The Shopping Expedition

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Secrets revealed whilst out shopping.
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Adam folded his trousers and hung them in the wardrobe. Collecting his belongings from the bedsit where he'd been staying and transferring them to his new home had involved three round trips and occupied most of the morning. Anne had been very kind and unfailingly patient, skilfully negotiating the traffic on those journeys between Attleton Market and Woodchester. Barnaby, her nephew, would have helped but for the fact that the Wensums, his beloved rugby team, had an away game up in Yorkshire and it meant he was out for the entire day, unlikely to reappear before dinner which has aunt had agreed to postpone until his anticipated return at eight thirty. At least now everything had been rounded up and transferred to his new home, so much more spacious than that crummy bedsit in Freehold Street. As he contemplated his new circumstances and the suddenness with which they'd come into being, Anne's voice rang up the stairs.

"Adam, it's sandwiches for lunch. What would you prefer -- ham, cheese or something else?"

"Ham please."

"With mustard?"

"Yes please."

"I can see you and Barnaby are two of a kind!" Anne's mellow Norfolk accent couldn't conceal a chuckle.

Hungry, Adam hurried down to the kitchen where a generous plate of thickly cut, well filled, ham sandwiches, liberally spread with English mustard, awaited him. Fresh filter coffee, that great reviver of both body and soul, was gently brewing, generating with it a delicious aroma. Anne nibbled on the cheese and pickle sandwich she'd made for herself.

"I think we've done rather well this morning, Adam. There's one thing that does rather concern me though. You've not got many spare clothes, have you?"

Adam winced as he'd been preparing for just such a comment, his mother having harangued him many times in the past about his lack of a decent wardrobe.

"Na, not so many as I'd like but there wasn't much room in that bedsit and I had to find space for other stuff."

"Well you don't have to worry about that now. When I was helping to unpack your stuff this morning I only noticed one spare pair of trousers, three pairs of underpants and four shirts - not nearly enough to get by on. Another pair of socks or two wouldn't do you any harm either. My husband can bequeath you a couple of his old ties and those old cashmere pyjamas he never wears but we'll have to go back into Woodchester this afternoon and see what we can do about remedying the more obvious deficiencies of your wardrobe."

Adam smarted. Stunning though she was, his new landlady was obviously someone who believed in straight talking. His instinct was to rebel but decided the best tactic was simply to betray a lack of enthusiasm rather than go for outright mutiny.

"Thanks Mrs. Timpson - sorry Anne - but, can it wait until tomorrow? I was hoping to see the England game this afternoon."

"No Adam, it can't wait. I'm busy on Sundays, and you haven't got nearly enough clothes to see you through another week. It needs to be sorted out sooner rather than later. Anyway, the England game doesn't even kick-off until quarter-past five. We should get back in time for the second half at least. It's only a friendly anyway, if I remember correctly. And don't protest, we'll have plenty of opportunities to watch football at other times -- if Barnaby doesn't drag you off to the rugby that is!"

"But I haven't got any money and I don't get paid until the month end."

"Adam, money's not a problem as I'll be treating you. Let's call it a moving in present."

"That's very kind Anne, but I couldn't possibly accept."

"Adam, I think you can and you will. We're going as soon as you've finished those sandwiches."

Anne's penetrating blue eyes, which seemed to search the inner recesses of his soul, radiated with a triumphant, victorious tough love which was determined to take no prisoners.

Shrugging, Adam accepted that he was beaten. End of round one -- Anne Timpson one, Adam Flaxwell nil.

It was an uneventful journey into Woodchester. Adam, slightly smarting at the idea of being dragged around clothes shops against his will had remained silent despite Anne's attempts to gently coax some conversation out of him. Pulling into the long stay carpark with the determined purpose of a woman who knew what she wanted and meant getting it, she turned to Adam, smiling resolutely.

"Right young man. Follow me. This needn't take long and if you don't make too much fuss we may even get back in time for the match you wanted to see."

Reluctantly Adam followed her out of the car and in the direction of one of the bigger department stores which she appeared to have in her sights. Steeling himself, he prepared for an afternoon of doing the one thing he hated -- clothes shopping. If his past experience of shopping with female relatives was anything to go by, he suspected that it would take all afternoon. What was it about women that made them want to browse and take far longer than was necessary instead of making up their minds in advance, diving in and getting just what they wanted?

Adam was in for a surprise, though. Clearly not a person to hang about, Anne quickly had the task completed to her satisfaction, Adam gently being guided in the direction first of the underwear department where a dozen pairs of pants and eight pairs of boxer shorts were picked up. Then he was made to choose six shirts, three new pairs of trousers, a couple of expensive looking ties and finally six pairs of socks.

As she settled up, confidently withdrawing a cherished piece of plastic from her purse, Adam realised more acutely than ever what a fine looking woman she was. Clear skin and a light complexion suggesting a youthfulness that could easily fool anyone who didn't know or hadn't cared to work out from simple arithmetic that she was on the wrong side of forty. Firm, shapely, but not over large breasts complemented the waistline of a woman who clearly took good care of herself, however well fed her nephew and any guests of his might be. Glancing to the rear, Adam noticed how tight jeans firmly hugged the bottom he'd first admired the previous afternoon. What wouldn't he give to have it gently hovering a few inches above his all admiring face? As he contemplated the possibility, Adam's cock stiffened in his pants creating rather a noticeable bulge, and he hoped it wasn't too obvious to other shoppers. He didn't want to admit to a weakness there and then but he hoped it would subside before he was forced to excuse himself and find a toilet -- too alleviate an all too familiar male need!

Reality kicked in as she handed Adam two full carrier bags, clearly expecting him to take more than a passive role in the proceedings. Leaving the warmth of the shop, they staggered back to Anne's car, laden with bags which were duly loaded into the boot. Relieved that the serious business of the afternoon appeared to be at an end, Adam could feel himself growing impatient to get back to his new home.

"Well, we got that done fairly rapidly. Are we off back now then?" he asked hopefully, trying not to betray the impatience in his voice.

Anne smiled to herself, ruffling her new lodger's hair in much the same way as an indulgent aunt might do.

"Not yet, sausage. I've got a few girlie things to do in town first. Look, you've been very good about going round that clothes store. Why not take yourself off to Waterstones or Smiths or somewhere similar and treat yourself to a book? Look, here's twenty pounds. You should be able to get yourself something decent with that."

Anne opened her purse and pressed a crisp, shiny note into Adam's hand before he had time to protest.

"That's really kind Anne, but you've been generous already and I couldn't possibly."

"Nonsense Adam. Go and get yourself something nice. I'll see you in an hour's time outside the Chapter Coffee House near the Cathedral."


"But nothing. I'll see you in an hour."

Resigned to the fact that Anne appeared to have taken charge of the afternoon, Adam shrugged and headed off in search of the book stores which, being fairly central, weren't hard to find.

An hour later they met up as scheduled at the Chapter Coffee House. Anne had acquired two large carriers both of which revealed that she had been doing some more clothes shopping herself -- but of a feminine variety. Adam felt quietly pleased with himself too. He'd managed to track down a couple of novels he'd seen mentioned on an online forum which allegedly contained pee scenes and being something of a pee enthusiast, was keen to check them out. Glimpsing one of his purchases through the thin, almost transparent plastic of his carrier bag, Anne cast him a wry, knowing smile.

"Oh, do you know what Adam? I've got a copy of that very book back at home. You'd only have had to ask if you wanted to borrow it. Still, nothing like you own personal copy is there? And you have clearly got impeccable taste -- that I will say."

Fearful of an interrogation as to the reasons for his literary taste, Adam breathed a sigh of relief as a waitress came over to take their order. Adam ordered a coffee and Anne requested a large pot of tea for herself.

Although the stiffness in Adam's pants had temporarily subsided, he felt it return as he contemplated the beautiful woman before him, heightened in no small measure by her decision to order a family sized pot of tea all for herself. It was enough to put even the largest of bladders under pressure and the thought of her becoming desperate to pee was quietly driving him crazy. He didn't want to give too much away though -- at least not yet. Also Adam knew that at part of him wanted her for himself. So far he'd not been exactly lucky in love and longed to have a woman he could call his own. Anne was a stunning woman by the most exacting standard of measurement and, if what Barnaby had said was true, she shared his fetish interest too. At the same time she was a married woman and, for all he knew, twice his age. He could want her as much as he liked yet realised that the first fact placed her out of reach if the second didn't. Fighting hard to control himself, Adam struggled to master his feelings, all the time knowing that he must. Trying to move his focus away from Anne's physical qualities he decided it was time to ask her a little bit about her background and interests.

"Err Anne, I was chatting to Barnaby the other day and he told me you went to Cambridge when you were younger."

"Yes, I read psychology. I think it was partly because I'd always been interested in people and what made them tick. My parents weren't too pleased about the choice of subject as my father, an ex army man, was a solicitor and he wanted me to read law. However I was stubborn and I could throw a good tantrum so getting my own way wasn't too hard. They were proud I think in the end though as I'd got into Cambridge and not one of the modern ones, not that there's anything wrong with the other universities. It's just that for people like my parents, having a daughter at Cambridge had a certain snob value if you know what I mean."

"You didn't try for Oxford then?"

"What? That place! You've got to be kidding. I was eighteen years old and we were in a rural part of north Norfolk where the family had always been, it was my first experience of living away from home, and there was no way I was going somewhere the other side of London. Shy young girl that I was then, I wanted to be within striking distance of home. Going to Cambridge satisfied my family's appetite for prestige whilst being close enough to home for comfort."

""Really? You don't seem like the shy type. I'd say you seemed like one of the most confident women I've ever come across."

Anne laughed and drained her cup before refilling it.

"Adam, even I was young and shy once, hard though it might be to believe. It didn't last long though. Going to Cambridge really opened me up, helping me to become confident and self assured. It was I think a case of either having to sink or swim and my self preservation instincts kicked in to make sure I swam. Cambridge was hard work but it was fun though. Whilst there I met Brian, my husband to be, and Wendy, the best friend I've got in the world, who's been through so much with me. Also, as I told Barnaby in his university days, it was whilst there that I discovered freedom to make my own choices for the first time. It didn't happen immediately but one day the realisation dawned that I could do things like going to the loo when I wanted rather than when other people thought I should go. Some people, Brian and Wendy included, still don't think I go when I should. Frankly, I don't care though. I believe in going when I want, not necessarily when I need to. They don't understand what a big turnon it is for me to have a full bladder or the pleasure I get from releasing it when and where I shouldn't."

At this Adam lost the control he'd been determinedly exercising and, without even touching himself, started cumming in his pants, filling them with warm, sticky fluid. His cock throbbed as it spurted the creamy, sticky substance into the tight confines of his clean pants which had been fresh on that morning. They'd not even been pee stained as he'd not been to the toilet since before putting them on and fastidious about hygiene, he'd taken care to wipe his cock. Now, however, they were yellow - not with pee but with hot spunk. Although it wasn't pee, the warmth and wetness in his pants left him feeling almost as though he'd peed himself.

Emptying her cup and refilling it, Anne gave him a knowing smile.

"Adam it's only a suspicion, and I hope you'll forgive me if I'm wrong, but I've got a feeling I'm not the only one in our house who likes to hold their pee."

Adam blushed slightly, trying not make it too noticeable.

"Well Barnaby...."

Anne interrupted him.

"I'm not talking about Barnaby, although he understands me and has certain leanings of his own - in broadly the same direction. I'm talking about you. In fact I know all about your perusal of Barnaby's favourites last night and his discovery of you in what we might call a moment of phallic stimulation."

"Anne, I'm sorry about that. I did apologise to Barnaby about that and he seemed okay."

"Of course he's okay, Adam, and there's absolutely nothing to apologise for. Last night's little incident only served to confirm what he'd already suspected and I hoped was true."

"You mean.."

"Absolutely. You don't think Barnaby befriended you on account of the colour of your hair, do you? No he noticed that, like him, you went all day without using the office gents. What happened last night only verified what we both very much suspected to be the case."

"So you were looking all along for a lodger who was into holding?"

"Not looking exactly, no. You could say it just happened -- or rather you happened -- if that makes any sense. Barnaby needs someone else around the house of his own generation and I think -- well we both think -- that you fill the bill admirably."

"Well Anne, I don't know what to say."

"In that case don't say anything -- so long as you're happy being our lodger that is. So far as I'm concerned you'll be treated just like a second nephew -- or maybe the son I'd have liked but never had. Anyhow, if we're to see the match it's time we were making a move. I'll just go and settle up."

Anne made her way to the counter and paid. As she returned to meet Adam by the coffee house door, he noticed her place a hand on her crotch area and despite his recent ejaculation, sensed a stiffening in his pants again.

"Anne, do you need to pop to the ladies before we set off? I don't mind waiting a couple of minutes. It's not as though the match is all that important."

A wicked grin on her face, Anne prodded her new lodger affectionately.

"Adam, you should know better than to ask me whether I need to go to the ladies. Of course I need to go -- that's not the same thing as wanting though. Come on, let's get back to the car. You've never seen a lady driver pee herself before, have you?"

"No, but..."

"Well then, you're in for a treat. At least you now know why I think you need plenty of pairs of clothes!"


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TimpooTimpooabout 5 years ago

A great tale. I do enjoy your work. Oh to be bought that much underwear. I hope to read more of him enjoying it.

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