The Origins of a Merciless Tease


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"Ahhh, here it is. I was looking for this on the plane. I have some entries to make. I had some...Uhhh, interesting things happen at the airport on the way to the flight, and ON the flight that I wanted to record for the record. I'm glad you found it, I would hate for it to fall into the wrong hands, one would think I'm absolutely horrid! All untrue, but words can damn...can't they Scotty?" She smiled and put the book in her nightstand.

I'm pretty sure she wanted me to know where it was. What girl wants someone to know her innermost thoughts, unless she thinks it won't change the outcome anyway? The balls on her! I hated her for having that effect on me, and yet I couldn't pull myself from where I was. She then straightened up and started to tie her hair up in itself in a bun, the towel wobbling perilously close to falling to the ground...separating slightly...adding inches to her cleavage, the breasts moving so much I was sure it would loosen and drop.

I didn't realize my mouth had fallen open slightly and my eyes were transfixed on her embarrassing. She saw my gaze and stepped close to me putting a finger under my chin to lift my jaw up to close it, giggled and then caught the towel as it was about to lose the battle and pressed it to her tits, the sides spilling out lasciviously from the edges, top and bottom, and having fallen off her back completely. I could see her perfect ass in the mirror behind her, as she smiled at me.

Then she broke my dream, "Scotty? Can you please watch the door? I don't want your father to walk by and get to see me like this!" Did she say "GET" to see her like that? "I mean, he's awfully good looking and all, but I'd hate for him to be dreaming of...well, ME...while he's supposed to be with my Mom! Could you imagine if he was to see you ummm, like THAT, and me dressed like this?? He would think the worst, and probably dream of that or be upset with you for being near me, maybe? I don't want to be the reason your father resents you, so we better be careful how close to me you get, right?"

I was blushing furiously, after she referred to my hard cock so indifferently, as if it was only normal that I want her, GOD I wanted to scream, and also she had stirred something I didn't understand at the time, but it was clear soon after, that I was burning alive inside with jealousy. She had dismissed my cock and had almost dreamily stated that she would be in my father's thoughts and she didn't want ME to interrupt that! I cleared my throat and gruffly said "whatever..." and started to turn to leave.

"Oh, Scooter...wait...aww, poor baby, come here," she feigned concern. She still held nothing but that towel between us, and I was red-cheeked with shame, and she knew I was aching inside over her posturing my jealousy out in the air like that, knowing how badly I wanted her to want me.

Of course I did...I mean, just look at her! But she clearly wanted me to continue falling for her, as she added, "Scotty...why are you turning away all grumpy? Tell me..." she prodded me.

"I ummm, oh hell...I d-don't know ummm", I was really blushing badly now, and my cock was pressed fully erect down my thigh now, being this close to her and her little pet names for me were bolting directly to my balls and tightening them, I desperately wanted to be alone so I could jerk off and lose this lust that was boiling inside of me. She knew I needed that and wanted to force my desire even further into the open.

"Tell me why you're trying to run from me right now?" She kept pushing the subject and I couldn't break the control. "Is it my body that has you nervous? Or you don't like that I find your father attractive?" I tensed and felt the stab of jealousy rage inside me again, but sadly my cock jumped at the same time pushing more telltale precum into my now sticky pants right in front of this vicious cocktease.

She knew she could press the pain button further because my cock was responding to the strength of her power over my lust. However much she hurt me, she could press her sexuality to my forefront and I would be unable to deny that and would thus, endure the other. She was sensing a victory of sorts and wouldn't settle for anything less. But it would forever change us and I would give away the power of my desire over to her, and forever be chasing to get it back.

"Oh Scotty baby...does it hurt that I find him ummm, sexy? Ummm, that as a young lady, I imagine what a real man would feel like?" I was steaming inside and felt my stomach start to tremble, almost racking me with a low vibration, or shake at the core of me...I desperately wanted her to stop hurting me with the jealous knives in my heart...I wanted her to just be beautiful and make me want her that way.

"I ummm, jeezus Bree...I'm just...", she saw me crumbling in front of her, and stepped up close enough that my arm was touching hers, and it further pressed her tits up and over the top of the towel. She was smiling fully at me right now and while I looked at her, I was shaking my head, which she slowly started to mimic, going back and forth, as in "".

"What do you mean, Scotty...what's wrong? Should I not talk to you? We will be living together, I want to be able to share what happens here, have someone to tell my secrets to. We really could be quite...close, I think. Awww, you're trembling, my body really does bother you that much, huh?"

She stepped back one step and slowly turned 360 degrees, letting me see the open back of her, and then again the impossible front, and I was shaking my head still, and felt the rumblings inside my body that were terrifying, because I wasn't in control of them, they just were COMING, a tide of want, and release that would be too real to experience for the first time right here in front of this girl. She giggled and covered her mouth shaking her head as she looked directly at my poor trapped cock, pulsing with my heartbeat, and covered in a precum stain that was the size of an apple.

I was broken in half...she was giggling at my leaking cock, I couldn't have been more ashamed and in lust at the same time.

She gathered herself and took in a small breath, saying "So...are you incapable of helping me watch the door so your father doesn't get to see me naked? I need to put on something to wear for dinner out tonight, and thought you could tell me what you think of the outfit, making sure he doesn't get to see me too soon! I want him to be REALLY surprised and pleased at how I look, can you help me look as sexy as possible Scooter?"

I was crippled in want and pain at the same time. She had this amused look like she knew I wanted her but just not how badly. Though it was obvious I lusted for her, I'm sure that she's used to cocks getting hard for her everywhere she goes. So maybe that little trick wasn't as impressive as my trembling and trouble speaking. "I think our best idea is if I go stand at the door and maybe turn towards me so your ummm, problem, isn't all visible to anyone walking by in the hall, ok?" She had scrunched her nose and wiggled her outstretched finger towards my "problem" with a twinkle in her eye as she acted a little offended I was bursting for her.

"Jeezus Sabrina..." I moaned. She tilted her head my way as if to say "what?" and just smiled and winked at me. Winked...ugh. Then she did the unthinkable, she dropped the towel. OH FUCK.

Then I saw the profile of her, the single most beautiful woman or girl I'd ever or would ever see, even to this date. Just an improbable difference of just monstrously huge tits, but so round, so damn perfect, and this TINY waist, I mean just miniature, and then a round apple butt, so beautiful and perfect I was caught and didn't breathe. She reached into the drawer I had worked on and pulled out some gauzy thin string of a bikini bottom and slid it up bouncing a little to get the straps over her perfect hips, it was barely there at all, and just a string up that crack, and a small lace patch front, see-through, hiding nothing. "Ohhh God...ummm, Sabrina I'm just...well" I couldn't get out any more.

She turned to me full frontal and SLOWLY brought her arm up to barely cover her nipples but the massive tits she concealed were everywhere outside the arm, and then she walked over to me painfully slowly, while smiling and licking her lips, she glanced at my engorged dick, thrashing in my pants on its own, I had yet to even adjust it, I was terrified to move. Even when she was three feet away, she was looking down, laughing at my poor cock about to lose all control.

"Oh Scotty, you're impossible. How are you supposed to be watching out for your father so he doesn't get to see me, when you're just perving on me as it is? Are you even ok right now?" She added as she reached out and poked a manicured nail into the visible head of my cock which jumped at her touch. "Haha...oh my, something is VERY turned on here...Are you having trouble Scotty?" I tried to collect myself but I had to tell the truth, I needed relief from this misery, and she was controlling every thought and feeling I had, so I needed to give in.

"Yyess, I'm struggling Sabrina...I can't help're ummm, well, omg..." I lost my train of thought as she lifted her arm off of her tits to let me see them right in front of me.

"Oh my, you lost your train of thought Scooter? Oh my god, look at my nipples, they are SO hard right now, do you like that they are super big? Is it bad that they stand out an inch and are so thick? I always see men staring at my tits, but when my nipples are hard, they lose their minds! Oh my, you look like you might have a serious issue this how you are always going to be? Lost and wanting your sister? Step sister I'm sure soon enough, but still...What about when I am in here with someone? Will you be ok, knowing that someone's hands will be on these??"

She lifted her tits to her mouth and sucked each long nipple while never losing eye contact with was devastating...not to mention she was murdering me with the jealousy was brutal!

"Scotty, maybe you can help helping make me the sexiest possible girl in the world? I will know if you can't control yourself, that I look good enough for the men I want to impress, right? And the only way I'll feel I'm sexy enough is if you can't control your poor aching cock around me. Oh yes, look at it throb, and gush over little me", more giggling and eye contact on my impending meltdown.

My hips started to move involuntarily as if fucking the air just a little bit, to try and hasten the inevitable. This made her burst with glee..."Oh my god Scotty...are you fucking the air for me? You are going to be so much fun...but will you really give in and show me how much I made you need me? Oh yes, you can do it..."

I went to my pants and started to undo them shaking like I had cerebral palsy while doing it...but she reached out and took my hands in hers and lifted them away from my pants, now partially undone, but still housing my aching cock.

"No hands...I think you can offer me something far more personal and impressive, can't you Scotty?" I was nearly in tears, and I think one tear did escape and trail down my cheek as I was manipulated into the most embarrassing situation of my life. She went for the kill.

"OK here is what I really, really want Scooter. I want you to crave ache for me so much you are raw from how often you touch yourself while dreaming of me...but even more? There will be times I want you to know that I am all you need for your climax...but I don't even need to touch you to make that poor dick explode. It already is so painfully wanting me that one touch and it would erupt. Let's see if we can make it explode while admitting you are hurting inside? Think that will be a good way to cum Scotty?"

I was terrified of what she was saying, but those glorious tits were visible, and her body made me sick inside with want, if it ended with me cumming it couldn't be ALL bad, could it?

"Look at me Scotty, and imagine something. I had a man on the plane that was reacting like you are now, all lusting for me...he was sitting next to me and Mom was on the window seat—guess she should have split us up—but I swear, he had the BIGGEST, most beautiful cock!"

I groaned in pain, and she giggled, as my dick lurched and gushed a little more precum. "Why do you compete with me Scooter, your dick is surging over my want to cum while feeling miserably jealous don't you baby? Well, I think your poor cock will be drenched within a minute. I just HAD to touch that glorious man was right there, so damn huge, throbbing over little me, and well, YOU KNOW what part of your Sister made him weak for me, so...Oh yes, you know don't you...I let him suck them baby...yeah, he put his mouth right on these delicious, pretty tits, and I jerked that monster cock for a good thirty seconds and then it swelled up even further and OH GOD Scotty, he just erupted so much cum!"

I was about to black out, the dizzy burn of jealousy was making me forget to breathe, and I felt the pending explosion almost upon me, but I had no satisfaction of hands or tits or anything, I just started to cramp and then suddenly out of nowhere, I screamed "OH FUUCCCKKKK!" and I just started to burst cum into my pants over and over and over again, while doubling over and screaming because the jealousy was burning white hot, but her body was there, I couldn't make her mine in the story and I hate that.

But, nonetheless she began openly touching between her legs as my pants are flooding with cum over her. She had to be sure there would be weeks to extract things and effort out of me that her body could write checks on. And there was.

I was shuddering a little bit still, and reeling from what just happened and it dawned on me that she was watching that part just as avidly. She wanted to know if I was going to vanish and run while I had the few minutes of clear headed thought between orgasms, or if I would succumb to her and be what she wanted or needed.

I didn't have an answer for that right then. In fact part of me told myself to RUN. However, the fact of the matter is, I couldn't picture something I would not do if it meant at the end I could have Sabrina for even one hour. So, yes, Bree...I will be here, but I'm terrified of the fact she is barely just starting this game.

Maybe the first thing I should do is kidnap that book and finish reading what happened with her, and learn why her father ended up leaving after all. I just know this, between the book and her stories there, and whatever she has in mind for me in real time, I was in for a wild ride and perhaps a life changing set of events.

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Clever premise.

For me, at least, it'd have been better if she'd needed to feel his cock to confirm how big/hard it was.

Or asked him if he liked her body? What part/s? What would he like to to to it/them?

Seeing him so excited had made her excited. Could he smell her excitement?

Did he watch porn? What kind? Did he masturbate when watching? How often? When was the last time? How did he do it? Would he show her?

Four stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Need more

I don't know if you will come back, but can you pls continue this story its really great.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Continue ?

Will there ever be a continue to this, or is it a one and done ?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Deliciously Excruciating!

This story was a masterpiece in the genre of teasing and denial. The author is clearly a gifted writer. His descriptions of Samantha's awesome power over men definitely made my heart beat faster. She did everything but reduce poor Scotty to a warm puddle on the floor. Though it's been two years since this story was written, the author would make my day if he wrote a sequel.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
More please

Love this - amazing story. Love you to do more and finish up your earlier stories too :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
What a story - please more.

I would just love to see a continuation.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
I'm so happy there are more of these!

A ruthless tease is still one of my favorite erotica stories. I have to confess that I secretly thing about the storyline whenever I have sex with my husband - it gets me off every time. I can't wait to see more!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

I was a fan of you 10 years ago and I'm just amazed about the one. Please write some more!

good__girlgood__girlover 9 years ago
so good

Can't wait to read more

Pyr0LitPyr0Litover 9 years ago
One of the best ever

Your stories are amazing, it's so good to see you back to writing! I really look forward to your next creation!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Great stuff.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Waiting for the next chapter :-)

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Thank god..

It's great to have you back and writting! Loved the story and hoping for many more.

What's the idea behind this concept and where are you planning on taking it?

Really excited for the next chapter, keep it up!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Great to have Sabrina back!!

Big fan of your 'Ruthless Tease' stories, looking forward to more great writing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

The best

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