The Right Choice Ch. 01


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It was 12:45 when she parked her car in front of Radcliff's. She walked inside and was greeted by the hostess. "Do you have a reservation?" the young woman asked.

"It should be under Chaplan." Toya told her. The hostess checked and smiled.

"Mr. Chaplan is already here. Please follow me." She grabbed a menu and led Toya to the table where Wes was already seated at. He looked up from his menu and was taken aback by his breath taking date. She sat across from him in the booth and the hostess placed a menu in front of her. "You're waitress should be with you shortly."

"You look absolutely wonderful." Wes said to her after the hostess had disappeared.

"Thank you." She glanced over the menu and winced at the prices. Even though she made good money she didn't want to spend nearly $40 on a steak that she could barely eat half of.

"Order whatever you like." Wes told her as their waitress approached. She was a cute red head with a model's face and even better body.

"Welcome to Radcliff's. My name is Faith. Are you ready to order or can I get you a drink while you look over the menu?" Toya silently sucked her teeth as she noticed Faith had given that entire speech to Wes only; she hadn't looked in her direction once.

"Have you decided on anything sweetheart?" Wes affectionately asked Toya and she caught the glimpse the waitress threw to her.

"I'll just have the grilled chicken sandwich, steamed veggies and a glass of water with a lemon slice." Toya ordered.

The waitress jotted down the order and leaned over the table in front of Wes. "And what can I get for you?" Toya held back her laugh as Wes ordered. She walked away and both Wes and Toya literally fell out of the booth from laughing so hard.

"You have an admirer." she teased and Wes blushed as he smiled at her.

"God, I am far from that stage in my life. If a woman likes me she needs to step up and let me know." he said this as if he was throwing her hints. "I'm too old to be running after someone."

"You're not that old. You're only seven years older than me."

Faith returned with their drinks and said before walking off, "You're food should be out shortly."

Toya took a sip of her water and squeezed in a few drops of lemon juice. Wes drank half his iced tea and let out a refreshing, "Ahh!"

"Thirsty?" she inquired.

"No, but you make me so nervous that my throat is dry."

"Why am I making you nervous?"

"I just feel awkward since I was your teacher once upon a time and if this had happened ten years ago I would be in jail." He sat back in his seat and tried to figure out what the scowl she was giving him meant.

"You wouldn't have went to jail. I was 18 so I wasn't jail bait." she said, took another sip of her newly flavored water and then nearly choked when it hit her that maybe Wes had thoughts of asking her out back in the day. She coughed and Wes reached over to grab her hand.

"Are you OK?" he asked concerned.

"Wait, were you thinking of asking me out back then?" The words came out between slight coughs.

Wes took back his position in his seat, as far away from Toya as possible and took in a deep breath before speaking. "Part of me did. I always thought you were just so appealing and energetic and witty and I was immensely attracted to you but I knew where to draw the line because you were young and I knew you had a bright future ahead of you and I eventually came to terms with the fact that I would never be a part of it."

Toya took in every word he said and her head spun. No one had ever said anything so touching to her. The last time a man had said something remotely along these lines was the first guy she had met her freshman year in college; the same guy who took her virginity and left after adding her to the notch on his belt.

Before she could register it all in her mind Wes got up from the booth and sat next to her. He pulled her face to him and placed a soft kiss on her light pink glossed lips. He pulled away and caressed her cheek lightly while gazing in her eyes. "I know that you're going out with Ben Fuller tonight but I couldn't go another ten years without at least knowing what your lips felt like against mine."

"Ahem!" Wes tore away from Toya's faces and turned to see Faith standing at the table with their food. Wes smiled apologetically and went back to his side of the booth. Their food was placed in front of them and they ate in silence.

Wes paid the bill and tipped Faith. She also slipped her number to him when she collected the money. Wes placed the piece of paper in his pocket and walked with Toya outside to their respective cars. "I apologize if I made you feel uncomfortable." he called to her as she fumbled with her keys.

"No, you're good." she weakly smiled. "You have my number. Call me before the weekend is over." She finally got a hold of her shaking hands and unlocked the door. She got into her car and headed back to her hotel. She entered her room and found the dress she had worn the previous night. She laid in on the bed and grabbed her laptop from her luggage. She set it up as she glanced at the clock which read 3:25. She had about three and a half hours to kill so she decided to catch up on work since she took off two days to attend the reunion.

Time flew as she edited articles and e-mailed her writers and before she knew it was a quarter to 8! Toya quickly shut off her computer and dressed even quicker. She ran to her car and sped to Muscrats. She arrived 2 minutes late and was escorted to the table where Ben was already sitting.

"I was afraid you changed mind." Ben smiled as he stood and hugged her as a greeting. "Thanks for wearing the dress." He whistled as he took her hand and spun her around for a full view of her voluptuous body.

"I aim to please." she said and threw Ben a sexy smile. He let go of her hand and pulled out a chair from the table for her.

He bent down to her as she laid her meaty rump in the seat and his lips were at her ear. "Do you now?" He kissed her earlobe and Toya shivered. "Are you cold?" he smiled devilishly and took his seat across from her.

The pair ordered dinner and chatted about their lives and future goals for the future. When they were done eating Ben paid the bill and they walked outside. Ben escorted Toya to her car and faced her. "I hope you enjoyed yourself tonight."

"I did. Thank you for inviting me." she smiled shyly and Ben leaned down to her and clasped his lips onto hers. Even though Ben was kissing her Toya couldn't help but wish it was Wes instead. He had given her a gentle kiss that she felt deep to her core. Ben was a great kisser but she felt it was more satisfying to him than to both of them.

"Can I go with you back to your hotel room?" Ben asked when he released her mouth.

"What?" she asked dumbfounded. Did she hear him correctly? Ben Fuller was asking to go with her to her room and...well you know what happens between a man and a woman in a hotel room; doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

"I want you and I know you want me too." Toya stared up at Ben and he kissed her once again. "I'll follow you OK." He opened her car door and she slipped inside the seat. Ben ran to his car and as Toya pulled out of the parking lot she could see Ben's car in her rearview mirror.

She pulled into the parking lot of the hotel and parked and Ben pulled into the empty spot next to her. Each got of their cars and walked inside the hotel. Ben was all over Toya when they entered the elevator and kissed wildly as they walked to her room. She unlocked the door and Ben slammed the door shut with his foot when they entered. His face was still attached to hers and he began to run his hands through her hair gently massaging her scalp.

Ben tore away from Toya as their legs hit the edge of the bed. He began undoing the buttons to his dark blue shirt and pulling off the matching tie. When he pulled it off as well as the undershirt a hard, chiseled chest was revealed. He grinned at Toya as she surveyed his rock hard exterior. "I don't bite you know." he laughed and grabbed her hand. He ran it along the length of his defined abs and down to the belt of his dress pants. Toya's eyes drifted to his bulge and her inhibitions went out the window; it had been about seven months since she'd been laid.

Ben was a little taken back when Toya hurriedly unbuckled his pants. She bent over as she and pulled his pants and boxers down in a swift motion. His erect eleven inch member popped from its confinements and Toya wrapped her hand around the base.

"Oh fuck." Ben moaned as she jerked him off. He reached around her and unzipped her dress. He slide the black and red garment off her shoulders and let it fall to her feet. Toya stepped out of the dress and Ben reached into his pants pocket and retrieved a condom. He ripped open the foil and placed it on himself. Toya shed her underwear and her mind started doing back flips as she realized her wildest fantasy was about to come true.

Toya felt Ben's hand cup and squeeze her breasts and Ben also circled her naval with the head of his dick. Toya's back hit the bed as Ben gently shoved her onto it. He lowered himself onto her and forced himself between her legs. His cock was at her entrance and she buried her face in the connecting skin of his shoulder and neck when he buried his full length in her in one thrust.

Ben didn't give her time to adjust as he pumped into her in a quick pace. "You feel even better than I thought you would." he said in a hungry growl.

Soon the slight pain Toya felt was replaced with immense pleasure as Ben satisfied her hungry sexual appetite. Toya wrapped her legs around Ben's waist causing him to slip deeper inside her. Stretched to the max Toya quickly pulsated around his dick and cried softly as Ben refused to slow down so her body could relax against her orgasm. His rough pace sent her straight into a second orgasm just moments later and the only way she could ride it out was to take control.

Using all her strength she pulled from under Ben causing him to pull from her warm hole. "What are you doing?" he angrily spat and Toya smiled as she rolled him onto his back and straddled him. Once atop him she sat up slightly and guided his cock back inside her and she slowly rose herself up and down on his swollen pole. Ben threw his head back in ecstasy. "God yes." he moaned and placed his hands on her hips as she rocked them and her third orgasm crept in and her body shook on top of his. Ben groaned loudly as he exploded in the condom. His limp dick fell from its entrapment and he instantly grew hard again as Toya rubbed her ass cheek against his flesh.

"Thank you." she whispered breathlessly to Ben and bent over him and kissed his pale lips softly and sensually.

"No, thank you." he smiled up at her. She crawled off his body and cuddled up against him. Her eyelids felt heavy and within seconds she drifted off to sleep.

Hearing her phone ring jousted Toya from her dream. She rolled over into an empty space. "Ben?" she called and saw that his clothes were gone and so was he. She crawled out of bed and saw that it was nearly two in the morning. She nearly tripped over her shoes as she grabbed purse and fished out her phone. "Hello?" she answered when she placed the phone on her ear.

"Toya, I need to see you, please. What hotel are you staying in?" Wes was pleading with her.

"Wes, it's two in the morning." she yawned.

"Where are you?" She sensed the seriousness in his voice and told him the hotel and her room number. In less than fifteen minutes Toya jumped at the pounding on her door. She had placed on a robe but was naked underneath. She opened the door and Wes poured inside. He slammed the door when he entered and Toya backed away. What the hell had gotten into him?

Wes saw the fear in her eyes and wanted to kick his own ass. He didn't mean to scare her. He removed his glasses and walked to the nightstand by the bed. He placed the glasses down and turned to Toya. He reached out his hand to her and she took it. He pulled her close and tipped her head up so she was staring at him. "I'm sorry if I scared you." he whispered.

"What is so important that you had to see me right now?"

Wes released Toya and sat on the bed. He pulled her in between his legs and rested his hands on her hips. "Remember that waitress from Radcliff's." he asked and continued when she nodded her head. "I called her after we had lunch and we went out tonight."

"OK." she said confused. Why was he telling her this? He was a grown man and free to see any woman he pleased.

"Toya, the entire time I was with her I couldn't get you off my mind. I still feel your lips, your smile is engrained in my heart." He took her hand and placed it on his heart. She felt it rapidly beating. "I don't know what tomorrow will bring but I need to be with you right now." With that he pulled her down to her and gave her a better than sex kiss that caused her pussy to ache with desire.

She fell into his arms and he laid back in the bed and pushed her hair away from her face and stared at her as if he was trying to read her mind. "God, you are so gorgeous." he moaned and ran his thumb over her plump bottom lip. "I don't want to rush things right now. I just want you by my side." he said and smiled at the frown that appeared on her face. He kissed her forehead lightly and rolled over with her in his arms. She was now underneath him and he was staring down at her lovingly.

"I've never been the sex for the hell of it type." he explained. "I never have sex with a woman unless I knew that the relationship was leading somewhere. Besides I've been going insane just from one kiss, imagine the mental state I'll be in if you satisfy me beyond all sexual measures."

Toya giggled and Wes trailed kisses from her cheek to her neck. He opened her robe a little to expose one of her glorious breasts. He took her nipple in his mouth and sucked on it like a starving child causing her to cry out. Wes kissed the top of her breast and then worked his way to her ear. "No sex doesn't mean I can't touch you."

He untied her robe and threw it across the room and for the next hour Wes explored Toya's body with his hands, mouth and tongue. She received another three orgasms from his touch and tender kisses. She passed out with a huge smile on her face. An even bigger smile surfaced when she awoke at noon and Wes was next to her, facing her.

She frowned at the thought that in less than an hour she would have to check out of her room and leave to head back to her life upstate. She woke Wes and he kissed her as soon as he opened his eyes.

"Time to go?" he said almost in a whining tone.

"Yeah. I need to take a shower first so I don't know if you want to go or not." she said and he shook his head.

"I'll wait and help you with your bags."

She smiled her thanks and unashamed, she crawled out of bed and walked into the bathroom. She started her shower and stepped inside. After cleaning herself she pulled on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. When she emerged from the bathroom Wes was placing on his glasses. She pulled her luggage from the closet and Wes got out of bed and pulled on his clothes.

Wes grabbed three of Toya's larger bags and she took the two smaller ones and they left the room. When they reached the hotel lobby Toya checked out and she and Wes walked outside to her car. He placed the bags he was carrying in her trunk and she did the same. When she slammed the trunk closed Wes captured her in a tight hug. "Please give me a call when you've made it home safely." he said and kissed her cheek before letting her go, reluctantly.

He stepped back after she got into her car, started it and backed out of her spot. She waved to Wes and headed back to her normal life. Boy did she have some stories to tell to her co-workers and friends when she returned.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Please continue

AMHJ89AMHJ89over 9 years ago

Surprise surprise Ben was a jerk


Two loves, one real-one curious. What does a woman do?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
great story!!!

i really hope you continue this story. i love the way it was written.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
I agree...

with Anonymous in DC. You should give more background information on what Toya felt between both men while she was in high school and what she's feeling now and the emotions/reasons behind it (vindication, redemption, etc.), instead of having her jump in bed with both. Descriptions are helpful as well. Good idea for a plot, just add extra/essential details and you're story will greatly improve. Update soon.

mrskelleymrskelleyalmost 16 years ago
Good Read!

I would like to read more of wes and toya, I think they would be good together.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

I like your story, but it seemed rushed. It would have been helpful if you took the time to flesh out the characters a bit more and gave us insight into their feelings. What is Wes after? What is Ben after? How do they really feel about Toya? What do they look like? Those kind of things, instead of BAM, they meet, eat, and cum. There was also some word choices that you used that were suspect. Like when Ben's friends saw his "new facial feature"- what does that mean? Did he get a new nose? Describe the face to us. I can see the improvement in your writing from you previous efforts, but I think getting an editor or, if you're already using one, a second editor would help take this story to the next level.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

All I can say is.....DAMN! That was smokin! Two fine men want you, what is a girl to do? Damn.

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