Those Eyes Ch. 03


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Stopping in front of her, I reached out and lightly touched her face. I couldn't help it. As I slid my fingertips gently down her cheek to her jaw, electricity sizzled between my fingertips and her face. I noticed the small fraction that she moved towards my hand. I set my flat palm against her cheek and glided my hand slowly from her face and back to her hair, allowing my hand to comb gently through her hair that was surely made of silk. We both let out a sigh of contentment but the confusion never left her eyes.

After what seemed like an eternity, she spoke, "Those eyes. I-I mean...your eyes, I've seen them." She stammered out and looked down at the ground awkwardly. It was strange seeing a girl who possessed this sort of beauty also possessing this sort of awkwardness. I usually went for the hot girl with the world at her fingertips type but something about this girl called to me.

I lifted my free hand and lightly ran my fingertips along her jaw to her chin, lifting her face to mine. "I've seen yours too. Please don't hide them from me." She looked up. " I'm Alex." I said, not wanting to remove my hands from her face or hair.

She smiled slightly. "I'm Santana. It's nice to meet you, Alex." She held out her hand, and looked at me expectedly.

I laughed. It seemed like a strange gesture considering the circumstances but I relinquished my contact with her face and hair and shook her hand. "Dance with me." I said pulling her closer to me.

She gently pulled her hand away from mine. "Are you asking or telling me to?" She asked, looking up into my eyes. Confusion was still there, but something else was there too...independence.

I placed each of my hands on her shoulders and slid them down to her hands, softly. She shuddered. "Please dance with me, Santana." I amended. She nodded and I used my grip on her hands to turn her around placing her back to my front. She seemed to melt into me and I suppressed a groan as I felt her round ass press against my hardness. She began to rock her hips slowly from side to side and then began rolling her hips in slow sensual circles. I hadn't thought it possibly for me to get any harder but I was so hard that it was painful. I had no idea how many songs had passed but I had no intention of letting her out of my arms until the last call and the lights came on.

I wanted her in my bed tonight, doing those same sensual circles on my cock as she rode me and then I wanted her to stay the night so, I could wake up with those long, thick legs draped over my body. That thought surprised me. I had never let a woman stay the night, ever. Having her so close to me was beginning to be more than I could bear. That sweet caramel scent was wreaking havoc on my brain. I thought about having that scent always wrapped around me. I thought about having a bed that always smelled like her, a bed that always smelled like kept promises and home. Her silky hair tickled my neck and I imagined waking up with her hair spread out over my chest as she lay there, sound asleep. The way she was pressed against my body alerted me to how perfectly she fit me. What the fuck, man! I thought to myself. Just fuck her, and get it out of your system. But I knew that it was so much more than that.

Pitbull's "Give Me Everything Tonight" began playing and I covered a moan with a cough as she began moving faster against me. She looked over her shoulder at me and smiled the sweetest smile that I had ever seen. The song was perfect for what I was feeling and I pulled her hair away from neck and ears. "Tonight, I want all of you tonight. Give me everything tonight. For all we know, we may not get tomorrow..." I sang into her ear. It was cheesy, I knew but it summed up what I was feeling so well. She shuddered against me and looked over her shoulder at me with another smile only this one was more of a "down boy" smile.

I laughed and placed a soft, chaste kiss directly below her ear. I was going to have to work for her, I liked that. I stared down at the column of her long neck that was now exposed to me. I watched her vein jump erratically beneath her skin and licked my lips. I bent down and placed another chaste kiss over the vein. I heard her faint moan. It was the most amazing sound that I had heard and I suddenly wanted to make her make that sound over and over for forever. There goes those thoughts again, get a grip, Alex. I mentally chastised myself and inhaled deeply in hopes of calming myself. What the...

I wasn't intentionally trying to scent her. I just inhaled too close to her neck but I had smelled it. Beneath the caramel and humanity, there was something else, something primal. I had never encountered any other smell like it. I placed my nose flush against her skin and inhaled once more. There it was. I brought my lips up against her ear and relished her small shudder as she felt my breath against the sensitive skin.

"What are you, Santana?"


I stood in front of the clearing on the dance floor utterly confused. It had felt like my very soul had burst through me moments before. I couldn't explain it but all I knew was that I had to find HIM. The scent was so strong and I knew that he was close. I searched all of the faces, looking for those eyes. My heart had stopped, my heart had literally stopped and even that seemed less important than finding HIM. I searched one face at a time, green eyes, brown eyes, blue but not HIS blue.

Then I heard it, a faint whisper, "Look right in front of you." I looked up and there HE was. My heart began again. Those eyes were suddenly the brightest thing in the entire club. I cocked my head to the side, how did I find him? Why did I find him? He stared into my eyes for a moment and then his gaze slid from my eyes to my lips. I blushed. His gaze continued on a path further down my body and it felt as if he were physically touching every inch of me that he laid eyes upon. I followed suit.

His hair was a deep brown, and was in complete disarray as if he spent every moment of every day running his hands through it. I already knew that he eyes were spectacular and barely let my gaze linger there. His cheekbones were high and he had the straightest nose I had ever seen. His mouth was beautiful. His lips looked almost too full for his face. He had facial hair like he had forgone shaving all week and a small dimple in his chin which made me smile.

His upper body was encased in a light blue v-neck, there was a light sprinkling of chest hair barely visible above the collar. The broadness of his shoulders made me literally swoon; as did his toned chest and midsection accentuated by his tapered waist and hips. His arms were thick and toned but not in an overly done way. He wore dark-washed, slim-fit jeans which show cased his thick muscular legs perfectly. I looked down at his shoes because I was a sucker for a well-dressed man, TOMS. It was official, this man was perfect, I couldn't help but lick my lips. His presence was bringing out feelings that I had never experienced before. He was perfect and he was coming right towards me. Holy shit!

He touched me. He fucking touched me and it felt like his touch was shocking me back to life. I wanted more of his touch but a [very] small part of my brain kept reminding me that he was a stranger. The way he stroked my hair made me want to ensure that he wasn't a stranger for very long and I spoke, , "Those eyes. I-I mean...your eyes, I've seen them." Oh hell, really Santana, that's the best thing you could have said? I mentally reprimanded myself as I looked to the floor.

His other hand reached up the stroke my face and I lifted my gaze once more to him as he told me he had seen my eyes too. I didn't understand how any of this was possible. We introduced ourselves. His name was Alex. I had always like that name and he was no longer a stranger.

"Dance with me" He said. It was something in his tone, his sureness. Growing up with a controlling father, I had always hated being told what to do.

"Are you asking or telling me to?"

I shivered as I felt his hands travel down my arms. His touch was so sure, so gentle and I wanted to be closer to him. "Please dance with me, Santana." I nodded before I realized what I was doing and I was suddenly pressed flush against his body, my back to his front. My body seemed made for his. I instantly relaxed into his embrace. His strong arms were wrapped securely around me and I blushed when I felt his erection. It felt so big, so hard. I had never had this sort of an effect on a man before and I liked the feeling of control it gave me.

I began to move. I had never considered myself sexy but every instinct in my body was screaming for me to be sexy for Alex. I alternated my full hips between moving from side to side and making sensual circles; grinding my ass into his hard on. This was so unlike me but I didn't mind. Being in his arms, that close to him felt right. It seemed as if I was meant to be in those arms, for much longer than tonight. I inhaled deeply and sighed contentedly. This man behind me smelled like peace; like an end to a tormented existence.

"Tonight. I want all of you tonight!..."

I grew excited. This was one of my favorite songs on the radio and it seemed appropriate for being there with Alex. I increased the tempo at which my hips were moving and looked over my shoulders at Alex. I gave him my most brilliant smile and the appreciation in his gaze caused all of the air to suddenly leave my lungs. I felt one of his hands move the hair away from my shoulder, exposing my neck to him. He leaned in and began singing the words of the song into my ear. He had the kind of voice that caused goose bumps to arise. It was masculine yet melodic and so soothing. I looked back over my shoulder and gave him my best "Not tonight" look but there was hardly any conviction in it. If he asked, I would have given him tonight, tomorrow, and the rest of my life. Whoa! Where did that come from? I asked myself. I wondered if it were possible to become inebriated by another person's scent because that was surely what was happening in that moment.

He chuckled and his warm breath tickled my skin. I felt his lush lips press lightly below my ear and a scorching fire immediately broke out between my legs. I then felt lips press against my neck and I couldn't hold back the moan that escaped my lips. His grip on my body tightened slightly, pressing me further against his hardness. I waited for what he would do next. I heard him breathe deeply against my neck. I was slightly embarrassed, I surely smelled like alcohol and sweat but then I felt his nose press against my neck and he inhaled once more. He froze. Fuck! I must smell awful! I thought to myself.

He glided his face up along my neck until his mouth was flush against my ear. The feeling of his moist, hot breath against my skin caused the fire inside of me to blaze out of control. What was he about to do? Please do it quickly, I can't wait any longer...and then he spoke.

"What are you, Santana?"

The spell was broken and I was suddenly frantic. It felt as if someone dumped a bucket of ice cold water over my head. I turned slowly in his arms. He was looking at me with sincere confusion. He knew something what wrong with me. He had sensed it. I bit my bottom lip in an attempt to hide the fact that it was beginning to tremble. He lifted his hand and placed his palm flat against the side of my face. I didn't want this to end.

"Wh-what do you mean?" I whispered.

"I smelled you, you're not human. It's ok. You can tell me." He leaned down and whispered into my ear.

He was being so nice about. I was a freak and he was being so calm and nonchalant and that scared me. It scared the hell out of me. I clenched my hands into fists as a feeling I had only felt once before scorched through me. All of my senses sharpened causing everything around me to sharpen and intensify but still only he stood out. He was still gently stroking my face, staring at me with expectation in those bright eyes and then I pushed him. I pushed him with all of my strength and watched as he slid at least five feet away from me, knocking down several people on the way. He looked at me and his eyes flashed dangerously. Apart of me screamed for me to stay and fight and the other part screamed for me to run. My flight instinct won.

I ran towards the closest exit. I teetered slightly on my four inch heels as I reached the heavy metal door. I threw the door open and collapsed to the ground as soon as I was outside.

"What was that, Santana?" I heard a deep, melodic voice say.

I gasped and looked up. Standing in the alleyway was Alex, leaning against a dingy brick wall. I pressed my body as tight as I could against the opposite brick wall. "H-how did you g-get out here?" I stammered.

"I ran just like you did. Now are you going to tell me what the hell that was about?" He said moving closer to me.

I put my arm out to stop him. "I'm sorry, Alex. I didn't mean to push you; I just needed to get away. Please just leave me alone." I said, weakly.

His denim clad legs came into view and he stopped directly in front of me. "Santana, I don't understand why you won't just tell me what you a-" I was suddenly standing, my hands holding the collar of Alex's blue shirt in a death grip.

"Stop asking me that!" I screamed as I threw him across the alley. I immediately brought my hands to my mouth and gasped. "Oh my ga-Alex, I'm so sorry. I-" He looked up and I was unable to speak. His eyes were now glowing an intense blue, they were literally glowing. "What the fu-"

The air was abruptly pushed from my lungs as his hard body slammed me into the wall directly behind where I stood. He lifted me off the ground, holding my arms tight against my sides. "Calm down." He said with a very serious look.

"What? No! Put me down, Alex!" I began struggling but he was too strong. There was a strange tingling in my mouth and at the tips of my fingers but my main concern was getting the fuck out of that alley.

"Oh, no you don't." I heard Alex say and my confusion bled into heart stopping fear. His canines began to elongate and grow to sharp points. He had fangs! I began to struggle more but it was in vain. His grip on my arms and his body pressed against my legs made me immobile. "Now, I can hold you like this or you can sit still and talk to me, Santana." He said staring straight into my eyes.

I could hear hissing and snarling inside my head and felt the tears prickling the back of my eyes. It's official, I've gone crazy. I slowly nodded and Alex moved back slightly, allowing my legs to move freely. Not entirely willing to give up, I kicked out. He moved his right hand to block my assault and I swung my newly freed left hand in his direction, leaving a deep gash down the side of his face.

"Fuck! Santana," he roared.

"Stay away from me, Alex!" I screamed and turned the run. I had only made it a few feet when he was suddenly standing in front of me. I stopped abruptly. "What are you?" I whispered, staring into his glowing blue eyes. The scratch that I had only seconds before placed on his face was completely gone.

"Oh, the tables have turned." He said with a cocky smirk.

"You have fangs, Alex!" I screamed still toying with the idea that I was suffering from a psychotic break.

He looked at me with a perplexed expression and tilted his head to the side. "So do you, Santana." He said quietly.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Now THIS is more like it!!!!!!

willieonewillieoneover 11 years ago
Doctime..No it hasn't

You are incorrect when you say it has been completed we have been waiting for months for the next installment although you will enjoy all the chapters you haven't read yet they are awesome!

DoctimeDoctimeover 11 years ago
Well told

I am liking this. I am glad it has been completed.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

I normally despise alternating first person, but this is awesome. Definite 5 from me. :)

Archangel_MArchangel_Mabout 12 years ago

I was wondering why Santana didn't notice the impairing effect of all the alcohol--she's had several shots and at least two cocktails, remember--but regardless of whether she's a vampire, a lycanthrope, or something else in the same vein her body would be able to break down alcohol at a much greater rate than a human.

Still not quite sure what they both are, but I'm content to read on and see. :)

MizTMizTover 12 years ago

So glad I decided to catch back up on this story, I'm loving it.

NeptoonNeptoonover 12 years ago
hell ya

bout time wewt. really really loving the story

polgaranightpolgaranightover 12 years ago
Holy Fudge

Now how cool was that for a cliffhanger...... I LOVE IT!!!!!!

booknerdbooknerdover 12 years ago
Hurry Up!!

The worst part of finding a great series; finding one in progress. uhh... I forgot, Please!

Sirens_CrySirens_Cryalmost 13 years ago
Love it!

I cant wait to find out more!!! Please write again soon!

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