The Lost World Ch. 04


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From what he gathered, the one he could probably most easily get along with was the General of Gluttony considering the short stories he had heard about his joviality. Rainer was unsure about the Emperor of Envy, but he had learned that this person was among the cold and calculating types. The Governor of Greed seemed to be purely business, so he could prove to be either friendly or a deadly enemy. Lastly, the Warmaster of Wrath perfectly fit the definition Rainer had expected of the word Wrath, a lover of battle and violence.

"Krza and Byzial will show your subordinates to their quarters for the duration of the Iel Summit. There will be separate rooms for each Sin and gender... Though you are all free to break those boundaries as long as if you understand the importance of peace for this meeting of Sinful beings of different races." Although the predominating race were demons, there were still some members of the Pillars of Sin and staff of the Rulers of Sin that were of the numerous humanoid races or others. Although no one in Rainer's group was a humanoid, Aureal was a fallen angel and thus not a demon. "Please ask us if there is anything you require in making your stay more comfortable."

Raising an eyebrow, Rainer asked, "Yea, as a matter of fact... Do you have any pizza?"

Raising the same eyebrow but in a more confused manner, Zelti scrunched his face. "Eh?"


"Should Master be careful regarding the other Rulers of Sin?" Asmodea laid her massive warhammer next to the bed she would be sleeping in for the week. It was a small alcove hewn from the thick stone wall. A soft mattress allowed Aureal to sit and sleep comfortably when she needed and it was large enough for any nighttime activities she wished to engage in.

"...Rainer is a capable man. I doubt he should have any trouble verbally against the other Rulers of Sin." Zazie was the other person in the room. The two were sharing the room, though Zazie had a separate alcove she would sleep in.

There were more than enough rooms for all of Lust's representatives to have their own room to sleep in, but it was purely out of safety that they all decided to room together. When powerful and devious demons gathered, who knew what the results would be?

"I do not doubt that, however I have a feeling that this will not be entirely peaceful for Master." Aureal stretched out her weary angel wings, black feathers spreading out in all their glory.

"...Allow me to perform a simple divination." With that, Zazie shuffled the tarot cards in her hands several times.

Aureal arched her neck, curious about the readings Zazie performed. As far as she could sense, no magic was involved despite the cards each being powerful magical artifacts. Was there some sort of arcane secret only Zazie was privy to? In any case, Aureal always paid attention to Zazie's divinations.

When she was satisfied with her shuffle, Zazie, in an exaggerated manner, slammed the cards on an ornate wood table in the middle of the room. She was careful not to damage the cards during this process, not that they could be damaged in the first place.

The violet succubus spread the twenty-two cards in a perfect semicircle. Shen then looked up at Aureal and blinked. "...The one with the premonition should choose the card which will decide fate, it will be more... Accurate."

Aureal pulled in her lips, wary of her choice. In matters like this, it was best to close one's eyes and simply take the first card your hand touches. Aureal did just that, apparently taking the card four from the very right side when she opened her eyes. Flipping it over...

"...Wheel of Fortune, in reverse. How disastrous, I wonder what will happen?" Zazie stared at the card Aureal had flipped over with narrow eyes.

Something unpredictable was going to happen soon. And in what better place for that to happen in than a castle holding not only a large gathering of powerful demons, but seven of the most powerful beings in all existence?


In a room in the northern side of the castle at least twelve stories high, were five demons. They were not normal demons, but powerful Archdemons.

The very essence of five of the seven deadly sins were in this room: Pride, Gluttony, Envy, Greed, and Sloth. They were here waiting for the other two Sins in order to discuss two things: war and peace with the angels.

"Gaaaaaach! Just how much longer do we have to wait for the other two? Don't they realize just how rude it is to make us wait?" The Emperor of Envy, Belial, laid back in his chair in a very lazy manner. He had his feet propped up on a coffee table, where his coffee lay, and his arms wrapped around the back of his head.

Each Ruler of Sin was perusing their own interests as they waited for their two fellow Archdemons to arrive within the next hour. One was lazing (Envy, two were reading (Pride and Sloth), one was writing (Greed), and another was drinking while enjoying the scenery from the window (Gluttony).

"Maybe so, but there is no need share your annoyance with everyone else." Ifrit, the Princess of Pride, turned the page while denouncing Belial.

Belial didn't bother to look over at the one speaking to him, rather choosing to roll his eyes and levitate his coffee to his lips. Belial wore a black vest suit with a white shirt with rolled up sleeves, he also wore black pants with snazzy black and white dress shoes. By his belt lay two deadly barbed daggers with a curved tip. These daggers were specially made to augment his powers by Greed's humanoid group of Norse dwarves.

As the five waited, every now and then one of them piqued up with something to either intentionally or unintentionally break the ice in the room.

"Oh my, that looks interesting, what is that you are reading?" Curious about the book Justinian, the Shah of Sloth, was reading, she asked about its identity.

"Curious aren't you! Why, this is a very curious book I acquired from the human world! Apparently it details the adventures of a man called 'Prince Valiance', a curious fellow indeed. Ah, If you let me explain more-" With a fervor unlike the definition of Sloth, Justinian attempted to speak about the book full of pictures he was perusing.

"Uh, no thanks..." And with that, Ifrit lost all interest and went back to her book about the mysteries of human souls.

Justinian wore a dusty buttoned jacket that reached down to his feet with a brown shirt and blue jeans under it. He even wore a strange pointed hat which dangled in front of his head, making him resemble an anglerfish. As for a weapon, Justinian didn't bring anything.

Ifrit wore a sexy orange dress over her skin down to her knees with grey stockings. She had several pieces of jewelry adorning her arm and neck with the most beautiful piece being two glowing emerald earrings. For a weapon, she had a large bladed chakram leaning on the chair behind her. Strangely, the round disc had no area for a handle.

"OHOHOHO! YEA! GO GET 'ER!" Dagon, the General of Gluttony was cheering on someone while quaffing a hardcore alcoholic beverage provided by his hosts.

Dagon was quite a spectacle of a demon. He had a very well built body covered by a leather jacket and long pants. His tail was holding his cup while his hand held the bottle which he drank out of. On his back was a type of sword called a 'Pata'. Forged by a powerful pagan god at Dagon's behest, the Pata was literally a sword attached to a gauntlet. All Dagon needed to do was reach over his shoulder with whichever arm he wished to use and grab onto the handle in the gauntlet.

"OOOOOH! SPITE VERSUS DIGNITY! YEAHERHER!" After spouting an inaudible cheer, Dagon stood on the tips of his toes, straining his eyes at something.

More annoyed by the fact that their pillar members were fighting instead of Dagon's annoying shouting, Belial and Ifrit forced themselves out of their seats to view the spectacle. And right when they peered out the window along with Dagon, a young black demon jumped in between their subordinates and forced them to the ground by grabbing their limbs.

"Ah! My son-in-law Rainer is here. We now have Lord Asmodeus and are waiting on Warmaster Satan." Delighted that the husband of her lovely daughter was here, Ifrit went back to her seat and resumed her reading.

"Eh... As long as if he doesn't kill Danzikal." Mumbling under his breath a faint prayer for his subordinate, Belial did the same and sat back down.

"Do not worry, everyone. I understand that Abaddon has just entered the Gardens through the portal. He will most likely arrive before his Pillar of Wrath, considering his personality." Ennariel, Governor of Greed, ceased his writing in order to see for himself what the Lord of Lust looked like while reporting his new bit of information about Abaddon.

He wore a black suit and blue tie, giving him a very business man like appearance. He had matching black slacks and polished black dress shoes. The only thing that looked out of place on his appearance was the deadly weapon strapped to his back. A long wicked looking maul rested on his back with spiked heads on both side. The haft and head looked like they were of the same material, as if the weapon was made as a whole instead of several parts (which was the case). It was completely jet black, though the faint hints of grey from wear and tear of using the weapon in the past. This was Disaster, one of the Aspect of Death weapons similar to Old Age that Nerissa wielded.

"Ehh, considering his personality, he'll make an excuse for a duel." Informed Belial while smirking.

"And considering his personality, it will probably be against Rainer..." Ifrit sighed under her breath while thinking of the possibilities.

A duel was completely different than the definition implied, at least under the circumstances of the Iel Summit. Instead of a straight out battle involving every bit of power two Rulers of Sin had, a duel had more subtle implications.

"That actually sounds rather interesting. This Lord of Lust is supposed to be the youngest out of all current and previous Rulers of Sin. I'm very interested in what he is capable of." Belial sipped his coffee hands free as it floated in the air above his lips. "I simply hope he's just not a weak little shit."

Justinian smiled while flipping another page of the book. He alone was the only one who knew what Rainer was capable of. And while his short glimpse at his power bore very little fruit, it gave him great insight on the Lord of Lust's beliefs and capabilities. However... There was something about this Ruler of Sin that seemed a little off.

Just what was it? Just why did that man not feel... Demonic?


Rainer smoothed over his features, trying to seem as presentable as possible to his fellow Rulers of Sin. Considering they were all rulers of an entire world, none of them had an obligation to be polite or well-kept in front of one another. Still, it was best to look at least a little bit decent in front of his peers.

His wings were elegantly displayed behind his back and his tail floated in the air with a mind of its own. On a side note, Rainer found that it was best to just let his tail do whatever wanted half the time. His horns found their way through his hair on the top of his head, giving him a menacing look to any god fearing human. In all, Rainer looked like your average black demon (which were rare in the first place), although he was a cut above his black demon counterparts.

Rainer didn't feel especially worried or nervous, in fact he felt more excited and agitated in a way. Just what would happen between the seven most powerful demons? Whatever happened, Rainer knew something interesting would occur, and soon.

No one accompanied him into the room as Rainer opened the double door into a spacious lounge. He saw five demons, three of which bothered to look at the newcomer. The other two seemed uninterested.

"Ah, Lord Asmodeus I believe. Or would you rather me call you by your given name of Rainer? Ah, call me by my simple name of Ennariel." A demon full of the many worlds' greed walked up to Rainer and offered a handshake.

"Please, names are precious and I prefer my original one." Rainer accepted the handshake and looked Ennariel straight in the eyes unwaveringly.

"Very well then, Rainer. With you, we are waiting on Warmaster Abaddon. Since you are a newcomer to our little clique of Rulers of Sin, shall I introduce you to everyone?" Ennariel was a courteous individual, just like a CEO inviting a VIP for a visit.

"If everyone doesn't mind, please. Ah, I'm already acquainted with Ifrit and Justinian."

"...I see." Ennariel was caught slightly off guard. He had known that Ifrit and Rainer have met and had hit it off quite well in order to continue to annoying alliance between Lust and Pride. What he didn't know was that Justinian and Rainer were already acquainted, just what had these two concocted, if anything? A small matter to be wary of, hopefully he was simply being too cautious.

Ifrit waved her hand like a teenage girl seeing their boyfriend coincidentally in the mall. Justinian on the other hand put his comic book down for only a moment and performed a simple wave before returning to his reading.

"Belial of Envy." Ennariel gestured towards Belial, introducing him to Rainer.

Belial didn't react, simply lazing in his chair uninterested in the proceedings.

"Dagon of-"

"AH, allow me to introduce MYSELF!" Dagon heartily strode over to Rainer and tossed the empty bottle of liquor over his shoulder with a shatter as it hit the floor. He took Rainer's hand and furiously shook it. "My name is DAGON!! And don't forget it." His booming voice overtook any sound that was left in the area.

If Rainer didn't have his immense strength, he would've been thrown all over the place. However, Rainer stood still and returned the handshake with the same enthusiasm. "Yea, good to meet you, Dagon! Rainer will do, so don't forget that either."

"Of course!" Dagon stroked his bearded chin with eyes that seemed to bore through Rainer's face. "Hmm, you're better than the last Asmodeus... And you seem more fun that the other five Rulers of Sin. WE SHOULD DRINK TOGETHER SOMETIME SOON!" After evaluating Rainer, Dagon bellowed out a proclamation.

(What a friendly guy...) Thought Rainer as recoiled from Dagon's incoming face. "Sometime soon then." Rainer didn't see why not, Dagon was quite a funny guy despite his tall and bulky stature.

"Everyone, Warmaster Abaddon should be here any moment, he has just entered Castle Yhis by himself, his staff close behind several kilometers back." Ennariel informed everyone in the room at its center. He then tilted his head and pressed against his forehead with two fingers. "Ah, Zelti has just informed me that Abaddon's current behavior is more... Brusque than usual. I would watch out if I were you Rainer."

"Why so?" Rainer felt rather confused by that sentence.

"Abaddon has a history of dueling Rulers of Sin as often as he can. As he always tries to force a duel on a brand new Ruler of Sin. Since out of all of us, he is the second oldest Ruler of Sin, he has lived quite a long time and gained much experience in wielding our dangerous power. I would be careful if I were you. Ten seconds..."

"Ten... Seconds?" Rainer paused for a moment, soaking in the information until revelation came upon him. "Oh shit."

"Two seconds."

Two seconds later, a loud bang rung throughout the room. The doors were blasted open to the other side of the room straight from their hinges. A tall black demon stood in the doorway. Wearing only a thick set of leather straps on his chest and matching leather pants, the demon marched into the room shoeless and weaponless.

Judging by the very essence of Wrath resting in this demon's body, Rainer figured he had to be the Warmaster of Wrath, Abaddon.

Abaddon searched the room until he found what he was looking for. He pulled up his arm and pointed it directly at Rainer.

"You, duel me."

Note: A while back I promised to do a small contest. Basically, each person who posts a comment on this story chapter or sends an email with their literotica username will have an entry into the contest. Along with users from another site, I will put all of those names into a random selector and choose a random name. I will announce that name on my author profile and if that person responds, I will write a 10,000 to 15,000 story using characters of their choice (from a fiction or entirely from their imagination) in a setting of their choice, with sex scenes of their choice.

Of course there are certain fetishes that I will not cater to like rape, pedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia, watersports and scat, and etcetera.

For the most part, I will write any more mild fetish which can range from consensual vanilla romantic sex to a 15 inch shemale girl dominating a crossdressing boy.

By the time this story is posted, the time limit for entrants will be from one week to two weeks (depends on my mood or number of entrants). After that point, I will soon announce the winner.

If you decide to participate, I can promise that I will write a pretty decent story without making you wait like I did with this chapter. Good luck.

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chipmonk9chipmonk9about 10 years ago

I hope see chapture are side chapture were Rainer has sex with the maid and her mom or see one where he does his wife and her mother together

TheTaskTheTaskabout 10 years agoAuthor

Rainer is the scariest one? Maybe it's his seemingly innocent personality towards his awe inspiring power, but I'm just getting started on showing off the other 6.

For those wondering about the contest, I had already finished the story for the winner and passed it on, I asked about publicly showing off the story but s/he declined to have it be so. So sorry.

In other news, I'm nearly done with chap 5.

dragonsundragonsunabout 10 years ago

Why is it out of all the Arch Demons Rainer seems to be one of the scariest ones, despite being the youngest?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Great story, I hope you keep them comming.

Sincerely ~a happy camper~

ladyarabellladyarabellabout 10 years ago

This story is amazing! It has such a lovely story line, and with each new chapter I'm intrigued even more. I love the character developments with not just Rainer but all the angels and demons. And you personify the religious entities soooo well! They're very believable and distinguishable from the plethora of names that appear. Personally, I hope Asmodeus as the grimoire make more appearances. His banter between Rainer is hilarious to read. Haha I'm curious to see where the plot heads.

Wishing you speedy recovery with your leg and mountains of fun with ESO!

lolpkerlolpkerabout 10 years ago
Loved the story

hey there, I really love your stories!

I'm also ready to be in the contest ;)

Keep writing ;D

The_IrishThe_Irishabout 10 years ago
Very Fun Read

I have really enjoyed this second part of this saga, the characters are engaging and I really enjoy Rainer's personality quirks and humanity. Thanks for a great read and make sure to keep em' coming!

dloold87dloold87about 10 years ago
LOL@ Abbodon

lol the minute he said '"You, duel me."' I would have looked at him and said, "you.. suck my dick" and then laughed.

zarroc789zarroc789about 10 years ago

Amazing chapter as always. Please continue writing this and don't stop.

zeafrifinzeafrifinabout 10 years ago
felling like an adicted, need my fix soon ( thx ^^ )

I feel dragged by your story since arc 1 and feel it like one of my favorite "drug" around here , i keep looking for my next fix every week, so i hope to see more soon.

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