The Neighbour Pt. 01

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A young black woman and her older white neighbour.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 08/08/2017
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I feel like I'm losing my ability to stay calm and composed. I keep thinking about this totally inappropriate crush that I've been dealing with for months and months now.

I'm a 29 year old black woman and I'm terribly attracted to a 60 year old white man. Each time I allow my thoughts to wander they end up in exactly the same place. My favourite fantasy involves being naked from the waist down in his office after hours on his sofa while he licks my kitty cat up and down.

In that fantasy, he always grips my thighs in his large strong hands and holds me firmly in place. I have this very vivid image of his white hands around my black thighs; squeezing them ever so slightly. Something about being held in place by this older man makes me feel helpless, tormented, and incredibly wet.

I'm sorry for divulging so much, so quickly. It's a bad habit.

This guy that I am totally enamoured with is Gary, (such an old guy name, I know), and he lives next door to me and my husband. We moved into the neighbourhood two years ago, and when we settled in Gary and his wife were the first couple to come over to introduce themselves. I remember I had been moving some empty boxes into the garage to clear space when I was startled by the sound of a throat being cleared. When I turned around I was met with sparking blue eyes that seemed as surprised to see me as I was to see them. There was an instant attraction, and it was obvious that that it was mutual.

We spoke for a little while. He managed to ask me my name and introduce himself. I blushed when we repeatedly interrupted each other and misheard the others person's responses. The sparks of attraction were flying between us. Luckily I was wearing my wedding ring when this first meeting took place, or I may not have been able to even bring up my husband Chris' name.

Gary was tall, thin and muscular. His lanky build had made him develop a slight stoop, but when he stood straight he was well over six feet tall. He had beautiful brown hair that looked well maintained, either with dye or he was smiled upon by the Gods to have that colour in his 60s. He kept his hair a bit long and parted it down the middle. His blue eyes were flawless, and reminded me of Lake Ontario on a winter's day. There was coldness there, but I was unsure of the origin until I met his wife.

Gary's wife was younger than he was; she looked to be in her mid40s. She was blonde, pampered and had the stench of a second wife who was always trying to prove to the world that she still had it. Tight yoga pants, and an even tighter top that left her midriff exposed was her normal outfit around the neighbourhood. When she went out, she always left the windows down and the radio blaring to let the entire neighbourhood know that she was "hip" to current music. Not that I didn't enjoy similar music, but I thought the entire production was a bit much; despite the fact that I was younger than her. Or maybe it was because when I saw him look at her, I couldn't see love. I could only see obligation.

Gary was, by all accounts a successful man. He had owned his own accounting practice and sold the business before his early retirement a few years before. I often wondered why he continued to live in the neighbourhood, which was not at all affluent or fancy, but I guessed that it had something to do with his wife and the various costs associated with keeping her.

Chris and I had a pretty happy marriage on the other hand. We had no children, but not for a lack of trying. At that point in our union, we decided that if we couldn't have children, we would throw ourselves into other rewarding pursuits that would help to fill that void in our lives.

One of my passions was to visit the library and volunteer two hours per week to help kids with their homework. I was in the habit of visiting a library that was just down the street from our old place, but found that driving back there was too time consuming so one Saturday afternoon, I went to the library in our new neighbourhood and signed up to volunteer.

"Hey Simone." a voice startled me in the parking lot as I left the building, looking for my car keys. I turned to see Gary standing a few meters away in front of a grey Volkswagen Jetta .

My heart began to race.

"Hi Gary, how is everything?" I replied as I walked over to his car to chat. I usually only bumped into him at home while in the yard or grabbing the mail: sans makeup and not at all dressed up. This Saturday I was wearing some makeup (to look presentable), some tight leather leggings and a long denim blouse with a Peter Pan neckline. I wasn't exactly dressed to the nines, but I looked much cuter than I usually did.

"Everything is good. You look great. I don't think I've ever seen you with makeup before." Gary joked. "You still look unbelievably beautiful, though."

I stood idly smiling as I scanned his words for sarcasm. He said "still"...did that mean he thought I was even more beautiful before?

"Oh. You think so?" I replied, slowly coming to realize that he was still smiling and gazing deeply at me for a response.

I decided to change the subject.

"I just came by to sign up to volunteer with the kid's homework club" I explained.

"Really? That's so generous of you. I'm sure those young boys will all line up to get a few minutes of your undivided attention. I know what I would do just to have you for an afternoon".

We were treading into dangerous waters, but that comment was not to be ignored. I cocked my head to the side.

"What do you mean Gary?" I asked cautiously with a slight smile, trying not to betray my attraction too obviously.

"Come. Hop in my car and I'll explain. Do you have to be home right away?"

We drove for 30 minutes through the town to our destination. If he wasn't my neighbour and I didn't have witnesses see me get into his car I would have been gravely afraid, but he was so chipper and excited about what he wanted to "show" me that I was woeful to be the party pooper and ask him to ruin his surprise. He was so funny and easy to talk to that time went quickly around him.

A few quick turns and once around a roundabout led us to a very secluded public park that I had never heard of. I'm sure I couldn't even point to where we were on a map, but he assured me that we were still in the city.

He parked under a tree, turned off the engine and all at once my naivety came crashing down. My face went hot and I became uneasy.

"So..." I began, still trying to keep up the pretense that he wanted to talk or explain his earlier comment.

"Simone. I can't pretend anymore. I've wanted to do this since I first saw you." Gary said right before he leaned across the center console and planted a firm kiss on my lips. His kiss was a question, and when he withdrew his lips, his eyes searched mine for an answer.

It was such a romantic moment. I was lost so deeply in it, that the sound of a bird flying by the opened window jarred me back into reality.

"Gary, I..." my lips mumbled some train of words.

"Please, Simone, don't pretend that you haven't been feeling this too. I may be an old guy, but I'm not a dumb guy."

His comment made me laugh a little.

"I don't think you're old. And that's not my hesitation. You're my next door neighbour." I responded.

"You can't fault me for that." Gary said.

"True," I responded. "Okay, we have a huge age difference. I'm half of your age."

"Age is nothing but a number. Have you met my wife?" His grin increased in size.

"Sigh," I stifled a chuckle. "We are both married to other people."

Gary sat back in his chair and let out an exaggerated breath of air and looked out the front of the car.

"Now I notice that particular objection was listed last. Some would say that one should have been the first thing you said. Now Simone, do you care to explain why you left that protestation until the end?"

My face went hot again. He was calling me on my bullshit, and I had no reply to give. Why hadn't I said that first? Why did I seemingly forget about Chris when Gary was around?

"Well that's not fair! You kissed me!" I exclaimed.

"You're right. I did" Gary responded, and immediately leaned over and kissed me again. His large hands gently gripped the sides of my face and cradled me as his lips assaulted my mouth with hot kisses. This time I kissed him back. His forcefulness was an incredible turn on.

I couldn't event think.

After a few more stolen kisses he withdrew his lips again, but maintained the position of his hands. Gary's beautiful blue eyes looked deeply into mine as he traced my bottom lip with his thumb.

"Your bottom lip looks so juicy and inviting. So plump and succulent." He marveled.

"Ever since I first saw you I've been hoping for the opportunity to get you alone like this."

We made out like a couple of teenagers. His tongue explored my tongue. I felt my mind become clouded with lust. I began to let my mind wander and devise schemes of how easy it would be to hop into the back seat to fool around; or how simple it would be to find a hotel by the highway and stop in for an afternoon delight... but I knew I couldn't. Chris was expecting me home any minute, and I needed to compose myself before going home. My heart was racing and Chris would be able to read it all over my face that something was wrong.

"Gary, I have to get going now. Do you mind if we start driving?" I asked after ending our make out session.

"You're right, we can talk on the drive back." Gary responded as he started the car and began to navigate the way back to the library where my car was parked.

"Simone, thanks for coming with me. I know my moves were bold, but rest assured that I wouldn't have been so forward if I wasn't so sure that you felt the same."

"Well let's not get ahead of ourselves..." I responded. "I may not be feeling the same things as you are. I'm happily married, and half of your age. Perhaps you should tell me exactly what you are feeling."

Gary stopped at a red light.

"Simone, I think you are so beautiful. Your beautiful smile, the shape of your body; all wrapped up in that scrumptious brown skin... I haven't been able to stop thinking about you for more than an hour since you moved in. I have always wanted to be with an ebony goddess, and then one moved in next door to me!

"I feel like this is a chance of a life time for me, and if I didn't make my move, I would miss out on the opportunity for the rest of my life. I know that this sounds crazy, but I know I can make you very satisfied if you give me the chance to."

I stayed silent. When we reached the library, I told him I would think about it and get back to him. I promised not to tell Chris, and he promised not to tell his wife. When I got home a few minutes later he had already begun watering his lawn and gave me an over exaggerated wave as I went into the house. I waved back and hid my confused expression as I went inside.

A few weeks passed after our encounter. Summer was in full swing, which led to lots of family visits, volunteering, and other summer activities. I barely had time to say hello to Gary most mornings. Just a simple wave and off I went to work or to other errands.

That all changed around the long weekend in September for Labour Day. Gary's wife Celeste had decided to go on a pilgrimage to Israel with her girlfriends that would have her out of the country for three weeks. This wasn't the first time she had taken off on a long trip; and I had noticed a few occasions where she was gone for extended periods of time. Gary seemed more of a home body, and usually settled into a bachelor's routine when she was gone.

My husband Chris had been invited to a bachelor party in New York during this time period, for one of his University buddies who had moved to the United States for his fiancé.

"I'd better get going to the airport babe." Chris said as he placed his bag in the rear of the car. He had insisted that he use '"Park n' Fly", instead of having me drop him off at the terminal. I didn't mind though, since the traffic at airports often takes me into madness.

"I've left the details of the hotel, my flight info and the contact info of some of the guys on the fridge. If you need me I'm just a phone call away. Okay?" Chris was so sweet with me when he knew I was worried. I nodded my head and gave him a sweet lingering kiss on the driveway before he packed into the car and headed on his way to his fun filled weekend.

As for me?

I had planned to do some gardening and house cleaning, but otherwise not much else. Just as soon as Chris' car was out of sight, Gary emerged from his front door. He nonchalantly retrieved his newspaper as if he had not just been watching the exchange with my husband.

"Hi Simone. Beautiful day isn't it?" He called over.

"Hi Gary. Yeah, it's a perfect day to do some gardening." I turned to face him while still standing in the driveway. I was wearing a loose pair of pyjama shorts and a slouchy light sweater. I wasn't wearing a bra, and I could feel the cool morning breeze through the material making my nipples stand at attention. I crossed my arms over my chest to hold in some body heat.

"Did you want to borrow my weed puller? It will save your back from all that crouching." Gary offered. "I just picked it up at home Hardware the other day. It works like a miracle." His eyes traveled down to my crossed arms and his smile got wider.

When I told Gary that I would start gardening in an hour or so after I had eaten breakfast, he generously invited me over with a promise of an omelette and crispy turkey bacon. I couldn't resist his offer and found myself sitting at the island of his gorgeous chef's kitchen less than twenty minutes later.

Over coffee, we talked and laughed as if none of the other crazy kisses or admissions of feelings had event taken place. With his wife in Israel, and my husband on a long weekend trip, we had started our 3 day weekend by testing the boundaries of an attraction that I wasn't fully ready to admit to. I mean, yes, I was very attracted to him. That much I knew for sure. I had caught myself rubbing my clit to the thought of him while gently waking from my dreams at least twice before. And that doesn't even speak to the times I reached my climax with Chris during sex, while thinking only about Gary in those intense moments.

Gary was an excellent host for breakfast. He cooked up a delicious omelette for me with turkey bacon, toast, and orange juice. He never mentioned any off colour topics or made me feel uncomfortable. He didn't even bring up any awkward mentions of the fact that we were both spouse free for the weekend.

I felt like we were two old friends chatting over breakfast across a lovely granite kitchen island.

When I finished eating, I quickly put my dishes in the sink and began to wash them.

Gary protested: "Don't worry about those dishes, I'll get them. You are a guest, just have a seat and relax."

I was able to wash my plate before he came over to where I stood and took the sponge out of my hand. I felt his nose caress my neck as he reached into my hand to remove the sponge ever so gently. I could feel him inhale my scent deeply.

This closeness was making me feel aroused.

I turned around to face his blue eyes, and he promptly planted a kiss on my lips. My lips returned the kiss, and his hands drifted to my waist. Using his grip, he turned my body around to have my back against the kitchen island. In one strong motion, he lifted me and sat me atop of the island.

"I hope you enjoyed eating my food; because now I'm going to eat you." Gary forcefully removed my shorts and panties by pushing my upper body backwards. My butt and legs were at the edge of the island, while my head came to rest farther up.

I could barely believe what was happening as he spread my legs to expose my naked pussy lips and began snacking away. Starting with my clit, he licked and sucked his way to pulling apart my pussy lips and dragging his tongue up and down my wet cunt. I looked down and met his deep blue eyes as I came so close to an orgasm. Just at the right moment, Gary stuck his tongue inside of me.

I rode that orgasm until I had nothing left. My juices were now all over Gary's face and on their way to dripping onto the granite countertop. He withdrew his face from between my legs with a wide and satisfied smile.

"My plan worked. I knew that if I could get you to come over for breakfast I would have been able to taste this delicious..." he trailed off and went right back to licking up more juices from my pussy.

My mind was completely wiped out from what had just happened, so I allowed him to walk me to the sofa in the living room. He draped me with a blanket and down I went into a post orgasmic dreamland.

When I awoke, Gary had pulled my head into his lap. He was casually watching the game with the sound turned down low, and had been gently caressing my curls as I napped. It was weird, because there was a level of affection that I just couldn't wrap my head around. I felt uncomfortable.

"Gary..." I whispered as I rose from my position in his lap. "How long was I out?"

"Maybe half an hour. You sleep so beautifully, Simone." He responded.

"I'd better go back to the house. I need to check on somethings. How about I call you later on?" I felt the need to bargain an exit route. Here we were, cuddled up on his sofa as if we were married to each other; all the while our spouses had no idea that I had just been eaten for breakfast in the kitchen.

Gary took a long look at me, and finally responded, as if he had been trying to decide whether or not to let me leave. "Sure. How about I make you dinner tonight?"

I smiled and coyly accepted his invitation.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Older white guy, younger ebony

Nice story and finally a young black woman and older white guy.

I'm 70 and dating a 15 yr younger beautiful black woman. Would like to read more of them....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Been there too

When I was 55, a 28 year old Kenyan girl (married to a Norwegian author) came on to me. The contrast between her ebony skin with my pale WASP complexion was an amazing visual turn on!! Oh how her skin shone when she oiled up and gave me a body massage! We were together three times but I've unfortunately lost contact with her. Please continue the story!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Where Is Part Two??

Great story, got me aroused, I would like very much to be in Simone's position as neighbor and on the granite countertop. Continue with part two....

FrozenSunFrozenSunover 6 years ago

Stories like this is why I love this site! Can't wait for more!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Short and sweet. Very nice.

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