The Toes That Bind


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"Lynn, honey, we'd better stop. It's getting late. We both have work to do." He got up off the floor and stood in front of her, smiling. It was so sudden that Lynn's daydream of the upcoming evening popped like a child's punctured balloon.

"Oh, damn.....yeah, I know. That really felt fantastic, Michael. In fact, why don't you come over tonight and we can finish this up. You can finish sucking my toes - God, that's a turn on, Michael - and then you can have me any way you want me. What do you say, my little toe fiend? Sucking my toes for as long as you like, and then having your way with's that? Are you game?"

"Wow, having your toes sucked really turns you on, doesn't it?"

"Oh, yeah.....I never would've guessed.....but, yeah, that got me hot as hell!"

It was then that Lynn noticed the look in Michael's eyes. It was a sad look, though he tried to hide it.

"Michael, what's wrong?"

"Well, Lynn....I guess maybe I'm not as into feet as I thought I was. I mean, I love kissing and rubbing your feet for you, but, well, to be honest, sucking toes doesn't do anything for me. Now, don't get me wrong, I'll do it for you if you want me to, but, well, it's just not a turn on for me."

Lynn was shocked. The way he was sucking her toes, she thought he was really into it. But when she looked to his crotch for the telltale bulge - which was almost always there when they were together and he was massaging or pecking her feet - it was nowhere to be seen. Her mouth had dropped open in disbelief, and she looked back up into Michael's eyes and felt a twinge of sadness. She almost cursed herself now for trying her little experiment.

"Well, hey, that's okay, Michael. You can come over and kiss my tootsies the usual way and then we can make mad, passionate love as wonderfully as ever." She hid the disappointment in her eyes by looking at a picture on the wall.

"Are you sure, Lynn? I mean, I'm really's just that I'm not into it, I guess."

"It's okay, Michael, honest. Come by for dinner tonight." She stood up and kissed him passionately on the mouth. "We're good together, Michael. Sex between us is great. We don't need any toe-sucking to improve on that, now, do we?"

"Are you sure, Lynn? I hate to disappoint you. It's just...."

"Forget it, Michael, it's okay. So, it felt good, that's all. You turn me on in so many other ways."

"All right. Well, sexy, I'll see you later..and I'll definitely stop by tonight."

"Great. I'll be all clean and sexy for you. I'll feed all your appetites."

Again she kissed him passionately. She walked him to the door and they embraced again before she opened it and let him out. As he walked slowly down the hallway, Lynn again felt the twinge of disappointment. She sighed. As she started to close the door after him, she realized she was still barefoot. She looked down at her toes as if they'd betrayed her somehow. Then she sighed and imagined Michael's hot mouth sucking all around them. She sighed even deeper.

"Well, I guess you little piggies don't get sucked anymore," she said sadly, the door almost completely closed now. Suddenly, the door met with resistance. She looked up quickly to see what the resistance was,and there stood Tom Levins, another coworker who's office was just down the hall. His handsome face was smiling broadly, and he had a twinkle in his eyes very similar to Michael's. His eyes also smoldered like Michael's, and they were burning directly into Lynn's. The purely sexual look on Tom's face took her breath away. He cocked his head to one side, still smiling wickedly, and said,

"I don't necessarily agree with that statement, Lynn. If a beautiful lady wants her toes sucked, I see no reason why it shouldn't happen. Mind if I come in?"

As if in a dream, Lynn opened the door......and she let Tom enter her office. He closed the door behind himself. Foggily, Lynn heard the door lock again, but all she could do was look up into Tom's blue fire eyes. Then she looked at his lips, and imagined them surrounding her toes.

"Could we talk, Lynn? I might just have a solution for those neglected toes of yours."

"Um....sure, Tom.....I guess.....I suppose it's ok.........yeah, sure........." Lynn felt a chill go down her spine..but also felt bolts of hot white lightning shooting from her groin to her toes that was far stronger than the chill.

Lynn was somewhat dazed as she slowly backed toward her chair. From his smile, it seemed Tom rather enjoyed her discomfiture. His smile broadened when she began to babble.

"Um, Tom, " she stammered with an obvious embarrassed hue to her complexion, "I know what I just said must've sounded pretty odd. Uh, well...." she laughed nervously, "it must sound pretty weird me talking to my toes, huh?" She hoped that somehow this might all be a dream she'd awaken from at any moment. But such was not to be.

"Well," Tom smiled, "I have to admit I've never heard a woman talk to her toes before...much less call them piggies." He laughed, and the friendliness of that laugh made Lynn feel very much at ease, despite the some- what embarrassing circumstances.

"Yeah, well, it's been an unusual day," she said, lamely she felt.

"Oh, I don't know," Tom replied, his grin becoming very wicked now, "it seems to me like your mornings have started pretty much the same here for, oh, I don't know...maybe a month or so? At least that I know of."

Lynn reddened again, and her eyes widened. Her jaw dropped in disbelief.

"How could you......did Michael?....." she sputtered, but then caught herself, "Okay, Tom, what is it you think you know? Let's go, spit it out," she said, slowly composing herself.

Tom laughed. "Geez, Lynn, don't get upset. I'm not going to tell anyone. What two people do behind closed doors is their business, no one else's," he chuckled, and then added, "They should just make sure they've locked that door first."

"What do you mean what they do......?" and then it hit her, "What?!! Should've locked the door?!!" She felt her blood draining from her head, and rushing to her neglected toes.

"Relax, Lynn.....even if the door had been locked, I could've heard you guys right through it. So call me the little eavesdropper. Boy, when you guys are involved in tootsie play you're oblivious to ANYTHING else!" Tom still smiled warmly, and his eyes held no malice of any kind. But Lynn wasn't sure what hers showed.

"The door....THIS door? We didn't lock it? Oh, wonderful! And you heard us anyway? You DID eavesdrop then! But, please tell me you didn't see anything."

"Sorry, Lynn. I sure did. You see, I saw you and Michael go into your office one morning, and then as I walked by I heard the door locking. I thought, why would two people go into an office and then lock the door? So, naturally, I thought you two the your office. I couldn't resist listening in at the door. But I didn't hear anything for a long time. When I did, you can imagine how surprised I was to hear you telling Michael how good he was at rubbing and kissing your feet. I tell you, Michael has all the luck!"

"Oh, great," Lynn said, sighing and rolling her eyes, "but, wait, you said you heard us lock the then you DIDN'T see anything."

"Well, not that particular morning. It was about a week later. I peeked out my office door and saw you guys kissing in your doorway. As soon as you ducked inside, I snuck up to listen in again. When you closed the door, I didn't hear the lock click, so I wondered if the door was locked or not. So, I waited about fifteen minutes - praying no one else would come along in the hallway - and when I heard you moaning - you do sometimes moan rather loudly, Lynn - I turned the doorknob really slowly and pushed open the door just a hair. I figured if either or both of you looked over, I could always pretend I was there on business and just neglected to knock. That was my plan, anyway."

"Oh, God, so then you did see....?"

"I'm afraid so, living color. But, really, I already knew what was going on anyway. I just got to see it, too, that's all."

From the look on Lynn's face, Tom could see that she was mortified. She even looked a little unsteady on her feet.

"Lynn, c'mon, it's nothing to be ashamed of. Besides, I heard you guys talk about all your other plans for each other. So, you engage in a little foot play...nothing wrong with that at all. In fact, some of us wish we were so lucky."

Lynn backed up until the backs of her thighs met with her chair. She slowly lowered herself into it's comforting familiarity. She sighed and looked at Tom, a sheepish smile on her face. Busted, she thought.

"Tom, I like you, you know that...but you shouldn't have eavesdropped at my door, let alone peeking in. That was very obnoxious of you."

Tom's smile faded for the first time since she'd let him into the office. He looked genuinely sad, and he actually fidgeted as he said, "You're right, Lynn. I really do have a lot of respect for you, and I usually don't violate anyone's privacy that way. I really don't know what came over me." And then he made a confession.

"I think, Lynn," he said with a long sigh, "I think I've always liked you...a lot. I think you're beautiful and you're one of the smartest and most likable people I know. I guess when I saw you and Michael as an item, well, I guess I wanted to know what he has that I don't.....besides you, that is," he said, making a weak attempt at a humorous smile. "I can't think of any other reason why I did that. Jealousy? Envy?"

Lynn was now looking up at Tom, and it was her turn to smile.

"I never knew you felt that way about me, Tom. Why didn't you ever ask me least for lunch or a cup of coffee?"

"No guts, I guess. I've seen some of your boyfriends over the years, and I figured there was no way a guy like me could interest a woman like you if those were the types of men you liked. And, besides that, I'm usually basically a very shy guy."

"You weren't shy a few minutes ago when you walked into my office."

"Well, I think what I heard from outside your door......"

"So, you were listening again today?" she interrupted.

"Well, yeah....sorry." His boldness had just as quickly turned to humility.

Lynn sat back in her chair and folded her arms across her chest, looking up at Tom. "Go on," she said, "you were outside my door and....."

"Well, I was listening to your conversation. It seemed plain to me that you wanted Michael to do your feet....than just rub and kiss them."

"Uh-huh, that's true. I was hoping he'd suck my toes. I've been wondering about that for a while now, but only consciously realized it today how much I wanted him to do it."

"Well," Tom continued, "I got the impression he didn't enjoy doing it very much. And from the way you replied to him, you were willing to forego that pleasure so as not to upset him."

Lynn sighed, "Well, you hit that nail on the head. When he sucked my toes, I thought I was going to explode right here in this chair. If he had sucked my toes much longer, you WOULD have heard some hot, steamy sex right here on this desk!" Lynn was feeling much more at ease now, and laughed out loud at her last statement, and at the approving look on Tom's face. She stopped laughing and looked up at Tom, sucking on the corner of her upper lip. She couldn't believe she was talking so openly about what was obviously both a private and very unusual subject.

Then, out of the blue, Tom's mouth quietly blurted, "Lynn, I'd suck your toes anytime."

She laughed again, but then saw the sincerity in his eyes. She felt a brief, but real, tingling between her legs. She bit her lip harder, and ventured, " that's what you meant in the doorway....that you didn't agree that my 'piggies' had to go without some oral attention, right?"

"Well, yeah. Why should they? If Michael won't take those little darlings into his mouth, why not let someone else?"

"And you're only too happy to volunteer?"

"Yeah, I am." The pendulum had swung back again, and Tom's boldness was coming back.

Lynn held up her feet playfully, teasing. "So, you picture yourself as my toe rescuer, do you? You have a foot fetish, Tom?"

"Yes to both questions, Lynn. But, well, there's more."

Lynn stopped teasing and lowered her feet to the floor. She sat forward in her chair and stared at Tom, completely intrigued now. This was getting very interesting indeed.

"Really? More? Tell me, Tom. I really want to know." As she looked up at him, she felt that tingle in her groin again, and without knowing it she licked her lips, quite seductively.

"Well, why not?" he said, "it's all pretty much out on the table now, anyway, isn't it.....for both of us?"

"Yeah, you know I want Michael to suck my toes. So now it's your turn. You've admitted that you've liked me for a while now, so now tell me what this something more is, Tom."

"All right. Sure. What the hell. First, how long have we worked together, Lynn?"

"Oh, I....hmmm....let's see.......what is it, four years...five?"

"Yup...five years now. And guess what?"

"What," she chuckled, "I haven't a clue."

"Well, I know this is gonna sound perverted, but I'll tell you anyway."

Lynn was eager to hear now. She was wringing her hands in her lap and chewing her lower lip.

"I've known you for five years now, and for at least four and a half of those years, I've had one major case of the hots for you."

"That's old news, Tom. I didn't realize it was that long, but you already told me you......"

It was Tom's turn to interrupt. "Yeah, Lynn, I told you I liked you and wished I'd had the nerve to talk to you as more than just a coworker, but I didn't tell you what it was about you that made me feel that way."

"I assumed it was just my sizzling beauty and my superb personality that hooked you," she laughed.

"Well, there's no question that you have both those things, Lynn. You're gorgeous beyond words, and your personality and intelligence make anyone want to spend time with you....."

"Oh, stop, Tom, before I blush again."

"I just want you to understand that you're a lovely woman and a wonderful person. And that alone would have been enough to attract me. But, well, there was that something more that made me fall even more head over heels for you."

"Tom, stop stalling. I'm dying to know what it was that made you want me so much."

"Well," he sighed again, "just think about what started this whole conversation and you'll know what it was...or IS that most attracts me to you."

"Oh, Tom, stop playing games and just tell me....." And then it smacked her square between the eyes, hitting like a lightning bolt, and, eyes wide, she said, "My feet? Tom, is that what you're trying to tell me? It's my feet that you find so....desirable?"

Now Tom blushed, and he admitted, "Yes. I told you it was going to sound perverted. Please understand, Lynn, that I find you to be one of the most deliciously fantastic people on the planet. I love your looks, your personality, your sense of humor....all of it. But, well, like I said, I have a foot fetish, and your feet are just unbelievably sexy. I hope that doesn't sound too sick. Well..I suppose it doesn't, because I've heard Michael tell you the same thing."

Lynn stared at him, her mind caught between the absurdity of what he'd just said, and the eroticism of it. Then she shook her head and said, " way, Tom. When have you ever seen my feet? You're making this up now hoping to impress me, right?"

He smiled. "No, Lynn, I may be a peeping Tom, but I'm no liar. You remember when we first started working together, neither of us had our own offices? Remember we shared that grotesque cubbyhole of an office two floors up? Remember that?"

"Remember it? I've spent years trying to forget it."

"Well, you had the same habit then that you do now. Every morning in the winter you'd take off your street shoes, or boots, and put on the shoes you keep in your desk drawer....or you'd just go barefoot for a while. Well, you may not have noticed, but I spent a lot of time looking at your feet every morning. And I'll have you know that it was damn hard to concentrate on my work until after you put your shoes back on! And those mornings when you'd put your bare feet up on your desk....well...I was pretty much useless as far as getting any real work done. It's a wonder I was able to keep my job! Those were rough times for me, Lynn," he laughed quietly.

"Oh, my know, a couple of times I did think you were looking at me, but I thought you were looking at my legs! You were looking at my feet?!"

"Guilty as charged." Tom blushed and fidgeted.

Now the tingle between Lynn's thighs was beginning to feel like a persistent vibrator, moving up and down her thighs, and up and down between them. She sat back in her chair and was smiling from ear to ear.

"Just my luck," she said with a sigh pushed between pouting lips.

"What's that?" Tom asked.

"Well, here I am dating one guy who likes my feet - a little bit - whom I've fallen in love with, but who won't suck my toes, or at least he doesn't enjoy it. And now another guy walks in out of the blue and tells me he's been drooling after my feet for four and a half years and would suck my toes any time I'd want him to. Oh, this just isn't fair at all."

"What's not fair about it? What would be so wrong if I sucked your toes for you, and then after you got all hot and horny you took off to jump your honey, Michael? Seems to me you'd have the best of both worlds."

Lynn looked incredulous. "What?!" she said, eyes wide and jaw agape, "is that what you're suggesting? You want to suck my toes and then dismiss me like some kind of foot slut? You can't be serious!"

"Lynn," Tom said with a hopeless look on his face, "I realize that I can't have you the way I'd like to. I can see very clearly that Michael's stolen your heart. You love him, and nothing I can do will ever change that. But, I hate seeing you not being pleased the way you should be. I could tell from your moans when Michael sucked your toes today that it drove you crazy. You said yourself that you almost jumped him right here in your office. I know that having your toes sucked is a MAJOR turn on for you. So....."

Lynn softened, and looked at Tom in a new light. This man loved her but couldn't have her. And he was willing to satisfy her need to have her feet worshipped, and then send her off to another man to make love with. She was seeing him in a completely different way....and she wasn't quite sure what that even was.

"'re willing to turn me on by worshipping my toes, and then let another man have me sexually?"

"Lynn," that sad look was back in his eyes, "if I can't have you the way I'd like to, I'm perfectly willing to settle for you feet. Believe me, Lynn, I adore you, and I'd jump through a hoop to kiss ANY part of you, but, seriously, Lynn, your feet drive me insane. I don't think I've ever seen anything sexier than those gorgeous tootsies of yours. And I mean that. I'm not just saying it because I think it's what you'd like to hear. In my mind I've kissed every curve of both your feet, I've massaged them for countless hours, and I've licked and sucked every possible inch of them. Yeah, I'd settle for your feet in a heartbeat, even if I couldn't have you afterwards."

"Wow....Tom, I'm so sorry. If only I'd known before I met Michael."

"Water under the bridge, Lynn. Nothing we can do about it now. But what do you say to my idea? What have you got to lose? You get to have your feet thoroughly pampered and adored, Michael doesn't have to do it, and then you get to go to Michael and make love to him like he's never been made love to before. Hell, if he knew, he might even thank me for it! Um....sorry....bad joke."
