The Perils of Being Too Trusting Ch. 06


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They did a quick check of her luggage, and he removed some larger bottles of hair care products and silicon lube. She had thought they were going to spend time in Denver, so she wasn't really prepared to fly. Not that it mattered, since she had her ID and he promised to provide everything else she needed. To that end, he even replaced the lubricant with a small tube in a baggie that he said could get through security, hinting that she would need it for the flight. While she thought he was technically correct, that the stuff in the bag was allowed through security, it wouldn't make it any less embarrassing if they searched the bag. At least she'd have him with her going through. It took them a few minutes to check his bag through to New York, and they walked to security.

"So one of the perks of flying a lot is that I get to go through the minimal screening line. While your first class ticket will allow you to go in a shorter line, you still need the full screening. Maybe if you're lucky you'll get a pat down and a bit of groping. I'll wait for you on the other side," he winked at her.

"You're making me take all the sex toys, that's what you're doing, isn't it?" she pouted. "They're going to stop me for sure."

"Oh I'm pretty sure even stainless steel butt plugs and nipple clamps are legal to bring on planes. Just embarrassing," he chuckled. "You be proud of who you are, slut. Keep your head high, I'll be watching you."

With that he gave her a quick kiss, and split off to his shorter line. Nervously, she entered the line for premium passengers. She actually felt pretty lucky to be even in this line, usually she was in the ridiculously long line with screaming kids, and people who had never been on a plane before. Even though this seemed pretty nice, she felt butterflies about going through security dressed like she was, and with all the kinky toys in her suitcase.

The ID check was quick, and the line for the baggage x-ray was not too long. Heather had to bend carefully to lift her carry-on up onto the belt, making sure not to flash her ass. She tried not to attract attention as she pulled out the baggie with the tube of lubricant, hopefully people thought it was skin cream or something. She was about to head to the body scanner, but the officer reminded her that she needed to remove her jacket. Even though she had been out recently wearing much less than this, she felt very exposed standing in line for the body scanner wearing absolutely nothing but this tiny tube dress. In her bare feet she was easily the shortest person in line, and they were all dressed in business attire, compared to her looking like she was going to a rave. She felt totally out of place and could feel everyone staring at her. The guy behind her kept shifting his position, and she was pretty sure he was trying to look down her dress.

She could see Brad already through security, looking back and watching her, so decided to give him a bit of a show. Nothing too crazy, she just idly adjusted her dress, pulling the top down slightly, exposing a bit more of paler skin at the tops of her breasts. Even with the nude tanning she had been doing, she still had visible tan lines. The dress was still probably an inch away from her areola after she adjusted it, so still legal, but it looked much more risque. She could see the slight smile on Brad's face, letting her know he approved, and the guy behind her had become quite fidgety, trying to get a better view. Heather turned to him, and just arched an eyebrow, making the pudgy businessman blush. Then it was her turn, and she stepped into the scanner. As she lifted her arms, she began to question the wisdom in lowering the bodice of the dress. She felt her boobs lifting higher, and peeked down to be sure she wasn't popping out. She was still covered, but just barely. She could feel all the eyes on her as she stood in position.

Thankfully she was not flagged to be frisked and she was allowed through to get her suitcase. Apparently no one had questions about the toys in the bag. Once she had things packed away and her jacket back on she rejoined Brad and they descended to the train. She leaned against him as they stood on the escalator, and he put his arm around her. It felt much safer having him there after even just a brief period on her own.

"We have over an hour until boarding time, let's go to the lounge for a bit," he told her. "It'll be more comfortable than being out in the concourse."

"So," she asked, feeling a bit puckish, "first class tickets, airport lounges, are you a bazillionaire or what?"

"Don't I wish," he rolled his eyes, "I'm sorry to break it to you, but a bazillionaire would have picked you up in his private jet. I think I'm what they call the 'merely affluent' nowadays. I still have to work, but when I'm with someone who's worth it I can certainly splash out on a nice vacation."

His comment on Heather being worth splashing out for made her feel unreasonably good. It wasn't like she was excessively materialistic, but she had to admit she liked the idea of being spoiled. Add on top of that the potential to live out some of her sexual fantasies, and the day seemed to be off to a great start.

Brad held her back after they exited the train, pulling her in for another kiss. He didn't grab her nipple this time, but he did openly palm her ass through the dress while all the other folks walked by. She had always been a girl who appreciated good kissers, and it was good news that Brad was turning out to be an outstanding kisser. When she considered that he might have had chronic halitosis or kissed like a dead fish, she definitely felt it was a bit of good luck. Only after everyone else was mostly up the escalator did he break off the kiss and lead her over to the escalator.

"So one more rule for you for this trip slut," he nuzzled her ear as he whispered. "You are not allowed to adjust your clothing without permission. If your dress rides up, or your top is falling down, you just have to let it, unless I specifically tell you it's okay."

All the while he explained this, he was hiking up her skirt to the point it was halfway up her ass. The crack of her ass and her bush were completely exposed, although there was no one around to see it. He kissed her again, this time cupping her exposed pussy in his hand. He broke off the kiss just before the top of the escalator, and adjusted her skirt down just a bit so her pubic hair and butt were barely covered. It took all her will to not fix the skirt as they walked through the concourse. The woman checking them into the lounge gave her a bit of a scowl, but Heather noticed she seemed to scowl at everyone, so it might just be her face was stuck that way.

The lounge was about two-thirds full, and he walked around a bit before he found a couple of empty seats that didn't have anyone sitting too close. He sat down, asked her for her jacket, and then instructed her to get him a beer and whatever she would like. Heather was momentarily miffed at being treated like a serving girl, but caught herself. That was what this was all about, right?

Again she had lots of people taking surreptitious peeks at her as she walked through the lounge. She definitely looked out of place in the tight fitting tube dress and her high heels, but she wasn't actually indecent or anything. The skirt of the dress had actually fallen a bit all by itself, so she was better covered than she had been when Brad had hiked it up. She brought back two glasses of beer, set them on the end table, and was about to sit in the chair next to Brad when she caught herself. Her rules were all still in place, right?

"Um Sir," she asked in a hushed tone, "would you like me to sit on the floor, or am I allowed to use the chair?"

He seemed a bit surprised by the question, clearly his mind had been on something else, but a wide smile came across his face. He gestured to the floor in front of him.

"Excellent idea slut," he smiled as he kicked off his shoes. "I'd love a foot massage."

Heather knelt as carefully as she could in front of him, sitting on her feet and pressing her thighs together. Even though she was pretty sure she didn't expose herself, she still felt totally humiliated to be kneeling like this while everyone else got to sit in their comfy lounge chairs. Brad rested one foot between her thighs, right below her hemline, and place his other foot on top of that one for her to massage. She managed to keep her legs together as she rubbed his foot, but she could tell he was managing to push her hemline up a bit. She kneaded his soles, rubbed his arches, and pulled on his toes as she watched the pleasure spread across his face. It felt strangely sexual to be doing this in such a public spot. They weren't actually doing anything illicit, but it felt very kinky to be serving him on her knees with all these people watching. Plus it did begin to cross the line when he started using his toes to try to tweak her nipple through her top.

After she had massaged both feet, he told her that she had done well, and he put his shoes back on. She stayed kneeling in front of him while they finished their beers, Heather blushing fiercely through the whole thing. Finally he told her to gather their things and they would go walk around the concourse before heading to their gate. As they walked from the lounge he pulled her towards the restrooms, and before she could figure what he was doing he had steered her through a door.

It took her a second to realize they were in some kind of handicapped or family restroom, a large room with a toilet, sink, and even a changing table. He locked the door behind them, and she realized they actually had found a private spot. He grabbed her dress roughly between her boobs and pulled it down to her waist. Just as quickly he pulled the skirt up over her hips, so the dress was nothing but a belt. He gently pushed down on her shoulders until she was squatting at eye level with his crotch.

"You know what to do slut. I want to see if all that blowjob training has had a positive impact."

Well, Heather thought, here it is. After a lot of teasing and playing, this shit was getting real in a hurry. Her hands were unsteady as she undid his fly and pulled out his rapidly hardening cock. She had to smile a bit when she saw it, because it looked strikingly similar to the dildo he made her use for most of her training. He obviously had picked that dildo for a reason. She began slowly, working her mouth up and down his shaft, teasing the underside of his glans with the tip of her tongue. She was able to keep that up for maybe fifteen seconds when he grabbed her by the hair and began pulling her head onto his cock. He wasn't brutal or face-fucking her or anything, but it was clear that he was in charge as he guided her head to take him deeper into her mouth. She formed her lips into a tight "o" to keep him away from her teeth, and bobbed her head on his cock. He pushed gently on the back her head, until she was taking over two-thirds of his dick at the bottom of each stroke.

"Are you ready?" he asked, somewhat hoarse. "For it all?"

Heather didn't answer, instead she put her hands on his butt, and pulled him deeper into her mouth, bumping against her throat. With one last push, she held her breath and took him all the way into her throat. Her nose pressed hard against his pubic bone, she heard him gasp as she slowly gyrated her head on his cock. Heather felt a wave of euphoria come over her. She was deepthroating him! Giving head like a porn star! She had never been much for blowjobs, mostly because of her revulsion at bodily fluids, but now she felts so dirty, so wanton, none of that bothered her and she just wanted more. She backed off of him for a second, giggling and smiling widely. A strand of mucous ran from his shiny cock head to her mouth, and then fell on her breast. Normally it would have disgusted her, but it just reinforced how sexy she felt. He looked like he was enjoying this immensely, so she took him back into her mouth, all the way in again, holding her nose in his pubic hair. She grabbed his hand in hers, placed it back on her head, and bobbed in and out on his cock, just a couple inches. She gripped his hand tight against her head, pushing both his hand and her head down onto his penis, letting him know that she was okay. He took the hint and began moving her head in rhythm with his hips, slowly fucking her throat. She could tell he was getting closer as his legs and buttocks tensed, and he let out a quiet grunt. He began thrusting faster, truly fucking her face, and Heather focused on staying relaxed. This was just like the fantasy she had the first time they had chatted; he was actually fucking her throat, and was going to cum in her mouth. And just like in that fantasy, it was turning her on like she had never been turned on before. It wasn't that she liked the act so much, she did not. It was just knowing that she was doing something so kinky and dirty for him, it was really arousing.

"I'm going to cum soon," he said in a strained voice, "and I'm going to cum all over your face and maybe your tits. Any that gets in your mouth you will swallow, the rest you will leave wherever it lands. Get ready."

There really wasn't anything to do to get ready, just prepare her mind for this. She didn't like jism, the feel or the taste of it, but for him she was going to love every drop. With a sudden grunt he buried his cock deep in her throat, holding her nose against his pubic bone as he jerked a little uncontrollably. Then he pulled out as the the first spurt of cum shot against the roof of her mouth. She closed her mouth and swallowed that, as several more spurts shot across her face, hitting her eyebrows and her nose, getting in her hair. Finally he stopped, and just a small dribble leaked from the head of his dick. She smiled, leaned forward, and sucked every last bit of cum out of him.

"You have come a long way slut," he seemed in a very good mood now. "Your practice has served you well. Now I don't want you to clean your face or chest, I want you to take a little cum walk through the concourse.

Heather was in shock. Walk around in public with all this cum on her face? It wasn't risky the same way as having her play with a dildo in public was. In that case she had a chance of not getting caught. The idea here was that she absolutely would be seen with cum on her face, and people would know what it was. It was gross enough standing here with it dripping from her eyebrow, but to let people see her? But she knew that she was in too deep now to question his directions. She stood still while he pulled her dress back into position. He guided her by the arm past the check in station and back out into the concourse. There he put his arm around her shoulders, draping his hand casually in front of her tit. They walked slowly, and Heather did everything to avoid making any eye contact. Even still, she noticed people doing double takes at her, and heard people laughing. She felt so humiliated. She looked up at Brad, his face calm, with a slight smile. Well, at least he's enjoying this, she thought. It was such a contrast with him, how he could seem decent and considerate one minute, and then sadistically cruel like this the next.

Not that she wasn't a bundle of contradictions herself, she thought. She was mortified and deeply embarrassed to be seen like this, but some part of those feelings seemed to be settling in her crotch. She could feel herself get more turned on the more people stared and laughed at her, and she did feel a tiny bit of pride that she had earned his jism all over her face. While sometimes she wondered what was wrong with her that this kind of humiliation and submission turned her on, but at this point she was resolved to spend the next couple days exploring it, and finding out how far Brad could help her take it.

But it was getting to be a bit much. More people were staring, and some were even pointing. Heather began to get scared they would get in real trouble. Just when she was considering asking Brad to take it easy on her, he steered into a quiet corner of an empty gate.

"Good job slut," he seemed very pleased. "I know that was very scary, and to be honest I was expecting you to whine and plead not to have to do it. I'm very proud of you for staying brave."

Again, Heather felt pleased beyond all reason to be praised by him.

"I am so scared, Sir. I'm trying to be brave, but it is so difficult when you push me like that"

"Well, you were a very good girl, and I'm proud of how strong you were. But now let's get you cleaned up."

He reached up to her face, and used his finger to scrape the jism from her eyebrow. He stuck his finger in front of her mouth, clearly expecting her to suck it clean. Heather really didn't like swallowing cum when it was during the throes of sex, but to do it now, after it had been on her face for so long, was cold, and she was no longer in the moment, she found the idea repulsive. But she knew that she would have to submit. She opened her mouth for him to insert his finger, and then sucked it clean. The taste and texture totally grossed Heather out, and she had to fight back a gag reflex. But the sexual nature of him feeding her his cum right out in public overwhelmed her revulsion, and she focused on doing what she was told. Her legs trembled and clenched together as he fed her fingerful after fingerful, and she dutifully sucked him clean.

"That should be good enough," he said finally. "You're presentable enough to go to the gate. But I'm afraid you'll need to put on your jacket for a while, at least until we take off. I don't want you to get kicked off the flight."

Brad helped her button her jacket, and he even tugged her skirt down so it was closer to mid-thigh. It was still short, but she was better covered than she had been all day. Boarding the plane was uneventful, and soon Heather was luxuriating in her window seat, sipping on the champagne the flight attendant had brought. As a bonus, the drink helped wash the taste of semen out of her mouth. She had never sat in First Class before, and she could see how she could get used to it. She kept her jacket on, but Brad made it clear that although she did have permission to sit in the seat (like they'd let her fly to New York sitting on the floor!) but that she was still required to keep her legs spread per her rules. He casually stroked the inside of her thigh as she brought him up to speed on the previous evening, told him about the drive up, and generally talked about everything except what they were going to do next.

Finally the door closed, and there was no longer the endless parade of other passengers gawking at her. But before she could get too comfortable, he casually reached over and unbuttoned her jacket. They were in the front row, which meant the only people that could see were across the aisle, and he was blocking their view, but it still felt illicit to have him adjusting her clothes in public like this. She got even more nervous when he blatantly groped her boobs, and then pulled down her top to expose them. He told her to keep her jacket on to cover her tits, but not to cover them with her dress. As the flight attendant came out to do the safety demonstration he kept rubbing her thigh, pushing the hem of her skirt higher. The teasing was scaring Heather, while also amping up her arousal. At this rate she was going to jump on top of him before they even took off. Once it was clear the flight attendants had taken their seats, he moved his hand to cover her pussy, and he began to openly finger fuck her as the plane took off. Heather stuck her fist in her mouth to keep from moaning as he worked a second finger into her pussy.

Brad stopped fingering her once the plane was in the air, and the flight attendant got up to bring them a drink. He did, however, leave the skirt so it just barely covered her pussy. The flight attendant glanced a couple times at Heather's spread legs, and at how her jacket was open, clearly curious if not necessarily disapproving. Although Heather was technically covered, she felt very exposed, and could feel herself blushing deeply. Brad continued to make out with her, tweaking her nipples, and fingering her crotch whenever it seemed like he could get away with it. Heather was a jumble of nerves from all the stimulation.
