Their Story Ch. 02


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Jamie said, "Not too good. She has been moping around since you left. She tries to put up a front that says she is doing okay, but I know her too well. She's not; she stays home and just works."

"I'm surprised she is usually not someone to sit around even while she is depressed."

"I know but this is bad. Its even affecting her work."

Jimmy's eyebrows went up at that and she continued, "She is still working as hard, and even harder than before but she has to go back over things and sometimes takes longer to do a report than she normally does."

Jimmy opened his mouth to say something but Jamie beat him to it, "She still loves you Jimmy. I know with that type 'A' personality of hers she can be a pain at times, but do you feel anything towards her at all? I'll be surprised if you don't."

"I know she cares for me. I saw her crying after she told me to go find someone else, that she wasn't the type of wife I deserve, but there's a lot of hurt in my heart too." he said softly.

She nodded, "I know some of what she put you through but at the same time you two were good for each other on the whole. Everyone could see that you loved each other. When you guys got married, we knew you would have problems, your personalities were too different but we also saw how much you guys loved each other. You both are good people, you both help others. We thought you would make it."

That last statement surprised Jimmy, two friends had talked to them before they got married about the problems they could have, but he hadn't known the gang as a whole thought that.

He said, "Actually I have missed her the past month, I keep thinking about the good times we did have.... I don't know what happened. She was so, um, bitchy, more than usual, toward the end." He shrugged his shoulders.

"She hasn't been bitchy lately; she's been unemotional, not laughing or getting angry. Nothing bothers her. Like she has no emotional energy to get upset or happy."

"She will get over it, Babs is a strong person."

"Eventually but does she have to? As I said, she is a good person. You guys were so in love and I think you still are. We all want you to make it."

Jamie suddenly looked like she might have said too much, there was a pause and they talked about one or two more things, then the other two put on their jackets, she took her fiancé's hand, and they all said good night. Jimmy walked to a window and just stared out it. It was raining but he didn't notice. Spiderman could have swung down to the road, start running along it or a police helicopter could have zipped by at road level, and he would not have noticed. He was flashing back to their engagement, then to their wedding. He had spoken truthfully, he did miss Babs. It was strange, during the first part of the separation, he had missed her more than he would have been able to say, and he had been afraid of what her choice would be, but toward the end after everything he had heard and thought he had felt too hurt to miss her. He expected it would be the same now but he kept thinking of her, of their better times. Sometimes at night, he would flip over in bed expecting her to be there and she wasn't. He wondered why he felt as he did now. It might be because this looked to be permanent, and he realized that her explanations did make a difference. He had felt something good when she explained she would have called him that night his dad died, if she had known. She didn't lie; therefore, he knew she would have. She had been upset that she hadn't called him back, which had done something for him. It wasn't the same as if she had called him, but it was something. And as it turned out, she hadn't broken her wedding vows or her promise to him. Then there was the love she showed by sacrificing her emotions for him. Part of that probably was depression or self-pity on her part but it was also love. He continued to stare out of the window thinking, trying to decide what he was feeling.

Jamie was right Babs could be a pain-both in the neck and down lower at the same time. But she was a good person and she had treated him very good at times- sexually but in other ways too. He sighed as he realized that he knew he didn't need her. The two girls back at the retreat wanted him. One wanted to have sex with him on a regular basis, as friends. The other one wanted more. He had told her he was married but later had mentioned some of what he and Babs were going through. If they did get a divorce, Mary wanted him to date her and see if their relationship would grow. She also wanted to have sex with him. He had kissed both on two occasions but that had been all he did, and it had been after he had learned the Babs was kissing other guys. It had been her he had been talking to when Babs had overheard him. Since going back to the retreat both had known something was up between him and Babs and both had tried to get him to date them. He hadn't though; he just didn't feel like it. Now he knew he could find someone else to love, probably someone more easy going than Babs, like Mary.

He shook his head; he knew not all their problems were due just to Babs. He had been taking her for granted too, and had been spending more time at work; it wasn't just to get away from her. And He had been too clingy and dependent on her. They had other problems too. Some of those problems would be gone now, but not all. He believed that she still loved him and he thought he loved her even though he wasn't sure. But was the love enough to overcome the pain and the difficulties? Jimmy wasn't sure. There was that time she had yelled, screamed really, at him to use his balls. Other people had told him that he needed to get a set of balls but he was usuallly able to ignore them. They didn't know him well enough to know why he did or didn't do something, nor what he had been through in his life. It had devastated him when his wife had said it in that very loud tone. She had stopped talking so he had left. He hadn't known what to do, cry or leave or what. She had apologized later but he hadn't been sure she had meant it. He tried to go deeper into his heart to see what he really wanted- to see how much hurt was left.

At their house Babs was having trouble sleeping again. She didn't want to use sleeping pills since they made her groggy. She knew what the problem was. Her bed was so lonely at night; she had been tempted to go out with some of the guys who asked her out. Jon and Tony were among them, one was very handsome and when she had gone out with him before he had been very charming and romantic, she thought he would know how to take care of a woman. Jon was the one who she had liked the most, and he liked her. He wanted to go out, to see about their relationship now that Jimmy was out of the way, even though Babs didn't know if he knew that. She had told him about being married but he thought their marriage was over. And having one of them spend the night would have done two things. Help her with her horniness and help her not be alone at night even if it was just one night. Of course, she wouldn't have been too much into the sex part despite her being horny. It was the companionship and a warm body in bed with her that she really wanted. She thought Jon, at least, would understand that. He probably would even suggest that they don't have sex, if all she wanted was company in bed. He was a nice understanding guy. Of course so was Jimmy. Jon was in many ways what Jimmy wasn't: self-confident, at peace with himself, a go-getter yet patient and nice. Jimmy was patient and nice too, but he was too nice at times. In either case, she just couldn't do it. Even if their relationship was, over they were still married after all and there was, she hoped, a small chance they could get back together. On top of that, it was dating that had gotten her into so much trouble. She just hadn't realized how much bitterness her dating would produce in Jimmy. She could see how her having sex with some of the guys like she had been tempted, would make him angry and bitter but she hadn't. At the same time it looked like their marriage was over and she was getting hornier and more lonely. She wasn't sure how long she would hold out before that last bit of hope died, after all, she was the one who had told him to find someone else and it looked like he had two women to choose from, from some of the things he had said at the conference.

A month later, Babs woke up very early in the morning and even though very groggy, very quickly she became aware of two things. One was a full bladder and second was that her slit was tingling like it had a good time the night before. But with whom? She couldn't remember. Must have been all that Champagne she drunk. Where had that thought come from? She didn't drink, usually that is. But as she thought about it, she caught a flash of a Champagne bottle, more than one. "Oh no" she thought feeling incredulous at herself, she finally did it. "With whom though? Tony or Jon" she assumed. She scooted up, sitting up to think. She became aware that someone was in bed with her. She glanced his way but the guy, whoever it was on his side facing away from her. She remembered drinking some Champagne, then there was a flash of her on her hands and knees being fucked hard and fast- she had begged for it. "Oh no!" She thought again, she had finally cheated.

A increase in pressure reminded her that her bladder was still full. She carefully slipped out of bed and as she flipped, the sheets up she caught a glimpse of a muscular back and butt. Who was it? Tony maybe? He was buff. Could be Jon of course, but she had felt his butt twice through his swimming trunks and didn't think it was him even though she couldn't be sure. But why Tony? If she was going to cheat for some reason, she'd rather it had been Jon. Tony must have gotten her drunk, and then her horniness had taken over. Maybe more than her horniness after all, her boss had said she needed to have sex. She did? When had Tiffany said that? More thinking and she recalled that it had been that day at work. A new nurse had been hired she could recall and Tiffany had told her she should go on a date with the guy. The guy was buff according to Tiffany, and her boss thought she should go out with the guy and then added that Babs needed some sex. "So I had sex with someone I had just met!!?? Oh God what would Jimmy think?" Of course, their relationship was over but they were still married.

By this time, she was in the bathroom and lowering her bottom to the toilet. Babs felt anger at the man. He had gotten her drunk. She was angry at him for that but at the same time; she blamed herself for she was the one who drank knowing what could happen. But that didn't seem to fit the way she had felt as she awoke. All peaceful, satisfied and comfortable, except for her bladder. The satisfaction had been more than just sexual. As she urinated, her slit tingled like it was still feeling some after effects of the night of sex. She looked down watching the urine come out of her. There was tiny glimpse of white mixed in with the amber colored liquid.

"God" she thought they must have had sex more than twice for that much to be in her. She finished and made her way back to the bed. As she neared the bed she looked at the alarm clock. It came to her that no wonder she was so foggy brained. Only three hours of sleep on top of much more alcohol then she usually consumed, more then that night with Su, and hours of sex. As she slipped in her legs brushed against something wet and slimy on the sheet. It was about where her waist had been, so some of his stuff had leaked out while she was sleeping. There must have been a lot more than she had thought. To be that much they must have had sex half a dozen times. He had cum once in her mouth she knew. She shook her head not believing she could do that with someone she just met.

That made her wonder what Jimmy would think of her now? How could she explain this? That got her thinking of what she had lost, since their relationship would be dead for sure now. She let out an involuntary groan, calling out his name as she did.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Really poorly done. She is a cunt, nasty, overbearing, demeaning her husband, even now thinking he is just too nice. I'm sure the mystery man in bed with her is hubby, but man, she is not worth the grief and humiliation she dishes out. She misses the death of her father-in-law? And why does Jimmy believe her when she says she only handed out hand jobs but didn't fuck? No one would believe that. If this ends with a reconciliation in the next chapter I will give it a 1*. This one gets a 2** which is generous.

Tim413413Tim413413about 9 years ago
Still too damned slow!

Why didn't she ask him about the kiss before going in the other gal's room? Why didn't she ask about the phone call she overheard? Ch. 1 = Romance and Ch. 2 = LW. They both read the same to me. Better be Jimmy in the bed, but she should have recognized the body parts she saw? The last ch. should be no more than 2 pages. ***

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Good but complex story

Interesting story with more than a few twists. I was wondering why she was returning to her bed with a "stranger" still in it if she was upset by apparantly "cheating" on her husband with said unknown partner.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
I like your story

Ignore the knockers. I enjoyed your story and look forward to the final chapter. O.K. she has been a stupid, self centered idiot, particularly when she had the opertunity she never told him she did love him, only that she missed him. Finally, she has realised it is not until you have lost the most important thing in your life that you wake up.I don't know how you are going to end the story but it would be nice to think they both can get over their ego's.

gizzmo301gizzmo301about 19 years ago

Enjoyed it so far. A guess the old addage oposites attract is right here. She wanted her space and thought that Jimmy would always be there she took him for granted. That is something that happens in alot of mariages and like this story sometimes its to late to fix the problem. can't wait for part 3 to see who was in her bed and if her and Jimmy get back together ... hope so I would like a happy ending on this one.

Joe_DinkJoe_Dinkabout 19 years ago

This dragged out excuse for erotic literature has been just too damned difficult to follow.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Loved it!

I for one think it's a great story!! Yes!! STORY~!! Most of the stuff on Lit. is just he meet her, he fuck her. But, TT has a great story here about people and their feelings, reactions to some heavy emotional stuff and their thinking. It's light years ahead of most of the stuff on here. I wish I cuold write 1/2 as well as this person. Can't wait for # 3!!! V

DavefoDavefoabout 19 years ago
Who was in bed with her?

Come on folks, quit griping and help write this one.

Who dunit? Some one in bed with her, she does not remember least it is a guy! That is a step in the right

Must be Jimmy! Who else? Clinton was having surgery, Bill

W. is bombing somebody and Michael J. is being watched! It

HAS to be Jimmy...and I don't mean Jimmy Hoffa...although

THAT would swing this story another direction.

My money is still on TT to apply a little shock and awe to

the last chapter. Hang in there...the plot thickens.

Nightowl22Nightowl22about 19 years ago
One thing SURE

If she has had sex with someone other than Jimmy, and it seems to be so, and Jimmy finds out, I am sure that is the END!!

He's already sure he doesn't NEED her.

IF she thusly shows she doesn't need, or want, him I'm sure he'll be gone for certain this time.

The only way I see this marriage staying together is if the man in the bed is Jimmy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago

The flow seems stilted - I'm having trouble following the path.

Somehow I feel that this story's slant is different and difficult for to express - therefore the flow is suffering. Slow down between chapters - reread and have someone else read it for you to give you feedback.

I feel that you are able to reflect and relate to how you would feel in his position and it comes accross well to me, but overall it isn't flowing like ch. 1 did. Growing isn't easy - I sense this is a new arena of exploritive writting for you.

Keep the faith and plug on - with Regards

fakers51fakers51about 19 years ago
The plot thickens

Jimmy is missing out on this and he has no one to blame but himself. She will have to search her memory band for the dude who fucked her. Please keep this coming. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
How did she miss those messages?

The way my answering machine works is this: it records a call and holds that call until I delete it. How did she miss the message that his father had died? Just because she didn't listen to it the day it came in, why didn't she listen to it the next day?

How come she didn't get his postcard that he was gong to a retreat for his weight? Are they having problems with the mail?

Finally, this story reads almost like it was written by a person using English as a second language. The paragraphs are stilted and difficult to follow. There is often no flow to the writing. And nothing much happens. This is two chapters so far, but it could easily have been told in one chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Some things are explained

TT: Just finished ch. 2 and some things are now clear and I think that my comments about ch. 1 were pretty much right on. However, there is still someting missing so i'll just have to stay tuned. By the way, you pretty much filled up the crapper without flushing in the last several paragraphs in ch. 2.

JDsellerJDsellerabout 19 years ago
Just a fair story.

The flow of this story is not up to your usual standards. I found myself having to reread some sections to regain my train of thought. I like to plot of this story , but it is not developing a connection. There is something missing from this story. I can't put my finger on it, maybe some of the other reades will.

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