There's a Brawl in the Bar Tonight!


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She nodded. "With you? Hell yeah!" she said. "And I agree, let's lock our lives together as soon as possible." she said. She returned the kiss just as tenderly, letting all the love she felt for him wash over them both.

"So you do want to bond with me as well?" he asked holding his breath. That she was his for all eternity was starting to make Gib a bit giddy. He didn't think he could go on without her if she died before he did.

It didn't take a moment for her to answer. "Of course." she said and stood up still shaking all over and reached for him. "I want to be totally and completely linked with you. The Fates decreed we should be together from the moment you were born and I totally agree. So, yes Gib, yes!" she said and threw back her head laughing.

Keifer couldn't hold back any longer. He picked her up laughing and swung her around out of the bathroom and kept swinging in a circle till he was dizzy and had to sit down. He never let go of her, not once. He sat in the chair from earlier and just hugged his mate to him. And then his stomach decided they had talked and had sex long enough with a huge grumble.

Her laughter rang out with his as he spun her around. She loved hearing his laughter and was glad that she could be the one to make it happen. Finally, she was so completely dizzy that she was seeing the room spin even when they were sitting still. When he sat down and simply held her, the world started to still. Content to simply be with him, Calli snuggled into his embrace and closed her eyes, inhaling his scent and listening to his heart beat. She let his warmth envelope her like a favorite blanket to be pulled around her and keep her safe from the bogeyman. However when she heard his stomach she started laughing again. "I guess that's my clue to get my ass up and start cooking isn't it?" she asked as she slid off his lap.

"Get this strait Callissa ok? You do not HAVE to do anything for me ever. I've been fending for myself since I was 12. But if you WANT to do something for me that's fine, ok? I don't ever want you to feel like I'm infringing on your freedom. I do know what it's like to have that taken away from one's self." Looking up at her he realized he was rambling on again. Giving her a sheepish look that only a wolf could give, Gib said, "Sorry just wanted you to know that."

Calli turned on her heel and looked at him with a stern expression. "Thank you for that my love but if I didn't want to do that for you do you really think you could make me do anything?" she asked her hands on her hips and her green eyes flaring. "I'm one woman you don't and can't push around." she said. "I appreciate your concern for me but I have been alone since I was the same damned age and have long since learned that you can't be walked all over. Not and survive." she said.

Gib felt ashamed and dropped his eyes so she couldn't see the pain in them. He hadn't meant to make her fell that she wasn't capable of taking care of herself, just that she didn't have to take care of him if she didn't want to. So he stayed silent and waited for her to finish.

He hadn't moved fast enough, Calli had seen the pain and it pierced her gut. She dropped to her knees in front of him. "What is it Gib? Keifer please."

He just shook his head not able to get anything past the lump in his throat. Gib didn't want to say anything more that would upset her.

Callie wasn't going to take silence as an answer. She took his hand and just enfolded them in hers. "No love, please tell me." she asked softly. "What have I done?" she asked him. She knew she had a temper, one that could get her butt whupped occasionally.

/Oh Gods, she thinks she did something wrong./ That he couldn't stand. "No you didn't do anything but put me in my place. Just be glad Calli that you never ever have to live the life of a slave. I should know better that a modern female can take care of herself better than most."

She shook her head and leaned up to hug him tightly. "It's my pride and temper the two things that can get me in the most trouble." she smiled at him. "Please know my love that I love you so much but I just don't do well when people tell me not to do something."

"I just don't want you to feel like you have to do anything for me if you don't want to, that's all." Keifer laid his head down on her shoulder and more tears trickled from his closed eyes.

Calli smiled. "Baby you can't make me do anything I don't want to." she whispered but simply held him tightly. "Don't you ever worry about that. I always want you to feel you can be totally open with me and trust me."

Gib was feeling more embarrassed that he couldn't seem to stop crying around her. "I trust you Calli, I do." he whispered.

"Good then its all settled she smiled at him. And we shall say no more about it. Just love me and we are all good."

It had been such a long time that anyone had tried to comfort him about anything. Z and the girls were the only ones and he hadn't seen any of them in years. He really needed to find them again and see if everything was alright with them.

But first he had to make Calli all his and then protect her from the world that she would let him protect her from. "I'm sorry Calli. I know I could never bear making you do anything."

She smiled tenderly at him and held him tighter. "Don't apologize my lover." she whispered. "Just know that if I don't want to do something I won't and no one can ever make me. Not even my mate. I'm one stubborn bitch." she smiled.

"Yes but yer MY Bitch." He mumbled into her shoulder.

This made Calli laugh. In fact she started laughing so hard her whole body started to shake. "Absolutely right, Gib. I am your bitch now and forever."

Keifer kissed her again and wiped the tears off his face then pulled her onto his lap and held her tightly. "Love you."

She smiled at him and kissed him softly. "I love you too charaid." she said and then her own stomach growled loudly. "Well considering I haven't eaten in 48 hours, well not counting the beers at the Volcano, I really need to eat. So let's go love."

"Ok." And he flashed them to the kitchen.

Calli started to rummage through the kitchen pulling out pans and pots and food. She started to sing to herself as she worked chopping and sautéing. It didn't take long for her to create one of her favorite dishes, fettuccine carbonara and garlic bread. She laughed as she put the plate down in front of him. "Here you go and don't worry it wont kill you I swear."

"Oh so you aren't trying to kill me now but later you will?" he teased. At least he hoped she took it that way. He took a bite and had to stop and saver it. "Baby you are trying to kill me. Cause I think I just died and went to Heaven! This is wonderful!"

She laughed and took a bite of her own meal. It was one of her favorite dishes and she made it only once in a while. She wanted to always like it, not O.D. on it. "Hmmm perhaps my love. I may have to try later, you know when you start to bore Me." she teased back. "Why thank you." she said to his compliment. She was so glad he liked it. "I'm so glad you like it. I can't have my man going hungry."

"The only way I can go hungry is if you are gone. I won't survive without you Calli." And he gave her a sloppy kiss.

"Then you will be well fed my love." she said and smiled at the sloppy kiss. He tasted of garlic and cream sauce. "I'm glad that you like It." she said.

When they were done Keifer gathered up all the dishes and headed for the sink. He scraped the dishes clean then stacked them. He then filled the sink with hot water and added the dish soap. Once that sink was full he filled the next with hotter water. Then he started doing the dishes.

"A man who is hot and studly and does the dishes? I have hit the jack pot!"

Gib smiled over his shoulder at her and blew her a kiss. Once he was done washing he then dried them and put them away. "There all done. Want to take a walk?"

She smiled. "You know that sounds like a wonderful idea. Sounds romantic actually." she grinned. "You know something I've never had anyone do the dishes for me before. It's nice!"

"Well I'm of the "If you cooked the rest clean" school. I figure if I cook one night you'd do the same for me right?" Then he got an odd look on his face. "How bout we make that walk a run as our other selves? For some reason I suddenly want to see you as a wolf."

She nodded, "Of course I would baby." she laughed. "Funny I'm of the same school. You don't make the chef do all the work after they spent all the time cooking for you." Then as she heard what he said she slowly smiled wider, that was a good thought. "I think that is a wonderful idea. Let's go get ready. I just hope you've got the same ass in wolf form as you have now!" she winked.

"There ya go only thinkin' of my ass!" Gib teased as he shook it at her. He took her hand and flashed them outside, then he flashed to his wolf form. He was all black with a silver underbelly that started at his chin and ended at his nether region. *Ready to run when you are Luv.* he said.

Calli changed in front of him. She was a red wolf with a white chest and her two front paws were white. She walked over to him and licked his muzzle. *See if you can catch me!* she laughed and took off running.

Gib raced after her to run her to ground. *Do I get something special if I do catch you?* he asked. He had thoughts of mating with her in this form too. They were so strong that he was getting harder than in human form.

*I don't have to catch me first!* she laughed, laughed with the sheer joy of being in this form. *I may have to reward you if you do.* her voice floated back to him.

He chased her down and finally after a few hours, he caught her between a rock and a heavy thorn bush. *I have you now Luv.* he growled when he nipped the ruff of her neck. There was no way for her to get away other than cheating. And he really didn't want her to do that. He wanted to mate with her in this form.

Panting and lying under him, she felt the nip on her neck and knew shed been caught. *Alright, I give...this time baby.* she laughed in a breathy voice.

He licked her face then got off of her so she could get up. *I want you so badly Baby. Will you let me have you like this?*

She returned the lick and stood up to stare into his eyes. In them she saw nothing but love and desire. Calli smiled a wolfie smile. *I can deny you nothing my love.* she said. *Yes.*

Gib licked her muzzle once more and got into position. Then he took her with all the joy and love a wolf could give to his mate. When they were done he howled to the moon his total joy and happiness. In the distance a howl was returned. It was a normal wolf but the Joy of the sound welcomed them home.

Calli had never been taken in her wolf form; no one had ever wanted her so much nor cared for her enough to ask her for her permission. She willingly submitted to her mate, she never willingly was submissive to anyone, but for Gib she would change herself if she had to...if it would make him happy. As he threw his head back and howled, she gave into the sheer ecstasy of the moment and the return howl of the other wolf and let out one of her own.

*I love you Calli, always and forever, I love you.* and he leaned into her body and rubbed his side against hers in a wolf hug.

Calli leaned back against him and made happy wolf sounds as she rubbed against him. *I love you too. I think we owe Sam at The Volcano a vote of thanks don't you?* she asked him. *I hope you don't mind the same woman forever.* she teased. *The good thing is I won't age!*

*I've been dreaming about you since the day I was born. Z use to tease me about it all the time. So 'No' I will never tire of you Baby, never.* Then he did something that surprised even him. He flashed back to his human form and cuddled Calli to him in her wolf form and just rubbed his whole body against her. "Gods you are so soft like this. MMMMMMMMMMM."

Calli was laughing in his head, her laughter sounding like low barks to anyone who would have happened to hear. When he flashed to his human form, she stared at him. However when he picked her up and cuddled her she just relaxed against him. *Thank you love.* she said and nuzzled his neck.

Keifer buried his body into her fur luxuriating in the feel of her against him like this. Yes it tickled his bare skin but it felt so damn good he almost couldn't stop. "Tell me if I hurt you."

She didn't respond, just wiggled her way around so she could curl around him and keep him warm in the cool night air. *You would never hurt me, not if you could avoid it.* she said and licked his face.

"I'm one sick puppy Calli, I want to be inside you like this. You a wolf and me a human." He groaned then turned so he'd stop trying to hump her.

At that moment, Calli's head sprung up and she scrambled out of Gib's arms. She stood there her head cocked to the side, listening to a sound on the night air.

Bristling Gib changed back to wolf form and tested the air. There was nothing there to smell so he listened as well. He didn't hear anything. *What it is Luv? What has your hackles up?*

*Shit!* was all she said and took off racing back toward the house. She ran flat out dodging obstacles in her path. When she got to the house, she skidded to a stop and stared. The window in the front room had been broken in and her bike had been trashed. *GODDAMNIT!* she snarled and turned back to her human form, flashing clothes and her knives onto her. She started forward toward the house.

Gib had turned back human and flashed directly to the house. Seeing her bike trashed and the window broken, he started to growl low in his throat. Flashing his cloths and weapons on he fallowed his mate. "OK who did this and why?"

Calli was stalking up the stairs of the house and staring at the broken window. How could he have found her so easily? She'd left and gone so far away. She was beginning to think he'd been right when he said he would always find her. She swallowed hard. "You might want to sit down Gib, it's a long story. Let's just say your mate wasn't always this smart. In fact, she's pretty damned stupid."

Taking a seat on the stairs he pulled her onto his lap and held her tight to him. "I'm listening Baby. Just tell me. I'm not one to judge anyone."

She settled on his lap. "About 5 years ago I'd decided I'd never find my mate." she touched his face. "And I'd fallen for a human man. He didn't know what I was but I'd convinced myself I loved him. Well I discovered him cheating on me and I went to leave him. Well he broke in to my house..." she broke off and bit her lip not able to speak.

Gib stilled, "Did he hurt you Callissa?" The guy was a walking corps and didn't even know it yet.

She closed her eyes for a few moments before she opened them and stared at him. "He stabbed me 5 times and when I managed to grab him and stop him, he told me that he would always find me so long as there was breath in his body. I left town soon after and will kill him as soon as I find him. He's dead!" she growled. "He destroyed my bike!" she gestured to the heap of metal. "It has to be him."

"No Luv, WE will kill him. You are not in this alone anymore. I will not tolerate anyone threatening you. You do get the death blow Luv." He held her tighter almost afraid he was going to break her in two. But his mate was strong and brave, wild and beautiful. She could handle this on her own he knew. "As for the bike Hon. I can fix that easy. She'll be as good as new when I'm done."

She hugged him tightly to her as she tried not to cry over old pain. She didn't want him to see her in pain or weak but this had shaken her up. "Thank you Gib. Thank you for not running." she whispered and meant it. "I don't smell him anywhere near here. I don't think he's here yet. But he's coming I'm sure and I welcome him. If I don't respond then he will come. I can't wait." Then she heard him about her bike. "Really?"

"Why would I go Calli? You are my world." He looked astonished that she would even consider that he would leave her over this. "How could he do this if he's not here? I don't understand. And how exactly does he expect you to respond to this?" he gestured with his hand. Then Keifer grinned, "Yes Really."

"I've never been mated Gib." she said. "I don't know. When I'm in pain I tend to babble." she said and blushed. Then she continued. "The last times he did this he had hired thugs. They did the damage and usually leave me some sort of note with a way to contact come back to him." Calli snorted. "As if! I don't want him except to rip his throat out." she said. "I'm sure the note is in there somewhere."

"Who is this guy that he has so much power? He must be well connected to do something like this, especially if he can find you so easily?" Gib was really beyond hate for this guy. He'd tried to kill his mate and then had the gall to harass her all this time? No it was going to end and end soon, like right after they finished the Mating Ritual.

Calli looked down at him, hatred for this man in her eyes, an old hatred. "His name is Nikolaos Stefanoplous and he's a millionaire shipping magnet." she said. "I have never ever thought of going back with him Gib but this time, now that you are with me, he goes down." she said and unbidden a tear escaped down her cheek, more from anger than anything else." I am going to show him exactly what he's dealing with, a pissed of she wolf and her mate!"

Gib wiped the tear away. "A millionaire huh? Good thing I have more money then he does then. We'll show him exactly what he's gotten himself into Baby, just as soon as we perform the ritual." Turning her so she was straddle of his lap, Gib kissed her gently. "And I think the sooner we do that the better."

She laughed at him and smiled, dipping her head to kiss him gently. "I think I love you more now than before." she said. "So, shall we go find that note?"

"No let's leave thoughts of him till after we are well and truly mated. Then we'll find his dirty little note and deal with him like the runt he is." Gib picked her up and then looked at her bike. "Watch Baby." And with just a thought the bike was back together. Not a single ding, dent, or pain scrape was left. Even old ones were gone like magic. Then he turned to the house and looked at the window. Suddenly it was put to rights too. "Gods I love being a Sentinel!" he laughed.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and her mouth fell open in amazement ass she saw what he was doing. "Gib, gods!" she breathed. "You are flipping amazing!" she said and pressed a kiss to his cheek. Suddenly she smothered a huge yawn. "Sorry," she smiled. "Today has certainly been eventful, would you hold me while we sleep?" she asked softly, a touch of shyness in her voice. Despite the strong woman she was, at times the little girl that had been pushed aside and forgotten in the tide of her life peeked out.

"You never have to ask me to hold you, Baby, that's a given. Just never ask me to let you go." Then Gib flashed them to the bedroom and into bed, never once letting her go.

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Love to read more

I definitely hope you will continue this story!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

can u please please finish it

submisive_slut_wifesubmisive_slut_wifeover 15 years ago

i love this story. i need more

NitaelfNitaelfover 15 years agoAuthor
To answer the Kenyon comments!

Yes Tara and I did base this off of Ms. Kenyon's Dark-Hunter series. We did it because we both love her work. However we did not use any of HER characters in this story or any of the other stories we have in the works.

We also belong to the Ladies of Sanctuary Role Playing Sim that Ms. Kenyon's web site has set up. This story came from the Sim Tara and I did for that game.

scaperdeagescaperdeageover 15 years ago
Good Work

Love this story so far, can't wait to see more!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

Great story, keep it coming.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
@ anonymous 25/02 2009

Nitaelf mentioned that her story was inspired by the novels of Ms. Sherridan, so why exactely are you surprised to find similarities?

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
So sweet!!!!

Want more!!!keep up the gudwrk!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Good story but......

I liked your story but some of it sounded like it came from a Sherrilyn Kenyon were-hunter story. Like where one of them asked the other if they were a Arcadian or a Katagaria. Also his facial marking that show he's a Sentinel and last but not least how about the mating ritual. If anyone doesn't believe me try reading Night Play by Sherrilyn Kenyon. So Nitaelf what do you have to say about it?

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