The Toes That Bind


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Lynn started getting fidgety herself now. She was licking her lips regularly. When she looked at Tom's pouting lips, she wondered how those lips would feel with her toes between them. She could clearly see her toes moving in and out of his mouth, and she knew that he'd work hard at pleasing her toes, if only because he loved doing it so much.

When Tom saw he might be getting to Lynn, he offered one final argument on his own behalf. He leaned down toward her as she sat in her chair, and said quietly,

"Lynn. One more thing. I've had a foot fetish for most of my life. I've dated several women who enjoyed having their feet worshipped. I've kissed and licked and sucked and nibbled women's feet for a lot of years now. I don't want to sound conceited or anything, but I'm very good at sucking toes, and just all around pampering a woman's feet. I can easily do it for hours at a time...and I'm grateful for the chance. If you agree to this, I'll meet you whenever you want, I'll never pressure you, and I'll be as discreet as is humanly possible. No one will ever know about this, I swear. What do you say? Too weird for you, or do I have a chance here?"

"I don't know, Tom....I........" she looked up into his eyes.

"Please, Lynn. Don't take this away from me. I know I can't have your heart, but don't take this from me, okay?"

"Tom, please don't make me feel guilty. I......"

Tom stood up quickly, as if a spear had just entered his spine.

"Lynn, I'm sorry. I really wasn't trying to make you feel guilty. Look, I'm going to leave now. I'm sorry about everything.....the eavesdropping, the peeking, coming in here bothering you, my crazy ideas...all of it. I wish you the best of luck with Michael, Lynn...I swear I do. You take care, now."

In his haste to leave, Tom was almost bolting for the door. He felt he'd somehow hurt Lynn, and that was the last thing he ever want to do. But Lynn had come to realize that Tom's offer was sincere, and not just the depraved droolings of some guy who wanted her feet to play with.

When Tom reached the door he fumbled to open it, forgetting that he'd locked it after himself when he came in. Just as his hand grasped the lock, Lynn spoke behind him.

"Why in such a rush to leave, Tom? Stay a minute."

Tom turned around and saw Lynn sitting there smiling, her feet again wiggling playfully in the air.

"You're a really good talker, Tom, but let's see if all your bragging is true. If I'm going to consider letting you be my foot lover, I want to see if all that hype is true. I want a trial run...right now. I want to see what I'll be getting. Well, what do you say? You willing to let me have a test drive here?"

Tom smiled. God how he loved her. But those feet. Watching them wiggle was driving him insane. And Lynn once again watched a growing bulge that she could proudly attribute to the sexiness of her feet. The look in Tom's eyes was making her hot, and she wanted her toes in Tom's mouth very, very badly.

"C'mon, Tom," she said, her voice almost hoarse with desire, "put your money where your mouth is....or, rather, just bring that cute mouth over here......I've got some piggies that need lots of attention."

Without a word, Tom let go of the door lock. All the air had managed to escape his heaving lungs. And without taking his eyes off Lynn's wiggling toes, he walked over and sat where Michael had sat not too long ago. He stared at her soft, playful feet for several seconds, then looked up into her eyes. He saw more than just understanding there...he saw desire. His smile mimicked Lynn's, and he reached out trembling hands for their first touch of Lynn's feet.

Lynn was aware of the time. She knew that she didn't have much time to play with Tom. It was getting late in the morning by now, and she had a lot of work to do. Still, he was so sincere in his offer - and she was still a bit tingly from Michael's efforts on her toes earlier, not to mention her conversation with Tom - that she couldn't resist getting Tom to give her a trial run. She just had to see if he really was as good as he claimed. And if he was.....well......she knew she'd melt and be just weak enough to give his offer a try.

As she looked down at Tom, she couldn't help but be amused by the question of whether or not the floor was still warm from Michael's cute bottom. Stifling a giggle, she pondered her current situation. First, there was Michael....cute, romantic, sweet Michael. He loved her feet, but only enough to kiss and rub them. And that was very frustrating. But, sexually, he's a stud.....and she loved every other aspect of their relationship together - sexually, romantically, common interests, how they get along and react with each other...everything. They're made for each other.

Second, there's Tom. He's cute, older than Michael (and closer to her own age), and the biggie....he's been drooling over her feet for years, wanting to do much more with them than Michael. And, another biggie, he claims to have lots of experience pampering and worshipping a woman's feet. That alone puts him in the plus column! So, maybe this is the best of both worlds. Tom says she can keep her relationship with her true love, Michael, and he's willing to settle for worshipping her feet whenever she'd like him to. What could be so wrong about that?

Lynn's reverie was interrupted by something warm on her left foot. Tom, eyes glazed, was nuzzling her foot. Holding it by her heel and instep, he was rubbing it gently on his face. Occasionally his eyes fluttered in obvious ecstasy. At one point, with the ball of her foot on his cheek so that her big toe was just alongside his eye, Tom turned slowly and kissed the sole just below the base of her toes. He was sighing softly, and Lynn thought she could even hear a faint purr. Tom was much more into her feet than Michael! He was completely lost in nuzzling and hugging her foot, kissing the sole. The look on his face was pure rapture..... and that now familiar tingling began again between Lynn's legs.

"God, your feet are amazing, Lynn. I've fantasized doing this for years now, but this is a thousand times better than any of my fantasies. Your feet are so sexy...." his voice trailed off as his eyes admired her foot, and his mind ran out of words to properly praise it.

Lynn was going to thank him for his compliments, but the words stopped short in her mouth, coming out as a tiny squeal of pleasure instead as Tom's mouth opened slightly and his teeth gently captured her big toe between them and gently grazed it's soft pad. The teeth immediately pulled away to allow Tom's tongue to quickly flick at that sweet pad. That warm tongue then licked flat on the bottom of her toe, working its way slowly from tip to base. That one lick apparently opened the flood gates.

With a soft moan, Tom's tongue started licking all of Lynn's toes, and she had to fight back the urge to wiggle her toes in delight. He licked slowly at the pads of each toe, pulling the little one back just enough to enable him to lick both the pad and the base.

His licking got more and more energetic, and then moved from the toes downward, until he had licked every inch of her sole. First with tiny, quick tongue flicks from toes to heel, and then one long, slow lick back to her toes. Back at the toes, he licked forcefully at the base of her toes, pushing his tongue with obvious purpose along the base, from toe to toe. Lynn couldn't see his tongue very well at this point, but she could certainly feel it....and even if she couldn't she'd have been able to tell how hard his tongue was working from the bobbing of his head as his tongue probed and licked her toes.

It wasn't long before she could finally see his tongue at work, for now it began squeezing between her toes. She watched it flick in and out between them, sometimes just a little pink tip peeking between two toes, and other times a long, curling snake sticking out far enough to wrap around a toe. That tongue squirmed and played between her toes for a long time. It felt wonderful...apparently to both of them.

The outright eroticism of it all was obvious. Tom's pants were straining mightily to keep what must have been a painfully trapped erection from tearing through them. And Lynn was now sitting back in her chair, head held between her hands, eyes wide watching Tom's tireless tongue, moaning almost in unison with him. But Tom's tongue wasn't the only thing that wanted Lynn's feet.

His tongue having lapped and savored every possible inch of Lynn's toes, squirming as if it had its own mind, Tom now started to gently nip at the tips of her toes. He gently enclosed the tip of each toe between his teeth, barely touching it. Then, starting with the middle toe, spreading the second and fourth toes away from it with his fingers, he very gently and slowly slid his teeth down the length of the toe. After moving his teeth softly up and down the toe several times, his teeth finally yielded to his hungry lips. The feeling for Lynn went from a soft tickling sensation, to the warm softness of Tom's moist lips.

Lynn didn't realize that lips could be so strong and forceful. Tom squeezed her toe between his lips and moved them up and down her toe as he'd done with his teeth. It was like having her toe massaged individually from tip to base with a warm, wet sponge. But, as he continued, Tom allowed his tongue to take more part in the fun, squirming it all around Lynn's toe as he sucked from tip to base. The tingling in her groin was growing, seemingly with each lick and suck.

Each toe received equal treatment.....and Lynn had by now totally lost track of the time. She could only sit in awe as Tom's mouth moved from toe to toe, tongue savoring, lips massaging, mouth sucking. Every toe got sucked more than once. Each was individually pleasured, but they also got sucked in pairs and groups. As he got more into it, Tom's mouth moved faster and faster from toe to toe, group to group. And all the while he sucked his tongue enjoyed everything it could capture.

Lynn was wet by now, watching toes singly and in groups disappearing into Tom's ravenous mouth. If she thought his head had bobbed quickly before, she now saw that effort doubled. His mouth was almost a blur as his lips moved all along her toes, sucking here, licking there. All her toes were by now burning with the heat of Tom's mouth. And with another stifled giggle, borne not only out of humor but out of the growing need she felt between her thighs, Lynn realized that Tom was still only working on her first foot....the other had hardly even been touched so far! And with that realization, she happened to look up at the clock. My God! Tom had been licking and sucking her toes for over thirty minutes!

Lynn leaned forward to tell Tom he had to stop. As she did, his mouth captured her first three toes in it and sucked hungrily, his tongue slipping first between the first and second toes, and then the second and third. Lynn gasped at the force of it, and the need and desire etched on Tom's face. She slumped back in the chair, eyes shut, weak.....and extremely horny.

Finally, the wild sucking at her toes subsided, some ten minutes later. The sizzling wetness of the inside of Tom's mouth was replaced by gentle, warm softness. Lynn looked down to see Tom sweetly kissing her toes, then the sole and the sides of her foot. She was sure he'd kiss more - every single inch of every single part of her foot - but she had to stop him....if she could find the will power to do it.

Mustering up the strength to speak, Lynn said, "Tom.....Tom......Tom, honey, you have to stop."

Slowly the message sunk into his lust-filled brain. He slowly took Lynn's foot away from his mouth, a look on his face like a little boy whose favorite toy had just been broken beyond repair. Lynn actually felt bad for him.....and herself....that this had to stop. But they were at work, and this couldn't go least not right now.

"God, Lynn, your feet are incredible. I could savor them all day!" Then, looking up at her, he blushed a bit, "Geez...I hope I didn't make too much of a jerk of myself. I hope I didn't get too carried away, Lynn. It's just that....well....your feet are......"

"I know......incredible, right?" she smiled down at him. Then, noticing his embarrassment seeming to increase, she assured him, "No, Tom, you didn't make a jerk of yourself at all. That really was unbelievable...amazing. You really are good at foot worship. I loved every second of it. If it were up to me, I'd let you stay right where you are and start on my other foot. I'd let you worship them all day...believe me. But it really is getting late. We both have work to do."

Tom sighed, gently lowering Lynn's foot to the floor. He sighed again when he looked over at her other foot, unworshipped, neglected, feeling deep inside himself that he should do something for it, and frustrated that he couldn't. Lynn saw him looking at her other foot, noting the desire in his eyes, and squirmed in her chair. She bit her lip and made a decision.

"Tom, about this being my foot guy.....well, I can't believe I'm saying this, but......well, I can't for the life of me see anything wrong with it. I want you to understand that I'm in love with Michael, and I don't want anything else from sex, I mean. But after what you just did for my foot, I don't have the will power to say no to you being my foot guy. Can you really accept those terms, Tom? Can you be my foot lover without wanting more?" She bit her lip, praying he could. It would be perfect, so perfect, if he would agree to just be there to make her foot fantasies a reality.

"Lynn," he smiled, "who's idea was that in the first place? Of course I can. I've wanted your feet for so long I'd have to be nuts to say no now, right? I made the offer to be your foot lover, and I give you my word I'll never, ever risk that, or your friendship, by trying to get more from you. Really, I'm happy for you and Michael....honest. Just let me be your friend, and take care of your feet....that's all I ask."

Lynn sighed with relief. Oh, how this was going to be great. Tom sucking her toes like a pro, and sweet Michael there for everything else! Could it possibly get any better?

"Great, then," she almost squealed with pleasure, "it's a deal. That was a fantastic trial run. You're hired! You are from this moment on my foot guy. My feet are yours. But right now we really have to get to work. We can get together sometime and work things out, okay?"

"Sure," he replied, also smiling, "that works for me. I can't wait. And, Lynn, I mean it.....anytime you need your feet tended to, you just give me a call. I'll be there in a strings attached."

Tom got up from the floor, slowly, a little sad not to be able to finish both of Lynn's feet, and brushed himself off. He stood there for a second, smiling at Lynn, who warmly returned that smile, noting happily that the remnants of his erection was still evident.

"Well," he said, resigned to the disappointments of reality, "guess I'll be going. Give me a call, Lynn....anytime. Soon, I hope."

"Oh, I will, Tom. You can count on that."

He sighed and turned for the door. He shook with the rush he still felt from tasting Lynn's feet, and his hand was unsteady as it unlocked the door. As he opened the door, peering out, hoping Michael didn't happen along, he got a wicked idea and stopped in the doorway, turning to Lynn. He closed the door enough so that his voice wouldn't carry into the hall.

" the way, Lynn, I noticed you did your share of moaning and squirming, too. I know you enjoyed my, much. Are you by any chance turned on......if you don't mind my asking?"

"Now, now, strings, remember?.....You're my foot guy. No other services required, right?"

He laughed, "Oh, I'm not looking for any, Lynn. I said I'd just do your feet for you, and I'll stand by my word. But, I do have a reason for asking. In fact, by doing this, I'll be proving just how okay I am with you and Michael being an item."

Curious now, Lynn answered his question, "All right, then, Tom. Yes, I am very turned on right now. And thanks to you I'm going to be horny and frustrated all day, until I can see Michael again tonight."

"Well, that's kind of my point here, Lynn," Tom laughed wickedly, "why wait until tonight? I'm sure your honey wouldn't mind a visit in his own office......say, for a little hanky-panky?"

"Tom, you're terrible! Get out of here, right now!" she said, picking up one of her high heels and tossing it in the general direction of the door.

Tom laughed heartily and left, closing the door gently behind him...pausing only briefly to wink back at her.

Lynn sat for several minutes, her mind trying to regain control, her body still flush from Tom's amazing attention to her foot, her crotch hot and wet. She kept seeing over and over again her toes moving in and out of Tom's mouth. She could still feel the warmth of it, the slick wetness of his tongue darting between her appreciative toes. She squeezed her legs together, trying to keep the itch from growing. It didn't help in the slightest. Her mind kept replaying the events of the last forty-five minutes or so, and she squirmed with each crystal clear memory. She knew damn well she wasn't going to get a bit of work done today. Her mind was mush....awash in erotic desires that had now moved from her toes elsewhere.

What the hell, she thought. She picked up the phone and dialed a now familiar four-digit extension.

"Hi, Michael.....are you busy? No? Oh...but that's not for an hour, you say?" She grinned, "Good... um...listen, I'm gonna stop by your office for a minute. There's something I'd like you. Something I need you to do for me. That okay? Great. I'll be right there. Don't go anywhere! Bye."

In a blur of motion, Lynn's one hand was fumbling to hang up the phone while her other hand was hurriedly putting one shoe back on. Remembering that she'd tossed her other shoe at Tom, she hopped over to the door and picked it up, quickly shoving it on her other foot. She tried to calm herself, but she was too horny to think of anything but seeing Michael. All right, Tom, she thought, one point for you for giving me this idea. Still fumbling and fidgeting, her eyes darted around the room, taking quick inventory of all the work she'd have to rush to finish when she got back. She sighed....thinking maybe this wasn't a good idea. But, when she noticed she was still clenching her thighs together, she flung open the door, almost punching a hole in the wall from slamming the doorknob into it.

"Michael, you better be up for this, my love." she muttered under her breath, and darted down the hallway at greater than warp speed......

For the second time that day, Lynn almost destroyed an unsuspecting wall by slamming a doorknob into it. Reaching Michael's office in record time, she was beside herself with lust when she attacked that poor, defenseless door. The ultra-loud meeting of door and wall startled the unprepared Michael, and he jumped, whirling about to see what caused the noise, spilling a fresh cup of coffee in the process.

Lynn rushed up to him, not even noticing his obvious surprise. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him hard on the mouth. She worked her mouth into his, pressing forcefully, until he opened his mouth and let her tongue inside - more out of self-preservation than anything else. She kissed him hungrily for several minutes, her arms around his neck holding him so tight he could barely move or even breathe.

When she finally set free his hostage lips, he was reeling.

"Wow...Jesus, Lynn....what was that all about?! Not that I'm complaining, mind you....but....mmmffff!!!" He never got to finish the sentence because Lynn's lips had once again advanced upon his own. Her lips and teeth captured his lower lip and held it firm. She sucked on that sweet lip, moving her mouth all along its length, sucking and nibbling as she went, only barely able to keep her tongue from licking Michael's startled face.
