the other.

"Minerva, I'm going to come!" Dwight said, his voice hoarse. But Minerva didn't stop until Dwight came in her mouth, crying out and then shuddering. "Minerva, come up here." Dwight said pulling her up to him. When she reached him, he kissed her, thanking her profusely as he hugged her, before he could take care of her, she was fast asleep. The voices for the moment were quiet.


Aaron continued walking through the woods with Sadie by his side. They hadn't spoken for quite some time each of them lost in their own thoughts. What experiments could they want to perform on Minerva? Aaron wondered. That fool Oliver had mentioned something about wanting to see if he could fuck her, were they trying to figure out how to be able to live in the human world in the body of a human? No, that was crazy or was it? And why Minerva? Was it only because he claimed her or was there more to her than met the eye? That Minerva was an exceptional woman there was no doubt but there had to be more to it. Aaron had a thought, and decided to ask Sadie.

"Sadie, can I talk to Minerva?"


"Even from here?"


"Can the others talk to her as well?"


"Have they been talking to her?"


"All of them?"

"Yessir" Sadie replied.

The realization the Minerva wasn't safe even at Dwight's dawned on him and if she wasn't safe then neither was Dwight. They were already talking to her; Sadie confirmed that but what about Dwight? What if they were telling them to come back to the woods? Was she strong enough to resist the voices? And what about the spell Oliver mentioned? So many questions Aaron mused. He decided to talk to her as well hoping that his voice would override those of the others.

"Minerva, I am Aaron Richards, lord of the house and of the woods. You are to ignore all voices with the exception of mine, Dwight's and Sadie's. Go to sleep now."

Satisfied that Minerva was safe at least for the moment, Aaron went in search of Wilcox and Millicent. It was time to cut the head off from the snake so he could concentrate on how to be with Minerva. Sadie waited for Aaron to ask her about the spell. When he didn't ask she tried to push him into asking her.

"Mr. Aaron, aint there somethin else you wants to ask me about?"

When he didn't answer her, she tried again.

"Mr. Aaron?"

"What!?" Aaron snapped.

"I was wonderin if you had any other questions for me." Sadie replied.

"No, not at the moment." Aaron replied his mind on other things.

Aaron and Sadie continued walking stopping every spirit and being that they saw, by morning the only ones not dealt with were Millicent, the Colonel and the remaining seven of their group. What Aaron really wanted was to capture another one of the group in the hopes that he knew more than Oliver did. As he walked he mentally ran down the names of the spirits that wanted to hurt Minerva to see if he knew them and if he did how. Wilcox was in the confederate army but Aaron had never met him personally. He knew of the ambush that Wilcox had led his men into but that was all he really knew about the man. Millicent, he just heard about tonight and he didn't know her family so he was inclined to agree with Sadie, she was an opportunistic trouble maker. Of the remaining seven, he only knew one and he had only met him once or twice at a social gathering and even then the contact had been brief.

Eventually Aaron and Sadie came to the spot where Minerva and Dwight had spent the night. Aaron walked around the site several times as he thought about Minerva. He remembered the day she came to the house and how she just seemed to belong there and he wanted her there. He thought about how he lusted after her as she danced around the bedroom naked totally at ease with her body. Jealousy flared when he remembered hearing her and Dwight making love when it should have been him that she was making love....

Sadie sat on the ground watching Aaron trying to put the puzzle together. She jumped when she heard Aaron yell at the top of his lungs.


For several minutes nothing happened then one by one they began to appear around Aaron with Millicent appearing last.

Aaron made a complete circle taking the time to look at each spirit before coming the one he really wanted to speak to. Wilcox.

Aaron stopped in front of Wilcox and stepped up so that there was barely an inch between them. Wilcox fought the urge to step back and met Aaron's gaze.

"What do you want with Minerva?" Aaron asked.

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tdoubleudtdoubleudover 12 years ago

I think my heart just dropped to my feet! A cliffhanger, so mean! Oh well, I guess I'll just have to wait.

katgoddess1katgoddess1over 12 years ago
I'm getting goosebumps!

The suspense is getting to me! Please put me out of my misery!

Elmo533Elmo533over 12 years ago

You got me on the edge of my seat. I'm glad you're not one of those writers who updates every 6 months.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

The anticipation is killing me! I love the whole series...don't keep us waiting too long! Keep up the amazing writing.

SoulHolder11SoulHolder11over 12 years ago

Chapter was amazing!... im Hoping that he learns the steps fairly quickly because the suspense kills....and im kinda hoping he doesnt merge bodys with dwight, he has a crazy ex and everything that creates headache.... Hurry plz more soon <3

maverick40maverick40over 12 years ago
Aaron takes over?

I think that Aaron is going to merge bodies with Dwight! Sounds weird i know, but it's a feeling I'm getting. Aaron's getting more powerful and Sadie is aware of how he can be with Minerva but can't tell him! Chpt 7 hurry up!

Alpha_MarmAlpha_Marmover 12 years ago
Utterly fantastic !!!!!

Damn straight they don't know what they started, but they are about to find out!!!!! I have no doubt it will be a very just wrapping up of all involved in messin' with Minnie

kuroukiphoenyxkuroukiphoenyxover 12 years ago
just words...

Aaron is a badass and they have no clue what they have unleased

NightpleasureNightpleasureover 12 years ago

Really what is going on with Aaron. Does taking control over the woods mean that he gets stronger the more he commands. I really like dwight to but his kids are his priorty. I want to see what will happen with Aaron and Millicent.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
The Plot Thickens!!

So, Sadie knows how Aaron can claim Minerva. Well, I actually like Dwight a lot and he and Minerva seem good together. Their main problem would be Dwight's ex from hell! I wouldn't like to see poor Dwight become another "James." Unless... Minerva can have both?!?

I see that Aaron is becoming more powerful. And the woods are calling Minerva back. Scary. She needs to use her own strong will and tell Dwight.

The plot truly thickens.

Great update. Can't wait for the next chapter!


AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
between this and the wolves you OWN my attention!

i sooooooo want Aaron and Minerva to be together, but what about Dwight?!?!?!?


huntersangelhuntersangelover 12 years ago
oh man!

i can't wait for the next chapter kalamazoo. darn these cliff hangers!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
@ Anon

She's writing 2 or 3 stories concurrently. Give her a break! Some of these Lit. authors only have one story going and sometimes it takes months or YEARS for them to update..... Chill.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Your chapters are too short!!!!

I love this story but the chapters are way too short! I cannot wait to read what happens next.

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